I want to include more than one case statement in a Haskell function (see below for an example of a hypothetical function).
However, it is not legal Haskell. What is a better way of accomplishing the same thing? Furthermore, if the case statements are not returning anything, but simply setting some value, why is it not legal to have more than one case statement in a function?
(I would get a "parse error on input `case'" on line 5)
tester x y =
case (x < 0) of
True -> "less than zero."
False -> "greater than or equal to zero."
case (y == "foo")
True -> "the name is foo."
False -> "the name is not foo."
Note that if my function were simply:
tester x y =
case (x < 0) of
True -> "less than zero."
False -> "greater than or equal to zero."
...then it would compile.
In general the body of a function has to be a single expression (very often made up of smaller expressions). The following isn't allowed, for example:
f x y =
This is equivalent to your first example—we've just substituted one kind of expression (string literals) for another (your case expressions).
It's certainly possible to include more than one case expression in a Haskell function:
tester :: Int -> String -> (String, String)
tester x y = (a, b)
a = case (x < 0) of
True -> "less than zero."
False -> "greater than or equal to zero."
b = case (y == "foo") of
True -> "the name is foo."
False -> "the name is not foo."
Or even:
tester :: Int -> String -> IO ()
tester x y = do
putStrLn $ case (x < 0) of
True -> "less than zero."
False -> "greater than or equal to zero."
putStrLn $ case (y == "foo") of
True -> "the name is foo."
False -> "the name is not foo."
These work because the body of the function is a single expression (although neither is really idiomatic Haskell).
I wouldn't use a case statement in this case though, this IMO looks better:
tester :: Int -> String -> String
tester x y | x < 0 = "less than zero. " ++ expr
| otherwise = "greater than or equal to zero. " ++ expr
where expr = if y == "foo" then "the name is foo." else "the name is not foo."
In general, it looks like what you want is guards. However, as already mentioned, your function is not a single expression. Assuming that you want to return a tuple of strings, it can be written like this using guards (and some added fun from Arrows):
import Control.Arrow
testx x | x < 0 = "Less then zero."
| otherwise = "Greater then or equal to zero."
testy y | y == "foo" = "The name is foo."
| otherwise = "The name is not foo."
tester = curry (testx *** testy)
You could also drop the Control.Arrow bit all together and write:
tester x y = (testx x, testy y)
I am going through Learn you a haskell book, and in Chapter 8 there is a snippet of code which looks like this
data LockerState = Taken | Free deriving (Eq, Show)
type Code = String
type LockerMap = Map.Map Int (LockerState, Code)
lookup' :: Int -> LockerMap -> Either String Code
lookup' num_ map_ =
case (Map.lookup num_ map_) of
Nothing -> Left $ "LockerNumber doesn't exist!"
Just (state, code) -> if state == Taken
then Left $ "LockerNumber already taken!"
else Right $ code
This works. However, I wanted to convert if/else block to guard statements like this:
lookup' :: Int -> LockerMap -> Either String Code
lookup' num_ map_ =
case (Map.lookup num_ map_) of
Nothing -> Left $ "LockerNumber doesn't exist!"
Just (state, code) ->
| state == Taken = Left $ "LockerNumber already taken!"
| otherwise = Right $ Code
This doesn't compile. It seems that usage of guards in Haskell is very restrictive/non intuitive. SO Ex1 SO Ex2. Is there a definite source which I can read which tells at which places I can use guards?
There are two places guards are allowed: function definitions and case expressions. In both contexts, guards appear after a pattern and before the body, so you use = in functions and -> in case branches, as usual:
divide x y
| y == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (x / y)
positively mx = case mx of
Just x | x > 0 -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
Guards are simply constraints for patterns, so Just x matches any non-Nothing value, but Just x | x > 0 only matches a Just whose wrapped value is also positive.
I suppose the definitive reference is the Haskell Report, specifically §3.13 Case Expressions and §4.4.3 Function and Pattern Bindings, which describe the syntax of guards and specify where they’re allowed.
In your code, you want:
Just (state, code)
| state == Taken -> Left "LockerNumber already taken!"
| otherwise -> Right code
This is also expressible with patterns alone:
Just (Taken, _) -> Left "LockerNumber already taken!"
Just (_, code) -> Right code
I have this code:
module BalancedTwoDozenMultDrill where
import BalancedTwoDozenLib
myRandoms :: Int -> IO [Int]
myRandoms n = let x = 24^n `div` 2 in randomRs (-x,x) <$> getStdGen
drill :: [Int] -> IO ()
drill (x:y:rs) = do
putStr $ showInt x ++ " × " ++ showInt y ++ " = "
a <- getLine
case a of
"" -> return ()
showInt (x * y) -> do -- <= here
putStrLn "Correct"
drill rs
_ -> do
putStrLn $ "Wrong; " ++ showInt (x * y)
drill rs
main :: IO [Int]
main = drill =<< myRandoms =<< readLn
and get error:
BalancedTwoDozenMultDrill.hs:11:18: Parse error in pattern: x * y
However, replacing part of the case statement with:
-- ...stuff
let i = showInt (x * y)
case a of
"" -> return ()
i -> do
-- stuff...
Makes it parse (it goes to “not in scope” errors, which I can fix). The only reason I see for the first fragment being wrong is that there is function application going on. Is it true that I can't use ordinary function application for the alternatives in a case statement?
When you have a pattern in a case statement, it has to follow the same rules as that in pattern matching on function arguments. Only literals, constructors, and the wildcard _ can be matched on, not function applications. Instead, you could do something more like
a <- getLine
let xyStr = showInt (x * y) -- Avoid recomputation with a let binding
when (not $ null a) $ do
if a == xyStr
then do
putStrLn "Correct"
drill rs
else do
putStrLn $ "Wrong; " ++ xyStr
drill rs
You'll need to import when from Control.Monad, though.
The reason why you have to follow the same rules in case statements as in pattern matching in function definitions is because the compiler actually converts something like
head :: [a] -> a
head (x:xs) = x
head _ = error "Prelude.head: empty list"
head :: [a] -> a
head list = case list of
(x:xs) -> x
_ -> error "Prelude.head: empty list"
The only reason we have the former version is convenience, it often makes for prettier looking code.
This link should be able to give you a more thorough explanation as to what is and isn't valid pattern matching constructs.
The other problem you had was trying to replace showInt (x * y) with i where let i = showInt (x * y). When you do this, you first bind the value showInt (x * y) to the name i, then in your case statement you have the patterns
"" -> ...
i -> ...
_ -> ...
So now your pattern is i, and it will act like a catch-all pattern after "". This rebinds the name i for the scope of that case statement.
A good rule to keep in mind is that you can't pattern match against a value obtained at run time, you have to check with equality or other comparison operations.
Although an answer already accepted I'd just mention there is a bit tricky way how use a boolean expressions in a case expression - by using guards:
case () of
| a == "" -> return ()
| showInt (x * y) -> do -- <= here
putStrLn "Correct"
drill rs
| otherwise -> do
putStrLn $ "Wrong; " ++ showInt (x * y)
drill rs
In F#, I can use | to group cases when pattern matching. For example,
let rec factorial n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 -> 1 // like in this line
| _ -> n * factorial (n - 1)
What's the Haskell syntax for the same?
There is no way of sharing the same right hand side for different patterns. However, you can usually get around this by using guards instead of patterns, for example with elem.
foo x | x `elem` [A, C, G] = ...
| x `elem` [B, D, E] = ...
| otherwise = ...
with guards:
factorial n
| n < 2 = 1
| otherwise = n * (factorial (n - 1))
with pattern matching:
factorial 0 = 1
factorial 1 = 1
factorial n = n * (factorial (n - 1))
I'm not entirely familiar with F#, but in Haskell, case statements allow you to pattern match, binding variables to parts of an expression.
case listExpr of
(x:y:_) -> x+y
[x] -> x
_ -> 0
In the theoretical case that Haskell allowed the same:
It would therefore be problematic to allow multiple bindings
case listExpr of
(x:y:_) | [z] -> erm...which variables are bound? x and y? or z?
There are rare circumstances where it could work, by using the same binding:
unEither :: Either a a -> a
unEither val = case val of
Left v | Right v -> v
And as in the example you gave, it could work alright if you only match literals and do not bind anything:
case expr of
1 | 0 -> foo
_ -> bar
As far as I know, Haskell does not have syntax like that. It does have guards, though, as mentioned by others.
Also note:
Using | in the case statement serves a different function in Haskell. The statement after the | acts as a guard.
case expr of
[x] | x < 2 -> 2
[x] -> 3
_ -> 4
So if this sort of syntax were to be introduced into Haskell, it would have to use something other than |. I would suggest using , (to whomever might feel like adding this to the Haskell spec.)
unEither val = case val of
Left v, Right v -> v
This currently produces "parse error on input ,"
Building on some of the above answers, you can (at least now) use guards to do multiple cases on a single line:
case name of
x | elem x ["Bob","John","Joe"] -> putStrLn "ok!"
"Frank" -> putStrLn "not ok!"
_ -> putStrLn "bad input!"
So, an input of "Bob", "John", or "Joe" would give you an "ok!", whereas "Frank" would be "not ok!", and everything else would be "bad input!"
Here's a fairly literal translation:
factorial n = case n of
0 -> sharedImpl
1 -> sharedImpl
n -> n * factorial (n - 1)
sharedImpl = 1
View patterns could also give you a literal translation.
isZeroOrOne n = case n of
0 -> True
1 -> True
_ -> False
factorial1 n = case n of
(isZeroOrOne -> True) -> 1
n -> n * factorial (n - 1)
factorial2 n = case n of
(\n -> case n of { 0 -> True; 1 -> True; _ -> False }) -> 1
n -> n * factorial (n - 1)
Not saying that these are better than the alternatives. Just pointing them out.
I would like to do something different but it would be too long so below is only example:
test x y = if x == "5" then x
else do putStrLn "bad value"; y
so if x == 5 it should return x, else it should print 'bad value' and return y - how can I do that in haskell ?
Why this code returns error: "couldn't match expected type bool with actual type IO bool" ?
canTest :: String -> IO Bool
canTest x = if x == "5" then return True
else do putStrLn "bad value"; return False
test x y = if canTest x then x
else y
You need to make both sides have the same type, namely IO String. For this you need to use return to lift the values into the monad, i.e.
test :: String -> String -> IO String
test x y = if x == "5"
then return x
else do putStrLn "bad value"
return y
Now return x has the type IO String, and so does the do block in the else branch.
Because canTest has side-effects (i.e. does I/O), its return type is IO Bool, which has two implications:
You cannot test its value directly in the if predicate, you must 'run' the action first, then test the extracted value.
Your edited test function must also be in the IO monad, as you cannot escape IO. (Unless very carefully with unsafePerformIO)
canTest :: String -> IO Bool
canTest x = if x == "5"
then return True
else do putStrLn "bad value"; return False
test :: String -> String -> IO String
test x y = do xCanTest <- canTest x
if xCanTest
then return x
else return y
Results in
Prelude> test "5" "12"
Prelude> test "6" "12"
bad value
I often hear the phrase, guards are just syntactic sugar for if-then-else (or case statements).
Can somebody please desugar the following instance:
halfOf :: Int -> Int
halfOf x | even x = div x 2
(The function is intentionally partial)
halfOf x =
if even x
then div x 2
else error "Incomplete pattern match"
The exact kind of error triggered by an unhandled case is not specified by the language definition, and varies from compiler to compiler.
edit: If there are multiple guards and/or patterns, each guard or pattern match goes into the non-matching part of the previous case.
compare x y
| x == y = foo
| x /= y = bar
compare _ _ = baz
compare x y =
if x == y
then foo
else if x /= y
then bar
else baz
The semantics of pattern matching are defined in the following section of the standard: Formal Semantics of Pattern Matching.
The step that is relevant to your question is c. As you can see, pattern matches with guards of the form
case v of { p | g1 -> e1 ; ...
| gn -> en where { decls }
_ -> e' }
Are translated to pattern matches without guards as:
case e' of
{y ->
case v of {
p -> let { decls } in
if g1 then e1 ... else if gn then en else y ;
_ -> y }}
So pattern guards are defined in terms of if and "fallthrough" is implemented by binding the expression to a variable and then repeating it once in the else clause of the if and then in the pattern that you'd fall through to.
If there is no case to fall through to (as in your example) one will have been inserted by step b, which inserts a default case _ -> error "No match"