Sharepoint MOSS 2007 advanced search customization - sharepoint

In my sharepoint site, the master page template is chagned and we moved the search box into the site which showed as a web part, When the user enters a search string in that box, it should search whatever the materials available in the site itself, document library, blogs in the web, forums and wikis. Therefore, I think I need a way to figure out how these types of searches are done using sharepoint as well as how programmatically provide a search string to advanced search and receive search results. Any Idea how to do this? my code behinds are in C#

I don't think that should be any issue as sharepoint search is based upon the query string K parameter stands for Keyword, s parameter stands for scope, cs stands for contextual scope So use these parameters in query string to your results page having the core results webpart.
http:// <>/ <>/ results.aspx?k="Test Keyowrd"&s="All Sites"


Kentico smart search with custom web part

I have custom web part registered in Kentico web page and I would like to use Kentico smart search to search information from web part.
My custom web part contains grid view with following columns
Item Code
Item Name
Item Price
Mfg. Date
If user is going to enter "Laptops" in search box then system should search information based on Item Name.
Can anyone give me brief idea about Kentico smart search which satisfy above functionality?
Have you tried using the smart search index and set it to be the document crawler? In this case the crawler will index the HTML output of the pages - including the output of the web part.
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how smart search operates.
Basically you'll use Smart search to index your database.
You can then use Kentico's Smart search API to filter a dataset to be used to bind into a repeater or datalist of some type.
The only thing I can suggest is consulting the Kentico documentation for your version of Kentico, specifically looking for smart search. If you included more information such as the Kentico version and the source of your data (documents, custom tables, etc) then someone may be able to give a clearer answer.

Sharepoint 2010 search: How to modify search query before submit (programmatically?)

I'm making a custom search box Web Part, similar to the OOTB Web Part from SharePoint
(SearchBoxEx class).
I'm interested in modifying the search query with additional text before it is submitted, based on a custom checkbox added on the Web Part.
Any help on how I can achieve this?
I've used the AppendToQuery and AppQueryTerms properties, but this will rewrite the text in the search box as well. I'm interested in passing the values "in the background", maybe as an extra parameter. Point is that the query modification should happen without the user seeing it explicitly.
In the core result webpart there is a property where you can append text to the query and you will not see that in the textbox.
I when I had to customize People Search, I opted to roll my own web part and just called Response.Transfer to the Results.aspx and appended query string parameters to the URL. This wasn't the most elegant solution, but it was a quick way to modify the query "behind the scenes."
I'm sure you could develop an application page and set it as the Search Box web part's Results page. Put your custom logic in the page_load and then transfer (or do a form POST) to the actual results.aspx page.
I'm now developing an Extension of SearchBoxEx myself, and I'm currently trying to figure out how to call the base method that submits the query too. This blog shows how to call the internal CreateAdvanceSearchLink method of the SearchBoxEx class:

Sharepoint content are not searchable...why?

I create a form form infopath. On that form I took the text boxes with corresponding fields, then I embed the form in SharePoint. Then in my document library, clicked "new", filled up data. Then I can see the data columns wise in my document library. Let's say I fill data as "Lalit" when I tried to search it, it gave me message:
"No results matching your search were found."
1.Check your spelling. Are the words in your query spelled correctly?
2.Try using synonyms. Maybe what you're looking for uses slightly different words.
3.Make your search more general. Try more general terms in place of specific ones.
4.Try your search in a different scope. Different scopes can have different results.
What should the problem ?
If you're using SharePoint Server you have to configure the search before you can use it. SharePoint then crawls the content of you site and builds an index for it, that will be used by the search.
You find the search configuration in the Central Administration under the Shared Service Provider for you web application.

WSS 3.0 Search

I am using the Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express with WSS 3.0 for searching the wss content as well as LAN contents. I did a kind of POC where I can search the wss content and the contents that are not of wss repository but placed in the LAN. When I do a wss content search let say I have a Document Library named "Documents" where I have uploaded or created some sample documents each of which containing the keyword "Robbins", now I search the keyword "Robbins". Search result matches the Robbins and it displays the result. Now the problem is it searches all the content i.e it even displays the Task, Announcements and everything related to Robbins. Is it possible to define a scope for searching the content i.e it will not search in the unwanted areas like Task or Announcement. I mean is it possible to define a scope of search, If I do the same then it will not show me the unwanted results.
Tejas Jagtap
I think I understand your question, though I'm still a little hazy. If I'm off-the-mark, I apologize in advance.
Could you get by with simply turning off results display for the lists and libraries you don't want shown in the results. If you go to the Advanced Settings of any list or library, the last radio button setting is for Search (e.g., "Allow items from this list to appear in search results?"). Setting it to No removes the list/library contents from search results.
Beyond that, your options for configuring WSS search are exceptionally limited. Unlike the full-blown OSS search engine, Microsoft "black boxes" WSS to fixed scopes, crawl schedules, etc.
You can create a search scope using contentclass. This allows you to restrict results to certain types of items such as documents, tasks, etc.
Another option is to use the IsDocument managed property. This is a hidden SharePoint property that you can expose to the search engine via a scope as well.

sharepoint search with variation site

I have a sharepoint site with variations.
how can i separate search results so that it only retrieves results from the variation site it is in.
Create a search scope that only uses the certain content sources you want. Then assign the newly created scope to the search scope dropdown on the search page.
I think this is what you are asking. If not, my bad.
