error in midlet while implementing command - java-me

import com.sun.lwuit.Command;
import javax.microedition.midlet.;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.;
in my code but still the following errors are coming...
exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 2); //line 1
textbox.addCommand(exitCommand); //line 2
Command.EXIT cannot be resolved..
The method addCommand(Command) in the type Displayable is not applicable for the arguments (Command)

There is no constructor to pass like this. Try to learn LWUIT and see this linkfor your reference. You can't use LWUIT command for J2me textbox.

You are importing LWUIT Commands, but using the LCUID Command methods. Your code would be right if you were importing javax.microedition.lcdui.Command;. But if you want to use LWUIT components, you have to forget about Items and moreover Item Commands.
I don't know if it's agood idea to mix LCUID and LWUIT, but well, I haven't used it, so I can't really say.


Cannot access function in Static Method / stackoverflow errors - Haxe

First of, here is a little bit of a background story. I am using the Game Engine Stencyl (the interface can be compared to Scratch) to teach basic gamedevelopment with. Unfortunately, since this is a rather small team, I am still missing a couple of useful build in functions, thus I decided to create my own extensions for it. I know my way around C#, Java and UnityScript, but these extensions will have to be written in Haxe. I've already tried a couple of days of finding my answers on their API page, but that is way beyond my level of experience.
The first issue is that I am simply trying to use a couple of map functions, but the methods are all static. Everytime I try to use a function like mapCount() in line 16, it will throw me an error saying: Cannot access controls in static function. So far I have managed to figure out that this is because I am not able to call non-static functions from a static method, but I have no idea how to tackle this (and probably more issues like this in the future).
The second issue is that when I un-comment line 14, and comment out line 16, the game will compile just fine, but will crash with an stackoverflow error. The arguments for this function are: createRecycledActor(actorType, x, y, layerPosition)
Here is the current state of my script, not doing a lot right now, but I'm taking babysteps to learn my way around this new language. If you require any more info, just let me know!
Ps, the trace function in line 15 works fine btw.
import com.stencyl.behavior.Script;
import com.stencyl.behavior.Script.*;
import com.stencyl.utils.Utils;
import com.stencyl.models.Actor;
class MobileGameKit
public var controls:Map<String,Actor> = new Map();
public static function CreateThumbstick(mActorType:ActorType, mLocation:Int, mDirectionLock:Int)
//createRecycledActor(mActorType, 0, 0, Script.FRONT);
trace("created thumbstick at position: "+mLocation+" with directionlock: "+mDirectionLock);
trace("items in control map: " + Utils.mapCount(controls));
Because controls is a member variable. i.e. each class instance has its own controls.
While a static function is a function at class level. i.e. each class (among all instances) has only one copy of the function.
So in a static function, you cannot access member variables because it won't be able to know from which instance to look for that member.
To solve your problem, either make controls a static var, or pass the member controls as a parameter to your static function.
btw, the language has been officially named as Haxe (instead haXe) for years already.

eclipse indigo - windowbuilder - eclipse doesn't regain focus

I have eclipse 3.7 indigo; I installed gwt plugin and its designer; The problem is (time after time) when I add new widget X to composite the
palette (keeps widget selected)
components (doesn't show the new widget in the tree)
properties (doesn't show the new widget properties) I cannot select another widget unless I resize the whole eclipse application to force its GUI repaint :(
It seems like palette and other managers don't get report "widget was added from windowbuilder" or similar :(
Moreover, I cannot edit widget's text if I have input method as "System" which is the default on btw so the only one input method which works is "X Input Method" but anyways it doesn't solve the mentioned focus regain problem;
That makes eclipse indigo really hard to use; So my question is... how to fix that?
eclipse 3.7 (indigo)
gwt plugin -
gwt designer -
gwt sdk 2.2
jdk 1.7
jre 1.7
OS Linux x64
I had to do my own research concerning the issue; I noticed there is some kind of "jobs order conflict" or similar with the default constructor based code style as :
public class MyTestUI extends Composite {
private FlowPanel flowPanel;
public MyTestUI() {
flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
}, as a workaround, I had to play with code generator as;
window -> preferences -> windowbuilder -> gwt
(combobox) method name for new statements : initComponents
variable generation : field
statement generation : flat
just to avoid having in-constructor init as a result I have code generated as :
public class MyTestUI extends Composite {
private FlowPanel flowPanel;
public MyTestUI() {
private void initComponents() {
flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
...btw there is a problem with focus regain if input method is "System" and initComponents() method generated first time; so before starting adding widgets I had to select "X input method" to avoid synch-ed jobs; So "X input method" needs to be the default one, as I can get it :)
The effect I faced very looks like bug 388170; So I tried to modify eclipse.ini argument as
It seems like the headless helps a bit but anyways eclipse sometimes does hang when using windowbuilder especially DnD :P
Anyways I want to point I faced the mentioned issue first time cause similar windows x32 eclipse indigo version works pretty fine with gwt;
The solution is not final (the hang problem still occurs on DnD evens) and I am still looking for a more optimal one; So do comment if you have some helpful tips or ideas;

Dynamics AX 2012 - Custom Lookup in a dialog

So, I am working on a class called DMFWriteExportData and trying to get it run in Batch.
I am at a point where I need to figure out a way to get rid of fieldControl and the reason being it does not let me Run the class on the server and throws an error because it is not supposed to be running on server? (not sure)
Error: "The method Dialog Control.control cannot be called from the server; use methods on the Dialog Field class instead."
public Object dialog()
DialogRunbase dialog = new DialogRunbase("#DMF372", this);
FormStringControl control;
dialogExecution = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(dMFExecutionId), executionId);
control = dialogExecution.fieldControl();
control.registerOverrideMethod(methodstr(FormStringControl, lookup), methodstr(DMFWriteExecutionParameters, executionIdLookup), this);
control.registerOverrideMethod(methodstr(FormStringControl, modified), methodstr(DMFWriteExecutionParameters, executionIdModified), this);
return dialog;
I am wondering:
If it is actually true that this class cannot be set to server
when using control.registerOverrideMethod
If yes, what would be the ideal solution to overcome this situation,
is there any way I can create custom lookups? I see there is method
called registerOverrideMethod in the DialogField class.
Any help would be appreciated.
The reason why you cannot (and should) run the code above in batch is because it uses dialog controls that only exist on the client side. You should never run this kind of code on server. Please check runon property of your class and set it to called from.
However, I assume you are using RunBaseBatch. If you are on AX 2012, you should use the SysOperation framework instead.
When using RunBaseBatch, all code is on the same class. This way, you are mixing client side code (main method, dialog method etc) with the code that should run on server (run method). For this reason you should set the "runon" property of the class to CalledFrom, not Server.
You can solve this by using SysOperation which applies the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern that neatly sepperates the two.
For an introduction to SysOperation, check my blog here:
AX2012: SysOperation introduction

JBehave - all steps marked pending?

I'm trying to create and run a simple JUnitStory to run a .story file.
I have this:
class Scenario1 extends JUnitStory {
#Delegate MySteps steps = new MySteps()
public Configuration configuration() {
return new MostUsefulConfiguration()
.useStoryLoader(new LoadFromRelativeFile(new File('src/test/groovy').toURL()))
new StoryReporterBuilder()
.withFormats(Format.HTML, Format.CONSOLE, Format.TXT)
public List candidateSteps() {
final candidateSteps = new InstanceStepsFactory(configuration(), this).createCandidateSteps()
return candidateSteps;
With or without the delegate (copying and pasting in all the annotated methods of MySteps), whenever I run JBehave, I get the following output:
It's like the individual stories don't pick up the steps.
When I create a "Stories" class and pull all the story files in with storyPaths, the individual steps are defined. Using a debugger, I see that candidateSteps is being hit, but it's not pulling in the data it needs to.
What could possibly be going on here?
You don't need to delegate to the Steps. And also you should not override candidateSteps, but rather stepsFactory. In later versions of JBehave, candidateSteps is deprecated, to make that preference for the factory method more prominent ( )
See this blog, where I explained how the basic JBehave configuration works in more detail:
Here is your answer buddy:
The package of format has Changed.
This is the deprecated
import static org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporterBuilder.Format.HTML;
This is the new one :)
import static org.jbehave.core.reporters.Format.HTML;
Took a while to find the answer, but was hidden on the jbehave documentation
Hope it helps!
You shouldn't need to use the #Delegate - your JUnitStory is not your Steps class. Can you try passing in steps where you have this?
When you pass in a class that has been bytecode manipulated for Steps classes, JBehave may not see the jbehave annotations anymore.
JBehave is old, underdeveloped technology. Don't use it.

Can somedy explain me the TAB SAMPLE (gwtp)?

I am using GWTP. I did the nested presenter tutorial. But there is no tutorial for the SAMPLE TAB application (the one with the admin tab appearing if you switch to the admin mode). Can somebody explain me the main concepts of this application ? Tkx.
Update: Update: Now you can download the workable sample Maven project from here:
I used the tabbed presenter feature successfully in my project (I found the sample code didn't compile as well). I think the first thing is to make it work, and then learn it and feel the benefits gradually :)
Here is the steps I did:
1) Copy the following files
from the sample code to you project. For example, I copied to this package: com.widenhome.web.client.ui. Also please remember to configure UiModule in ClientGinjector class.
2) Create a normal presenter (MyPresenter) via GWTP eclipse plugin
3) Change EventBus import this in the presenter
4) Make sure the MyPresenterView.ui.xml has the following code or similar:
<npui:SimpleTabPanel ui:field="tabPanel" />
<g:SimplePanel ui:field="contentPanel" />
5) Change the presenter to extend TabContainerPresenter instead of Presenter
public class MyPresenter extends
TabContainerPresenter<MyPresenter.MyView, MyPresenter.MyProxy>
6) Define several variables in MyPresenter, or you can just copy/paste the following code:
* This will be the event sent to our "unknown" child presenters, in order
* for them to register their tabs.
public static final Type<RequestTabsHandler> TYPE_RequestTabs = new Type<RequestTabsHandler>();
* Fired by child proxie's when their tab content is changed.
public static final Type<ChangeTabHandler> TYPE_ChangeTab = new Type<ChangeTabHandler>();
* Use this in leaf presenters, inside their {#link #revealInParent} method.
public static final Type<RevealContentHandler<?>> TYPE_SetTabContent = new Type<RevealContentHandler<?>>();
7) Change the constructor of MyPresenter to use the variables:
public MyPresenter(final EventBus eventBus, final MyView view, final MyProxy proxy) {
super(eventBus, view, proxy, TYPE_SetTabContent, TYPE_RequestTabs, TYPE_ChangeTab);
8) Now we can start to create tab presenters, (e.g MyFirstTabPresenter). Just create a normal presenter again via GWTP eclipse plugin
9) In MyFirstTabPresenter, change MyProxy to let it 'extends' TabContentProxyPlace instead of ProxyPlace
10) Create #TabInfo method, please see javadoc of #TabInfo annotation, you can also use other ways here. For example, I did this:
#TabInfo(container = MyPresenter.class)
static TabData getTabLabel(ClientGinjector ginjector) {
return new TabDataBasic("My First Tab", 0);
11) In revealInParent() method of MyFirstTabPresenter class, please make sure it has the following code or similar:
protected void revealInParent() {, MyPresenter.TYPE_SetTabContent, this);
That's all related to Tabbed presenter configurations. Now you can add some logic to load some data to show in MyFirstPresenter's view.
I hope this can help you to start with GWTP Tabbed presenter, please let me know any issues you have, I will edit answer gradually and perfect it so that it can help more people to get started with it.
BTW, I also posted this to my blog to help more people on this.
It doesn't even compile. The only way to trigger multiple presenters in via Nested Presenters - which is tooooo complicated. I built a multiple presenter app with simple GWT History mechanism without any pain. This framework has made GWT History (s aimple mechanism) a very esoteric thing.
