Any browser plugins for customizing web pages intelligently? - browser

I generally use firebug to remove unwanted divs and tags and resize stuff on the web-page .. frequently for gaming sites like chessbomb. But this is tedious, and every time tab reloads, i would have to do it all over again.
So is there any plugin which would remember the setting for particular site and apply it on the load itself. For starters i just need something to remove div tags based on names. If it can resize too then thats all the more useful.

You can use Adblock Plus with some CSS selector usage to do this. Look at the doc related to this here.
For example, you could probably use something like
to hide those divs.

This is a use case for the greasemonkey firefox plugin. You'll need to know a little javascript, but if you're doing these sorts of things in Firebug, I would assume you won't find greasemonkey too dofficult.
Have a look at and and you may even find someone has already written the script you're after.
To quote wikipedia on Greasemonkey:
Greasemonkey is a Mozilla Firefox extension that allows users to install scripts that make on-the-fly changes to HTML web page content on the DOMContentLoaded event, which happens immediately after it is loaded in the browser (also known as augmented browsing).
As Greasemonkey scripts are persistent, the changes made to the web pages are executed every time the page is opened, making them effectively permanent for the user running the script.


Can a Chrome extension change its large (new tab page) icon?

My question is along the same lines as this: Change the Chrome extension icon
But I'm wondering instead about the large icon of the extension on a new tab page. Can it change itself based on data? All I have in mind is a simple countdown-calendar (as in, the whole point of the extension is to be a big ol' number on your new tab page), so the actual code wouldn't have to be very long, if icon-changing is possible. (It wouldn't even need to sync or connect to the Internet for any reason.)
My strong hunch is no, because I've never seen an extension do so, and I would expect that if it could, my Chrome's Gmail button would probably display the number of new messages or something. But I figured it didn't hurt to ask.
PS: I've never created a Chrome extension, I just had that idea for one just now. Anyone reading this can feel free to do it themselves, but otherwise I'll make it when I get the time, as a learning exercise.
Only apps (not extensions) can have an icon on the New Tab page (NTP).
This icon have to be declared via the icons property in the manifest file, and cannot dynamically be updated.
I can imagine two ways to get a dynamic icon on the options page:
Create an extension that replaces the New Tab page. Have a look at the docs for Override Pages.
Create an extension that uses the API to enable/disable apps. This method might work for your personal setup, but it requires a new App for each icon. This feels a bit hacky, but hey, it might work.

Sahi: Cannot execute scripts recorded in a browser in multiple browsers

Our web application is designed such that the text transform is picked from CSS.
There are multiple links on a webpage; hence i will take example of a Next link.
When i hover the mouse over Next link in FF, it shows the below code:
Similarly when i hover the mouse over the same link in Chrome, it shows the below code:
When the script is recorded in FF and executed in chrome, it fails at the location because "Next" link is unavailable. This is one example of a link and there are multiple links and multiple pages. For this scenario, do i need to verify the text for each link or is there a universal way i.e. toLowercase method that can help me.
As Kshitij pointed out, you can get this working by using a regular expression as your accessor... but you might also check the Alternatives pulldown in the Controller. Perhaps there's an alternative accessor that is better suited for both browsers.
I think, the question should be how can Sahi identify the element with text by ignoring the case-sensitivity.
Any tool can only record the attributes which is available on the browser at that time.
You can use the following code to achieve the functionality:

How to make Google Chrome extension sample work?

Recently I decided to write a very simple Google Chrome extension. All it's going to do is to hide some DOM-elements from the web-page using JavaScript when user presses the extension's button.
Since I knew nothing about Chrome extensions, I started reading tutorials, and I came across this Google's sample: A browser action with no icon that makes the page red
This sample is really close to what I want to make. The problem is that I can't make it work. Whenever I load the extension in Chrome, I can see the button of this extension, but when I press it - nothing happens. Sample doesn't work, probably I should know something I don't know yet.
And before you started asking me:
Yes, I tried restarting the browser;
I use the newest version of Chrome.
Thanks for help.
If you open up the sample zip... find backgrond.js... edit.
Find the line that says:
null, {code:"'red !important'"});
and remove the "!important". so it should read:
null, {code:"'red'"});
That is it. just save and reload the extension, should work (unless the page has an !important flag set to the background).
I am afraid I don't know why the "!important" tag doesn't work but I have never been able to get it to work in an extension. Hopefully someone else here will be able to give an explanation and maybe a work around.
I think I can help bring some clarification to the "!important" override attribute causing the extension to break. Though I am not 100% I believe that this attribute is not allowed for issues involving security complications. I have a link to another SO thread that may help clarify this as well.
My CSS is not getting injected through my content script
I'm assuming from reading this article that you must either use the !important override when content scripts specified in the manifest file. Otherwise if the css is being injected !important is not required. Again not 100% on this.

Custom navigation with Liknlist web part

I'm using a standard link list web part. What I want to achieve is before my users click on the link a pop-up javascript warning box will display, stating that they are leaving the domain. In regular anchor tag I would preceed the URL with javascript:ShowWarning('');.
I've search the AllLinks table in the database but did not find the links was looking for.
Where or how are these stored?
Firstly, editing the SharePoint database directly is a really bad idea. You shouldn't do it unless you really, really know what you are doing, and even then you will probably break the system.
Secondly, any change made in the data will be what shows up in the editor, and I don't think the editor supports links that don't start with "http://".
A better approach is to use jquery to add the popup behaviour to the links when the page is loaded.

showing content on the blank screen after downloading a file

I've observed that under certain circumstances, a web browser will navigate to a blank page and then prompt the user to download a file. In my current situation, it's navigating to a URL that generates an Excel file. The download of the file works perfectly, but the user is now stranded on a blank page. There are two things I would like to figure out:
What causes the blank page to be displayed? It doesn't happen all the time. Is it the difference between using GET and POST (I can't recall seeing a hyperlink do it, but forms usually do)? Is it something to do with the Content-Disposition? In my current case, I've set the Content-Disposition to be "inline" because I want it to display in the browser in IE. Firefox (and presumably others) will of course prompt to download because they can't display it inline. It is the situation where the user chooses to save it that the blank screen results.
If it is possible, I'd like to display some content on this blank screen to provide the user with a message like "your file has been generated, click here to go back to the main screen" or somesuch. Is there a way I can do that?
I'm using an IIS extension written in C++, so solutions for ASP, PHP, etc will not be helpful unless they're generally applicable (though I wouldn't mind learning about solutions in those languages!). Thanks.
I think you practically answered your own question: setting content-disposition to inline does exactly that. One solution that comes to mind is browser detection: use inline disposition if the browser is IE, attachment otherwise.
BTW, as a user, I prefer sites which offer me a choice whether I want to download the file or view it inside the browser (when, for example, accessing a PDF file). In this case, I would consider having a link/button for downloading the file, and adding a second link/button for IE browsers to view it.
