Combination button/dropdown in office - ms-office

How do I add a combination button/dropdown in office (see below). Preferably with code.
Update: If it helps any, code isn't needed.

you can do it, based on the following ActiveX controls:
Microsoft ImageList Control, Version 6
Microsoft ImageComboBox Control, Version 6
Manually, you select "More Controls..." from the [Control Toolbox] menu bar and double click the mentioned controls to get them on your sheet. Position the ComboBox where you want it to be, and disregard the position of the ImageList, it is visible only in design mode. By now you have two embedded contros named
The insertion of the two components also creates a reference to ...\system32\MSCOMCTL32.OCX.
Then you
manually add icons (GIF, BMP, etc) to the Image list
manually set the Combo's ImageList property to "ImageList1"
manually set the Combo's AutoLoad property to True
By now you have a Combo with the error but no icons.
Then you execute this code
Sub FillCombo()
Dim SH As Worksheet, OO As OLEObjects, Idx As Integer
Set SH = ActiveSheet
Set OO = SH.OLEObjects
With OO("ImageCombo1").Object
For Idx = 1 To OO("ImageList1").Object.ListImages.Count
.ComboItems.Add , , , Idx
Next Idx
End With
End Sub
I've tried hard to create the objects by VBA, but the ImageCombo seems to behave different when created as
Set SH = ActiveSheet
Set OO = SH.OLEObjects
OO.Add "MSComctlLib.ImageComboCtl.2"
' .... etc ....
The combo is created, but the dropdown arrow is not displayed no matter what I do, allthough debugger shows that all ListView elements are neatly attached. Lots of colleagues seem to have problems with that ActiveX, there's loads of posting on the net.
Further reading here


How to add (or copy) a new userform in VBA using code inside a Module (not Insert Button)

I need to be able to have identical userforms open simultaneously as a user needs to access info from a dataset to update entries.
Each userform will have the same text boxes, command boxes, etc.
So the userform needs to be of structure userform(i).
How do I create the userforms dynamically? The user selects ID# and new form is created.
I can handle the loops and passing the name into the form to update all the references, but it’s the making a dynamic copy in code that has me completely stumped.
I was thinking the code would be something like:
Dim frm As UserForm
Set frm = UserForms.Add
frm.Name = "NewName_i"
I would then have a loop that would look for how many "NewName_i" exists using Forms.Count and Forms.Visible and then would just add one more as it is needed.
But I cannot get past the creating of a new form dynamically with code.
If you need to show the same form (e.g.) 5 times then you can do something like this:
Dim colForms As Collection 'holds references to the opened forms
Sub TestForms()
Dim i As Long
Set colForms = New Collection
For i = 1 To 5
Dim f As frmTestx
Set f = New frmTestx
f.Show vbModeless 'if not modeless then code stops here...
colForms.Add f
Next i
End Sub

Trying to create an Entity Relationship Database from Excel using Visio Standard

I'm trying to use my company's software, Visio Standard, to create an entity relationship database using Excel. Usually the team has been creating this manually due to not having access to the Professional versions. With a mulitude of entities, the process is extremely tedious doing this one by one. I am trying to import from Excel to Visio without that pro version.
Theoretically the excel template would have Entity Name, Entity Structure (P'ship, Corp, DRE, Individual, ect.) and whatever else information needed to automatically populate into excel.
I have a background in VBA so that could be utilized, I just keep running into roadblocks due to the lack of tabs that the standard version has, including the main Data tab for import.
Is there any way I can import my data from Excel into Visio then run a code to convert it into shapes? What about my own custom template?
We make entity relationship diagrams often so one template would not work. We have a standard shapes & stencils that is used across the board, but the ERD is never the same. I thought I needed a template but I realized that I can't convert a personal template to a wizard or import an excel to the template that the template becomes quite useless.
#Surrogate My idea is that I want to pull the data from a template in excel to automatically create the ERD (or close to it) to save a large sum of time creating those entities through the shapes one by one. I think the template in Excel being so basic, with header columns for the Name of the Entity, Shape to use, hierarchy ladder; VBA does come into play pretty easily, just unsure how to mess around with that since I can't import excel into Visio through the standard version
#y4cine I am stuck because I cannot import data from excel in the standard version.
#TimWilliams I'm not capable of poaching to paying for the pro version, so regardless of the "fun" I would like to see if I could work around the pro version to do what the ERD/wizard can do, even if it requires a large VBA macro.
because I cannot import data from excel in the standard version
This example uses early binding.
In VBA you need to set a reference to the Excel Library.
It sets prop values in already existing shapes. The link being the shape ID.
If you rather need to draw new shapes, I' recommend using a master.
something like:
dim oMaster as master
dim oStencil as document
set oStencil = Application.Documents("myStencil")
set oMaster = oStencil.Masters("myMaster")
then inside the loop:
define some coordinates for x and y
set shp = activepage.drop(oMaster,x,y)
The function:
Public Function excelImport(filename As String) As Boolean
Dim xlsWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlsSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim shp As Visio.Shape
Dim num_rows As Integer
Dim row As Integer
Dim shpID As String
Set xlsWorkbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open(filename)
Set xlsSheet = xlsWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
num_rows = xlsSheet.Range("A65000").End(xlUp).row
For row = 2 To num_rows
shpID = xlsSheet.Range("P" & row).FormulaR1C1
If Not shpID = "" Then
Set shp = ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(CLng(shpID))
shp.Cells("prop.SoAndSo").Formula = Chr(34) & xlsSheet.Range("A" & row).FormulaR1C1 & Chr(34)
End If
Next row
Set xlsSheet = Nothing
Set xlsWorkbook = Nothing
excelImport = True
End Function

BackUp+Restore IDE bookmarks at a specific line of code

Well, the title is because I had a hard time walking through some unbearable docs and finding what I was looking for so, if these keywords can help for other google searches...
Then, when quitting Excel, all previously marked lines of code are lost and it is very frustrating when you have to go to sleep or Excel crashes :)
So, in a moment of pure madness I thought it could be possible, and even not too hard, to just save those line bookmarks and restore them at start up...
You will tell me there are other choices: don't sleep.. or use some powerful add-ins like MZ-Tools or Rubberduck, but I would like to have a native solution and understand what the problem is.
To cut to the edge, here is the core of my problem:
'sub to move cursor to a selected line and add a line bookmark:
Public Sub AddBmkOnly(ByVal CompName As String, ByVal numLine As Long)
Application.VBE.VBProjects("VBAProject") _
.VBComponents(CompName).CodeModule.CodePane _
.SetSelection numLine, 1, numLine, 1
Application.VBE.CommandBars("Edit").Controls(18).Controls(1).Execute 'the only way I could find it to work
End Sub
What happens:
1) with only one call it works!
Public Sub test_addBmk()
Call AddBmkOnly("module 1", 10)
End Sub
2) once there are more, or in a loop for example:
Public Sub test_addBmk()
Call AddBmkOnly("module 1", 10) 'cursor is just moved to selected line
Call AddBmkOnly("module 2", 5) 'line bookmark is added only in the last opened/activated/selected/visible/shown/focused on..? codepane
End Sub
Place your cursor inside the 2nd test_addBmk, run and you will see a beautiful cyan blue mark appearing in the margin of your "module 2" at line 5 but that's all, no where else.
I well tried to add this kind of lines in AddBmkOnly to keep focus/active state, but it has no effect:
With Application.VBE.VBProjects("VBAProject").VBComponents(CompName)
end with
I tried adding some DoEvents, Debug.Print, loop to 1M or likes to see if it was due to some latency/refreshing effect, but no effect either.
It could have something to do with the active state of the module or codepane window, but I can't find a working combination (also, closing the last pane - .ActiveCodePane.Window.Close - will avoid a bookmark to be added too).
It seems also that the focus is lost before an anchor is added, whatever I try, or the 'add bookmark' menu action doesn't see where to apply.... or it is something else...
Calling test_addBmk() multiple times doesn't work neither, the only way I found is creating 'one action' buttons in an Excel sheet, as many as the number of bookmarks I needed... that's not funny.
What am I doing wrong? Is it even possible the way I'm trying? How can I add more than a single bookmark?
You need to active the code pane before you invoke the menu item:
Public Sub AddBmkOnly(ByVal CompName As String, ByVal numLine As Long)
Dim editor As VBE
Dim project As VBProject
Dim component As VBComponent
Set editor = Application.VBE
Set project = Application.VBE.VBProjects("VBAProject")
Set component = project.VBComponents(CompName)
component.CodeModule.CodePane.SetSelection numLine, 1, numLine, 1
Application.VBE.CommandBars("Edit").Controls("&Toggle Bookmark").Execute 'the only way I could find it to work... almost[*]
End Sub
Note that this won't work if you try to step through it in a debugger, because each time you step it sets the active pane back to the code that you're executing.
A couple other notes:
You should be testing the number of code lines before trying to set the selection - if numLine is higher than the lines of code in the module, that's an application error.
Call should be considered deprecated - there's absolutely no reason to use it.
You should avoid hard coding an index in the Controls collection - other add-ins can modify these, so who knows what you'll get.
Thanks for mentioning Rubberduck! (I'm a contributor)
This version of the above works for me.
Public Sub test_addBmk()
Call AddBmkOnly("module1", 10)
Call AddBmkOnly("module2", 5)
End Sub
Public Sub AddBmkOnly(ByVal CompName As String, ByVal numLine As Long)
Dim editor As VBE
Dim project As VBProject
Dim component As VBComponent
Set editor = Application.VBE
Set project = Application.VBE.VBProjects("VBAProject")
Set component = project.VBComponents(CompName)
component.CodeModule.CodePane.SetSelection numLine, 1, numLine, 1
component.Activate: DoEvents
editor.CommandBars("Edit").Controls("&Toggle Bookmark").Execute
End Sub

How to make Chart Legend Items interactive in mschart in a web application

How to make Chart Legend Items interactive in mschart in a web application. I have tried using HitTestResult class. However to get the coordinates for X and Y locations of click, MouseEventArgs class is not supported for charts.Could someone please answer this and preferably share a code snippet.
From the question I guess you want to hide/unhide series on click of legend items. HitResult is used with the desktop version, where we get access to clicked co-ordinates using MouseEventArgs object.
However, to achieve the same on web chart, you can follow the below,
Associate series details with Legend Item's post back property when the chart is being built
legendItem1.PostBackValue = ser.Name & ";" & Chart1.Legends(ChartArea1).CustomItems.Count - 1
This post back can be used to access the clicked series on Chart's click event,
Protected Sub Chart1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ImageMapEventArgs)
Dim pointData As String() = e.PostBackValue.Split(";"c)
Dim selectedSeries As Series = Chart1.Series(pointData(0))
Dim selectedlegendItem As LegendItem = Chart1.Legends("Default").CustomItems(pointData(1))
If selectedSeries IsNot Nothing Then
If selectedSeries.Enabled Then
selectedSeries.Enabled = False
selectedSeries.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End Sub

VBA Excel Button resizes after clicking on it (Command Button)

How can I stop a button from resizing? Each time I click on the button, either the size of the button or the font size changes.
Note: I cannot lock my sheet as my Macro will write into the sheet.
Autosize is turned off. I run Excel 2007 on Windows 7 (64 Bit).
I use the following for ListBoxes. Same principle for buttons; adapt as appropriate.
Private Sub myButton_Click()
Dim lb As MSForms.ListBox
Set lb = Sheet1.myListBox
Dim oldSize As ListBoxSizeType
oldSize = GetListBoxSize(lb)
' Do stuff that makes listbox misbehave and change size.
' Now restore the original size:
SetListBoxSize lb, oldSize
End Sub
This uses the following type and procedures:
Type ListBoxSizeType
height As Single
width As Single
End Type
Function GetListBoxSize(lb As MSForms.ListBox) As ListBoxSizeType
GetListBoxSize.height = lb.height
GetListBoxSize.width = lb.width
End Function
Sub SetListBoxSize(lb As MSForms.ListBox, lbs As ListBoxSizeType)
lb.height = lbs.height
lb.width = lbs.width
End Sub
I added some code to the end of the onClick thus:
CommandButton1.Width = 150
CommandButton1.Height = 33
CommandButton1.Font.Size = 11
Seems to work.
I got the issue a slightly different way. By opening the workbook on my primary laptop display, then moving it to my big monitor. Same root cause I would assume.
Seen this issue in Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013
This code prevents the issue from manifesting. Code needs to run every time a active X object is activated.
Sub Shared_ObjectReset()
Dim MyShapes As OLEObjects
Dim ObjectSelected As OLEObject
Dim ObjectSelected_Height As Double
Dim ObjectSelected_Top As Double
Dim ObjectSelected_Left As Double
Dim ObjectSelected_Width As Double
Dim ObjectSelected_FontSize As Single
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
'OLE Programmatic Identifiers for Commandbuttons = Forms.CommandButton.1
Set MyShapes = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
For Each ObjectSelected In MyShapes
'Remove this line if fixing active object other than buttons
If ObjectSelected.progID = "Forms.CommandButton.1" Then
ObjectSelected_Height = ObjectSelected.Height
ObjectSelected_Top = ObjectSelected.Top
ObjectSelected_Left = ObjectSelected.Left
ObjectSelected_Width = ObjectSelected.Width
ObjectSelected_FontSize = ObjectSelected.Object.FontSize
ObjectSelected.Placement = 3
ObjectSelected.Height = ObjectSelected_Height + 1
ObjectSelected.Top = ObjectSelected_Top + 1
ObjectSelected.Left = ObjectSelected_Left + 1
ObjectSelected.Width = ObjectSelected_Width + 1
ObjectSelected.Object.FontSize = ObjectSelected_FontSize + 1
ObjectSelected.Height = ObjectSelected_Height
ObjectSelected.Top = ObjectSelected_Top
ObjectSelected.Left = ObjectSelected_Left
ObjectSelected.Width = ObjectSelected_Width
ObjectSelected.Object.FontSize = ObjectSelected_FontSize
End If
End Sub
(Excel 2003)
It seems to me there are two different issues:
- resizing of text of ONE button when clicking on it(though not always, don't know why), and
- changing the size of ALL buttons, when opening the workbook on a display with a different resolution (which subsist even when back on the initial display).
As for the individual resizing issue: I found that it is sufficient to modify one dimension of the button to "rejuvenate" it.
Such as :
myButton.Height = myButton.Height + 1
myButton.Height = myButton.Height - 1
You can put it in each button's clicking sub ("myButton_Click"), or implement it
a custom Classe for the "onClick" event.
I experienced the same problem with ActiveX buttons and spins in Excel resizing and moving. This was a shared spreadsheet used on several different PC's laptops and screens. As it was shared I couldn't use macros to automatically reposition and resize in code.
In the end after searching for a solution and trying every possible setting of buttons. I found that grouping the buttons solved the problem immediately. The controls, buttons, spinners all stay in place. I've tested this for a week and no problems. Just select the controls, right click and group - worked like magic.
Use a Forms button rather than an ActiveX one, ActiveX controls randomly misbehave themselves on sheets
Do you have a selection command in the buttons macro?
Shortly after I renamed some cells in a worksheet including one that the toggle button selects after its toggle function, the font size shrunk. I fixed this by making sure Range("...").Select included the new cell name, not the coordinates.
It happens when the screen resolution / settings change after Excel has been open.
For example:
Open a workbook that has a button on it
Log in with Remote Desktop from a computer with different screen size
Click on the button => the button size will change
The only solution I found is to close Excel and reopen it with the new screen settings. All instances of Excel must be closed, including any invisible instance executed by other processes without interface must be killed.
Old issue, but still seems to be an issue for those of us stuck on Excel 2007. Was having same issue on ActiveX Listbox Object and would expand its size on each re-calculate. The LinkCells property was looking to a dynamic (offset) range for its values. Restructuring so that it was looking to a normal range fixed my issue.
I had this problem using Excel 2013. Everything for working fine for a long time and all of sudden, when I clicked on the button (ActiveX), it got bigger and the font got smaller at the same time.
Without saving the file, I restarted my computer and open the same Excel file again and everything is fine again.
Mine resized after printing and changing the zoom redrew the screen and fixed it
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75
Found the same issue with Excel 2016 - was able to correct by changing the height of the control button, changing it back, then selecting a cell on the sheet. Just resizing did not work consistently. Example below for a command button (cmdBALSCHED)
Public Sub cmdBALSCHED_Click()
Sheet3.cmdBALSCHED.Height = 21
Sheet3.cmdBALSCHED.Height = 20
This will reset the height back to 20 and the button font back to as found.
After some frustrated fiddling, The following code helped me work around this Excel/VBA bug.
Two key things to note that may help:
Although others have recommended changing the size, and then immediately changing it back, notice that this code avoids changing it more than once on single toggle state change. If the value changes twice during one event state change (particularly if the second value is the same at the initial value), the alternate width and height properties may not ever be applied to the control, which will not reset the control width and height as it needs to be to prevent the width and height value from decreasing.
I used hard-coded values for the width and height. This is not ideal, but I found this was the only way to prevent the control from shrinking after being clicked several times.
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
'Note: initial height is 133.8 and initial width was 41.4
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
' [Code that I want to run when user clicks control and toggle state is true (not related to this issue)]
'When toggle value is true, simply change the width and height values to a specific value other than their initial values.
ToggleButton1.Height = 40.4
ToggleButton1.Width = 132.8
' [Code that I want to run when user clicks control and toggle state false (not related to this issue)]
'When toggle value is false adjust to an alternate width and height values.
'These can be the same as the initial values, as long as they are in a separate conditional statement.
ToggleButton1.Height = 41.4
ToggleButton1.Width = 133.8
End If
End Sub
For a control that does not toggle, you may be able to use an iterator variable or some other method to ensure that the width and height properties alternate between two similar sets of values, which would produce an effect similar the toggle state changes that I used in this case.
