Why no SQL for NHibernate 3 Query? - linq-to-nhibernate

Why is no SQL being generated when I run my Nhibernate 3 query?
public IQueryable<Chapter> FindAllChapters()
using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
var chapters = session.QueryOver<Chapter>().List();
return chapters.AsQueryable();
If I run the query below I can see that the SQL that gets created.
public IQueryable<Chapter> FindAllChapters()
using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
var resultDTOs = session.CreateSQLQuery("SELECT Title FROM Chapter")
.AddScalar("Title", NHibernateUtil.String)
// Convert resultDTOs into IQueryable<Chapter>

Linq to NHibernate (like Linq to entities) uses delayed execution. You are returning IQueryable<Chapter> which means that you might add further filtering before using the data, so no query is executed.
If you called .ToList() or .List() (i forget which is in the API), then it would actually produce data and execute the query.
In other words, right now you have an unexecuted query.
Added: Also use Query() not QueryOver(). QueryOver is like detached criteria.
For more info, google "delayed execution linq" for articles like this


SQLInjection against CosmosDB in an Azure function

I have implemented an Azure function that is triggered by a HttpRequest. A parameter called name is passed as part of the HttpRequest. In Integration section, I have used the following query to retrieve data from CosmosDB (as an input):
SELECT * FROM c.my_collection pm
As you see I am sending the 'name' without sanitizing it. Is there any SQLInjection concern here?
I searched and noticed that parameterization is available but that is not something I can do anything about here.
When the binding occurs (the data from the HTTP Trigger gets sent to the Cosmos DB Input bind), it is passed through a SQLParameterCollection that will handle sanitization.
Please view this article:
Parameterized SQL provides robust handling and escaping of user input, preventing accidental exposure of data through “SQL injection”
This will cover any attempt to inject SQL through the name property.
If you're using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos instead of Microsoft.Azure.Documents:
public class MyContainerDbService : IMyContainerDbService
private Container _container;
public MyContainerDbService(CosmosClient dbClient)
this._container = dbClient.GetContainer("MyDatabaseId", "MyContainerId");
public async Task<IEnumerable<MyEntry>> GetMyEntriesAsync(string queryString, Dictionary<string, object> parameters)
if ((parameters?.Count ?? 0) < 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Parameters are required to prevent SQL injection.");
var queryDef = new QueryDefinition(queryString);
foreach(var parm in parameters)
queryDef.WithParameter(parm.Key, parm.Value);
var query = this._container.GetItemQueryIterator<MyEntry>(queryDef);
List<MyEntry> results = new List<MyEntry>();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
var response = await query.ReadNextAsync();
return results;

How to Execute an Existing Stored Procedure in DocumentDB?

I want to create a stored procedure in DocumentDB and use it whenever I need later on. To execute a stored procedure I need to know a storedProcedureLink. When I register stored procedure with CreateStoredProcedureAsync method I get the link, am I supposed to store this link somewhere myself if I want to execute this stored procedure later? Can I execute a stored procedure if all I know is a procedure name? From all the examples I found it seems that I need to create and register stored procedure right before I need to execute it, is it the case?
You can absolutely create the Stored Procedure beforehand and have it saved on the server for future use. You do not need to create it just before using it. This was for sample purposes only. We expect the majority of the time that the stored procedures will exist already and you just use them in your application.
You do need the SelfLink to execute the Stored Procedure.
One way to get this would be to query for the Stored Procedure (by Name), get the SelfLink and then use that to execute the stored procedure.
Querying for a Stored Procedure by name would look something like;
StoredProcedure sproc = client.CreateStoredProcedureQuery(collection.StoredProceduresLink, "select * from root r where r.id = \"sproc name\"");
The resulting sproc variable will contain the SelfLink of the stored procedure you want to execute.
var result = client.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync(sproc.SelfLink);
For comprehensive samples of how to work with Stored Procedures please see the DocumentDB.Samples.ServerSideScripts project in the samples posted at;
From all the examples I found it seems that I need to create and register stored procedure right before I need to execute it, is it the case?
No. Stored procedure creation and registration does not have to happen during execution.
The samples are educational, but do not offer real-world patterns. See the DocumentManagement basic CRUD operations. Samples also assume a single collection too. See the Partitioning basic CRUD operations.
While I applaud the DocumentDB adaption of SQL coding conventions, the usage pattern currently falls short for .NET developers. The decade old pattern of creating CRUD stored procedures in SQL Server and then calling them by name via ADO.NET or a TableAdapter in a DataSet does not work in the DocumentDB.
Can I execute a stored procedure if all I know is a procedure name?
Yes, but it's not pretty:
StoredProcedure storedProcedure = this.DocumentClient.CreateStoredProcedureQuery(new Uri(collection.StoredProceduresLink)).Where(p => p.Id == "GetPunkRocker").AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();
When using a PartitionResolver, things get more complicated:
public async Task<PunkRocker> GetPunkRockerAsync(string partitionKey)
foreach (string collectionLink in this.PartitionResolver.ResolveForRead(partitionKey))
DocumentCollection collection = this.DocumentClient.CreateDocumentCollectionQuery(new Uri(this.Database.SelfLink)).Where(c => c.SelfLink == collectionLink).AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();
if (collection == null)
// Log...
StoredProcedure storedProcedure = this.DocumentClient.CreateStoredProcedureQuery(new Uri(collection.StoredProceduresLink)).Where(p => p.Id == "GetPunkRocker").AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();
if (storedProcedure == null)
// Log...
PunkRocker punkRocker = await this.DocumentClient.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync<PunkRocker>(new Uri(storedProcedure.SelfLink), partitionKey);
if (punkRocker != null)
return punkRocker;
return null;
Just tried this approach and it does not work.
client.CreateStoredProcedureQuery( link, String.Format( "select * from root r where r.id = '{0}'", "spname1" ) ).ToList( ).FirstOrDefault( );
returns null
client.CreateStoredProcedureQuery( link, String.Format( "select * from root r" ) ).ToList( ).FirstOrDefault( );
returns correct stored procedure
"id": "spname1",
"body": "function() {
var context = getContext();
var collection = context.getCollection();
"_rid": "XXX",
"_ts": 1410449011.0,
"_self": "XXX",
"_etag": "XXX"
You can look for the SP in the DB first in .NET SDK
StoredProcedure storedProcedure = Client.CreateStoredProcedureQuery(GetCollection(eColl).SelfLink).Where(c => c.Id == "SP name").AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();
It appears that Microsoft is now providing a few samples on how to execute stored procedures:

Spring Data JPA Pagination (Pageable) with Dynamic Queries

I have a simple query as follows "select * from USERS". I also use Pageable to enable pagination.
This query may have optional predicates based on the given parameters being null or not.
For example if "code" parameter is given and not null, then the query becomes
"select * from USERS where code = :code";
As far as I know I cannot implement this using #Query annotation. I can implement a custom repository and use EntityManager to create a dynamic query.
However, I am not sure how I can integrate "Pageable" with that to get back paginated results.
How can I achieve this?
This is very easy to do in Spring Data using QueryDSL (as alternative to the criteria API). It is supported out of the box with the following method of QueryDSLPredicateExecutor where you can just pass null as the Predicate if no restrictions are to be applied:
Page<T> findAll(com.mysema.query.types.Predicate predicate,
Pageable pageable)
Using QueryDSL may not be an option for you however if you look at the following series of tutorials you might get some ideas.
The scenario you have is actually discussed by the author in the comments to part 9 of his guide.
Getting page results for querydsl queries is somehow complicated since you need two queries: one for the total number of entries, and one for the list of entries you need in the page.
You could use the following superclass:
public class QueryDslSupport<E, Q extends EntityPathBase<E>> extends QueryDslRepositorySupport {
public QueryDslSupport(Class<E> clazz) {
protected Page<E> readPage(JPAQuery query, Q qEntity, Pageable pageable) {
if (pageable == null) {
return readPage(query, qEntity, new QPageRequest(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
long total = query.clone(super.getEntityManager()).count(); // need to clone to have a second query, otherwise all items would be in the list
JPQLQuery pagedQuery = getQuerydsl().applyPagination(pageable, query);
List<E> content = total > pageable.getOffset() ? pagedQuery.list(qEntity) : Collections.<E> emptyList();
return new PageImpl<>(content, pageable, total);
You have to use querydsl and build your where depending on not null parameter for example
BooleanBuilder where = new BooleanBuilder();
if(code != null){
and after execute the query
JPAQuery query = new JPAQuery(entityManager).from(..)
.leftJoin( .. )
and use your own page
MaPage<YOURENTITY> page = new MaPage<YOURENTITY>();
page.number = pageNumber+1;
page.content = query.offset(pageNumber*pageSize).limit(pageSize).list(...);
page.totalResult = query.count();
I create MyPage like that
public class MaPage<T> {
public List<T> content;
public int number;
public Long totalResult;
public Long totalPages;
it works but if in your query you got a fetch then you gonna have this warning
nov. 21, 2014 6:48:54 AM org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl list
WARN: HHH000104: firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory!
and it will slow down your request So the solution is to get ride of the fetch and define a #BatchSize(size=10) and use Hibernate.initialize(....) to fetch data in collections and other object type.
Display data from related entities to avoid the lazy initialization exception with setting up #BatchSize
How to execute a JPAQuery with pagination using Spring Data and QueryDSL
The information here is obsolete. Have your Repository implement the QueryDslPredicateExecutor and paging comes for free.

Azure Storage Table Does not return whole partition

I found some situation on production when
CloudContext.TableData.Where( A => A.PartitionKey == "MYKEY").ToList();
where TableData is
public DataServiceQuery<T> TableData { get { return CreateQuery<T>( _TableName ); } }
does not return the whole partition (I have less than 1000 records there).
In my case it returns 367 records while in VS2010 Server Explorer or in Azure Storage Explorer I get 414 records (condition is the same).
Did anyone experience the same problem?
Also If I change the query and add RowKey into the condition - I get required record with no problem.
You have to better understand the Table Service. In the official documentation here there are listed other conditions which affect number of records returned. If you want to retrieve the whole partition you have to inspect the TableResult for Continuation Token and use provided continuation token to execute the same query over and over again, until all the results come.
You can use an approach similar to the following:
private IEnumerable<MyEntityType> GetAllEntities()
var result = this._tables.GetSegmentedEntities(100, null); // null is for continuation token
while (result.Results.Count > 0)
foreach (var ufs in result.Results)
yield return new MyEntityType(ufs.RowKey, ufs.WhateverOtherPropertyINeed);
if (result.ContinuationToken != null)
result = this._tables.GetSegmentedEntities(100, result.ContinuationToken);
Where GetSegmentedEntities(100, result.ContinuationToken) is defined as:
public TableQuerySegment<MyEntityType> GetSegmentedEntities(int pageSize, TableContinuationToken token)
var partKey = "My_Desired_Partition_key_passed_via_Const_or_method_Param";
TableQuery<MyEntityType> query = new TableQuery<MyEntityType>()
.Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, partKey));
query.TakeCount = pageSize;
return this.azureTableReference.ExecuteQuerySegmented<MyEntityType>(query, token);
You can use and modify this code for your case.
This is a known and documented behavior. The Table service API will either return 1000 entities or as much entities as possible within 5 seconds. If the query takes longer than 5 seconds to execute, it'll return a continuation token.
With the addition of rowkey you are making the query more specific and hence faster and as a result yo are getting all the entities.
See TimeOuts and Pagination on MSDN for details
If you are getting partial result sets then there will be two factors.
i) You are having more than 1000 records matching the filter
ii) Querying took more than 5 seconds.
iii) Query crosses partition boundary.
As you are having less than 1000 records the first factor wont be a issue.And as you are retrieving based on PartitionKey equality third one also wont cause any problem. You are facing this problem because of second factor.
Two handle this you need to work on continuation token. You can refer this link for more info.

Extract paging from IQueryable

I'm using a function to allow query composition from Web UI and I would to implement paging functionality which it will be available for dataBound controls such as ObjectDataSource, gridView, etc:
public class MyClass<TEntity> where TEntity : class
FakeEntities xxx = new FakeEntities();
public IEnumerable<TEntity> Get(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IQueryable<TEntity>> queryExpression)
var query = xxx.Set<TEntity>();
return queryExpression(query).ToList();
public int Count()
// What Can I return?
// **** USAGE ****
MyClass<User> u = new MyClass<User>();
var all = u.Get(p => p.Where(z => z.Account == "Smith").OrderBy(order => order.IdOther).Skip(1).Take(2));
The above query use Take and Skip function, so can I get real count of my entities? Obviously I must return Query Count without modifying filter expression.
I found this solution: Get count of an IQueryable<T>
However I get targetInvocationException with inner message {"This method supports the LINQ to Entities infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code."}
I know my request could be freak-abnormal, because best practice should to impose to move "presentation needs" to some wrap class and that's is what I'll do. So I don't need anymore to get Count entities on my business logic class.
That's just UI concern only.
Thank you the same.
