Run artifactory on browser - linux

I installed artifactory on linux server. I want to know how to check whether it is properly installed.
Secondly, I want to use it's user interface on google chrome. From where I can get SERVER_DOMAIN and PORT number for it's url from installed files on server?
Thanks in advance.

Your question is a bit vague.
How did you installed it (ZIP, RPM, Docker, Deb...)?
Which database you used (default, Oracle, MySQL etc..)? You can see if the server is up and running by running the following REST API from the machine you have installed it on:
curl -iuadmin:password localhost:8081/artifactory/api/system/ping
Regarding the IP, this can be checked by running 'ifconfig' on the linux server and get the IP of that machine.
Artifactory by default is running on port 8081, unless you changed it.
It seems that you will need to follow the basic installation wiki:


Hosting Nodejs in Cpanel- Enter to the virtual environment

what does these command means?
Secondly my nodejs RestAPI is working fine with local machine - but not working once i deploy it to server using nodejs cpanel.
Local postman
while in actual server getting "Cannot GET /apps/api/product/all" -- where my domainName/apps represents "Application URL" in the Cpanel.
little advice....push your project to git then pull it to your server. all dependencies on your machine will be ignored then in the server you can run install updated packages and compatible with your servers Operating system then start the server. fixes most of the version dependency problems you will keep facing. This is the ideal concept not a straight answer

Installing Node.js on browser server

I'm building a multiplayer game with node.js and and uploading it to I can install node.js on my windows computer but how do I install it on the server that I'm using? Thanks!
The server that you would be using for deploying and running your app is just another machine(with OS) at a remote location- hence a remote server!
Now coming to your question- what you need to connect, install and run node.js on your server is a SSH client such as Putty (
You download and run putty on your windows machine and then enter your server's Hostname/IP-address. You will be able to see your server's terminal window once connected. Now you can go ahead and install node.js in it. Depending upon which operating system your server machine is running, you can install node.js accordingly.
Also, you probably want to transfer your project files that you created using node.js and - for that you will need an FTP client such as FileZilla (
Once all that is done and your project is running- you can host it on your given website.

Setting up a server accessible over LAN

I am trying to set up a server (Ubuntu 14.04), which is not connected to the internet, just accessible over LAN.
Can't replace the image of the server being used.
I am using Ubuntu system as my local machine and I want to transfer all the packages installed in the current system to the server.
I tried installing packages like build-tools-essential, node.js using deb files over ssh, but the process gets stuck when it comes to dependencies. I also tried manually installing the dependencies manually, but there's heck lot of them.
Any suggestions, how to package all the installed packages in my current system - which I can transfer at once to the server.

How to run Shiny Server on linux using remote acces?

I'm trying to put in production my shiny app. I can run my shiny app locally on my Windows machine, from R. However, since we need to use Linux to deploy the app over the web, we decided to use a Linux server for that. We access this Linux server remotely, from our local machines (running Windows).
I followed the instruction at the RStudio website, and successful installed Shine Server on the Linux server. Its's running on it. I don't know what to do next. So, my question is: what should I do next? Please, remember that I access the Linux server remotely (using puty). Also, I have almost no knowledge of Linux.
Any guidance on what to do next is very welcome.
Some info that may be useful:
I use a Ubuntu 12.04.3
I ran as root (I think, but I can use sudo, for sure).
Another person has access to this server besides me.
We use R 3.0.2
you can follow the instructions here:!msg/shiny-discuss/NuZp0ziVXvw/BXHcIoXThnoJ
Short answer:
# this is all one line
sudo wget\\
-O /etc/init/shiny-server.conf
# Start the server
sudo start shiny-server
Then just open a browser and point to it

How do I install XAMPP in a remote server?

I recently opened up a webserver in Amazon EC2. I managed to log in to the server using SSH with my mac. I also managed to install the EC2 API tool provided from Amazon. I have the XAMPP installation on my desktop. And I opened up a linux instance. I don't think I have a EBS(Elastic Block Store) mounted to the instance yet, I don't know how to do that. But How do copy the XAMPP installation file from my desktop to the server instance? Pls give me step-by-step instructions
I manage to solve my own question. I was using the scp protocol to transfer the XAMPP installation file. More info on this link: Secure Remote Logins and File Copying. This is the first time I used it, but you just type the command: scp -i ***.pem ec2-user#some_public_DNS /The/file/on/your/desktop. The file will then be transfer in a secure way to the remote server
I'm curious as to why you'd try to put XAMPP on an EC2 instance instead of simply using your system's package management system (e.g., yum, apt-get) to install what you need. This just seems like trying to hammer nails with the back of a screwdriver.
