how/where to add rDNS for an IP address - linux

how/where to add a rDNS entry for an IP address in centos box. i am going to use my secondary IP address in postfix.

If it's just for your local machine (eg. etc), it goes into /etc/hosts.
If it is for a public IP, you need to contact your provider (the owner of the netblock) as they have to configure this in their DNS. Colocation providers may have web interfaces for this, but consumer-access providers typically won't let you do it.


Azure Users Sign-ins shows proxy IP address instead of the real IP

I'm trying to find a way to display the real IPs of VMs a user has tried to sign in instead of the proxy's IP in the "Sign-ins" section of each user.
For example if user "max" tried to sign in to a vm that has the IP '' then when I go to the Sign-ins section of user max it will show me that this user tried to log in at and not at the proxy IP.
I don't think you can do that unless your VM is directly to connect to the Internet without any proxy. Also, in your example, the IP address is a private address that does not route on the Internet.
To display the IP address is a bit to rely on the networking environment where your VMs. From the Sign-in activity reports in the Azure Active Directory portal, currently Azure tries best effort to convert the IP address to a physical location where the computer located as mapping IP addresses is complicated by the fact that mobile providers and VPNs issue IP addresses from central pools that are often very far from where the client device is actually used.
IP addresses are issued in such a way that there is no definitive
connection between an IP address and where the computer with that
address is physically located. Mapping IP addresses is complicated by
the fact that mobile providers and VPNs issue IP addresses from
central pools that are often very far from where the client device is
actually used. Currently in Azure AD reports, converting IP address to
a physical location is a best effort based on traces, registry data,
reverse look ups and other information.

How to use iis with friendly name on local network

I make a web site to my local. I set bindings and I add hosts xml to
So, I can connet on my pc like,,
But another pc on my network can't conenct with friendly name,,
But same pc can connet with ip
How can that another pc connect with friendly name ?
IP Addresses are the numerical identification for each device on a computer network.
Named Addresses invented, because remembering each device Address's turned to a difficult job.
So someone must know's which names must be converted to which IP Address.
DNS Servers are responsible to do this translation. But you done that locally. Actually you don't have a DNS Server on your local System, So you can't tell to others that "WWW.Something.COM" is my Address.
If you didn't connected to the internet, you must establish a DNS Server or done this task manually in all clients:
Running a DNS Server is another task. you can search for DNS Server applications like or you can setup a DNS Server using Windows Server. for both scenarios you need to tell to your clients to add your DNS Server Address to their network Adapter settings.
or If you are connected to the Internet, you can Use a NoIP to register a free Address:
you then need to download an application (In to monitor IP changes, it will monitors your IP address and it changes and then tells to to translate your address into your current IP address.
Actually NOIP will registers your address globally around the Internet network and each one who can access to the internet is able to reach to your address.

Azure VM IP Address

I'm trying to run some VOIP software on my Azure VM, but it's picking up the internal IP address 10.x.x.x and broadcasting it to external servers. The external servers obviously can't see that internal address. So, I want to configure the machine such that its IP address is the static external address (13.x.x.x). When I run ipconfig, I need the IPv4 address to be my (13.x.x.x). This way the VOIP software will broadcast the correct externally accessible IP address.
What's the best way to do this in Azure? Do I just go to the server itself and turn off "obtain IP address automatically" and put in my static external IP or is there some other "Azure" way of doing what I'm trying to do? PS. I'm pretty new to Azure VMs and associated IT management.
OK, so what I ended up doing is:
In the portal I added an address range and sub-net to the virtual network that included my external, static IP address
In the portal I changed the sub-net that the VM network interface was using to the new one that included my external IP. I also set the address to "static" and put in external address
Rebooted the VM
The VM now reports the internal address and external address as being the same external address which is what I wanted. Not sure if this is the best or only way to do this but it worked for me. Open to better recommendations if anyone has one.

DNS setting to access website using IP address and domain name

I have Static IP, i would like to access website using static IP as well using domain name.
I have below DNS entries to for my domain, i am not sure what setup i need to do to make it works.
when user access my site using domain name they should be able to access. Also when someone want to access using IP address they should be able to do that.
www 14400 IN CNAME 14400 IN A
If anybody have idea please let me know.
Thank you
If you can't access your IP address, then it isn't because of your DNS. DNS stands for domain name system and translates domain names TO IP addresses. Thus, you must already have a reachable IP address for your A record to be meaningful. Make sure that you've configured your server correctly (Apache?) and that the necessary ports are open in your firewall (iptables).
Check that your domain registrar is pointing its name servers to the authoritative name server (the server with your zone file) for your domain.

Sonicwall Access Rule - Limit Access to Specific IP

I have a SonicWall TZ200 and used the Wizard to create a port forwarding for PPTP which is working great. Now, I want to limit the EXTERNAL IP addresses that can use this port forwarding rule so that it only allows connections from a couple employees static home IP addresses.
I created an Address Object for the external home IP address. Then I went to Access Rules WAN>LAN. For the PPTP rule I changed Allow Source to the Address Object for the home IP address.
But, I can still access the VPN from a different external IP address so it's obviously not blocking anything else.
What am I missing?
You need to set your NAT policy. The "Home" IP addresses are added at the "Original Destination" part of your policy.
