SaaS DNS Records Design - web

This question is an extension to previously answered question
How to give cname forward support to saas software
Sample sites -
Create affinity by say client[1-10] to be forwarded to => IP address.
Another criteria is it should have little recourse to proxy, firewall and network changes. In essence the solution I am attempting is a Data Dependent Routing (based on URL, Login Information etc.).
However they all mean I have a token based authentication system to authenticate and then redirect the user to a new URL. I am afraid that can be a single point of failure and will need a seperate site from my core app to do such routing. Also its quite some refactoring to existing code. Another concenr is the solution also may not be entirely transparent to the end user as it will be a HTTP Redirect 301.
Keeping in mind that application can be served from Load Balanced Web Servers (IIS) with LB Switch and other Network appliances, I would greatly appreciate if someone can simplify and educate me how this should be designed.
Another resource I have been looking up is -

You could stick routing information into a cookie, so that the various intermediary systems can then detect that cookie and redirect the user accordingly without there being a single point of failure.
If the user forges a cookie of his own, he might get redirected to a server where he does not belong, but that server would then check whether the cookie is indeed valid, and prevent unauthorized access.


best way to redirect securely one domain to another in IIS without having a website

I would like to know what is the best way to redirect everything from to
best means
as less effort as possible,
as cheap as possible,
as secure as possible.
In detail:
Less effort: If possible without the need of creating a website oder some code like javascript
Secure: should be accpeted by the browsers - no warning.
Cheap: if possible without buying a certificate (I don't think that this is possible) and without having a second webserver running
So in theory, the communication would be like this:
Making the address targeting the same IP address
Making the existing IIS listen to that address to
Let IIS tell the caller "yes, you're totally right here, but I neither I have a website nor do I have a certificate, but you don't need anything of that since you get redirected anyway..."
Is there a chance to accomplish that? If no, I would need to buy a certificate. What would be the solution then?
There are 2 restrictions:
We are using an Azure App Service for hosting an core site, which seems to be very restricted in configuration possibilities
The browser should definetly show the in the URL, not the
Have you tried to use an Application Gateway before the IIS/Webapp at the backend?
I believe the AppGW will solve these issues, the AppGW can redirect the hostname to another web address, as many you want to.

Hide referral information when my site users click on external links

I apologize for my lack of knowledge on how the intricacies of the web work ahead of time.
I run a fairly large deal site (lets call it and we send a lot of traffic to Is there anyway for me to hide from Amazon that the users are are coming from I do not want Amazon to know that we ( are the ones sending the traffic.
Maybe strip certain cookies?
Send outbound traffic through a proxy?
I am not doing anything illegal and these are real users not bots.
By using the noreferrer tag on your links, you can prevent Amazon from learning their traffic is coming from your site, and you don't need to set up a proxy, vpn, or cookie redirects.
HTTP generally sends the referring page along with its request for the new page as part of the HTTP referer section of the request header, and that's how sites track where their visitors come from. So for example, a user would click through to from, and the request would include an HTTP referer telling that the user was linked from
To prevent web sites like Amazon from learning that their traffic came from your site, prevent your links from sending the HTTP referer. In HTML5, just add rel="noreferrer" to your links, and then referral information will not be sent to the site that was linked. The noreferrer link type is only suppported in new browsers, so I suggest using the knu's noreferrer polyfill to make sure it works on older browsers too.
So far this will prevent referrer information from being sent from 99.9% of your users - the only users that will send referral information will be users that are both using old browsers and have JavaScript disabled. To make it 100%, you could require users have JavaScript enabled to be able to click on those particular links.
Disclaimer: This is not the thorough idea you're looking for. I ran out of space in the comments so posted it as an answer. A couple of possible solutions come to my mind.
Proxy servers: Multiple distributed proxy servers to be specific. You can round robin your users through these servers and and hit Amazon so that the inbound traffic to Amazon from keeps revolving. Disadvantage is that this will be slow depending on where the proxy server resides. So not the most ideal solution for an Ecommerce site but it works. And the major advantage is that implementation will be very simple.
VPN tunneling: Extremely similar to proxy server. VPN tunnel to another server and send redirect to Amazon from there. You'll get a new (non IP from the VPN server of this network and your original IP will be masked
Redirects from user (Still in works) For this one I was thinking of if you could store the info you need from in a cookie and then instruct the host to redirect to Amazon by itself. Hence the inbound traffic to Amazon will be from the users IP and not dealsite.coms. If you need to get back to the dealsite session from Amazon, you could use the previously saved cookie to do so.
Ill add to this answer if I find something better.
Edit 1 A few hours more hours researching brought me to the Tor project. This might be useful but be wary, Many security experts advise against using Tor. See here

Implementing HTTP or HTTPS depending on page

I want to implement https on only a selection of my web-pages. I have purchased my SSL certificates etc and got them working. Despite this, due to speed demands i cannot afford to place them on every single page.
Instead i want my server to serve up http or https depending on the page being viewed. An example where this has been done is ‘99designs’
The problem in slightly more detail:
When my visitors first visit my site they only have access to non-sensitive information and therefore i want them to be presented with simple http.
Then once they login they are granted access to more sensitive information, e.g. profile information for which HTTPS is used to deliver.
Despite being logged in, if the user goes back to a non-sensitive page such as the homepage then i want it delivered using HTTP.
One common solution seems to be using the .htaccess file. The problem is that my site is relatively large meaning that to use this would require me to write a rule for every page (several hundred) to determine whether it should be server up using http or https.
And then there is the problem of defining user generated content pages.
Please help,
Many thanks,
You've not mentioned anything about the architecture you are using. Assuming that the SSL termination is on the webserver, then you should set up separate virtual hosts with completely seperate and non-overlapping document trees, and for preference, use a path schema which does not overlap (to avoid little accidents).

Preferred way to direct user's domain names to my web app?

Background context: ASP.NET / IIS (not sure if it matters)
I have a web app at, and a user of my app gets his own content page at an address like I would like to offer the user the ability to point his own registered domain at my web app so his content is accessed at Initially looking on the order of 10-100 users with custom domains.
Ideally, I would like my user to just have a single hostname or IP address that he needs to know to configure properly with his registrar, and if I change the setup of my servers (different host, change addresses, load balancing, etc.) the user will not have to change his settings.
I have no trouble handling the requests once they hit my web app, but I am looking for input on the best way to set the routing up so requests actually come to my app/server. I would like a "catch-all" type of behavior that does not require me to individually configure anything for each domain a user might point to me.
I assume I will need some kind of layer between the address I give my user and my actual server ... is this like a managed DNS service or some other type of nameserver thing I would set up with my host? Is this something simple that should already be handled by a few simple settings on my webserver? I worry that I am making this more complicated than it needs to be.
Write a script that examines the Host header in the request. In your example, if it's, then you'd either redirect or forward the request to /abc-trinkets. You'd still need a database or something for mapping the domain names to the URLs; if you're going to allow arbitrary domain names for each user account, then there's no possible way to avoid that.

How to prevent SSL urls from leaking info?

I was using google SSL search ( with the expectation that my search would be private. However, my search for 'toasters' produced this query:
As you can see, my employer can still log this and see what the search was. How can I make sure that when someone searches on my site using SSL (using custom google search) their search terms isn't made visible.
The URL is sent over SSL. Of course a user can see the URL in their own browser, but it isn't visible as it transits the network. Your employer can't log it unless they are the other end of the SSL connection. If your employer creates a CA certificate and installs it in your browser, they could use a proxy to spoof Google host names, but otherwise, the traffic is secure.
HTTPS protects the entire HTTP exchange, including the URL, so the only thing someone intercepting network traffic will be able to determine is that there was communication between the browser and your site (or Google in this case). Even without the innards, that information can be useful.
Unless you have full administrative control over the systems making the queries, you should assume that anything transpiring on them can be intercepted or logged. Browsers typically store history and cache pages in files on the local disk which can be read by administrators. You also can't verify that the browser itself hasn't been recompiled with code to log sites that were visited, even in "private" mode.
Presumably your employer provides you with a PC, the software on it, the LAN connection to its own corporate network, the internet proxy and corporate firewall, maybe DNS servers, etc etc.
So you are exposed to traffic sniffing and tracing at many different levels. Even if you browse to a url over SSL TLS, you have to assume that the contents of your http session can be recorded. Do you always check that the cert in your browser is from google and not your employer's proxy? Do you know what software sits between your browser and your network card, etc.
However, if you had complete control over the client, then you could be sure that no-one external to your https conversation with google would be able to see the url you are requesting.
Google still knows what you're up to, but that's a private matter between your search engine and your conscience ;)
to add to what #erickson said, read this. SSL will protect the data between the connected parties. If you need to hide that link from the boss then disable the browser caching of the sites visited, i.e. disable or delete the history data.
