Recompiling / Running Dynamic Shared Objects (DSO) on Windows - linux

I don't have much in the way of Unix/Linux experience but are wondering if it is possible in any way to run DSOs on Windows? Can these be recompiled so they will execute?
Thanks in advance for any pointers you can give me.

Short answer: no.
Long answer: if we're talking about PHP extensions here, you can get the source code for the extension and recompile it for Windows if you have some form of Visual Studio installed on your computer. You can also find alot of precompiled PHP extensions at


Is it possible to build a Visual Studio application for Mac and Linux? Any "extensions" available

I've created a nice application in Visual Studio. However, I want it to have multi-platform support. Is there any extension or anything I could implement to allow me to build my project for Windows, Mac and Linux users? Any suggestions or help would be helpful.
Thanks in advance,
This other question on Stack Overflow is similar to yours, but only is asking about running on the application on Mac OSX. Most of the answers are suggesting to use the Mono Project. Hope it helps a little!
Check out the Mono platform. It is designed to let developers create cross-platform apps in .NET.
It will run on Mac, Linux and Windows.
In practice it is a bit clunky and not everything is available for Linux (e.g. WPF), but it might be a good solution for what you are trying to do.

Is there a way to link libraries in a visual studio 2015 remote linux application?

I am using visual studio 2015 on windows to develop a c++ application for a linux machine using the linux project template. So far I have built the libraries I need on the remote machine, then transferred those libraries to my windows machine.
From there I have included them in my project as normal (in the project properties), but there are still some errors when I am building the project, as far as I can tell they are link errors. I am fairly certain I have included all the necessary files and linked everything correctly within the IDE.
This is purely for fun and a learning experience for me, so please forgive me if I am way off base here. I have read about makefiles but am still new to linux development and was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this.
If this cant be done remotely from within the visual studio IDE I would love to hear suggestions.
EDIT: It seems I was mistaken about what it was exactly that I am trying to do, sorry guys.
You cannot link libraries on Windows with MSVC compiler that you compiled on your remote Linux machine with a different compiler. You will need to recompile them.

MonoDevelop unsupported project type vcxproj

I have been a long-time visual studio developer, and I am trying to switch over to using mono so I can port my applications to Ubuntu. I have been trying to get some of my VS2010 C++ projects (.vcxproj file types) to load into MD on my Ubunutu 12.04 machine. According to the documentation I have read online this should work, however, every time I try and load a project I get the error shown below. Is there something else I need to be installing in order to be able to load C++ projects in monodevelop? I have done some searching, but have not yet found anything related to this particular question.
VC2010Test.sln(4): Unsupported or unrecognized project : '/home/me/Projects/Test/VC2010Test/VC2010Test.vcxproj'.
MonoDevelop has a C/C++ binding, called CBinding.
Beware, it's not meant to target managed C++.
AFAIK, it only works in Unix-like platforms.
So, if you still target non-managed C++ and are not using MonoDevelop for Windows, two questions:
Did you make sure that the binding (addin) is installed and enabled?
If the answer to the above question is yes, you may want to try this: the binding creates projects with the extension ".proj" by default, I think, so maybe you can change this to ".vcxproj", recompile, and test again. If it works, then it should be easy to create a pull request to include this extension of possible file types that this addin can handle?

NetBeans' toolchain for Microsoft Visual C++

has anyone ever written a netbeans' toolchain for MS VC++ compiler?
Following this bug report.
I read this should be possibile since version 6.7.
I thank in advance you all.
I am currently writing a module/toolchain to use Visual C++ on Netbeans.
You can find the project called VCC4N on source forge.
It may be a bit late for you, but I hope it can help other people.

Is 64bit jdic libraries available for solaris?

Does anyone know if there is a way to make jdic work in solaris (64bit version)??
I could only manage to find 32bit jdic libraries :(
Thanks in advance.
The project seems dead.
Plus has most of its page 404...
Someone tried to make a 64 bits library (not tested):
When will the 64-bit version of JDIC be available?
I think you should look for an alternative (like Desktop).
