Creat a website counter on dreamweaver cs5 - dreamweaver

Hello I use dreamweaver cs5 on my website designer it is very good.
But one thing I wanted to kow was how do i create a counter that counts all the different computer id that look at the page.
I have seen loads of ones you can embed but all of them have links to other sites.
If anyone could help it would be ver appreiated

A quick google search shows that there is many different options out there. Try searching for "hitcounters". The one that stands out to me is: That one shows a visible image showing the number of hits. If you want to have that is not visable or shows more info try You will just need to fill out some information and then embed the code into the page (at the location you want). They are simple to setup


Force Google Doc to open without Print Layout view

Writing guides in Google Docs and sharing them with other people as read-only is great. However, even when formatting it without the "Print Layout" option (the first toggle option under View menu), every viewer opening the document will see it in Print Layout, i.e. with half-empty pages before each page break. This is very annoying.
Is there any way to default the Print Layout to be switched OFF when a read-only viewer opens a Google Doc? Here are 2 ways for which I'm hoping:
via a URL parameter, so that the link I share determines the document will open with a switched-off Print Layout;
in Google Apps Script, with something like function onOpen(){ DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().setPrintLayout(false); }
(except setPrintLayout() does not seem to exist right now).
I'm mostly interested in the web browser version, and in the mobile app too (though less).
There's a similar question over there (with screenshots).
And there's a discussion dating back when switching off Print Layout in read-only Google Docs was not yet possible (it is, now, though only manually).

How can I add radio from another site to mine

So I want to add a radio from another site, so that people can play it on my site. How can I do that?
I really don't know what to do and I don't even know how to search. I have tried to search but couldn't find anything
Try an iframe tag to copy the "player" onto your website
Tbh we need more information, preferably a example of what you're trying to copy will be the best.
<iframe src=""></iframe>
That is it according to your link.
You can adjust the size refer to this link

How to better expose your chrome extension

I've developed a chrome extension because I needed something that could make pages view things in greyscale.
I tried addons like this but it was completely broken for me.
Anyway, after creating my own, with a lot more than just 'greyscale' functionality I called it something really generic.
So now I'm worried, anyone searching for 'greyscale' or 'webpage photo filter' wont find my extension!
My question is; is there any way to add tags to your extension listing in the store that searches will take into account? Or do you have suggestions on where I should spout keywords in the current description space?
Add keywords into your extension's description, either into sentences, bullet points, or just a simple list at the end.
There are no tags in Chrome Web Store listings. You have to get creative with your text.
A suggestion for your description:
Create your own webpage photo filters!
See things in;
black and white (greyscale)

How to make a webpage with multiple pages appear as one continuous page

Hi I am frequenter of and many other sites who constantly put content I want on ten pages instead of one easy to read long page.
Is there any way to tell the site to show me all the pages one after the other in one continuous long page?
I was thinking a greesemonkey script maybe or some addon?
Many Thanks, Josh.
No, because there can only be 1 page per tab. You can write a firefox addon script that will detect whether you have scrolled to the bottom and than focus the browser on the the next tab and vice versa.

Changing My Site and My Profile tab text

How do I go about changing the My Site and My Profile text on everyone's My Site within SharePoint 2007?
I can't seem to find anywhere where these are set in any of the master pages.
12\TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates\SPSPERS\default.aspx is the page where you will be able to change it. But it is not recommanded to touch this file for editing. One of the best recommaned approach to achive what you want is defined here
To solve this problem rather than create my own My Site Host as was suggested on another forum I used jQuery to find the tabs and change their name on the fly. Not the greatest fix but it works flawlessly
