best way to redirect securely one domain to another in IIS without having a website - azure

I would like to know what is the best way to redirect everything from to
best means
as less effort as possible,
as cheap as possible,
as secure as possible.
In detail:
Less effort: If possible without the need of creating a website oder some code like javascript
Secure: should be accpeted by the browsers - no warning.
Cheap: if possible without buying a certificate (I don't think that this is possible) and without having a second webserver running
So in theory, the communication would be like this:
Making the address targeting the same IP address
Making the existing IIS listen to that address to
Let IIS tell the caller "yes, you're totally right here, but I neither I have a website nor do I have a certificate, but you don't need anything of that since you get redirected anyway..."
Is there a chance to accomplish that? If no, I would need to buy a certificate. What would be the solution then?
There are 2 restrictions:
We are using an Azure App Service for hosting an core site, which seems to be very restricted in configuration possibilities
The browser should definetly show the in the URL, not the

Have you tried to use an Application Gateway before the IIS/Webapp at the backend?
I believe the AppGW will solve these issues, the AppGW can redirect the hostname to another web address, as many you want to.


Is it possible to use the same node.js server for two/three different domains (aliases)?

Is it possible to use the same nodeJS server for two/three different domains (aliases)? (I don't want to redirect my users. I want them to see the exact URL they typed in the address bar. However, all three domains are exactly the same!)
I want my users to be logged in on all three domains at the same time, in order to avoid any confusion.
What is the simplest way to do this and avoid cross-domain issues?
If you mean that all domains will serve the same nodejs app then Yes you can do that.
but if each domain should open a different application then you must have a reverse proxy running on the server to handle and manage the sites/vhosts.
You may install nginx and use it as reverse proxy server or look for http-proxy a library for nodejs.
If you would like to manage the vhosts in your app you can look for vhost middleware for nodejs and use it
Choose one of:
Use some other server (like nginx) as a reverse proxy.
Use node-http-proxy as a reverse proxy.
Use the vhost middleware if each domain can be served from the same Connect/Express codebase and node.js instance.
This is a very broad question. Moreover, it is generally a pretty bad idea, SEO-wise, to have multiple independent domains that each serve the same content.
Logging in is generally either done through Cookies, or through extra parameters in the URL. Cookies are always domain-specific, for obvious security reasons. If you want to ensure folks will be logged in to all the domains at once, you can create an internal purpose-driven domain to handle authentication (without such domain showing in URL bar, and only being used for HTTP redirects, effectively); such domain will store the login state for all the rest, and the rest would pick up the login state through such purpose-driven domain (through HTTP redirects).
In general, however, this sounds like too much trouble. Consider that, perhaps, some users specifically want to use different domains for different accounts, so, you'll effectively break their usage if you mandate that a single login be used for all of them. And, back to the original point, doing this is pretty bad for SEO, so, just don't do it.

TYPO3 block IP addresses

Somebody tried to get access to my TYPO3 backend. I already have the IP adress of the attacker and want to block it from the backend.
I already tried to block ip with .htaccess but this doensn't work. I think the rules are overwritten by something else in the .htaccess file which I couldn't figure out yet.
Captcha is at the moment not a suitable solution.
Are there any good extensions for blocking IP adresses or is there another way to avoid these brute-force attacks?
If you are really concerned about somebody to be able to successfully get access to the system I suggest to go the "white list" path instead of blacklisting single IPs.
TYPO3 has a built in feature to block backand access for ALL IPs except some white listed ones.
To do this just add the following into AdditionalConfiguration.php putting your own IP and the IPs (or subnets) of other users too.
$GLOBALS["TYPO3_CONF_VARS"]['BE']['IPmaskList'] = 'x.x.x.x,y.y.y.*,z.z.*.*';
Other than that, just make sure you take the basic steps to make your backend more secure:
1) Force SSL for the backend:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['lockSSL'] = 2;
2) Implement a secure password policy for the backend users by using e.g. EXT:be_secure_pw
3) Secure session cookies to have ssl_only and http_only attributes:
4) And last but not least: make sure you are using the most recent version of your TYPO3 version line, ideally a maintained LTS version.
You should block requests before PHP/MySql is in use in the best case. So .htaccess is the correct way in my eyes. If it does not work, you should ask your hoster.
It sounds like you want to block the IP of the attacker and put measures in place to block known bad ip's. One of the main issues with blocking the IP of the attacker is that it's fairly easy for an attacker to setup a new IP address and launch a new attack.
There are services that provide lists of known bad ip's if you wanted to implement your own firewall.
Alternatively you can look to place your URL behind a solution such as Cloudflare that have the ability to block IP's or countries. I know of business's that block traffic from China and Russia since they identified that most of their attacks came from these countries.

Enabling SSL for a subdomain in IIS

I recently bought SSL for my website and want to create a section within the site in the form of However, I am having a hard time solving this issue since currently my website URL rewrite prohibits any subdomain and the user is logged out if he or she gets transferred to the above link.
I have search online and found some good information such as dynamically create the url without actually creating a subdomain in IIS.
What steps are needed to achieve the objective above?
Should I have bought the wildcard certificate instead of one for a specific subdomain?
Thank you.
One option would be ignoring that url pattern for rewrite purposes or ignoring the url if the protocol is HTTPS. That said, I would take a slightly different approach here and just put the entire site behind SSL -- rewriting all the queries to the other protocol works and google is now giving rankings bumps to HTTPS so there are good business reasons to make the switch. You are already taking the pain of getting SSL involved at all -- the dedicated IP and certficate cost the same if you use them on a single page or all the pages, might as well take advantage of it and ease your management burden in the same motion.

SaaS DNS Records Design

This question is an extension to previously answered question
How to give cname forward support to saas software
Sample sites -
Create affinity by say client[1-10] to be forwarded to => IP address.
Another criteria is it should have little recourse to proxy, firewall and network changes. In essence the solution I am attempting is a Data Dependent Routing (based on URL, Login Information etc.).
However they all mean I have a token based authentication system to authenticate and then redirect the user to a new URL. I am afraid that can be a single point of failure and will need a seperate site from my core app to do such routing. Also its quite some refactoring to existing code. Another concenr is the solution also may not be entirely transparent to the end user as it will be a HTTP Redirect 301.
Keeping in mind that application can be served from Load Balanced Web Servers (IIS) with LB Switch and other Network appliances, I would greatly appreciate if someone can simplify and educate me how this should be designed.
Another resource I have been looking up is -
You could stick routing information into a cookie, so that the various intermediary systems can then detect that cookie and redirect the user accordingly without there being a single point of failure.
If the user forges a cookie of his own, he might get redirected to a server where he does not belong, but that server would then check whether the cookie is indeed valid, and prevent unauthorized access.

Can I find out what domain made a request that triggered an HttpModule?

How do I find out from within an HttpModule what domain made a particular request?
Say I only want to allow and to use images from my server, how do I check that it is them making the request?
There's no way to do this in every case. Consider that UrlReferrer may not be set. Also, consider that you could be called by a client that does not have a DNS address.
Instead, you should consider configuring IIS to authenticate using user certificates. If you've only got a small number of sites calling you, generate a certificate, register it with IIS and map to the user you want, then give the certificates to those two machines to be installed on them.
Request.UrlReferrer, but it can easily be spoofed.
