Distributing web traffic to various servers? - web

Something I have been curious about for quite sometime now.
How exactly do you distribute your web traffic to various servers? And when do you know when to distribute to another server?
For sites like Facebook, they have one point of entry via the domain www.facebook.com so if server A is running at 90% of what it can or whatever how does it know to switch to server X or to use a server closer to your location. How exactly does it achieve this.
And when building a website that will have large traffic how do you deal with this. Is this something you consider as a developer?
More information you can provide the better.

You probably want to look into load balancing
If you have specific questions beyond that, they're probably more suitable for server fault


Architecting back-end and Front-end solution (nodeJS)

I have a single back-end running node/express providing API endpoints and 2 static (react) front-ends. The front-ends interact with the users and communicate with the back-end.
I need to use https through-out once enter production stage.
The front-ends will require their own domain names.
I’ve been thinking on the simplest way to have these configured and have come up with Option 1 (see diagram). Node.js API server running on one VPS and as the front-ends are static sites these can be loaded on separate servers (UPDATE- Mean't to say hosting providers) hence get their own domains. As an option, and I’m unsure if its needed, add cloudflare to the front-end to provide a layer of security.
This will allow front-ends to have separate domain names.
As this is a start-up project and doubt a large number of visitors, I’m wondering if the above is over-engineered and un-necessarily complicated.
So I’m considering Option 2 of hosting back-end api app and the two front-ends on the same linux vps. As the front-ends are static, I added the front-ends into the public folder of node.js. This allowed me to access the front-ends as http://serverIP:8080/siteA
As I want to access front-end as http://siteA.com I’m assuming I require a reverse proxy (nginX)
The questions to help me decide between the two options are:
For a start-up operation and given he above scenario which option is best ?
I understand that node.js requires a port number regardless to work, for the API I don’t mind having a port number (as its not applicable for end users i.e., however the two front-ends require their own domain names (www.siteA.xom, www.siteB.com), therefore will I need to employ a reverse proxy (nginX) regardless if they are static sites or not ?
I’m concerned that someone could attack API end-points ( In this case, is it true with Option 2 is safer than 1 - that I could potentially block malicious direct API calls as all sites are hosted on the same VPS and the API can be easily be secured, this is not exposed to the outside world?
My developer once upon a time told me that option 1 is best as nginX adds un-needed complication, but not sure what he meant – hence my confusion, to be honest I don’t think he wanted to add nginX to the server.
I’m looking at a high-level guidance to get me on the right track. Thank
This is - as you have also doubted - unnecessarily complex, and incorrect in some cases. Here's a better (and widely used across the industry) design. I'm strongly recommending to drop the whole VM approach and go for a shared computing unit, unless you are using that machine for some other computation and utilizing it that way is saving your company a lot of money. I strongly doubt this is the case. Otherwise, you're just creating problems for yourself.
One of the most common mistakes that you can make when using Node.js is to host the static content through the public folder (for serious projects) Don't. Use a CDN instead. You'll get better telemetry depending on the CDN, redundancy, faster delivery, etc. If you aren't expecting high volumes of traffic and performance of delivering that static content isn't outrageously important at the moment, you can even go for a regular hosting server. I've done this with namecheap and GoDaddy before.
Use a direct node-js shared - or dedicated depending on size - hosting for your app and use CI/CD to deploy it. You can use CNAMEs to map whatever domain name you want to have your app on (ex: https://something.com) to map to the domain name of the cloud-hosting provider url for your app. I've used multiple things, Azure, Heroku, Namecheap for the apps and primarily Azure DevOps to manage the CI/CD pipeline, although Jenkins is super popular as well. I'd recommend Heroku - since it provides a super easy setup.
When designing any API on HTTP, you should assume people will call your API directly. See this answer for more details: How to prevent non-browser clients from sending requests to my server I'm not suggesting to put something like CloudFlare, but you may be overthinking it, look into your traffic first. Get it when you need it. As long as you have the right authentication / authorization mechanism in place, security of the API shouldn't be a big problem on these platforms. If you deploy it on one of these platforms, you won't have to deal with ports either. Unless you reach absolutely massive scale, it will definitely be cheaper for you operate with high-reliability this way.
You won't need to deal with nginx anymore.

Using another server to store files: Good or bad idea?

I am thinking of using another "less" important server to store files that our clients want to upload and handling the data validation, copying, insertion, etc at that end.
I would display the whole upload thingy through iframe on our website and using HTML,PHP,SQL as syntax-languages for the thingy?
Now I would like to ask your opinions is this is a good or bad idea.
I´m figuring out that the pros and cons are:
The other server is "less" valuable, meaning if something malicious could be uploaded there it would not be the end of the world
Since the other server has less events/users/functionality/data it would help to lessen the stress of our main website server
If the less important server goes down the other functionality on main server would still be functioning
Firewall prevents outside traffic (at least to a certain point)
The users need to be logged through the main website
It does not have any CMS+plugins, so it might be more vunerable
It might generate more malicious traffic towards it.
Makes the upkeep of the main website that much more complicated for future developers
Generally I´m not found of the idea that users get to uploading files, but it is not up to me.
Thanks for your input. I´m looking forward to hearing your opinions.
Servers have file quotas and bandwidths defined/allocated for them.
If you transfer your "less" used files to another server ,it will help your main server to improve its performance.
And also there wont be much maintenance headaches with the main server if all files are uploaded there.
Conclusion : It is a good idea.
Well, I guess most importantly, you will need a single sign-on (SSO) solution in place between the two web applications. I assume you don't want user A be able to read or delete files from user B.
SSO between 2 servers is a lot more complicated than for a single web application. Unless this site is only deployed in an intranet with a Active Directory domain controller in which case you can use Kerberos.
I'm not sure it's worth it just for the advantages you name.

Debian Server Security

Few questions in one. I'm a mobile developer, and as a pet project I've set up a small server (on a raspberry pi) that I use as my backend development sever
I think I have set up the server fairly securely and have avoid the common blunders.
The problem is when it comes to security I'm completely neurotic, not because I have something to hide, but because I don't want to be victim of my own naivety / stupidity.
Currently I check my apache2 logs daily to find out what traffic (bar my own) has hit the server. Every day there seems to be between 4-5 hits from random ip's looking for directories that dont exist. Am I correct in assuming there are servers that randomly trawl through ip's searching for known weaknesses in sever software?
My main question is, is there a way for me to log every hit to the server in an sql database? That way I can see if somebody is really trying to get in by querying the number of hits from that ip without trawling through the logs manually.
Secondly, anybody got any more obscure security tips / things I should do on a daily basis?
Thanks for your time!
Edit: - Also, are their any good automatic penetration tools out there that can tell me if I have any vulnerability?
Am I correct in assuming there are servers that randomly trawl through ip's searching for known weaknesses in sever software?
My main question is, is there a way for me to log every hit to the server in an sql database?
You could use mod_log_sql: http://www.outoforder.cc/projects/apache/mod_log_sql/
anybody got any more obscure security tips / things I should do on a daily basis?
you could setup a firewall, use port knocking, expose services only locally and connect via VPN, ...

How to protect a website from DoS attacks

What is the best methods for protecting a site form DoS attack. Any idea how popular sites/services handles this issue?.
what are the tools/services in application, operating system, networking, hosting levels?.
it would be nice if some one could share their real experience they deal with.
Sure you mean DoS not injections? There's not much you can do on a web programming end to prevent them as it's more about tying up connection ports and blocking them at the physical layer than at the application layer (web programming).
In regards to how most companies prevent them is a lot of companies use load balancing and server farms to displace the bandwidth coming in. Also, a lot of smart routers are monitoring activity from IPs and IP ranges to make sure there aren't too many inquiries coming in (and if so performs a block before it hits the server).
Biggest intentional DoS I can think of is woot.com during a woot-off though. I suggest trying wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack#Prevention_and_response ) and see what they have to say about prevention methods.
I've never had to deal with this yet, but a common method involves writing a small piece of code to track IP addresses that are making a large amount of requests in a short amount of time and denying them before processing actually happens.
Many hosting services provide this along with hosting, check with them to see if they do.
I implemented this once in the application layer. We recorded all requests served to our server farms through a service which each machine in the farm could send request information to. We then processed these requests, aggregated by IP address, and automatically flagged any IP address exceeding a threshold of a certain number of requests per time interval. Any request coming from a flagged IP got a standard Captcha response, if they failed too many times, they were banned forever (dangerous if you get a DoS from behind a proxy.) If they proved they were a human the statistics related to their IP were "zeroed."
Well, this is an old one, but people looking to do this might want to look at fail2ban.
That's more of a serverfault sort of answer, as opposed to building this into your application, but I think it's the sort of problem which is most likely better tackled that way. If the logic for what you want to block is complex, consider having your application just log enough info to base the banning policy action on, rather than trying to put the policy into effect.
Consider also that depending on the web server you use, you might be vulnerable to things like a slow loris attack, and there's nothing you can do about that at a web application level.

Chat program without a central server

I'm developing a chat application (in VB.Net). It will be a "secure" chat program. All traffic will be encrypted (I also need to find the best approach for this, but that's not the question for now).
Currently the program works. I have a server application and a client application. However I want to setup the application so that it doesn't need a central server for it to work.
What approach can I take to decentralize the network?
I think I need to develop the clients in a way so that they do also act as a server.
How would the clients know what server it needs to connect with / what happens if a server is down? How would the clients / servers now what other nodes there are in the network without having a central server?
At best I don't want the clients to know what the IP addresses are of the different nodes, however I don't think this would be possible without having a central server.
As stated the application will be written in VB.Net, but I think the language doesn't really matter at this point.
Just want to know the different approaches I can follow.
Look for example at the paper of the Kademlia protocol (you can find it here). If you just want a quick overview, look at the Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kademlia. The Kademlia protocol defines a way of node lookups in a network in a decentral way. It has been successfully applied in the eMule software - so it is tested to really work.
It should cause no serious problems to apply it to your chat software.
You need some known IP address for clients to initially get into a network. Once a client is part of a network, things can be more decentralized, but that first step needs something.
There are basically only two options - either the user provides one (for an existing node of the network - essentially how BitTorrent trackers work), or you hard-code in a gateway node (which is effectively a central server).
Maybe you can see uChat program. It's a program from uTorrent creator with chat without server in mind.
The idea is connect to a swarm from a magnetlink and use it to send an receive messages. This is as Amber answer, you need an access point, may it be a server, a know swarm, manual ip, etc.
Here is uChat presentation: http://blog.bittorrent.com/2011/06/30/uchat-we-just-need-each-other/
