Best community for SVG developers? [closed] - svg

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am really struggling with finding a community devoted to all things SVG. There are all kinds of places and forums for JS, RoR, PHP and now the buzz with HTML5 canvas but where is the love for SVG?
I have read some insightful responses from STackoverflow members like 'Echoflow' & 'Erik Dahlström' on few things SVG but Im hoping to discover a wider community as well. Any guidance?

I think one of the main forums for interest in SVG development is the svg-developers yahoo group:


How to make 2D color tiles for the 2048 game [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to develop a terminal version of the 2048 game with Haskell. And i'm lost with the Console interface part.
Any tips on which console library to use for making those color tiles ?
vty-ui should be good for that purpose. It also has a good amount of documentation with it. I think it has attributes for setting background and foreground color.

Anyone got a SIMPLE example of how to read a MIDI file with Haskell [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Trying to learn Haskell, done some of the basic examples from the well known books but would like to try something more relevant. Found the midi and the Haskore libraries but I can't figure out the basics.
I'd love to see a really simple example of how to load a MIDI file (preferably a format 1 file) and access events in the various tracks.
I highly recommend The Haskell School of Music -- From Signals to Symphonies by Paul Hudak

Website for Checking Presentation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have many presentations to do for university and were asking myself if there is a website, like a forum, were you can upload your finished presentation and the community can check it and give you some tips for improvement.
is this what you're looking for?
You can try Google Docs, which could let you share the presentation to other people and modify it together.

Examples of ridiculously simple but useful web apps written in JavaScript? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm curious if anyone is using any web app that is extremely simple (very few lines of code). Something that helps you with something practical in your daily life? I'm learning JavaScript and I would like to see examples so that I can build my own, but I want it to be useful so I feel motivated enough to build it.
The d3 page has some awesome examples of really neat yet simple applications:

Agile classes for the developer [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Where can I find good agile classes for developers?
Not really talking about scrum and estimating user stories here.
More along the lines of principles from the gang of four... patterns and object orientated code.
Preferably somewhere around the New York and Boston area?
Check out Object Mentor. They have very developer focussed classes.
