demoProgram which can be of simple one - java-me

I am creating a program in which i want to display dialog box(which shows yes/no command) when button clicked, after dialog box has been shown, when clicking yes button it moves to another form, can you help me to achieve this task? please let me know as soon as possible.

Checkout the LWUIT repository here... In this repository contains LWUIT sample applications. See the sample code. and do like this.."Sample", "Put ur information", "Ok", "Cancel");

Have a look at the Alert class (link text, the Form class, and the Display method to show stuff. That's pretty basic stuff and you'll find tons of examples / tutorials out there.
ps: Pure MIDP no LWUIT involved.


Chrome Extension, trigger click on the icon

I searched on Google and StackOverflow, and I was not able to find a solution to my problem (to my greatest surprise).
I'm looking to display the popup, exactly like when the user click on the icon of my extension, but via javascript.
The idea behind it is simple : On a specific page, I inject a button and add an event listener on it ("click"). When the user click on that button, I'd like to display the tooltip, simple as that :)
... but I can not find anything related to it. Any idea ?
Thank you in advance.
Opening the popup is impossible without user interaction. For good reason too, remember that no one likes popups that open themselves. What you can do is inject your popup onto the site the user is at, through a content script.
As per your description,
On a specific page, I inject a button and add an event listener on it ("click"). When the user click on that button, I'd like to display the tooltip, simple as that :)
I think what you need is just chrome.pageAction, it's similar to browserAction, while represents actions that can be taken on the current page, but aren't applicable to all pages.

Suggestions for a Monotouch model dialog (accessible from UITable) with text input

I'm looking for a configurable modal dialog to popup over the top when a cell is clicked in a UITableView with various actions, some of which require input, some don't. Is Monotouch.dialog appropriate or is there a better way to achieve this?
The behaviour I'm looking for with the dialog (activated in the UITable) is the following:
- Fixed actions. Click a button, do something.
- Text input. Enter text (for example, reset a password), do something.
Alternatively, is it possible to use a custom controller such as QuickDialog
Popover for user-input is quite a common task. I would recommend UIPopoverController with custom views inside that when presented allow the user to complete an action / task / input. Quick dialog is a rendition of MonoTouch.Dialog ported to obj-C. You can use straight-up MonoTouch.Dialog if you like:
I would also recommend my managed C# implementation of UIPopover for MonoTouch here (with video):

Android googledocs app component name

I am planning to provide menus for my app similar to the sliding menu shown in the below image when clicking on the button in the list view. Could you give me some pointers on, how it can be achieved. Is it SubMenu ?
I got it, the behavior or pattern name is QuikActions.
Useful introductory article for the beginners like me is available in the following link

Winforms c# outlook like Interface

I have already asked the same question but in regards with MDI Application design. Now just for R&D purpose so that we can go with 2 solutions to our user. Can somebody plz help me out...
We are developing an OutLook Style Application using C# Winforms. In that application we are using Microsoft Table Control. Which is what we need to show our UI. In the left hand pane we have menu and in the right hand we are displaying our UserControl. Like CustomerManager. This UserControl is doing Adding, Updating, Deleting ect etc but we want to put the common action buttons, Like Add,Delete,Save on the top toolbar.
So far so good, Now what we need to acheve is regardless of UserControl. What ever UserControl is loaded in the MainForm's TableControl. When the save button is clicked it should process the data on that UserControl. Obviously we will write the logic of the Save Action on each UserControl.
Please help...
I may advice you the Krypton Toolkit. You will write an Outlook style app in seconds.
For all who ended up here like me in search of a free toolkit: As Vulkanino suggested to use Krypton, I loooked it up.
This is now open source Freeware and can be found unter: Krypton Toolkit
Create a Base user control that contains your Add, Delete, Save methods and events. Then create every other functional control that inherits from the Base control.
When you action the main toolbar buttons, you can safely cast each user control in your given container, to the Base user control.
Some MSDN links you might want to read up on:

How to create a popup for edit button in JSF page in jDeveloper 12c?

How to create a popup for edit button in JSF page in Oracle jDeveloper 12c?
There is nothing special about JDeveloper 12c when it comes to working with popups. You can see a sample here that automatically migrates to 12c:
Drag and drop popup onto the form from component palette. Design as needed. Make note of popup ID. D&D Operation (from component palette) > Show Popup Behavior onto button. Set popup id to id of previously created popup. Select method to launch, like action. Google is your friend here. Search "ADF Popup" - lots of hits, like this. Remember to upvote those of us who take time to help you here.
