Are there any credible shared hosting services that are compatible with subsonic projects? - subsonic

I have a website project that was written with subsonic though medium trust hosting services like GoDaddy and AT&T don't support subsonic projects.
I was wondering if anyone knows of any hosting services that will work with subsonic. I am not as tech savvy so I am looking for a tech support heavy hosting service that will be able to walk me through the hosting (live person over the phone and not a chat box).

I used to use Subsonic 2.x with a website site with medium trust hosting (WebCentral in Australia) and didn't have any issues from a website point of view.
The database connection appeared to require the ability to read the sysobjects table which is not always standard.
Also we generated our SubSonic classes before deploying so they weren't created on the fly.
Not sure this is an answer but would be interested to know what errors you get when you try to deploy the site on GoDaddy or AT&T.


What is a good Azure architecture for Web App Services

I have been researching for a couple days and looking at pluralsight courses but I Can't seem to find a decent answer on how to setup a proper Azure infrastructure.
I have a client app, api backend, and a database as a core of my overall application. I know I need 2 different Web App services and an SQL database.
I also have a need to only allow access to all 3 from our company's IP address.
I'm getting lost with all the VNET and VPN talk and I am wondering if that is even required. Is it considered good to do IP restrictions and call it a day? Should I add an Application Gateway infront of the client application none the less?
If VNETs are required, is it a must to do site-to-site? (don't think we have the authority to do that) If not, how do we access the backend services like the database and API if everything is locked down?
Any help is appreciated because there is too much information and I can't seem to make sense of any of it.
It depends a lot on both the purpose of your client application, web application and database, as well as the capabilities that currently exist within your organisation. Have you had a look at the references architectures Microsoft has as a starting point ?
If you are looking at a fairly simple application, deployed to Azure with minimal internal only use, then use something like this reference architecture: You can actually simplify that a little further by removing the load balancers etc if you think traffic will be generally low.
If you are looking for an external application that can only be managed internally, you should adopt something similar to this reference architecture: Maybe even add a VPN component to the management jump box similar to this architecture:
Even this, however may be too complicated for your use case. If your application is pretty basic, is secured using username/password or identity federation, and has low risk data associated with it, then just the basic web application architecture would do fine, just read through the various considerations here:

What kind of application can I deploy to Windows Azure

I can't find answer for this simple question: What kind of application can I deploy to Windows Azure?
Can I upload only ASP .NET apps or can I upload:
Windows Forms Applicaton
Windows Presentation Foundation Application (WPF)
Here's a summary of the sorts of applications you can host on Azure:
Platform as a service
Azure Websites
Most existing / new Microsoft-stack (IIS-hosted) web applications (ASP.Net MVC, Web API, Web Forms, etc.)
A bunch of existing / new web applications written in other popular languages (Java, PHP, Node.js or Python)
Azure Cloud Services
Newer Microsoft-stack (IIS-hosted) web applications similar to above, but with some additional functionality / overheads (this answer will give you a good comparison of the two)
New web (IIS-hosted) applications designed to take advantage of Azure hosting (for example separating front-end and back-end concerns using web and worker roles, again covered in the linked answer)
Infrastructure as a Service (VMs)
Anything that you might host in a VM in another data centre / on another cloud service provider--usually legacy web applications / services, or those where the owner avoid tying their application code to a particular vendor by building on top of their PaaS
You'll notice that these are all basically webby, which excludes the likes of WinForms, WPF apps, and any other applications that are designed to run for users on their local machines. To directly answer your question:
ASP.Net applications--yes, you can host these on Azure
WinForms applications--no, you can't host these on Azure
WPF applications--no, you can't host these on Azure
Other applications--if they're web-based and fall within the broad descriptions above, then there's a decent chance you'll be able to host them on Azure, but it really depends on the nature of the application
Windows Forms and WPF applications typically comprise of a rich client application as well as dependencies on backend services and databases. Windows Azure provides a great host for the backend services and databases - and you can learn more about this here - especially in the compute section. There is also a lot more you can do - so just take a look at the other links for more information.

Azure Anycast for application

I am porting a website to Microsoft Azure. But our clients are scattered throughout the world, so my intention is to deliver our website as fast as possible to our customers in the US as we do in Germany or China. So I was thinking about something like a CDN on application level for our PHP/Ubuntu-Environment.
I know, there is a CDN implementation for static pages in Microsoft Azure, but I do not have any idea as how to achieve this on the application level.
Thank you in advance.

Is there a way to avoid network traffic on Web API web services hosted in IIS by accessing your services through localhost?

We have added a Web API services layer to our application to help share the code with various product teams at my client's company. I like this as a way of managing versioning and for code organization but I'm concerned about violating Martin Fowlers First Law of Distributed Object Design, namely don't distribute your objects. We can host all of the various products on the same box currently and I was wondering if having the client application access our web services through localhost would allow us to avoid the issues that Martin is calling out. If it was WCF I would configure the end point to use Named Pipes and I guess I'm trying to figure out how to do that in IIS.
If you are hosting all your projects under the same process, it would be possible to go in-memory but I am not sure how much this makes sense. Here is a good example:
Batching Handler for ASP.NET Web API
A related post for the above one
It demonstrates the usage of in-memory hosting the entire Web API pipeline. However, in your case, it seems that this won't work out but might be worth considering.

Windows Azure + SQL - Hobbyist website

I was wondering whether or not Windows Azure is a viable option, now that they offer 10 free websites, for hosting a simple website with a database and domain name etc.. or is more traditional web hosting still the better option?
The database won't be that big, so the $5 for the 100MB database option will be plenty. I guess a few dollar's would be needed for traffic too?
Custom domain names can only be used in Shared or Reserved modes which are not free.
The free websites would be under [yourSubdomain]
So, it depends whether having your own domain matters to you and, if so, whether you are willing to pay for the website.
Notwithstanding this, Azure websites is a perfectly good cloud solution offering quick deployment of numerous CMS systems including WordPress, Joomla, etc.
I think it is a viable option. However, to get your own domain name you must change the website from free to shared or reserved mode. Heres description and link how to do this!
"When you create a web site, Windows Azure provides a friendly
subdomain on the domain so your users can access
your web site using a URL like
However, if you configure your web sites for shared or reserved mode,
you can map your web site to your own domain name."
