Removing branding from NSIS installer - nsis

Could any one help me to remove the "Nullsoft" label in NSIS installer? Please refer the image below.

BrandingText " "


Inno Setup Exit Setup page shows buttons in system language, not in setup language [duplicate]

I am using unicode Inno Setup (5.4.2u), and none of the Yes/No buttons in the dialog boxes are translating. Has anyone found a way around this?
Thank you
According to the docs, this is not a problem with InnoSetup but is a function of Windows itself:
From the page: The button captions are in the same language as Windows itself. So if the user is running an English edition of Windows, they will see English button captions.

Inno Setup - How can I change the About dialog text?

Can I change the default text in the about dialog box? Overriding the AboutSetupMessage doesn't seem to do anything:
AboutSetupMenuItem=&About MyApp...
AboutSetupTitle=About MyApp
AboutSetupMessage={#MyAppPublisher} version {#MyAppVersion}%n{#MyCopyright}%nhome page:%n{#MyAppURL}
Doesn't seem to matter if I edit the default.isl or use a custom ISL either. The menu item and the title change, but not the message text.
Any ideas?
There's no AboutSetupMessage.
There's AboutSetupNote. It does not change the About box message though. It's appended to it.
There's no way to change the message.
For me the AboutSetupNote did not work on Inno Setup 5.6.1 Unicode, but the TranslatorNote did.
Alternatively try TranslatorNote. This one does not change the about box message but it will append to it which is the correct application of Inno Setup license.

Choose a folder dialog for nsis

I have a problem with the skin that I am using for my nsis installer.
Is there a way to control to not apply skin to choose a folder dialog.
I am using Skincrafter plugin to apply this skin.
Generally if I load it after initializaiton, it applies to all pages/inner dialogs and child dialogs. I do not want Browse for a folder dialog to have a skin.
Can someone please provide any suggestions?
There is no way how to fix this from NSIS.
Asks the authors to add this feature for you or (if the sources are available) modify the it by yourself to fit your needs.
There are also some other skinning systems for NSIS - e.g. mine Graphical Installer (sorry for this little promo :) so you can try to use them.

How to skip the screen for Name/Organization in Inno Script installer

Inno Setup allows you to see a screen in which you are prompted to input your name and Organization.
How I can make my installer skip this screen?
To skip the Name and Organization input in InnoSetup script do the following:
For that page to appear, your setup must have explicitly implemented the CheckSerial event function. If you remove that then the page will also disappear.

NSIS scripts-Changing header text. Also using same variable in both installer and uninstaller section

I am writing an installer using NSIS. I wanna know how to change or write a description(text on white header)on custom pages? For eg: I am inserting a customized page after the directory page and the description remains the same i.e Choose Install Location...
But I wanna change it according to my page requirement. How should I change this text?
Also I wanna access a variable in uninstaller section which is set with some string in installer section. Please help me on this...
Okay, you seem to have two questions there.. probably best to post them separately :)
For setting the title of the customized page, simply use the following macro (I've got mine placed just prior to calling nsDialogs::Create)
Where MY_CUSTOM_TITLE and MY_CUSTOM_SUBTITLE are variables set elsewhere.
You will need to save the string value of the variable during installation by writing it out to a file or registry setting, and then later during uninstallation reading that value from the same location.
I think you need to do this:
!define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_TEXT_DESTINATION "My alternate Choose Install Location text"
You could also edit the language files. This is assuming you are using MUI for your custom pages:
