How can I add radio from another site to mine - web

So I want to add a radio from another site, so that people can play it on my site. How can I do that?
I really don't know what to do and I don't even know how to search. I have tried to search but couldn't find anything

Try an iframe tag to copy the "player" onto your website
Tbh we need more information, preferably a example of what you're trying to copy will be the best.
<iframe src=""></iframe>
That is it according to your link.
You can adjust the size refer to this link


Asciidoctor navigation bar

I see that itself has a navigation (top) bar. I'm guessing that the website was written using asciidoctor source files. Either way, how do I add a navigation bar using asciidoctor?
This is possibly the wrong question to ask. Perhaps the right way to go is to use awestruct, Middleman, or Jekyll. Advice/suggestions are welcome.
Yes, the source is asciidoctor, but the site is using awestruct for the structure around the content. If you're looking at doing the same kind of thing, we recommend using some other site generation tool for the structure around the content.
Of course if you really want to do this in asciidoctor, you could. You'd need to create your own theme and craft the header that way, but it isn't really recommended because it ties your output to a medium.

how to add editing live website on the website?

if you have ever worked with IPB Forums you will know that you can make changes to your site in the ACP (admin control panel) well what im wanting to do is make something like the one that they use for the "look & feel" part of the forums where you can make changes to the entire website from the one small area i want to add that to my ACP on my main site to make it easier to make changes.
yes i already own a copy of IPB its v3.2.3 if it makes any difference
i appreciate any and all help
Look into adding a "edit in place" function somewhere in your website/forum. Check out:
As long as you understand super basic mySQL, PHP, and heard of jQuery/know how to add jQuery plugins to your code, then you are set!
Here is their (link provided above's) demo page:

Creat a website counter on dreamweaver cs5

Hello I use dreamweaver cs5 on my website designer it is very good.
But one thing I wanted to kow was how do i create a counter that counts all the different computer id that look at the page.
I have seen loads of ones you can embed but all of them have links to other sites.
If anyone could help it would be ver appreiated
A quick google search shows that there is many different options out there. Try searching for "hitcounters". The one that stands out to me is: That one shows a visible image showing the number of hits. If you want to have that is not visable or shows more info try You will just need to fill out some information and then embed the code into the page (at the location you want). They are simple to setup

Custom navigation with Liknlist web part

I'm using a standard link list web part. What I want to achieve is before my users click on the link a pop-up javascript warning box will display, stating that they are leaving the domain. In regular anchor tag I would preceed the URL with javascript:ShowWarning('');.
I've search the AllLinks table in the database but did not find the links was looking for.
Where or how are these stored?
Firstly, editing the SharePoint database directly is a really bad idea. You shouldn't do it unless you really, really know what you are doing, and even then you will probably break the system.
Secondly, any change made in the data will be what shows up in the editor, and I don't think the editor supports links that don't start with "http://".
A better approach is to use jquery to add the popup behaviour to the links when the page is loaded.

Changing My Site and My Profile tab text

How do I go about changing the My Site and My Profile text on everyone's My Site within SharePoint 2007?
I can't seem to find anywhere where these are set in any of the master pages.
12\TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates\SPSPERS\default.aspx is the page where you will be able to change it. But it is not recommanded to touch this file for editing. One of the best recommaned approach to achive what you want is defined here
To solve this problem rather than create my own My Site Host as was suggested on another forum I used jQuery to find the tabs and change their name on the fly. Not the greatest fix but it works flawlessly
