Transport-level vs message-level security - security

I'm reading a book on WCF and author debates about pros of using message-level security over using transport-level security. Anyways, I can't find any logic in author's arguments
One limitation of transport
security is that it relies on every
“step” and participant in the network
path having consistently configured
security. In other words, if a message
must travel through an intermediary
before reaching its destination, there
is no way to ensure that transport
security has been enabled for the step
after the intermediary (unless that
interme- diary is fully controlled by
the original service provider). If
that security is not faithfully
reproduced, the data may be
compromised downstream.
Message security focuses on ensuring the integrity and privacy of
individ- ual messages, without regard
for the network. Through mechanisms
such as encryption and signing via
public and private keys, the message
will be protected even if sent over an
unprotected transport (such as plain
If that security is not faithfully
reproduced, the data may be
compromised downstream.
True, but assuming two systems communicating use SSL and thus certificates, then the data they exchange can't be decrypted by intermediary, but instead it can only be altered, which the receiver will notice and thus reject the packet?!
b) Anyways, as far as I understand the above quote, it is implying that if two systems establish a SSL connection, and if intermediary system S has SSL enabled and if S is also owned by a hacker, then S ( aka hacker ) won't be able to intercept SSL traffic travelling through it? But if S doesn't have SSL enabled, then hacker will be able to intercept SSL traffic? That doesn't make sense!
Message security focuses on ensuring the integrity and privacy of individ-
ual messages, without regard for the network. Through mechanisms such
as encryption and signing via public and private keys, the message will be
protected even if sent over an unprotected transport (such as plain HTTP).
This doesn't make sense, since transport-level security also can use encryption and certificates, so why would using private/public keys at message-level be more secure than using them at transport-level? Namelly, if intermediary is able to intercept SSL traffic, why wouldn't it also be able to intercept messages secured via message-level private/public keys?
thank you

Consider the case of SSL interception.
Generally, if you have an SSL encrypted connection to a server, you can trust that you "really are* connected to that server, and that the server's owners have identified themselves unambiguously to a mutually trusted third party, like Verisign, Entrust, or Thawte (by presenting credentials identifying their name, address, contact information, ability to do business, etc., and receiving a certificate countersigned by the third party's signature). Using SSL, this certificate is an assurance to the end user that traffic between the user's browser (client) and the server's SSL endpoint (which may not be the server itself, but some switch, router, or load-balancer where the SSL certificate is installed) is secure. Anyone intercepting that traffic gets gobbledygook and if they tamper with it in any way, then the traffic is rejected by the server.
But SSL interception is becoming common in many companies. With SSL interception, you "ask" for an HTTPS connection to (for example), the company's switch/router/proxy hands you a valid certificate naming as the endpoint (so your browser doesn't complain about a name mismatch), but instead of being countersigned by a mutually trusted third party, it is countersigned by their own certificate authority (operating somewhere in the company), which also happens to be trusted by your browser (since it's in your trusted root CA list which the company has control over).
The company's proxy then establishes a separate SSL-encrypted connection to your target site (in this example,, but the proxy/switch/router in the middle is now capable of logging all of your traffic.
You still see a lock icon in your browser, since the traffic is encrypted up to your company's inner SSL endpoint using their own certificate, and the traffic is re-encrypted from that endpoint to your final destination using the destination's SSL certificate, but the man in the middle (the proxy/router/switch) can now log, redirect, or even tamper with all of your traffic.
Message-level encryption would guarantee that the message remains encrypted, even during these intermediate "hops" where the traffic itself is decrypted.
Load-balancing is another good example, because the SSL certificate is generally installed on the load balancer, which represents the SSL endpoint. The load balancer is then responsible for deciding which physical machine to send the now-decrypted traffic to for processing. Your messages may go through several "hops" like this before it finally reaches the service endpoint that can understand and process the message.

I think I see what he's getting at. Say like this:
Web client ---> Presentation web server ---> web service call to database
In this case you're depending on the middle server encrypting the data again before it gets to the database. If the message was encrypted instead, only the back end would know how to read it, so the middle doesn't matter.


Secure frontend connecting to backend with self signed certificates

Our frontend at uses an API located at
For, we use SSL by LetsEncrypt. For the backend, however, it is much simpler to use self signed certificates.
Will users be presented with Red Warning Banner if they go to, which connects to with self signed certificates? Is this okay practice? Furthermore, can we replace with external IP instead?
That's not a good idea in general. The purpose of a certificate is to allow a client to verify that it is actually talking to the right server, and not for example to a man-in-the-middle attacker. The way it does that (somewhat simplified) is the certificate includes the public key of the server, and the domain name ("common name") of the server the client intended to communicate with. The certificate is then signed by another certificate of about the same type and contents and so on, until the chain reaches a certificate that does not need to be signed by another, because it is already trusted by the client (it is in the trusted roots list of your OS for example).
A self-signed certificate doesn't have this chain of signatures, it is called self-signed, because the certificate used to sign it is itself. There is no way for a client to verify the certificate (unless it explicitly has it listed as trusted of course). This means an attacker can spoof (impersonate) your API by self-signing a different certificate for the same domain name, but with a different keypair. This might allow stealing credentials or serving fake data. Note that the attacker might also relay the information entered by the user (all the requests made) to the real API, so responses (also received by the attacker first, but relayed to the victim) can easily look very real without much background information.
This could (in theory) be solved by certificate pinning, but in case of a Javascript client that's going to be difficult (if at all possible). HPKP would seem like a solution, but HPKP won't work with a self-signed (not verifiable) certificate. I'm not sure if Javascript has an appropriate level of access to the server certificate to implement pinning.
Even if you did implement pinning, a self-signed certificate also cannot be revoked. Think about what would happen if you discovered a compromise of the TLS key used for https in your api domain. You would have no way to revoke the key, so clients would still accept a MitM attacker serving the compromised key.
There goes a lot of effort, and you could implement something that is not standard, hard to get right and error-prone.
Or you could just use a free letsencrypt certificate for as well, for which all the necessary infrastructure and setup is already done on the main domain. :)

What are some approaches to exchange data without using SSL/TLS

When creating any kind of application web,api etc; This days the best practices recommend to secure endpoints by using TLS, but what we can learn from the cloudbleed issue, is that it may not be enough.
Therefore I would like to know what could be done to keep a certain level of security even when TLS is compromised.
For web applications what I currently use is jsencrypt, basically encrypts all data on client browser side before it is sent, but in order to to this I need first to exchange a shared secret (token/cookie) between the server and client, but when dealing with API's that don't support javascript what could be used?
Regarding the exchange of tokens, by instinct it may be obvious to say use OAUTH, OpenID Connect, json tokens , but all of them require or delegate trust to TLS, and again when this is compromised it became useless.
If I am right OpenID could be used without SSL to share a "common secret" by doing Diffie–Hellman key exchange, is there something similar that could be implemented keeping in mind that if TLS gets compromised, easy measure could be taking like revoking tokens or changing "salts" ?
For now I think by following the gpg or rsa (private/public) keys is the way to go, in a way that probably everyone could have access to the public keys but will not be available to see the content of some data signed to a specific user.
But question remains in how to exchange that very first "known secret" between client and server avoiding a possible man in the middle attack considering TLS can't be trusted.
The problem of exchanging the first "known secret" is the same for all protocols, SSL or not. SSL is a public key infrastructure where the basic information that needs to be distributed is the public key of the root certificate of the certificate issuer. The public keys for all ssl certificate issuers are distributed with the browser installation.
Any protocol will depend on some information that is communicated between the server and client in a different channel from the channel where the communication is established. If you don't trust the SSL infrastructure, you will have to send this information by email, postal mail, sms, or by some other means.
However, your problem does not start with the keys neccesary for the encryption libraries you are using in you web application. Your very web application (the javascript files) are also sent from the server to the web browser over SSL. If your SSL communication is compromised by a man-in-the-middle, this man-in-the-middle is also probably able to change the web pages and javascript code that you send to the browser. He could just rewrite your application and remove all encryption code, add new fields and messages for the user, send the user to a different site and so on.
The SSL infrastructure is really a cornerstone in web security, and a neccessity for web applications. Without it, you would have to build a custom protocol for sending encrypted web pages and write a custom browser that would understand this protocol.
With all that said, it is of course possible to add a tiny layer of extra security on top of SSL. You may i.e. create a private/public keypair for each user, send a public key to the user and encrypt all messages from your server to the user with the private key. This could protect against a scenario where a main-in-the-middle is able to listen to the communication but not able to change your messages.

Understanding SSL Certificate Types

I'm building my first web app and I have two questions about security.
I'll send and receive very sensitive data with POST request to my
api which will be hosted on Azure or AWS. Can I send and receive
data in plaintext over SSL, is it secure? I can access my
azure web site over https, is it secure enough or should I buy another
SSL sertificate?
I've searched a little bit and there are different types of SSL
certificates, I read some certificates provide green padlock or green address bar but I don't need these kinds of things since my web app only
will be available to my mobile app and there will be no content to browse. Only one page with download links to my mobile app in case someone finds this site. So all certificates are secure on same level for my situation?
P.S. I won't add custom domain name, if that's relevant.
Answering your questions one at a time;
Modern implementations of SSL are generally considered to be pretty
rock-solid; its used by banks, healthcare institutions, and major
internet companies. Sending data in plaintext, over SSL, is
safe enough for those applications, and trying to replace SSL with
your own encryption scheme is almost certainly more trouble than its worth.
You should probably get your own SSL certificate; I don't know what restrictions Azure has on https access, if any, and its always bad practice to rely on a key you cannot control.
SSL relies on networks of trust; browsers (and other internet applications) validate the certificates sites send them against a
set of trusted authorities. If the certificate has been approved
(signed with the authority's private key), the browser accepts the
certificate as genuine and uses it to negotiate an SSL connection
with the site without further complaint. This is what that green
padlock/address bar means; that a site has provided a valid
certificate signed by an authority the browser trusts. This doesn't
mean that a signed certificate is inherently more secure than an
unsigned certificate, however. Both use the same cryptographic
algorithms, and (can) have the same length keys, and the SSL
connections each can set up are equally secure. The difference
between the two is that you can't verify the "authenticity" of an
unsigned/self-signed certificate; an attacker could intercept the
connection and replace an unsigned certificate with their own
certificate, and the browser would have no way of telling if it got
the right certificate or not. You can overcome this problem in your
application, however, with a technique called "certificate
Essentially, you package the public key for your certificate with
your application, and your application only accepts the certificate
associated with that key when setting up a connection.
Ultimately, it depends on your attacker model. Are you protecting this data from criminals and casual wiretappers? Or are you trying to hide it from government surveillance and intelligence agencies? For the former, an SSL certificate signed and issued by a reputable authority is more than sufficient. For the latter, you have to consider where your certificate is coming from, and who can access the root CA that issued it; it might be better to generate your own, and devise some further scheme on top of SSL.

SSL Certificate Alternatives for Server to Server Communication

I am developing a Node.js app based on the Express framework. On the backend, I need to have servers talk to each other (ie. Server 1 make a request of Server 2).
Is it OK to forego a DNS A-Record and just use the IP address of the server?
In that case, how do I authenticate the server and "client" (aka server). I was thinking of requiring the server and "client" to each pass a secure cookie with their request and responses. The secure cookie would then be verified before any other action was taken.
Using a IP might be more secure then DNS (e.g. no DNS spoofing), but it still allows ARP spoofing, e.g. some other computer claims to have this IP. And in case both computers are not in the same network there are also ways to hijack requests in routers etc.
The secure cookie is nothing else as a shared secret. And contrary to public key based authentication (e.g. using certificates) shared secrets have the disadvantage that you need to distribute them in a secure way so that nobody else gets access to them.
I don't think that your idea is easier to handle than SSL with certificates, so I don't see an advantage of making your own secure protocols. History tells us, that such homegrown protocols mostly provide worse security than established solutions.
If you don't care about security (these hosts are on your network, in which you have trust), don't bother with the homebaked cookies.
If you do care about security get (or generate your own) certificate and use SSL.
I was thinking of requiring the server and "client" to each pass a secure cookie with their request and responses. The secure cookie would then be verified before any other action was taken.
This is not secure at all! Anybody situated on an appropriate network between the client and server can see that "secure cookie", as well as any subsequent communications. This would allow them to reuse that cookie themselves to impersonate either the client or server, and would expose any sensitive information sent in the exchange.
Use SSL. It has already solved all of these problems, and more.

How does SSL actually work?

Whenever I see it being talked about, it sounds like one simply 'turns on' SSL and then all requests/responses to/from an online server are magically secure.
Is that right? Is SSL just about code - can I write two apps and make them communicate via SSL, or do you have to somehow register/certificate them externally?
Secure web pages are requested on port 443 instead of the normal port 80. The SSL protocol (plenty complicated in and of itself) is responsible for securing communication, and using the certificate information on both the SERVER and the BROWSER to authenticate the server as being who they say they are.
Generating an SSL certificate is easy. Generating one that is based on the information embedded in 99% of web browsers costs money. But the technical aspects are not different.
You see, there are organizations (Verisign, Globalsign, etc...) that have had their certificate authority information INCLUDED with browsers for many years. That way, when you visit a site that has a certificate that they produced (signed), your browser says:
"well, if Verisign trusts, and I trust Verisign, then I trust"
The process is easy:
Go to a competent SSL vendor, such as GlobalSign. Create a KEY and Certificate Request on the webserver. Use them (and your credit card) to buy a certificate. Install it on the server. Point the web-browser to HTTPS (port 443). The rest is done for you.
SSL is a protocol for encrypted communications over a TCP connection (or some other reliable scheme). The encryption uses public key encryption using X.509 certificates. SSL handles both privacy and trust. These are related: if you don't trust the server, you don't believe that the server hasn't handed out its private key to everyone in North America.
Thus, the client has to trust the server's certificate. For public sites, this is arranged via a hierarchy of certificate authorities, with the root authorities trusted, automatically, by browsers and things like the JRE's socket implementation.
Anyone can generate a self-signed certificate for a server, but then the client has to be manually configured to trust it.
SSL is not, in itself, a magic bullet that makes everything secure. Security has no such things.
SSL is, however, an already-designed, ready-to-use system for solving a common problem: secure stream communication over a network connection.
There are two things you need to do to secure your application with SSL:
Modify the application's code to use SSL.
Determine the certificate trust model (and deploy and configure the application respectively).
Other answers and documentation provide better answers to how to do each of these things than I could provide.
I'll throw caution to the wind and attempt to condense an enormous subject.
SSL attempts to solve two problems:
1) Authentication and hence trust i.e can the client trust the server and vice versa
2) Communication without eavesdropping
1) Is handled by means of an intermediary i.e a trusted 3rd party - these are called 'Root Certificate Authorities' ( or Root CAs ) examples include Verisign, RSA etc
If a company wants to authenticate users and more importantly if a user wants to authenticate the company's website it's connecting to i.e your bank then the Root CA issues the company a certificate which effectively says 'I the trusted Root CA verify that I trust that Company X are who they say they are and am issuing a certificate accordingly'. So you get a chain of trust i.e I trust the certificate from ACME Co because Root CA Verisign created and issued it.
2) Once the two parties have authenticated then the certificate ( typically X590 ) is used to form a secure connection using public/private key encryption.
Hopelessly simple and incomplete but hope that gives a rough idea
Yes and no. You should self-sign a certificate and test the site with SSL internally before deploying it with SSL, first of all. To make the public site secure under SSL, you will need to purchase a certificate from one of any number of certificate providers. Then you will have a certificate signed by a trusted third party, tied to your domain name, so that users' browsers won't complain that the certificate is invalid, etc. Turning SSL on is pretty much just flipping a switch, otherwise.
For the most part you need to buy and register a certificate externally.
You need to have your server certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), for which they will charge you. The client needs to trust that CA and have a copy of the relevant CA public key. The client can then check that you are who you claim to be (including domain name (from DNS) and display name for https).
This is a good tutorial on how to create self signed certificates for Apache.
If you want to know how SSL works on either the Server or the Client, then I suggest Googling it. As you suspected, it is a ridiculesly complex procedure, with lots of communication between the client and server, a lot of very peculiar math, and tons of processing. There is also a lot of theory involved, several protocols and many different algorithms and encryption standards. It's quite incredible how changing http:// to https:// is so simple to the user, but results in so much work for both sides, and is so secure. To really understand it you need to take a security course (multiple courses to fully understand it), as the entire history of encryption goes into making your login to Gmail secure.
Turning on TLS (colloquially "SSL") does not make your site magically secure. You may still be vulnerable to application-level vulnerabilities like stack overflows, SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF.
As other answers have explained, TLS only protects against a man in the middle. Traffic between a client and a properly-configured TLS server cannot be intercepted or modified, and the client can reliably confirm the identity of the server by validating the X.509 certificate. This prevents an attacker from impersonating your TLS server.
SSL actually does two things:
Encrypts the communication so that an observer seeing the data stream will not be able to read the conversation.
Guarantees that you are talking to who you think you are talking to.
It is only for #2 that you need to get official certificates. If you only care to encrypt the communication without setting up a trust relationship, you can use self-signed certificates or you can use an algorithm that does not require certificates (i.e. Diffie-Hellman).
