How do I install XAMPP in a remote server? - linux

I recently opened up a webserver in Amazon EC2. I managed to log in to the server using SSH with my mac. I also managed to install the EC2 API tool provided from Amazon. I have the XAMPP installation on my desktop. And I opened up a linux instance. I don't think I have a EBS(Elastic Block Store) mounted to the instance yet, I don't know how to do that. But How do copy the XAMPP installation file from my desktop to the server instance? Pls give me step-by-step instructions

I manage to solve my own question. I was using the scp protocol to transfer the XAMPP installation file. More info on this link: Secure Remote Logins and File Copying. This is the first time I used it, but you just type the command: scp -i ***.pem ec2-user#some_public_DNS /The/file/on/your/desktop. The file will then be transfer in a secure way to the remote server

I'm curious as to why you'd try to put XAMPP on an EC2 instance instead of simply using your system's package management system (e.g., yum, apt-get) to install what you need. This just seems like trying to hammer nails with the back of a screwdriver.


Run artifactory on browser

I installed artifactory on linux server. I want to know how to check whether it is properly installed.
Secondly, I want to use it's user interface on google chrome. From where I can get SERVER_DOMAIN and PORT number for it's url from installed files on server?
Thanks in advance.
Your question is a bit vague.
How did you installed it (ZIP, RPM, Docker, Deb...)?
Which database you used (default, Oracle, MySQL etc..)? You can see if the server is up and running by running the following REST API from the machine you have installed it on:
curl -iuadmin:password localhost:8081/artifactory/api/system/ping
Regarding the IP, this can be checked by running 'ifconfig' on the linux server and get the IP of that machine.
Artifactory by default is running on port 8081, unless you changed it.
It seems that you will need to follow the basic installation wiki:

shinyproxy basic basics (+ some general web knowledge)

The problem
While searching for ways to deploy shiny apps I stumbled across ShinyProxy. From what I understand it's an alternative for ShinyServer. However, I lack some (very basic) knowledge to follow the guide provided.
The questions
Can ShinyProxy be installed just on any bought/rented server? Do I need to preinstall some other software?
Where do I type in the commands provided in the ShinyProxy guide?
Does Docker need to be installed on the server or is it a tool to deploy to the server and is thus installed locally?
The ShinyProxy guide misses a point about installing ShinyProxy. Why? Is it not installed (or is installation so obvious)?
I couldn't actually find instructions on how to run a shiny app with ShinyProxy.
The authors of ShinyProxy can probably provide a much better answer, but here is my understanding:
Your server needs to support Java 8 and Docker (or you can install Java 8 and Docker on your server).
Assuming you logon to your server via SSH, the commands will be typed in the SSH terminal.
Yes Docker needs to be installed on the server
It appears that ShinyProxy does not need to be installed. You just need to download it (the shinyproxy-0.5.0.jar file) to a location on the server, and then run java -jar shinyproxy-0.5.0.jar (in your SSH terminal)
To run a Shiny app, you need to package it as an R package first, then build a Docker image for the R package. The app is then actually running inside a Docker container. You also need a configuration file to tell ShinyProxy where to look for your Docker image. Example is here

Amazon Linux AMI ec2 GUI / Remote Desktop

I know GUI is for the weak but unfortunately strictly using the terminal isn't an option for me. I have an instance of the Amazon Linux AMI and I have it all set up but I can't find a guide on how to get a GUI on Amazon and how to remote desktop/ VNC into it. I have seen stuff on how to do this for the Ubuntu instance but that is different from Amazon Linux AMI and I don't want to mess up my system or something like that.
So if anyone could point me to where I can find how to do this or tell me how I'd appreciate it
No, you can't. Amazon Linux does not have a Repo for X-server packages. Also, It was meant to be used for Server side roles and hence all he X related stuff is not available.
Consider using Ubuntu OR RHEL ami where you can configure X environment manually by following this and this.
You can set up VNC server for your EC2 Linux boxes. There are tutorials for ubuntu (xrdp) and RHEL (VNC server) in the following websites.
Hope it helps!
You can install a GUI just using one command
sudo amazon-linux-extras install mate-desktop1.x
I'm using a Remmina VNC as a client on my Ubuntu.
If you need a Windows client - then you have a plenty of options - RealVNC, TightVNC, TigerVNC, UltraVNC

How to run Shiny Server on linux using remote acces?

I'm trying to put in production my shiny app. I can run my shiny app locally on my Windows machine, from R. However, since we need to use Linux to deploy the app over the web, we decided to use a Linux server for that. We access this Linux server remotely, from our local machines (running Windows).
I followed the instruction at the RStudio website, and successful installed Shine Server on the Linux server. Its's running on it. I don't know what to do next. So, my question is: what should I do next? Please, remember that I access the Linux server remotely (using puty). Also, I have almost no knowledge of Linux.
Any guidance on what to do next is very welcome.
Some info that may be useful:
I use a Ubuntu 12.04.3
I ran as root (I think, but I can use sudo, for sure).
Another person has access to this server besides me.
We use R 3.0.2
you can follow the instructions here:!msg/shiny-discuss/NuZp0ziVXvw/BXHcIoXThnoJ
Short answer:
# this is all one line
sudo wget\\
-O /etc/init/shiny-server.conf
# Start the server
sudo start shiny-server
Then just open a browser and point to it

Samba, Apache and SVN. Getting the permissions right

I have two machines I work on:
Windows Client (Development Machine)
Linux Web Server (Ubuntu)
On the Linux server I have installed Apache, Samba and SVN.
I've created a samba share that maps to the htdocs/ directory so that I can access the web files from Windows.
The following illustrates my workflow:
From command line on Linux server I checkout working copies of web projects from remote server into my local Linux server's htdocs directory.
On the Windows machine I access these files (using samba) and edit them in my editor and test them in the web browsers
Back on the Linux machine I checkin my work to the remote server.
The problem I have is that currently for me to be able to edit the files on the Windows box via Samba I have to change the owner of the files to nobody (apache user) and set the Samba share to use SHARE permissions.
When I try to use SVN to commit and update etc. I can't because my Linux user is not 'nobody' and does not have permissions to do so. So I have to become root do an SVN [command] then change all the files back to 'nobody' so that I can't edit on Windows.
What I would like to be able to do is have the web files be owned by my local Linux user which would enable SVN commands to work and for Windows (over samba) to also use this same user.
How can I get this to work, is there a way to get Windows and Linux users to match?
Why use this strange workflow? A more logical one would be:
Checkout the files on the Windows Machine directly
Edit and test them
Check in when ready
Is there something special you need from the Linux server? Cant' you install apache on Windows (for testing purposes only?)
I've solved my problem by changing all the permissions to match and then using samba USER permissions and settings up a file.
