Form won't display. . . Dooh! - java-me

I could use a little help. I got this program to work right then I found out I had to use the MVC design. It seems pretty simple but, my little toy program won't display my forms. HELP!! See the below snipets:
public MileageMidlet()
// First get a blank user form
form = new Form("Bradford Gas Mileage Calculator");
startPage = new StartPageView();
inputScreen = new InputScreen();
calculateMileage = new CalculateMileage();
startCmd = new Command ("Start",Command.SCREEN,5);
clearCmd = new Command ("Clear",Command.SCREEN,1);
enterCmd = new Command ("Enter",Command.SCREEN,1);
exitCmd = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
// Set up event handlers to process user commands
public void startApp() {
// Display initial form
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
public class StartPageView
StringItem strgItm, strgItm2;
private Command startCmd, exitCmd;
public StartPageView()
public void createView(Form form)
// First get a blank user form
form = new Form("Bradford Gas Mileage Calculator");
strgItm = new StringItem ("","Welcome to the Bradford Mobile Gas Mileage Calculator!");
strgItm2 = new StringItem ("","To obtain you gas mileage please click the start button.");
I got nothing! Really literally a blue screen.

The issue has nothing to do with MIDP or J2ME. The problem is of the semantics of how arguments are passed to methods.
It;s important to remember that arguments to method are passed by value in Java. The consequence is that when an object that is passed to a method, a copy of that reference is passed. Any changes to the reference of the object in the method does not have any affect outside of it.
Please see this article for more information.
So in your code,
form = new Form("Bradford Gas Mileage Calculator");
Comment the above two lines. Everything should be fine.


Dialog values with MvvmCross, ActionBarSherlock and DialogFragment

I have a bunch of different libraries trying to work together and I'm pretty close but there's just one issue.
I have created a class called SherlockDialogFragment inheriting from SherlockFragment (rather than using the SherlockListFragment - this is because of the issue with the keyboard that's covered here). Here is my code:
public class SherlockDialogFragment : SherlockFragment
public RootElement Root
get { return View.FindViewById<LinearDialogScrollView>(Android.Resource.Id.List).Root; }
set { View.FindViewById<LinearDialogScrollView>(Android.Resource.Id.List).Root = value; }
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
var ignored = base.OnCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);
var layout = new LinearLayout(Activity) { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical };
var scroll_view = new LinearDialogScrollView(Activity)
Id = Android.Resource.Id.List,
LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FillParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FillParent)
return layout;
I then do the regular thing of creating an eventsource class which inherits from this but also uses IMvxEventSourceFragment, then the actual fragment class (which I call MvxSherlockDialogFragment) which inherits the eventsource class, as well as IMvxFragmentView.
That all works fine (and indeed I've created a SherlockDialogActivity the same way and it's fine), however the one issue is when I use this fragment on a screen with tabs (i'm using a class I made similarly to above called MvxSherlockFragmentActivity). When switching to the tab with the dialog, the view appears fine, even with pre-populated data. However the issue is when I switch away from that fragment/tab, and then back to it, the dialog elements all have the same value.
In my particular example, it's a login page with a username and password. When I first go into the fragment, everything is fine. When I go out and back in, the password value is in both the username field and the password field.
I'm sure it's got something to do with the SherlockDialogFragment class - in the SherlockDialogActivity class I also have this bit:
public override void OnContentChanged()
var list = FindViewById<LinearDialogScrollView>(Android.Resource.Id.List);
if (list == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Your content must have a ViewGroup whose id attribute is Android.Resource.Id.List and is of type LinearDialogScrollView");
However this doesn't work in a fragment because there's no OnContentChanged event. Also, another difference is that in the SherlockDialogActivity, the layout is being created ONCE in the OnCreate event - however in the SherlockFragmentActivity I've got it being created each time the fragment is viewed. I know that's probably not the best way, but I tried to do it in OnCreate and save it in a variable and then return that variable in OnCreateView, but android didn't like that...
Ok I feel like an idiot. I was creating/binding on OnViewCreated - however I need to do all my binding in OnStart - I think I was following some (possibly old) sample code from Stuart.
Obviously for a regular activity I'm using OnCreate but this doesn't work on a fragment, because the view is not initialised there - it's initialised at OnCreateView.
So for future reference - do all binding in OnStart!

Trying to pass checkbox list enum value to my view

Just trying to do some quick and dirty testing. I am passing fake data through my controller to a view just to see how the UI looks.
In my controller which I set up just to "test" this I have, for example:
MyViewModel = new MyViewModel
MyModel= new Models.MyModel
FirstName = "Homer", //This works
SomeDecimal = 10000, //This works
SomeRadioButton = Models.MyModel.Enum.Selection, //This works
SomeCheckBox = Models.MyModel.OtherEnum.OtherSelection, //This doesn't
I am getting the Cannot implicitly convert type ... to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<string>' error.
My radio buttons and check boxes share similar convention for using enums, but the checkbox uses public List<string> SomeCheckBox { get; set; } whereas radio buttons use public Enum? SomeRadioButton { get; set; }
Please note, I am not using a testing framework. I am just trying to figure out quickly how to pass some fake data to see how the UI is shaping up. Can anyone share a sample of how to accomplish what I want (to pass a checkbox value so my UI can show data that would have been selected by a user)?
The other problem I forsee is in passing more than one selection from the checkbox, but once I get the code down I think I should be able to figure that out.
Your error message makes total sense. Try this
var testViewModel = new TestViewModel
SomeCheckBox = new List<string> {TestViewModel.RadioButtonValues.Value1.ToString() }

Monotouch-Dialog ReloadData does not reloads data?

I want to use monotouch dialog as not editable data display for some numeric values. But calling DialogViewController.ReloadData does not updates data from binded object.
class AccountFormModel
[Section("Account data", "")]
public string balance;
private void InitComponents()
accountFormModel = new AccountFormModel();
accountFormModel.balance = "TestTestTest";
bc = new BindingContext(this, accountFormModel, "AccountData");
dialogViewController = new DialogViewController(bc.Root);
dialogViewController.Autorotate = true;
private void RefreshData()
string b = SomeDatasource.Account.Balance.ToString("N4");
accountFormModel.balance = "$" + b;
Debugging shows that accountFormModel.balance in refreshData method is set to right value, but nothing changes on form in simulator (stays TestTestTest). What i'm doing wrong?
DialogViewController when using reflection does the binding once initially, and only when you FetchData() is the data transferred back to your class.
What happens is that the BindingContext will basically create the model from your data (balance in this case) effectively making a copy of your data at this point. When you call ReloadData() this is reloading the data from the copy, and that is why you do not see a change. Although this could be changed to have some method on the BindingContex to repopulate the data, this is not currently the case.
The Reflection API for MonoTouch.Dialog is very limited, I strongly advise you that for anything non-trivial, you use the Elements API. Most of the samples in MonoTouch.Dialog use that API, as it gives you full control of the dialog.

Exception when trying to show a form created in another (background) thread on .netCF with OAC

In a multi form .NetCF 3.5 application I'm trying create the forms in the background while the user is occupied with the previous form.
We're using Orientation Aware Control in the project
We use a wrapper class (FormController) (please let me know if I'm using the wrong terminology) to keep static references to the different forms in our application. Since we only want to create them once.
At the moment the Forms are created the first time they are used. But since this is a time consuming operation we'd like to do this in the background while the user
Application.Run(new FormController.StartUI());
class FormController{
private static object lockObj = new object();
private static bool secIsLoaded = false;
private static StartForm startForm = new StartForm();
private static SecForm m_SecForm;
static SecForm FormWorkOrderList
return m_SecForm;
private static void StartUI(){
ThreadStart tsSecForm = CreateSecForm;
Thread trSecForm = new Thread(tsSecForm);
trSecForm.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
trSecForm.IsBackground = true;
return startForm;
private static void CreateSecForm()
m_SecForm = new SecForm();
secIsLoaded = true;
private static void GotoSecForm()
When I call GotoSecForm() the program throws an excepton on SecForm.Show() with an exection with hResult: 2146233067 and no other valuable information.
The stacktrace of the exception is:
on Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr(PAL_ERROR ar)
on System.Windows.Forms.Control.SuspendLayout()
on b..ctor(OrientationAwareControl control)
on Clarius.UI.OrientationAwareControl.ApplyResources(CultureInfo cultureInfo, Boolean skipThis)
on Clarius.UI.OrientationAwareControl.ApplyResources()
on Clarius.UI.OrientationAwareControl.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
on Clarius.UI.OrientationAwareControl.c(Object , EventArgs )
on System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
on System.Windows.Forms.Form._SetVisibleNotify(Boolean fVis)
on System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible(Boolean value)
on System.Windows.Forms.Control.Show()
I'm quite qlueless about what's going wrong here. Can anyone help me out?
Or are there some better ways to load the forms in the background?
Let me know if any more information is needed.
You can't create forms (or safely do any manipulation of controls or forms) in background threads. They need to be created on the same thread that the message pump is running on - its just the way that Windows Forms work.
Creating the form itself shouldn't be in itself an expensive task. My advice would be to perform any expensive computations needed to display the form in a background thread, and then pass the result of those computations back to the main message pump in order to create and display the form itself.
(Half way through writing this I realised that this question is about windows mobile, however I'm 99% sure that the above still applies in this situation)

Outlook add in , text box , delete\backspace not working

I developed an outlook add in (custom task pane), with web browser in the user control.
All the things working well beside the backspace or the delete button when I am writing something in text box in the web browser, I can't use those keys, am I missing something?
I am a few years late to the party but I managed to fix this. The easiest way to fix this is to ensure proper focus is given to the input fields, so you will need to be able to run your own javascript on whatever page is being loaded.
The javascript I run on the page is as follows (using jQuery):
$(document).on("click", function (e) {
// first let the add-in give focus to our CustomTaskPane
// then in our web browser give focus to whatever element was clicked on
the window.external variable contains code run from the plugin (c# or VB I assume) which is exposed so we can interact from web page back to the add-in.
In the add-in code for the custom taskpane set the context of window.external:
// event when webBrowser is finished loading document
private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
// sets context of window.external to functions defined on this context
webBrowser1.ObjectForScripting = this;
And a public method for focusing:
// can be called by the web browser as window.external.focus()
public void focus()
This worked for me, and I hope it helps others. Although do note that this probably doesn't work if the user keyboard navigates using tab, but you can either extend this code for that use case, or safely assume that the average outlook user will have his hand glued to the mouse.
Ok I solved the problem ,
The problem is that the custom task pane in not always gets fucos from the outlook.
So, I raised an event every time that there is "onclick" for all the pane, and then forced the pane to be in focus.
spent a lot of time trying to get this working in Outlook v16.0.13801.20288 the above did not work for me. I ended up with this working code.
Create a user control and add your webbrowser control to it then customize the .cs as below
private void CreateTaskPane() {
MyWinFormUserControl webBrowser = new MyWinFormUserControl();
webBrowser.webBrowser3.Url = new Uri("");
webBrowser.webBrowser3.Width = 500;
webBrowser.webBrowser3.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
webBrowser.webBrowser3.Visible = true;
webBrowser.Width = 500;
webBrowser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
webBrowser.Visible = true;
this.CRMTaskPaneControl = CustomTaskPanes.Add(webBrowser, "My App");
//Components.WebViewContainerWPFUserControl webView = (Components.WebViewContainerWPFUserControl)_eh.Child;
//webView.webview.Source = new Uri("https://localhost:3000");
this.CRMTaskPaneControl.Width = 500;
this.CRMTaskPane.Visible = true;
public partial class MyWinFormUserControl : UserControl
public WebBrowser webBrowser3;
public System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser webBrowser1;
public MyWinFormUserControl()
private void InitializeComponent()
this.webBrowser3 = new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser();
// webBrowser3
this.webBrowser3.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this.webBrowser3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
this.webBrowser3.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(20, 20);
this.webBrowser3.Name = "webBrowser3";
this.webBrowser3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(500, 749);
this.webBrowser3.TabIndex = 0;
this.webBrowser3.DocumentCompleted += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(this.webBrowser3_DocumentCompleted);
// MyWinFormUserControl
this.Name = "MyWinFormUserControl";
this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(500, 749);
this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.MyWinFormUserControl_Load);
void webBrowser3_DocumentCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
HtmlDocument doc;
doc = webBrowser3.Document;
doc.Click += doc_Click;
void doc_Click(object sender, HtmlElementEventArgs e)
this.Focus(); // force user control to have the focus
HtmlElement elem = webBrowser3.Document.GetElementFromPoint(e.ClientMousePosition);
elem.Focus(); // then let the clicked control to have focus
private void MyWinFormUserControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Control loaded
Turns out this is an easy issue to fix.
Just write
class MyBrowser : WebBrowser {}
Then use MyBrowser instead of the .NET one.
