Is there a variable in Linux that shows me the last time the machine was turned on? - linux

I want to create a script that, after knowing that my machine has been turned on for at least 7h, it does something.
Is this possible? Is there a system variable or something like that that shows me the last time the machine was turned on?

The following command placed in /etc/rc.local:
echo 'touch /tmp/test' | at -t $(date -d "+7 hours" +%m%d%H%M)
will create a job that will run a touch /tmp/test in seven hours.
To protect against frequent reboots and prevent adding multiple jobs you could use one at queue exclusively for this type of jobs (e.g. c queue). Adding -q c to the list of at parameters will place the job in the c queue. Before adding new job you can delete all jobs from c queue:
for job in $(atq -q c | sed 's/[ \t].*//'); do atrm $job; done

You can parse the output of uptime I suppose.

As Pavel and thkala point out below, this is not a robust solution. See their comments!
The uptime command shows you how long the system has been running.
To accomplish your task, you can make a script that first does sleep 25200 (25200 seconds = 7 hours), and then does something useful. Have this script run at startup, for example by adding it to /etc/rc.local. This is a better idea than polling the uptime command to see if the machine has been up for 7 hours (which is comparable to a kid in the backseat of a car asking "are we there yet?" :-))

Just wait for uptime to equal seven hours.

I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but uptime command will give you for how many computer was running since last reboot.

$ cut -d ' ' -f 1 </proc/uptime
This will give you the current system uptime in seconds, in floating point format.
The following could be used in a bash script:
if [[ "$(cut -d . -f 1 </proc/uptime)" -gt "$(($HOURS * 3600))" ]]; then

Add the following to your crontab:
#reboot sleep 7h; /path/to/job
Either /etc/crontab, /etc/cron.d/, or your users crontab, depending on whether you want to run it as root or the user -- don't forget to put "root" after "#reboot" if you put it in /etc/crontab or cron.d
This has the benefit that if you reboot multiple times, the jobs get cancelled at shut down, so you won't get a bunch of them stacking up if you reboot several times within 7 hours. The "#reboot" time specification triggers the job to be run once when the system is rebooted. "sleep 7h;" waits for 7 hours before running "/path/to/job".


shell: rebooting bunch of servers all at the same time

I want to be able to reboot a bunch of servers all at the same time (in a bash script).
Currently, what I do is something like that:
function reboot_servers() {
echo "Rebooting servers..."
for server in "${servers[#]}"
sshpass -p 'password' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root#$server 'reboot'
(servers is an array of 4 servers, sometimes 8, and in the future probably more)
Now, I am aware that in theory I cannot really have them rebooted all at the exact same time, but I'd like it to be as simultaneously as possible, and the above solution is far from optimal for me.
In my current script, if every iteration takes (say) few hundreds milliseconds in average (the ssh login sometimes lags and is unpredictable), the time passed from when the first server launches the reboot command until the last one does could amount to seconds, which is completely ineffective.
I should also mention that the clocks in all the servers are synced, and also to give you some context, the above function is being run over and over again in something similar to this;
function main() {
while true
echo "------> Iteration $((++iteration)) <------"
if bug_reproduced
echo "Bug was reproduced."
exit 0
echo "No reproduction, trying again..."
I read a little bit about the at command, but I'm not sure how to use it for my benefit here.
I would recommend using parallel-ssh.
I end up using pdsh, which gave quite impressive results...
$> pdsh -l root -w server0[0-3] date "+%T.%3N"
server00: 12:29:45.845
server01: 12:29:45.830
server02: 12:29:45.870
server03: 12:29:45.893

How do i activate cron command once within specific time frame?

Basic information about my system: I have a music system where people can schedule songs to start and end at a specific time.
OS: Arch linux
It sets two crons at the moment. One lets say at 1.50 (start time with a command like "play etc") and another set at 3.20 (end time with a command like "end etc").
My setup works perfectly and i can end delete schedules etc etc but i now noticed an issue! If i set the above times and turn the system off (My system is a raspberry pi) and turn back on at lets say 2.00 and i missed the 1.50 deadline, the music doesnt start (obviously) and i want to try make it so no matter what time i turn it on within a range lets say: 1.50 - 3.20 it will start the play command. But it will run the command once!
I looked around and the commands i got was like:
0 1.50-3.20/2 * * *
But thats to run every 2 hours. I want it to run once only between these times?
You could add an additional cron job which starts a script on every reboot. For instance, you could add a line like this to your crontab:
#reboot /home/pi/
Your script should check if current time is within the desired period and run the desired command if it is. For example the code below will print PLAY! if the script is run between 1:50 and 3:20. You could replace echo 'PLAY!' by run WHATEVER
current=$(date '+%H%M')
(( current=(10#$current) ))
((current > 150 && current < 320 )) && echo 'PLAY!'
P.S. Don't forget to make your script executable sudo chmod +x
You might want to look at the at command and its utilities.
at [-q queue] [-f file] [-mldbv] time
at [-q queue] [-f file] [-mldbv] -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]
at -c job [job ...]
at -l [job ...]
at -l -q queue
at -r job [job ...]
atq [-q queue] [-v]
atrm job [job ...]
batch [-q queue] [-f file] [-mv] [time]
at is good for scheduling one time jobs to be run at some point in the future. It maintains a queue of these jobs, so you can use it to schedule things with a great variety of different time specifications.
Cron is in my opinion a scheduler for jobs that are to be repeated over and over.
So a quick and dirty example for you:
echo 'ls -lathF' | at now + 1 minute
As expected you will see a job to be run in one minute. Try atq to see the list of jobs.
When the job is done, output will be mailed to your user by default.
I solved the issue by creating a PHP file and load the page on reboot then do its work and redirect back to such and such.

How to kill a process on no output for some period of time

I've written a program that is suppose to run for a long time and it outputs the progress to stdout, however, under some circumstances it begins to hang and the easiest thing to do is to restart it.
My question is: Is there a way to do something that would kill the process only if it had no output for a specific number of seconds?
I have started thinking about it, and the only thing that comes to mind is something like this:
./application > output.log &
tail -f output.log
then create script which would look at the date and time of the last modification on output.log and restart the whole thing.
But it looks very tedious, and i would hate to go through all that if there were an existing command for that.
As far as I know, there isn't a standard utility to do it, but a good start for a one-liner would be:
timeout=10; if [ -z "`find output.log -newermt #$[$(date +%s)-${timeout}]`" ]; then killall -TERM application; fi
At least, this will avoid the tedious part of coding a more complex script.
Some hints:
Using the find utility to compare the last modification date of the output.log file against a time reference.
The time reference is returned by date utility as the current time in seconds (+%s) since EPOCH (1970-01-01 UTC).
Using bash $[] operation to subtract the $timeout value (10 seconds on the example)
If no output is returned from the above find, then the file wasn't changed for more than 10 seconds. This will trigger a true in the if condition and the killall command will be executed.
You can also set an alias for that, using:
alias kill_application='timeout=10; if [ -z "`find output.log -newermt #$[$(date +%s)-${timeout}]`" ]; then killall -TERM application; fi';
And then use it whenever you want by just issuing the command kill_application
If you want to automatically restart the application without human intervention, you can install a crontab entry to run every minute or so and also issue the application restart command after the killall (Probably you may also want to change the -TERM to -KILL, just in case the application becomes unresponsive to handleable signals).
The inotifywait could help here, it efficiently waits for changes to files. The exit status can be checked to identify if the event (modify) occurred in the specified interval of time.
$ inotifywait -e modify -t 10 output.log
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
$ echo $?
Some related info from man:
-e <event>, --event <event>
Listen for specific event(s) only.
-t <seconds>, --timeout <seconds>
Exit if an appropriate event has not occurred within <seconds> seconds.
2 The -t option was used and an event did not occur in the specified interval of time.
modify A watched file or a file within a watched directory was written to.

linux batch jobs in parallel

I have seven licenses of a particular software. Therefore, I want to start 7 jobs simultaneously. I can do that using '&'. Now, 'wait' command waits till the end of all of those 7 processes to be finished to spawn the next 7. Now, I would like to write the shell script where after I start the first seven, as and when a job gets completed I would like to start another. This is because some of those 7 jobs might take very long while some others get over really quickly. I don't want to waste time waiting for all of them to finish. Is there a way to do this in linux? Could you please help me?
GNU parallel is the way to go. It is designed for launching multiples instances of a same command, each with a different argument retrieved either from stdin or an external file.
Let's say your licensed script is called myScript, each instance having the same options --arg1 --arg2 and taking a variable parameter --argVariable for each instance spawned, those parameters being stored in file myParameters :
cat myParameters | parallel -halt 1 --jobs 7 ./myScript --arg1 --argVariable {} --arg2
Explanations :
-halt 1 tells parallel to halt all jobs if one fails
--jobs 7 will launch 7 instances of myScript
On a debian-based linux system, you can install parallel using :
sudo apt-get install parallel
As a bonus, if your licenses allow it, you can even tell parallel to launch these 7 instances amongst multiple computers.
You could check how many are currently running and start more if you have less than 7:
while true; do
if [ "`ps ax -o comm | grep process-name | wc -l`" -lt 7 ]; then
process-name &
sleep 1
Write two scripts. One which restarts a job everytime it is finished and one that starts 7 times the first script.
./script2 job1
./script2 job7
I found a fairly good solution using make, which is a part of the standard distributions. See here

Instance limited cron job

I want to run a cron job every minute that will launch a script. Simple enough there. However, I need to make sure that not more than X number (defined in the script) of instances are ever running. These are queue workers, so if at any minute interval 6 workers are still active, then I would not launch another instance. The script simply launches a PHP script which exits if no job available. Right now I have a shell script that perpetually launches itself every 10 seconds after exit... but there are long periods of time where there are no jobs, and a minute delay is fine. Eventually I would like to have two cron jobs for peak and off-peak, with different intervals.
Make sure you have unique script name.
Then check if 6 instances are already running
if [ $(pgrep '^UNIQUE_SCIPT_NAME$' -c) -lt 6 ]
# start my script
# do not start my script
I'd say that if you want to iterate as often as every minute, then a process like your current shell script that relaunches itself is what you actually want to do. Just increase the delay from 10 seconds to a minute.
That way, you can also more easily control your delay for peak and off-peak, as you wanted. It would be rather elegant to simply use a shorter delay if the script found something to do the last time it was launched, or a longer delay if it did not find anything.
You could use a script like OneAtATime to guard against multiple simultaneous executions.
This is what i am using in my shell scripts:
echo -n "Checking if job is already running... "
me=`basename $0`
running=$(ps aux | grep ${me} | grep -v .log | grep -v grep | wc -l)
if [ $running -gt 1 ];
echo "already running, stopping job"
exit 1
echo "OK."
The command you're looking for is in line 3. Just replace $(me) with your php script name. In case you're wondering about the grep .log part: I'm piping the output into a log file, whose name partially contains the script name, so this way i'm avoiding it to be double-counted.
