how i can add Add text at the beginning of each line? - linux

how i can add Add text at the beginning of each line?
for example:- i have file contain:-
i want it to become:-
in other word i want to add "svn+ssh://" at the beginning of each line of this file

One way to do this is to use awk.
awk '{ printf "svn+ssh://"; print }' <filename>
If you want to modify the file in place, you can use sed with the -i switch.
sed -i -e 's_.*_svn+ssh://' <filename>

Using sed:
printf "line1\nline2\n" | sed "s/^/new text /"
Using ex:
printf "line1\nline2\n" | ex -s +"%s/^/foo bar /e" +%p -cq! /dev/stdin
Using vim:
printf "line1\nline2\n" | vim - -es +"%s/^/foo bar /e" +%p -cq!
Using shell:
printf "line1\nline2\n" | while read line; do echo foo bar $line; done

ruby -pne 'sub(/^/,"svn+ssh://")' file

Simple way:
sed -i 's_._svn+ssh://' <filename>

It can also be done with Perl:
perl -pe 's#^#svn+ssh://' input.file


How to apply my sed command to some lines of all my files?

I've 95 files that looks like :
For some lines I've 2019-10-29-18-00/dev and for some other lines, I've 2019-10-30-12-00;/dev/
I want to add the ; before the /dev/ where it is missing, so for that I use this sed command :
sed 's/\/dev/\;\/dev/'
But How I can apply this command for each lines where the ; is missing ? I try this :
for i in $(cat /home/xxx/xxx/xxx/*.txt | grep -e "00/dev/")
sed 's/\/dev/\;\/dev/' $i > $i
But it doesn't work... Can you help me ?
Could you please try following with GNU awkif you are ok with it.
awk -i inplace '/00\/dev\//{gsub(/00\/dev\//,"/00;/dev/")} 1' *.txt
sed solution: Tested with GNU sed for few files and it worked fine.
sed -i.bak '/00\/dev/s/00\/dev/00\;\/dev/g' *.txt
This might work for you (GNU sed & parallel):
parallel -q sed -i 's#;*/dev#;/dev#' ::: *.txt
or if you prefer:
sed -i 's#;*/dev#;/dev#' *.txt
Ignore lines with ;/dev.
sed '/;\/dev/{p;d}; s^/dev^;/dev^'
The /;\/dev/ check if the line has ;/dev. If it has ;/dev do: p - print the current line and d - start from the beginning.
You can use any character with s command in sed. Also, there is no need in escaping \;, just ;.
How I can apply this command for each lines where the ; is missing ? I try this
Don't edit the same file redirecting to the same file $i > $i. Think about it. How can you re-write and read from the same file at the same time? You can't, the resulting file will be in most cases empty, as the > $i will "execute" first making the file empty, then sed $i will start running and it will read an empty file. Use a temporary file sed ... "$i" > temp.txt; mv temp.txt "$i" or use gnu extension -i sed option to edit in place.
What you want to do really is:
grep -l '00/dev/' /home/xxx/xxx/xxx/*.txt |
xargs -n1 sed -i '/;\/dev/{p;d}; s^/dev^;/dev^'
grep -l prints list of files that match the pattern, then xargs for each single one -n1 of the files executes sed which -i edits files in place.
grep for filtering can be eliminated in your case, we can accomplish the task with a single sed command:
for f in $(cat /home/xxx/xxx/xxx/*.txt)
[[ -f "$f" ]] && sed -Ei '/00\/dev/ s/([^;])(\/dev)/\1;\2/' "$f"
The easiest way would be to adjust your regex so that it's looking a bit wider than '/dev/', e.g.
sed -i -E 's|([0-9])/dev|\1;/dev|'
(note that I'm taking advantage of sed's flexible approach to delimiters on substitute. Also, -E changes the group syntax)
Alternatively, sed lets you filter which lines it handles:
sed -i '/[0-9]\/dev/ s/\/dev/;/dev/'
This uses the same substitution you already have but only applied on lines that match the filter regex

Unwanted line break using echo and cat

I'm trying to add a line at the beginning of a file, using
echo 'time/F:x1:x2' | cat - file.txt>newfile.txt
But this produces line breaks at each line in the new file (except for after the added 'time/F:x1:x2' line). Any ideas on how to avoid this?
Use -n to disable the trailing newline:
echo -n 'time/F:x1:x2' | cat - file.txt > newfile.txt
There are other ways, too:
sed '1s|^|time/F:x1:x2|' file.txt > newfile.txt
How about
{ echo 'time/F:x1:x2'; cat file.txt; } >newfile.txt
sed '1i\
time/F:x1:x2' file.txt > newfile.txt
Actually you don't even need the echo and pipe if you're using bash. Just use a herestring:
<<< 'time/F:x1:x2' cat - file.txt > newfile.txt

sed extract text between two patterns where second pattern may be either of one

I am trying to extract text between pattern1 (fixed) and pattern2 (this can be p2-1/p2-2).
can you please tell me how to achieve this in a single command?
A file starts with start and ends with either end or close
I can extract text from File1 with
sed -n "/start/,/close/p"
And from File2 with
sed -n "/start/,/end/p"
I need a single sed command to achieve both..
something like:
sed -n "/start/, /close or end /p"
Both GNU sed and BSD sed:
sed -nE '/start/,/close|end/p' file
This awk looks better
awk '/start/,/end|close/' file
sed -n -E "/Word1/,/Word2-1/p" | sed -n -E "/Word1/,/Word2-2/p"
Easy with awk:
$ awk '/start/{p=1}p{print}/end|close/{p=0}' file

Find a string and add multiple lined string saved in variable before

I have been trying quite a few ways with no luck. I have a file named test.txt that has some lorem ipsum and the text [staging: production] I simply want to add a few lines that I have saved in a variable in before it.
If you could explain where I have gone wrong with any of the below it would be much appreciated!
sed '/^#$/{N; /[staging: production]/ i \
<Location /cgis> \
}' ./test.txt
sed -i -e 's/\[staging\: production\]/\$test/g' ./test.txt
#sed -i 's/Lorem/beautiful/g' test.txt
#awk -v data=$test '{A[NR]=$0}/\[staging\: production\]/{ print data }' test.txt > testfile.txt
#read -a text <<<$(cat test.txt)
#echo ${#text[#]}
#for i in ${text[#]};
# echo -n $i;
# sleep .2;
#ed -s test.txt <<< $'/\[staging\: production\]/s/lalalala/g\nw'
#awk -v data=$test '/\(/\[staging\: production\]\)/ { print data }' test.txt > testfile.txt
# && mv testfile.txt test.txt
#sed -i -e '/\(\[staging\: production\]\)/r/$test\1/g' test.txt
#sed "/\(\[staging\: production\]\)/s//$test\1/g" test.txt
sed -i -e 's/\[staging\: production\]/\$test/g' ./test.txt
won't work because inside singe quotes BASH will not expand \$test.
Therefore you don't need to escape the $.
If you want to substitute with the contents of the variable $test do:
sed -i -e 's/\[staging: production\]/'$test'/g' ./test.txt
You also do not need to escape :
To insert before your pattern works for me this way:
sed -i -e '/\[staging: production\]/ i '$test'' ./test.txt
However to preserve the linebreak inside the variable I needed to define:
Please note the \n to encode the linebreak.
Try it in perl, it seems to work fine:
perl -pe '{$rep="what\nnow"; s/(\[foo foo2\])/$rep$1/}' file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/\[staging: production\]/i\'"$test" test.txt
N.B. \\ in the variable and the variable is surrouded by "'s in the sed command.

How to filter data out of tabulated stdout stream in Bash?

Here's what output looks like, basically:
? RESTRequestParamObj.cpp
? plugins/dupfields2/_DupFields.cpp
? plugins/dupfields2/_DupFields.h
I need to get the filenames from second column and pass them to rm. There's AWK script that goes like awk '{print $2}' but I was wondering if there's another solution.
If you have spaces between the ? and the filename then:
cut -c9-
If they're tabs then:
cut -f2
Placed your output in file
$> cat ./text
? RESTRequestParamObj.cpp
? plugins/dupfields2/_DupFields.cpp
? plugins/dupfields2/_DupFields.h
Edit it with sed
$> cat ./text | sed -r -e 's/(\?[\ \t]*)(.*)/\2/g'
Sed in here is matching 2 parts of line -
? with tabs or spaces
Other characters until the end f the line
And then it changes whole line only with second part.
This might work for you:
echo "? RESTRequestParamObj.cpp" | sed -e 's/^\S\+/rm /' | sh
or using GNU sed
echo "? RESTRequestParamObj.cpp"| sed -r 's/^\S+/rm /e'
bash only solution, assuming your output comes from stdin:
while read line; do echo ${line##* }; done
use cut/perl instead
cut -f2 -t'\t'|xargs rm -rf
<your output>|perl -ne '#cols = split /\t/; print $cols[1]'|xargs rm -rf
