Linking raw data/resource into executable using LD - linux

Until now I've always used resources under MSVC++ to get access to raw data from inside of my programs and I've never worked with a linker directly, but now I'm under Linux and I'm using a cross-compiler to produce elf files. A friend and I are working on a toy OS.
One thing we need to get accomplished at some point is for a rather large piece of arbitrary raw data to be linked into the executable. We want the data to be located near the end of the executable and need to be able to get a pointer to that raw data as well. It's probably worth noting that GRUB is loading the kernel into memory at boot time.
One of our previous ideas was to just write a program to convert the data into a C source file where the data was represented as an array of bytes, but we figure that's a little bit messy and we'd rather have it linked in directly.
Any insights? I don't need the gruesome details just a broad overview of what needs to be done. I figure we probably have to make some changes to our linker script.

Take a look at calling objdump --add-section after you complete the link to add the arbitrary data to the ELF file.
Alternatively, if you are writing a kernel, you can do what Linux does to load an initrd and just have GRUB load your kernel and then load the data seperately to a known memory location and access it that way.


Can we convert elf from a cpu architecture to another, in linux? [duplicate]

How I can run x86 binaries (for example .exe file) on arm?As I see on Wikipedia,I need to convert binary data for the emulated platform into binary data suitable for execution on the targeted platform.but question is:How I can do it?I need to open file in hex editor and change?Or something else?
To successfully do this, you'd have to do two things.. one relatively easy, one very hard. Neither of which you want to do by hand in a hex editor.
Convert the machine code from x86 to ARM. This is the easy one, because you should be able to map each x86 opcode to one or more ARM opcodes. There are different ways to do this, some more efficient than others, but it can be done with a pretty straightforward mapping.
Remap function calls (and other jumps). This one is hard, because monkeying with the opcodes is going to change all the offsets for the jump and return points. If you have dynamically linked libraries (.so), and we assume that all the libraries are available at exactly the same version in both places (a sketchy assumption at best), you'd have to remap the loads.
It's essentially a machine->machine compiler and linker.
So, can you do it? Sure.
Is it easy? No.
There may be a commercial tool out there, but I'm not aware of it.
You can not do this with a binary;note1 here binary means an object with no symbol information like an elf file. Even with an elf file, this is difficult to impossible. The issue is determining code from data. If you resolve this issue, then you can make de-compilers and other tools.
Even if you haven an elf file, a compiler will insert constants used in the code in the text segment. You have to look at many op-codes and do a reverse basic block to figure out where a function starts and ends.
A better mechanism is to emulate the x86 on the ARM. Here, you can use JIT technology to do the translation as encountered, but you approximately double code space. Also, the code will execute horribly. The ARM has 16 registers and the x86 is register starved (usually it has hidden registers). A compilers big job is to allocate these registers. QEMU is one technology that does this. I am unsure if it goes in the x86 to ARM direction; and it will have a tough job as noted.
Note1: The x86 has an asymmetric op-code sizing. In order to recognize a function prologue and epilogue, you would have to scan an image multiple times. To do this, I think the problem would be something like O(n!) where n is the bytes of the image, and then you might have trouble with in-line assembler and library routines coded in assembler. It maybe possible, but it is extremely hard.
To run an ARM executable on an X86 machine all you need is qemu-user.
you have busybox compiled for AARCH64 architecture (ARM64) and you want to run it on an X86_64 linux system:
Assuming a static compile, this runs arm64 code on x86 system:
$ qemu-aarch64-static ./busybox
And this runs X86 code on ARM system:
$ qemu-x86_64-static ./busybox
What I am curioous is if there is a way to embed both in a single program.
read x86 binary file as utf-8,then copy from ELF to last character�.Then go to arm binary and delete as you copy with x86.Then copy x86 in clip-board to the head.i tried and it's working.

Tool for analyse portable executable loaded into memory

There is a lot of tools designed to help analyzing portable executable files. For example PE Explorer. We can load .exe file into it and check things like number of sections, section alignment or virtual addresses of particular sections.
Is there any similar tool which allows me to do the same but for a portable executable already loaded into memory? Without access to it's .exe file?
Maybe I will try to clarify what I'm trying to achieve. Lets say (like #0x90 suggested) that I have two applications or maybe even three applications.
app1.exe - executed by user, creates new process basing on app3.exe and modifies its memory by putting app2.exe into it.
app2.exe - Injected into app3.exe memory by app1.exe.
app3.exe - Used to create the new process.
I have sources of all of three applications. I'm simply trying to learn about windows internals by practical exercises with injecting/Processes Hollowing. I have some bug in app1.exe which leads to:
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000018).
And I'm trying to find a way to debug this situation. My idea was to compare PE on disk with PE in memory and check if it looks correct. I was surprised that I can't find tool designed for such a propose.
For clarity, the application you wish to examine shall be called App1 while the application which loads the PE files contents into memory shall be called App2.
To my knowledge, all major disassemblers work on files.
This is due to the fact that App1 will be mapped into the address space of App2.
Your easiest solution is to dump the executable to disk from memory.
If you control the source of App2, this step is trivial.
If you don't, you will need to attack a debugger, identify the exact memory range where the PE file resides and use the debugger's functionality to dump that memory range to disk.

ptrace: get imagebase of tracee?

I am on ubuntu 13.10 and have this little stripped+packed elf file. I need to dump various pieces of information from its process in an automated way, so i hacked together a tiny tracer that traces my progress, similar to strace. Three questions arose:
1) after attaching to my process, how can i get it's imagebase?
2) where does the process break first? Apparently it is not the EP of the program.
3) any way i can be notified when a .so/.lib file is loaded? GDB can do this somehow, i think.
The first question really is the most important one. Any help is appreciated.
1) /proc/<PID>/maps contains list of everything the process mapped and from where, including pages mapped from an executable. By reading executable ELF headers you should be able to figure out where .text is.
2) Execution of dynamically linked binary typically starts with an interpreter. INTERP program header in an ELF executable (dump with readelf -e) will have its name. It's interpreter's entry point where execution starts. Typically it's a runtime linker ld-<some-variant>.so. It maps in executable's sections and may also map required shared libraries.
3) GDB has fairly detailed knowledge how runtime linker is implemented so it's able to intercept dynamic object loading by setting breakpoints in the right places. You can do the same. dlopen() seems like a good candidate for an interception point. As I noted in #2, shared objects may have been pre-loaded before the executable gets control.

Is a core dump executable by itself?

The Wikipedia page on Core dump says
In Unix-like systems, core dumps generally use the standard executable
a.out in older versions of Unix,
ELF in modern Linux, System V, Solaris, and BSD systems,
Mach-O in OS X, etc.
Does this mean a core dump is executable by itself? If not, why not?
Edit: Since #WumpusQ.Wumbley mentions a coredump_filter in a comment, perhaps the above question should be: can a core dump be produced such that it is executable by itself?
In older unix variants it was the default to include the text as well as data in the core dump but it was also given in the a.out format and not ELF. Today's default behavior (in Linux for sure, not 100% sure about BSD variants, Solaris etc.) is to have the core dump in ELF format without the text sections but that behavior can be changed.
However, a core dump cannot be executed directly in any case without some help. The reason for that is that there are two things missing from a simple core file. One is the entry point, the other is code to restore the CPU state to the state at or just before the dump occurred (by default also the text sections are missing).
In AIX there used to be a utility called undump but I have no idea what happened to it. It doesn't exist in any standard Linux distribution I know of. As mentioned above (#WumpusQ) there's also an attempt at a similar project for Linux mentioned in above comments, however this project is not complete and doesn't restore the CPU state to the original state. It is, however, still good enough in some specific debugging cases.
It is also worth mentioning that there exist other ELF formatted files that cannot be executes as well which are not core files. Such as object files (compiler output) and .so (shared object) files. Those require a linking stage before being run to resolve external addresses.
I emailed this question the creator of the undump utility for his expertise, and got the following reply:
As mentioned in some of the answers there, it is possible to include
the code sections by setting the coredump_filter, but it's not the
default for Linux (and I'm not entirely sure about BSD variants and
Solaris). If the various code sections are saved in the original
core-dump, there is really nothing missing in order to create the new
executable. It does, however, require some changes in the original
core file (such as including an entry point and pointing that entry
point to code that will restore CPU registers). If the core file is
modified in this way it will become an executable and you'll be able
to run it. Unfortunately, though, some of the states are not going to
be saved so the new executable will not be able to run directly. Open
files, sockets, pips, etc are not going to be open and may even point
to other FDs (which could cause all sorts of weird things). However,
it will most probably be enough for most debugging tasks such running
small functions from gdb (so that you don't get a "not running an
executable" stuff).
As other guys said, I don't think you can execute a core dump file without the original binary.
In case you're interested to debug the binary (and it has debugging symbols included, in other words it is not stripped) then you can run gdb binary core.
Inside gdb you can use bt command (backtrace) to get the stack trace when the application crashed.

Allocating a data page in linux with NX bit turned off

I would like to generate some machine code in my program and then run it. One way to do it would be to write out a .so file and then load it in the program but that seems too expensive.
IS there a way in linux for me to write out the code in my data pages and then set my function ointer there and just call it? I've seen something similar on windows where you can allocate a page with the NX protection turned off for that page, but I can't find a similar OS call for linux.
The mmap(2) (with munmap(2)) and mprotect(2) syscalls are the elementary operations to do that. Recall that syscalls are elementary operations from the point of view of an application. You want PROT_EXEC
You could just strace any dynamically linked executable to get a clue about how you might call them, since the dynamic linker is using them.
Generating a shared object might be less expensive than you imagine. Actually, generating C code, running the compiler, then dlopen-ing the resulting shared object has some sense, even when you work interactively. My MELT domain specific language (to extend GCC) is doing this. Recall that you can do a big lot of dlopen-s without issues.
If you want to generate machine code in memory, you could use GNU lightning (quick generation of slow machine code), libjit from dotgnu (generate less bad machine code), LuaJit, asmjit (x86 or amd64 specific), LLVM (slowly generate optimized machine code). BTW, the SBCL Common Lisp implementation is dynamically compiling to memory and produces good machine code at runtime (and there is also all the JIT for JVMs doing that).
