Is there a way to get the display tags back (with spaces), rather than the coded versions? - flickr

I'm using phpFlickr to make this query:
$photos = $f->photos_search(array(
It's working great, except, I have some tags with spaces in them and I want to display them that way. Is it possible? Maybe I need to do a tag lookup first?

found it:


NodeJS Jade (Pug) inline link in dynamic text

I have this NodeJS application, that uses Jade as template language. On one particular page, one text block is retrieved from the server, which reads the text from database.
The problem is, the returned text might contain line-breaks and links, and an operator might change this text at any time. How do I make these elements display correctly?
Most answers suggest using a new line:
| this is the start of the para
a(href='') a link
| and this is the rest of the paragraph
But I cannot do this, since I cannot know when the a element appears. I've solved how to get newline correct, by this trick:
each l in line.description.split(/\n/)
= l
But I cannot seem to solve how to get links to render correctly. Does anyone know?
I am open to any kind of format for links in the database, whatever would solve the issue. For example, say database contains the following text:
We would like you to visit [a("")Google]
Then we would like that to output text that looks like this:
We would like you to visit Google
Looks like what you're looking for is unescaped string interpolation. The link does not work in the output because Pug automatically escapes it. Wrap the content you want to insert with !{} and it should stop breaking links. (Disclaimer: Make sure you don't leave user input unescaped - this only is a viable option if you know for sure the content of your DB does not have unwanted HTML/JS code in it.)
See this CodePen for illustration.
With this approach, you would need to use standard HTML tags (<a>) in your DB text. If you don't want that, you could have a look at Pug filters such as markdown-it (you will still need to un-escape the compilation output of that filter).

No result if search contains dot and wildcard

I use azure search and have some document with a field like this {"Nr": "123.334.93"}.
If i search for querytype=full&search=123.334.93 then it found multiple document and if I search for querytype=full&search="123.334.93" then it found one document. This is as expected.
But if I search for querytype=full&search=123.334.9* I expect multiple document starting with 123.334.9 but none result are given back.
Do I miss somthing?
The same is when I use a regex expression like this querytype=full&search=/123\.334\.9.*/
Your query looks correct to me and should work.
A couple of things you might look into.
1) Sometimes you need to escape the * like this:
Usually, this is only necessary if you have more search terms after the *.
2) You can also narrow the fields searched down to only the field you need (for better efficiency) like this:
Hope this helps.
Based on the Comment from Yahnoosh.
The analyzer of the field was set to "". I change that to "standard.lucene", recreate and fill the index and it works as expected.
It seems that I have to be more carefully to set the analyzer and only use specific ones for fields with language specific content.
Thanks for your help.

Correct way to override content being displayed?

I want to enable the use of codes inside of content on a Drupal website. For example, when creating a block or a node, i want users to be able to insert code like this:
Depending on what the current language is, it might display a different value. The tricky part is not retrieving the value I want to replace it with, but figuring out at what point I replace it?
What hook or function would I use, to replace any node content that has the specific code in it, with another value? And the same for a block or any other content that is going to be displayed?
I solved this by creating my own input filter. I copied this example.

How to tell MODX wayFinder to detect the resource ID it is currently on

I am new to WayFinder but I have been working with it a bit and it has worked great for me, However I need something a little more dynamic that I'm not sure how to do.
I have a set of 5 pages in my website and each page has another side menu, but each menu for all five resources will be slightly different
I need wayfinder to detect what the current ID is and then display the appropriate menu
I've tried a couple things but nothign i can get to work:
[[!If? &subject=[[*28]] &then=[[Wayfinder? &startId=27&excludeDocs=28,29,30,31,32,33,89]]]]
So I need to say if the ID is = to 28 display this menu if the ID is = to 29 display this one and so on.
I've also tried &idIs=28 and a couple other variations but couldn't really find anything to help me out on this Does anyone else have any ideas how to make this work? Thank you.
With the solution typeset suggest, wayfinder will be called each time thereby causing uneeded loading time to your site. This will be faster because wayfinder only will be called when id = 28.
[[[[*id:is=`28`:then=`Wayfinder? &startId=27 &excludeDocs=28,29,30,31,32,33,89`:else=``]]]]
Read more on it here:
You can use output filters for conditional calls. Documentation for them is here
You code would looks something like this:
[[*id:is=`28`:then=`[[Wayfinder? &startId=27&excludeDocs=28,29,30,31,32,33,89]]`:else=``]]
If the menu needs to start from the current ID then you'd use
If you want it to show all the resources in the current folder, you can use UltimateParent, so
Hope this helps!
This should work. The subject is just the parameter you are comparing it against so it shouldn't contain the value.
&then=`[[Wayfinder? &startId=`27` &excludeDocs=`28,29,30,31,32,33,89`]]`

Drupal Views Arguments

I know how to successfully use arguments in drupal's views module, but when it "filters" based on those arguments it uses "=" in the where clause of the SQL statement. However, I would like to use "like" instead of "=" in the where clause of the SQL statement so I can pass in, say the title of a node, as an argument and then show all nodes that CONTAIN the title passed in. I am not interested in grabbing only the nodes where the title is exactly the same as the title passed in. Does anyone know how I can do this? Is this possible?
one possible solution would be to generate the view by code with your required query.
I am looking for the same solution. It looks like you can modify the query using the views_views_pre_execute hook. The link below has a pretty good explanation. Haven't tried it yet but giving it a shot now...
You could export the view, which outputs the views-generated query as code, then modify the query to suit your needs, and load it programatically (
In drupal 7 you can use views query alter to generate your custom querys:
Take a look at this example:
I don't think you can do this. See here (
There are no options for selecting which operator should be used with contextual filters (save the exclude option). All default to is equal to.
