Read-only thread safety - multithreading

What is mean term "Read-only thread safety" Can anyone post some code example?

The example could be some STL container, initialized like this
std::vector<int> vec;
If not modified, this vec can be used by several threads accessing its fields. It's safe, while the members of vec are not changed nor the memory it occupies.
int n =;// good. many threads can do this
// many threads could do this too
for( std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it )
cout << *it << endl;
It's not safe though if other thread does some writing/modification over vec while someone is reading it.
vec.push_back(3); // bad: vec could get expanded and the data relocated
vec[ 0 ] = 5; // bad: someone could read invalid data


How to join all threads before deleting the ThreadPool

I am using a MultiThreading class which creates the required number of threads in its own threadpool and deletes itself after use.
std::thread *m_pool; //number of threads according to available cores
std::mutex m_locker;
std::condition_variable m_condition;
std::atomic<bool> m_exit;
int m_processors
m_pool = new std::thread[m_processors + 1]
void func()
for (int i = 0; i < m_processors; i++)
m_pool[i] = std::thread(func);
void reset(void)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_locker);
m_exit = true;
for(int i = 0; i <= m_processors; i++)
delete[] m_pool;
After running through all tasks, the for-loop is supposed to join all running threads before delete[] is being executed.
But there seems to be one last thread still running, while the m_pool does not exist anymore.
This leads to the problem, that I can't close my program anymore.
Is there any way to check if all threads are joined or wait for all threads to be joined before deleting the threadpool?
Simple typo bug I think.
Your loop that has the condition i <= m_processors is a bug and will actually process one extra entry past the end of the array. This is an off-by-one bug. Suppose m_processors is 2. You'll have an array that contains 2 elements with indices [0] and [1]. Yet, you'll be reading past the end of the array, attempting to join with the item at index [2]. m_pool[2] is undefined memory and you're likely going to either crash or block forever there.
You likely intended i < m_processors.
The real source of the problem is addressed by Wick's answer. I will extend it with some tips that also solve your problem while improving other aspects of your code.
If you use C++11 for std::thread, then you shouldn't create your thread handles using operator new[]. There are better ways of doing that with other C++ constructs, which will make everything simpler and exception safe (you don't leak memory if an unexpected exception is thrown).
Store your thread objects in a std::vector. It will manage the memory allocation and deallocation for you (no more new and delete). You can use other more flexible containers such as std::list if you insert/delete threads dynamically.
Fill the vector in place with std::generate or similar
std::vector<std::thread> m_pool;
// Fill the vector
std::generate_n( std::back_inserter(m_pool), m_processors,
[](){ return std::thread(func); } );
Join all the elements using range-for loop and delete handles using container's functions.
for( std::thread& t: m_pool ) {

std::map insert thread safe in c++11?

I have very simple code in which multiple threads are trying to insert data in std::map and as per my understanding this should led to program crash because this is data race
std::map<long long,long long> k1map;
void Ktask()
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
long long random_variable = (std::rand())%1000;
std::cout << "Thread ID -> " << std::this_thread::get_id() << " with looping index " << i << std::endl;
k1map.insert(std::make_pair(random_variable, random_variable));
int main()
std::srand((int)std::time(0)); // use current time as seed for random generator
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
std::thread t(Ktask);
std::cout << "Thread created " << t.get_id() << std::endl;
return 0;
However i ran it multiple time and there is no application crash and if run same code with pthread and c++03 application is crashing so I am wondering is there some change in c++11 that make map insert thread safe ?
No, std::map::insert is not thread-safe.
There are many reasons why your example may not crash. Your threads may be running in a serial fashion due to the system scheduler, or because they finish very quickly (1000 iterations isn't that much). Your map will fill up quickly (only having 1000 nodes) and therefore later insertions won't actually modify the structure and reduce possibility of crashes. Or perhaps the implementation you're using IS thread-safe.
For most standard library types, the only thread safety guarantee you get is that it is safe to use separate object instances in separate threads. That's it.
And std::map is not one of the exceptions to that rule. An implementation might offer you more of a guarantee, or you could just be getting lucky.
And when it comes to fixing threading bugs, there's only one kind of luck.

What's the correct way of waiting for detached threads to finish?

Look at this sample code:
void OutputElement(int e, int delay)
this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(100 * delay));
cout << e << '\n';
void SleepSort(int v[], uint n)
for (uint i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
thread t(OutputElement, v[i], v[i]);
It starts n new threads and each one sleeps for some time before outputting a value and finishing. What's the correct/best/recommended way of waiting for all threads to finish in this case? I know how to work around this but I want to know what's the recommended multithreading tool/design that I should use in this situation (e.g. condition_variable, mutex etc...)?
And now for the slightly dissenting answer. And I do mean slightly because I mostly agree with the other answer and the comments that say "don't detach, instead join."
First imagine that there is no join(). And that you have to communicate among your threads with a mutex and condition_variable. This really isn't that hard nor complicated. And it allows an arbitrarily rich communication, which can be anything you want, as long as it is only communicated while the mutex is locked.
Now a very common idiom for such communication would simply be a state that says "I'm done". Child threads would set it, and the parent thread would wait on the condition_variable until the child said "I'm done." This idiom would in fact be so common as to deserve a convenience function that encapsulated the mutex, condition_variable and state.
join() is precisely this convenience function.
But imho one has to be careful. When one says: "Never detach, always join," that could be interpreted as: Never make your thread communication more complicated than "I'm done."
For a more complex interaction between parent thread and child thread, consider the case where a parent thread launches several child threads to go out and independently search for the solution to a problem. When the problem is first found by any thread, that gets communicated to the parent, and the parent can then take that solution, and tell all the other threads that they don't need to search any more.
For example:
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <random>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
void OneSearch(int id, std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> mut,
std::shared_ptr<std::condition_variable> cv,
int& state, int& solution)
std::random_device seed;
// std::mt19937_64 eng{seed()};
std::mt19937_64 eng{static_cast<unsigned>(id)};
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, 100000000);
int test = 0;
while (true)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; ++i)
if (dist(eng) == 999)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(*mut);
if (state == -1)
state = id;
solution = test;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(*mut);
if (state != -1)
auto findSolution(int n)
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
auto mut = std::make_shared<std::mutex>();
auto cv = std::make_shared<std::condition_variable>();
int state = -1;
int solution = -1;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(*mut);
for (uint i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
threads.push_back(std::thread(OneSearch, i, mut, cv,
std::ref(state), std::ref(solution)));
while (state == -1)
for (auto& t : threads)
return std::make_pair(state, solution);
auto p = findSolution(5);
std::cout << '{' << p.first << ", " << p.second << "}\n";
Above I've created a "dummy problem" where a thread searches for how many times it needs to query a URNG until it comes up with the number 999. The parent thread puts 5 child threads to work on it. The child threads work for awhile, and then every once in a while, look up and see if any other thread has found the solution yet. If so, they quit, else they keep working. The main thread waits until solution is found, and then joins with all the child threads.
For me, using the bash time facility, this outputs:
$ time a.out
{3, 30235588}
real 0m4.884s
user 0m16.792s
sys 0m0.017s
But what if instead of joining with all the threads, it detached those threads that had not yet found a solution. This might look like:
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (i == state)
(in place of the t.join() loop from above). For me this now runs in 1.8 seconds, instead of the 4.9 seconds above. I.e. the child threads are not checking with each other that often, and so main just detaches the working threads and lets the OS bring them down. This is safe for this example because the child threads own everything they are touching. Nothing gets destructed out from under them.
One final iteration can be realized by noticing that even the thread that finds the solution doesn't need to be joined with. All of the threads could be detached. The code is actually much simpler:
auto findSolution(int n)
auto mut = std::make_shared<std::mutex>();
auto cv = std::make_shared<std::condition_variable>();
int state = -1;
int solution = -1;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(*mut);
for (uint i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)
std::thread(OneSearch, i, mut, cv,
std::ref(state), std::ref(solution)).detach();
while (state == -1)
return std::make_pair(state, solution);
And the performance remains at about 1.8 seconds.
There is still (sort of) an effective join with the solution-finding thread here. But it is accomplished with the condition_variable::wait instead of with join.
thread::join() is a convenience function for the very common idiom that your parent/child thread communication protocol is simply "I'm done." Prefer thread::join() in this common case as it is easier to read, and easier to write.
However don't unnecessarily constrain yourself to such a simple parent/child communication protocol. And don't be afraid to build your own richer protocol when the task at hand needs it. And in this case, thread::detach() will often make more sense. thread::detach() doesn't necessarily imply a fire-and-forget thread. It can simply mean that your communication protocol is more complex than "I'm done."
Don't detach, but instead join:
std::vector<std::thread> ts;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
ts.emplace_back(OutputElement, v[i], v[i]);
for (auto & t : threads)

Arena Allocator Allocation Method & Violation Writing Issue

Basically I'm trying to create an Arena Allocator without using structs, classes, or the new operator to manually manage memory. I have a defined size, a character pool, an allocation method and a freeMemory display method.
Note that pool[0] is my index which will keep track of where the memory has last been filled.
const int size = 50000;
char pool[size];
void start() {
pool[0] = 1;
int freeMemory(void) {
int freemem = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if(pool[i] == NULL) {
return freemem;
void* allocate(int aSize)
if(freeMemory() == 0)
char* p = NULL;
int pos = pool[0];
pool[pos] = (char) a;
p = &pool[pos];
pool[0] += a;
return((void*) &pool[pos]);
In the main.cpp:
long* test1 = (long *) allocate(sizeof(long));
cout << freeMemory() << endl; //Returns 49999
*test1 = 0x8BADF00D; //Breaks here
cout << freeMemory() << endl;
It breaks when I try to use 0x8BADF00D and I believe I'm having issues initializing some of these variables too.
Unhandled exception at 0x000515f7 in MemoryManagerC.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000004 on 0x8BADF00D
The code below has numerous bugs.
char* pointer;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*pointer = pool[i];
if(pointer != NULL)
pointer = (char*) a;
return((void*) i); //return the pointer
This line copies a character to an unknown memory location. Since pointer has never been initialized, we can only guess where it's pointing
*pointer = pool[i];
You probably meant to copy a pointer.
pointer = &pool[i];
Although if you did mean to copy a pointer from the pool array, this will always be true. None of the elements in that array reside at address NULL.
if(pointer != NULL)
Now this code changes pointer to point to...more invalid addresses. When a is sizeof(long), that size is reinterpreted to be a memory address. Memory address 0x00000004 most likely.
pointer = (char*) a;
And then this will return the address 0x00000000, in your case. Because i is 0.
return((void*) i); //return the pointer
There are some problems with allocate:
char* pointer = NULL;
int pos = pool[0];
pool[0] is a char. It's not big enough to store indexes to all members of the array.
pool[pos] = (char) a;
I'm not sure what you're storing here, or why. You seem to be storing the size of the allocation in the space that you're allocating.
pointer = &pool[pos + a];
I think you're constructing a pointer to the memory after the allocated portion. Is that right?
pool[0] += a;
And here you're incrementing the offset that shows how much of the pool is allocated, except that a single char isn't going to be big enough for more than a tiny quantity of allocations.
return((void*) &pointer);
And now you're returning the address of the pointer variable. That's going to be an address on the stack, and unsafe to use. Even if you just the contents of pointer instead of its address, I think it would point after the region you just allocated in your pool.
There are also problems with freeMemory. It compares the contents of the pool (char elements) with NULL. This suggests you think it contains pointers, but they are just chars. It's not clear why unallocated parts of the pool would be 0. Do you even allow deallocation within the pool?
Perhaps you could explain how you intend the allocator to work? There's obviously a gap between what you think it should do and what it actually does, but it's not clear what you think it should do, so it's hard to give advice. How do you apportion space in the array? Do you allow deallocation? What information is supposed to be encoded where?
I just realised that allocate uses the undefined variable a. Is that supposed to be the same thing as the parameter aSize? That's what I assume here.
a possible problem with your code might be here.
char* pointer;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*pointer = pool[i];
The thing here is this might work on some compilers (it shouldn't in my opinion).
pointer here is not pointing to anything allocated. So when you do
*pointer = pool[i];
Where should pool[i] be copied to?
For example let's say we delclared pointer like this.
char* pointer = NULL;
now it is clear that
*pointer = pool[i];
is wrong.
g++ (I have noticed) initializes pointers to NULL. So your code will segfault. VC++ might work because it didn't NULL initialize pointer. But you are writing to a memory location that's not yours.

Providing Concurrency Between Pthreads

I am working on multithread programming and I am stuck on something.
In my program there are two tasks and two types of robots for carrying out the tasks:
Task 1 requires any two types of robot and
task 2 requires 2 robot1 type and 2 robot2 type.
Total number of robot1 and robot2 and pointers to these two types are given for initialization. Threads share these robots and robots are reserved until a thread is done with them.
Actual task is done in doTask1(robot **) function which takes pointer to a robot pointer as parameter so I need to pass the robots that I reserved. I want to provide concurrency. Obviously if I lock everything it will not be concurrent. robot1 is type of Robot **. Since It is used by all threads before one thread calls doTask or finish it other can overwrite robot1 so it changes things. I know it is because robot1 is shared by all threads. Could you explain how can I solve this problem? I don't want to pass any arguments to thread start routine.
rsc is my struct to hold number of robots and pointers that are given in an initialization function.
void *task1(void *arg)
int tid;
tid = *((int *) arg);
cout << "TASK 1 with thread id " << tid << endl;
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutexUpdateRob);
while (rsc->totalResources < 2)
pthread_cond_wait(&noResource, &mutexUpdateRob);
if (rsc->numOfRobotA > 0 && rsc->numOfRobotB > 0)
rsc->numOfRobotA --;
robot1[0] = &rsc->robotA[counterA];
robot1[1] = &rsc->robotB[counterB];
counterA ++;
counterB ++;
flag1 = true;
rsc->totalResources -= 2;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutexUpdateRob);
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutexUpdateRob);
rsc->numOfRobotA ++;
rsc->totalResources += 2;
if (totalResource >= 2)
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutexUpdateRob);
If robots are global resources, threads should not dispose of them. It should be the duty of the main thread exit (or cleanup) function.
Also, there sould be a way for threads to locate unambiguously the robots, and to lock their use.
The robot1 array seems to store the robots, and it seems to be a global array. However:
its access is not protected by a mutex (pthread_mutex_t), it seems now that you've taken care of that.
Also, the code in task1 is always modifying entries 0 and 1 of this array. If two threads or more execute that code, the entries will be overwritten. I don't think that it is what you want. How will that array be used afterwards?
In fact, why does this array need to be global?
The bottom line is this: as long as this array is shared by threads, they will have problems working concurrently. Think about it this way:
You have two companies using robots to work, but they're using the same truck (robot1) to move the robots around. How are these two companies supposed to function properly, and efficiently with only one truck?
