algorithm of calculating the slope between line relatively to center coordinate - geometry

Please help with the algorithm of calculating the slope
So we have a Cartesian coordinate system. X right at Y the top. There is a line which passes through the center of coordinates.
Needed to determine the angle relatively to the axis OX.
So here's what I'm doing
Certain functions transferred to the origin (top line) and end of line
Determine dx, dy
Hildren releases two parameters in atan2 (dy, dx)
Returns the result in radians.
But! I atan2 works only within 180 degrees. After 180 goes in another direction.
So the question: what is the correct algorithm for finding the angle? Do I need to take dy, dx values in magnitude? How to make the arctangent calculated for all 360 and more? I would be glad to hear specific algorithms, or pieces of code comments.
static inline CGFloat angleBetweenLinesInRadians2 (CGPoint line1Start, CGPoint line1End)
CGFloat dx = 0, dy = 0;
dx = line1End.x - line1Start.x; / / whether to do fabs (line1End.x - line1Start.x);
dy = line1End.y - line1Start.y;
CGFloat rads = atan2 (dy, dx); / / whether to do fabs (rads)
return rads;

atan2() is supposed to return a value in the interval [-pi,pi] (i.e. [-180, 180] ), and works with the signs of x and y to figure out the quadrant. (C++ ref)
So technically, you have 360 degrees.

A formula to calculate an angle from 0 to 360 degrees :
f(x,y)=180-90*(1+sign(x))* (1-sign(y^2))-45*(2+sign(x))*sign(y)
x=x2-x1 and y=y2-y1 .


Drawing a circle without using a function for it

So I was wondering how does a circle() function work, and how can I draw to circle without using it (wanted to do something related to it). Does anyone know this stuff?
A classic way of rasterizing a circle is using the Midpoint Circle Algorithm.
It works by tracking the pixels which are as close to the x2 + y2 = r2 isoline as possible. This can even be done with purely integer calculations, which is particularly suitable for low-computation power devices.
A circle is the set of points located at a constant distance from another point, called the center.
If you can draw lines defined by two points, you can draw the representation of a circle on a canvas, knowing its center, and its radius.
The approach is to determine a set of consecutive points located on the circumference, then join them with lines.
for instance, in python (which reads like pseudocode):
import math
def make_circle(center, radius, num_points=40):
"""returns a sequence of points on the circumference
points = [center]
d_theta = 2 * math.pi / num_points
cx, cy = center
for idx in range(num_points + 1):
theta = idx * d_theta
points.append((cx + math.cos(theta) * radius, cy + math.sin(theta) * radius))
return points
And if you want to try it, here it is: circles codeskulptor.
You will see that for display purposes, 40 points on the circumference is enough to give an acceptable rendition.

Having the coordinates of the two triangles of a twisted triangle prism, how can I know if a point is inside it?

Here some examples of twisted triangle prisms.
I want to know if a moving triangle will hit a certain point. That's why I need to solve this problem.
The idea is that a triangle with random coordinates becomes the other random triangle whose vertices all move between then
related: How to determine point/time of intersection for ray hitting a moving triangle?
One of my students made this little animation in Mathematica.
It shows the twisting of a prism to the Schönhardt polyhedron.
See the Wikipedia page for its significance.
It would be easy to determine if a particular point is inside the polyhedron.
But whether it is inside a particular smooth twisting, as in your image, depends on the details (the rate) of the twisting.
Let's bottom triangle lies in plane z=0, it has rotation angle 0, top triangle has rotation angle Fi. Height of twisted prism is Hgt.
Rotation angle linearly depends on height, so layer at height h has rotation angle
a(h) = Fi * h / Hgt
If point coordinates are (x,y,z), then shift point to z=0 and rotate (x,y) coordinates about rotation axis (rx, ry) by -a(z) angle
t = -a(z) = - Fi * z / Hgt
xn = rx + (x-rx) * Cos(t) - (y-ry) * Sin(t)
yn = ry + (x-rx) * Sin(t) - (y-ry) * Cos(t)
Then check whether (xn, yn) lies inside bottom triangle

Issues with bullet entry points for "shoulder mounted" guns

I'm making a SHMUP game that has a space ship. That space ship currently fires a main cannon from its center point. The sprite that represents the ship has a center based registration point. 0,0 is center of the ship.
When I fire the main cannon i make a bullet and assign make its x & y coordinates match the avatar and add it to the display list. This works fine.
I then made two new functions called fireLeftCannon, fireRightCannon. These create a bullet and add it to the display list but the x, y values are this.y + 15 and this.y +(-) 10. This creates a sort of triangle of bullet entry points.
Similar to this:
▲   ▲
the game tick function will adjust the avatar's rotation to always point at the cursor. This is my aiming method. When I shoot straight up all 3 bullets fire up in the expected pattern. However when i rotate and face the right the entry points do not rotate. This is not an issue for the center point main cannon.
My question is how do i use the current center position ( this.x, this.y ) and adjust them based on my current rotation to place a new bullet so that it is angled correctly.
Thanks a lot in advance.
OK i tried your solution and it didn't work. Here is my bullet move code:
var pi:Number = Math.PI
var _xSpeed:Number = Math.cos((_rotation - 90) * (pi/180) );
var _ySpeed:Number = Math.sin((_rotation - 90) * (pi / 180) );
this.x += (_xSpeed * _bulletSpeed );
this.y += (_ySpeed * _bulletSpeed );
And i tried adding your code to the left shoulder cannon:
_bullet.x = this.x + Math.cos( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation) ) * ( this.x - 10 ) - Math.sin( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * ( this.x - 10 );
_bullet.y = this.y + Math.sin( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * ( this.y + 15 ) + Math.cos( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * ( this.y + 15 );
This is placing the shots a good deal away from the ship and sometimes off screen.
How am i messing up the translation code?
What you need to start with is, to be precise, the coordinates of your cannons in the ship's coordinate system (or “frame of reference”). This is like what you have now but starting from 0, not the ship's position, so they would be something like:
(0, 0) -- center
(10, 15) -- left shoulder
(-10, 15) -- right shoulder
Then what you need to do is transform those coordinates into the coordinate system of the world/scene; this is the same kind of thing your graphics library is doing to draw the sprite.
In your particular case, the intervening transformations are
world ←translation→ ship position ←rotation→ ship positioned and rotated
So given that you have coordinates in the third frame (how the ship's sprite is drawn), you need to apply the rotation, and then apply the translation, at which point you're in the first frame. There are two approaches to this: one is matrix arithmetic, and the other is performing the transformations individually.
For this case, it is simpler to skip the matrices unless you already have a matrix library handy already, in which case you should use it — calculate "ship's coordinate transformation matrix" once per frame and then use it for all bullets etc.
I'll now explain doing it directly.
The general method of applying a rotation to coordinates (in two dimensions) is this (where (x1,y1) is the original point and (x2,y2) is the new point):
x2 = cos(angle)*x1 - sin(angle)*y1
y2 = sin(angle)*x1 + cos(angle)*y1
Whether this is a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation will depend on the “handedness” of your coordinate system; just try it both ways (+angle and -angle) until you have the right result. Don't forget to use the appropriate units (radians or degrees, but most likely radians) for your angles given the trig functions you have.
Now, you need to apply the translation. I'll continue using the same names, so (x3,y3) is the rotated-and-translated point. (dx,dy) is what we're translating by.
x3 = dx + x2
y3 = dy + x2
As you can see, that's very simple; you could easily combine it with the rotation formulas.
I have described transformations in general. In the particular case of the ship bullets, it works out to this in particular:
bulletX = shipPosX + cos(shipAngle)*gunX - sin(shipAngle)*gunY
bulletY = shipPosY + sin(shipAngle)*gunX + cos(shipAngle)*gunY
If your bullets are turning the wrong direction, negate the angle.
If you want to establish a direction-dependent initial velocity for your bullets (e.g. always-firing-forward guns) then you just apply the rotation but not the translation to the velocity (gunVelX, gunVelY).
bulletVelX = cos(shipAngle)*gunVelX - sin(shipAngle)*gunVelY
bulletVelY = sin(shipAngle)*gunVelX + cos(shipAngle)*gunVelY
If you were to use vector and matrix math, you would be doing all the same calculations as here, but they would be bundled up in single objects rather than pairs of x's and y's and four trig functions. It can greatly simplify your code:
shipTransform = translate(shipX, shipY)*rotate(shipAngle)
bulletPos = shipTransform*gunPos
I've given the explicit formulas because knowing how the bare arithmetic works is useful to the conceptual understanding.
Response to edit:
In the code you edited into your question, you are adding what I assume is the ship position into the coordinates you multiply by sin/cos. Don't do that — just multiply the offset of the gun position from the ship center by sin/cos and only then add that to the ship position. Also, you are using x x; y y on the two lines, where you should be using x y; x y. Here is your code edited to fix those two things:
_bullet.x = this.x + Math.cos( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * (-10) - Math.sin( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * (+15);
_bullet.y = this.y + Math.sin( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * (-10) + Math.cos( StaticMath.ToRad(this.rotation)) * (+15);
This is the code for a gun at offset (-10, 15).

How to determine whether a point (X,Y) is contained within an arc section of a circle (i.e. a Pie slice)?

Imagine a circle. Imagine a pie. Imagine trying to return a bool that determines whether the provided parameters of X, Y are contained within one of those pie pieces.
What I know about the arc:
I have the CenterX, CenterY, Radius, StartingAngle, EndingAngle, StartingPoint (point on circumference), EndingPoint (point on circumference).
Given a coordinate of X,Y, I'd like to determine if this coordinate is contained anywhere within the pie slide.
The angle from the centerX,centerY through X,Y should be between start&endangle.
The distance from centerX,centerY to X,Y should be less then the Radius
And you'll have your answer.
I know this question is old but none of the answers consider the placement of the arc on the circle.
This algorithm considers that all angles are between 0 and 360, and the arcs are drawn in positive mathematical direction (counter-clockwise)
First you can transform to polar coordinates: radius (R) and angle (A). Note: use Atan2 function if available. wiki
R = sqrt ((X - CenterX)^2 + (Y - CenterY)^2)
A = atan2 (Y - CenterY, X - CenterX)
Now if R < Radius the point is inside the circle.
To check if the angle is between StartingAngle (S) and EndingAngle (E) you need to consider two possibilities:
1) if S < E then if S < A < E the point lies inside the slice
2) if S > E then there are 2 possible scenarios
if A > S
then the point lies inside the slice
if A < E
then the point lies inside the slice
In all other cases the point lies outside the slice.
Convert X,Y to polar coordinates using this:
Angle = arctan(y/x);
Radius = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
Then Angle must be between StartingAngle and EndingAngle, and Radius between 0 and your Radius.
You have to convert atan2() to into 0-360 before making comparisons with starting and ending angles.
(A > 0 ? A : (2PI + A)) * 360 / (2PI)

Ray Generation Inconsistency

I have written code that generates a ray from the "eye" of the camera to the viewing plane some distance away from the camera's eye:
R3Ray ConstructRayThroughPixel(...)
R3Point p;
double increments_x = (lr.X() - ul.X())/(double)width;
double increments_y = (ul.Y() - lr.Y())/(double)height;
p.SetX( ul.X() + ((double)i_pos+0.5)*increments_x );
p.SetY( lr.Y() + ((double)j_pos+0.5)*increments_y );
p.SetZ( lr.Z() );
R3Vector v = p-camera_pos;
R3Ray new_ray(camera_pos,v);
return new_ray;
ul is the upper left corner of the viewing plane and lr is the lower left corner of the viewing plane. They are defined as follows:
R3Point org = scene->camera.eye + scene->camera.towards * radius;
R3Vector dx = scene->camera.right * radius * tan(scene->camera.xfov);
R3Vector dy = scene->camera.up * radius * tan(scene->camera.yfov);
R3Point lr = org + dx - dy;
R3Point ul = org - dx + dy;
Here, org is the center of the viewing plane with radius being the distance between the viewing plane and the camera eye, dx and dy are the displacements in the x and y directions from the center of the viewing plane.
The ConstructRayThroughPixel(...) function works perfectly for a camera whose eye is at (0,0,0). However, when the camera is at some different position, not all needed rays are produced for the image.
Any suggestions what could be going wrong? Maybe something wrong with my equations?
Thanks for the help.
Here's a quibble that may have nothing to do with you problem:
When you do this:
R3Vector dx = scene->camera.right * radius * tan(scene->camera.xfov);
R3Vector dy = scene->camera.up * radius * tan(scene->camera.yfov);
I assume that the right and up vectors are normalized, right? In that case you want sin not tan. Of course, if the fov angles are small it won't make much difference.
The reason why my code wasn't working was because I was treating x,y,z values separately. This is wrong, since the camera can be facing in any direction and thus if it was facing down the x-axis, the x coordinates would be the same, producing increments of 0 (which is incorrect). Instead, what should be done is an interpolation of corner points (where points have x,y,z coordinates). Please see answer in related post: 3D coordinate of 2D point given camera and view plane
