Wordpress Plugin: Nested and Pagination - pagination

I have a blog that gets a number of comments each day. I am looking for a plugin which supports nested comments as well as pagination - the default supplied by wordpress just says "Newer Comments" and "Older Comments" which is not SEO friendly. Ideally, the pagination should display "all page numbers" (example; 1, 2, 3, 4, See ALl) - so there are links to all paginated pages from all pages - Good for seo.
Anyone know about this? Thanks

I use wordpress thread comment plugin on my pages, and I'm very satisfied with it.
you can also stylize it with CSS to your liking.


Kentico 9 blog main page, archive page, and tag page

I'm new to Kentico, and have spent hours trying to make the blog work but haven't had any luck. Hope someone could help. I created a new blog by [a] using Pages > New Page > Blog; [b] then applying the Blog page template to it; [c] after that I created 2 sample blog posts. The only thing that works is the individual blog post. Other things don't work:
1- the blog main page --> empty
2- the blog archive page (for July) --> empty
3- tag link --> error message "Page /Blogs/My-blog-1.aspx was not found." Although I know I can change the tag link url, not sure what should be in there.
4 - making "Blog" appears on my nav (that I used CSS List menu web part). For this one, as a workaround, I was thinking about adding a blank "Blog" page and had it redirected to the blog url.
I've read the documentation related to Blog, but couldn't make it to work. Thanks for help!
Some of the out of the box templates are setup in such a way to only work on some of the example site templates which is why you're getting these results.
In the rptAllPosts repeater, set the Path property to ./%, ensure the Page types property is set to cms.blogpost, make sure you have a value in the Transformation property as well.
Should be resolved when you finish #1
You will have to modify the Selected Transformation. If you're using the default transformation, about line 9, way at the end you will need to modify the last parameter from ~/Blogs/my-blog-1.aspx to ~/Blog. This should fix the blog tag link.
Your work-around is very common and I'd stick with it for now.

HTML Widget on many pages - Orchard CMS

I have an HTML widget in the after-content section which will be displayed on 7 pages out of 12. I was reading up on it but didn't find anything except people mentioning rules, I went through the documentation and looked at using "or" rule with url("~/page1") like url("~/page2") or url("~/page3") so on. Will this not show all widgets on all pages? i just want to show one html widget at the bottom of many pages.
You should create a new layer "MyNewLayer" and then add your rule(s) there. Then, place the widget to be shown on this layer.

Pagination [+next+] not working on MODx CMS template

I'm having difficulty getting the pagination functionality working with [[Ditto? ... ]] in MODx CMS.
I have the documents displaying in the page, limit is set to 5. The output from my other pagination template placeholders seem to be working but the [+next+] link doesn't load the next set of 5 documents (going in descending date order).
Here's my template code:
&dateFormat=`%F %D %Y`
<p>Showing <strong>[+start+]</strong> - <strong>[+stop+]</strong> of <strong>[+total+]</strong> Articles</p>
<ul class="clearfix">
<li>Page <strong>[+currentPage+]</strong> of [+totalPages+]</li>
The output I get is:
Showing 1 - 5 of 17 Articles
Page 1 of 4
Next >
as you can see the output is correct, however when I click the 'next' link the resulting URL is .../news.html?start=5 but the content of the page stays the same (i.e. the latest 5 documents are shown!).
This is how the template and functionality was when I was inherited this project from a client, and I have never used MODx CMS before -- can anyone help me please?
I there a way to update the SQL offset with a parameter or something? I've been all through the Wiki pages for Ditto / MODx but can't find what I need or what I should be doing that I'm not!
I would think you need to call ditto uncached [[!Ditto? attribs ]]
That's just a guess.
Also it looks like you are using EVO? check the cache syntax, you might need to put an exclamation mark at the end as well. [[!Ditto? attribs !]]
After plenty of searching I found a post on the MODx forum that pointed me in the right direction.
Turns out that caching was enabled in the page/document's settings (doh!). I disabled this and now it works fine!
However I have not set the no-caching token ('!') in Ditto's parameter string which, including the answer from Sean, my research has suggested is advisable and/or required. I've not worked with MODx before so I can't say for certain, but it seems to work without this for me!
Thanks #SeanKimball as your answer set me down the right path.

URL based breadcrumbs display

Is it possible to show breadcrumbs based on the URL. For example if the user hits example.com it means home->test1->test and if user hits example1.com it means home->test2->test. Is it possible to control the breadcrumbs visibility. Any one guide me how to do this.
A very nice implementation of A very customizable breadcrumb can be found in the Zen theme. If you already use a sub-theme of Zen then you're in luck. You;ll only probably have to configure it and you're good to go.
Options for the breadcrumb: each theme has it's own settings. So you'll need to add the options you'll want for youre breadcrumb (On/Off, separator, home link On/Off etc.) in a themes/your_theme_name/theme-settings.php file. Here you'll find a starting point. For inspiration check out the theme-settings.php (for defining the options) and zen.info file (for providing the default values for the options).
Theme the breadcrumb: then you'll have to implement your_theme_name_breadcrumb function in template.php. Again look in the file with the same name in the Zen theme for an example.
Showing the breadcrumb: last step is to make sure that your breadcrumb is visible and you do this by printing the $breadcrumb variable. Look in the page.tpl.php file template for the default implementation and customize it as you like.
Some other points of interests:
Custom breadcrumbs haven't tried it personally but sounds promising if you're looking for customizable breadcrumb trails for node types.
An article on the above mentioned Drupal module
for those who like to get their hands dirty here you can find some nice info: http://drupal.org/node/64067
And don't forget to clear the theme cache at the end :)

Joomla news layout

How do I display the latest news on my front page and titles (with links) of other news below it in Joomla 1.5.?
I also need to set a fixed number of others news.
You can use:
"Module Latest News" with option "count: 1" positioned above:
"Module Articles Category" with option "count: [YOUR_NUMBER+1]"
and using CSS hide first element of "Module Articles Category"
Just out of curiosity, if you are using standard Joomla articles, why wouldn't you use the standard Joomla Front Page Blog Layout menu item? This is pretty much what thatview is designed for and it wouldn't require any CSS to display the correct articles.
