python string format suppress/silent keyerror/indexerror [duplicate] - string

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How to get Python to gracefully format None and non-existing fields [duplicate]
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is there a way to use python string.format such that no exception is thrown when an index is missing, instead an empty string is inserted.
result = "i am an {error} example string {error2}".format(hello=2,error2="success")
here,result should be :
"i am an example string success"
Right now, python throws a keyerror and stops formatting. Is it possible to change this behavior ?
There exists Template.safe_substitute (even that leaves the pattern intact instead of inserting an empty string) , but couldn't something similar for string.format
The desired behavior would be similar to string substitution in php.
class Formatter(string.Formatter):
def get_value(self,key,args,kwargs):
if hasattr(key,"__mod__"):
return args[key]
return kwargs[key]
return ""
This seems to provide the desired behavior.

The official solution (Python 3 Docs) for strings in format mappings is to subclass the dict class and to define the magic-method __missing__(). This method is called whenever a key is missing, and what it returns is used for the string formatting instead:
class format_dict(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return "..."
d = format_dict({"foo": "name"})
print("My %(foo)s is %(bar)s" % d) # "My name is ..."
print("My {foo} is {bar}".format(**d)) # "My name is ..."
Edit: the second print() works in Python 3.5.3, but it does not in e.g. 3.7.2: KeyError: 'bar' is raised and I couldn't find a way to catch it.
After some experiments, I found a difference in Python's behavior. In v3.5.3, the calls are __getitem__(self, "foo") which succeeds and __getitem__(self, "bar") which can not find the key "bar", therefore it calls __missing__(self, "bar") to handle the missing key without throwing a KeyError. In v3.7.2, __getattribute__(self, "keys") is called internally. The built-in keys() method is used to return an iterator over the keys, which yields "foo", __getitem__("foo") succeeds, then the iterator is exhausted. For {bar} from the format string there is no key "bar". __getitem__() and hence __missing_() are not called to handle the situation. Instead, the KeyError is thrown. I don't know how one could catch it, if at all.
In Python 3.2+ you should use format_map() instead (also see Python Bug Tracker - Issue 6081):
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(lambda: "...")
d.update({"foo": "name"})
print("My {foo} is {bar}".format_map(d)) # "My name is ..."
If you want to keep the placeholders, you can do:
class Default(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return key.join("{}")
d = Default({"foo": "name"})
print("My {foo} is {bar}".format_map(d)) # "My name is {bar}"
As you can see, format_map() does call __missing__().
The following appears to be the most compatible solution as it also works in older Python versions including 2.x (I tested v2.7.15):
class Default(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return key.join("{}")
d = Default({"foo": "name"})
import string
print(string.Formatter().vformat("My {foo} is {bar}", (), d)) # "My name is {bar}"
To keep placeholders as-is including the format spec (e.g. {bar:<15}) the Formatter needs to be subclassed:
import string
class Unformatted:
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def __format__(self, format_spec):
return "{{{}{}}}".format(self.key, ":" + format_spec if format_spec else "")
class Formatter(string.Formatter):
def get_value(self, key, args, kwargs):
if isinstance(key, int):
return args[key]
except IndexError:
return Unformatted(key)
return kwargs[key]
except KeyError:
return Unformatted(key)
f = Formatter()
s1 = f.vformat("My {0} {1} {foo:<10} is {bar:<15}!", ["real"], {"foo": "name"})
s2 = f.vformat(s1, [None, "actual"], {"bar":"Geraldine"})
print(s1) # "My real {1} name is {bar:<15}!"
print(s2) # "My real actual name is Geraldine !"
Note that the placeholder indices are not changed ({1} remains in the string without a {0}), and in order to substitute {1} you need to pass an array with any odd first element and what you want to substitute the remaining placeholder with as second element (e.g. [None, "actual"]).
You can also call the format() method with positional and named arguments:
s1 = f.format("My {0} {1} {foo:<10} is {bar:<15}!", "real", foo="name")
s2 = f.format(s1, None, "actual", bar="Geraldine")

str.format() doesn't expect a mapping object. Try this:
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(str)
d['error2'] = "success"
s = "i am an {0[error]} example string {0[error2]}"
print s.format(d)
You make a defaultdict with a str() factory that returns "". Then you make one key for the defaultdict. In the format string, you access keys of the first object passed. This has the advantage of allowing you to pass other keys and values, as long as your defaultdict is the first argument to format().
Also, see

Unfortunately, no, there is no such way to do by default. However you can provide it defaultdict or object with overridden __getattr__, and use like this:
class SafeFormat(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):
self.__dict = kw
def __getattr__(self, name):
if not name.startswith('__'):
return self.__dict.get(name, '')
print "i am an {0.error} example string {0.error2}".format(SafeFormat(hello=2,error2="success"))
i am an example string success

I made a version that does work similarly to Daniel's method but without the {0.x} attribute access.
import string
class SafeFormat(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):
self.__dict = kw
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.__dict.get(name, '{%s}' % name)
string.Formatter().vformat('{what} {man}', [], SafeFormat(man=2))
prints out
'{what} 2'


Python default 'wildcard' function - possible?

Here is my class code:
class Example:
def __init__(self):
self.parameter1 = 1
def standardFunction(self):
Is it possible to initialise the Example class and make sure that every method that may be called for this particular instance will always point to the standardFunction?
For example:
ex1 = Example()
prints "Hello"
prints "Hello"
prints "Hello"
prints "Hello"
Basically, I would like to always have the Example.standardFunction() called, disregarding the string after the first "dot". Plus I don't know what's being put after the dot - it may be any string, int, float, or null.
Is it possible to achieve such behaviour with Python?
Yes we can achieve similar behavior in Python by overloading __getattr__. Like this,
class Example:
def __init__(self):
self.parameter1 = 1
def standardFunction(self):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.standardFunction

Python: how to find wrapped function parameter in decorator?

I wrote a decorated along these lines:
from functools import wraps
def mark_something(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
# How do I find the pd.DataFrame parameter of the decorated function?
# df = args[<pos_1>] or kwargs['df']
df = df.apply(lambda x: ...)
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
The wrapped method receives a DatFrame parameter as the 2nd parameter.
The problem is that the caller can do either foo(something, my_df) and then I need to look in args or foo(something, df=my_df) and I need to look in kwargs.
Is there a "nice" way to find a parameter in the wrapped function without having to explicitly check both dictionary and list?
I tried kwargs.get('df', args[1]) but that throws an error since args has a single item ... I thought that optional part is evaluated only if get fails ...
Since your decorator is very specific, ie it has a dataframe and a single non-keyword argument, you could use the correct argument signature in your decorator method.
def wrapper(fun):
def working(a, kwd=None):
print("arg: ", a)
print("kwarg: ", kwd)
return fun(a, kwd)
return working
def testme(a, kwd=None):
print("running: ", a, kwd)
testme(1, 2)
testme(1, kwd=3)
The output is then:
arg: 1
kwarg: 2
running: 1 2
arg: 1
kwarg: 3
running: 1 3
Of course this could be improved by add #wraps from functools, but I think the idea is there.

Turning if statement into a single line while setting a variable [duplicate]

I need a way to get a dictionary value if its key exists, or simply return None, if it does not.
However, Python raises a KeyError exception if you search for a key that does not exist. I know that I can check for the key, but I am looking for something more explicit. Is there a way to just return None if the key does not exist?
You can use dict.get()
value = d.get(key)
which will return None if key is not in d. You can also provide a different default value that will be returned instead of None:
value = d.get(key, "empty")
Wonder no more. It's built into the language.
>>> help(dict)
Help on class dict in module builtins:
class dict(object)
| dict() -> new empty dictionary
| dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's
| (key, value) pairs
| get(...)
| D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.
Use dict.get
Returns the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError.
You should use the get() method from the dict class
d = {}
r = d.get('missing_key', None)
This will result in r == None. If the key isn't found in the dictionary, the get function returns the second argument.
If you want a more transparent solution, you can subclass dict to get this behavior:
class NoneDict(dict):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return dict.get(self, key)
>>> foo = NoneDict([(1,"asdf"), (2,"qwerty")])
>>> foo[1]
>>> foo[2]
>>> foo[3] is None
I usually use a defaultdict for situations like this. You supply a factory method that takes no arguments and creates a value when it sees a new key. It's more useful when you want to return something like an empty list on new keys (see the examples).
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(lambda: None)
print d['new_key'] # prints 'None'
A one line solution would be:
item['key'] if 'key' in item else None
This is useful when trying to add dictionary values to a new list and want to provide a default:
row = [item['key'] if 'key' in item else 'default_value']
As others have said above, you can use get().
But to check for a key, you can also do:
d = {}
if 'keyname' in d:
# d['keyname'] exists
# d['keyname'] does not exist
You could use a dict object's get() method, as others have already suggested. Alternatively, depending on exactly what you're doing, you might be able use a try/except suite like this:
<to do something with d[key]>
except KeyError:
<deal with it not being there>
Which is considered to be a very "Pythonic" approach to handling the case.
For those using the dict.get technique for nested dictionaries, instead of explicitly checking for every level of the dictionary, or extending the dict class, you can set the default return value to an empty dictionary except for the out-most level. Here's an example:
my_dict = {'level_1': {
'level_2': {
'level_3': 'more_data'
result = my_dict.get('level_1', {}).get('level_2', {}).get('level_3')
# result -> 'more_data'
none_result = my_dict.get('level_1', {}).get('what_level', {}).get('level_3')
# none_result -> None
WARNING: Please note that this technique only works if the expected key's value is a dictionary. If the key what_level did exist in the dictionary but its value was a string or integer etc., then it would've raised an AttributeError.
I was thrown aback by what was possible in python2 vs python3. I will answer it based on what I ended up doing for python3. My objective was simple: check if a json response in dictionary format gave an error or not. My dictionary is called "token" and my key that I am looking for is "error". I am looking for key "error" and if it was not there setting it to value of None, then checking is the value is None, if so proceed with my code. An else statement would handle if I do have the key "error".
if ((token.get('error', None)) is None):
do something
You can use try-except block
value = dict['keyname']
except IndexError:
value = None
If you will run this code there will be no 'Keyerror' which means you can use 'dict.get()' to avoid error and execute your code
If you have a more complex requirement that equates to a cache, this class might come in handy:
class Cache(dict):
""" Provide a dictionary based cache
Pass a function to the constructor that accepts a key and returns
a value. This function will be called exactly once for any key
required of the cache.
def __init__(self, fn):
self._fn = fn
def __getitem__(self, key):
return super().__getitem__(key)
except KeyError:
value = self[key] = self._fn(key)
return value
The constructor takes a function that is called with the key and should return the value for the dictionary. This value is then stored and retrieved from the dictionary next time. Use it like this...
def get_from_database(name):
# Do expensive thing to retrieve the value from somewhere
return value
answer = Cache(get_from_database)
x = answer(42) # Gets the value from the database
x = answer(42) # Gets the value directly from the dictionary
If you can do it with False, then, there's also the hasattr built-in funtion:
hasattr(e, 'message'):
>>> False

Calling various function based on input in python 3.x

I'm writing some code to get various data from a class (which extracts data from a '.csv' file). I was wondering if there was a way to call one of these methods based off the name of an input
I've attempted to create a function called get(), which takes in 'param_name' - the name of the method contained within the class that I want to call. I was wondering if there was a more elegant way to solve this without creating a large amount of if statements.
def get(param_name):
# Some initialisation of the .csv file goes here. This works as intended.
list_of_objects = [] # Initialised above, as a list of objects with methods function1(), function2() for getting data out of the .csv
for item in list_of_objects:
if param_name == "name of function 1":
return function1()
if param_name == "name of function 2":
return function2()
You could store your functions ina a dictionary as such:
function_dict = {
'function_1': function_1,
'function_2': function_2
To use these you could do:
function_to_use = function_dict.get(param_name)
function_to_use(*args, **kwargs) # *args, **kwargs are arguments to be used.
If you want to return a list after you have applied the function to all item in list_of_objects instead of the for loop you could do:
list(map(function_to_use, list_of_objects))
You could use __getattribute__:
class Alpha:
def f1(self):
x = Alpha()
You can do that using globals(), globals() returns a dict containing all methods and attributes.
def fun1():
print('this is fun1')
def fun2():
print('this is fun2')
def get(func_name):
Will Output:
this is fun1
this is fun2

Dynamically add methods to a class in Python 3.0

I'm trying to write a Database Abstraction Layer in Python which lets you construct SQL statments using chained function calls such as:
results ="book")
.author("J. K. Rowling")
but I am running into problems when I try to dynamically add the required methods to the db class.
Here is the important parts of my code:
import inspect
def myName():
return inspect.stack()[1][3]
class Search():
def __init__(self, family): = family
self.options = ['price', 'name', 'author', 'genre']
#self.options is generated based on family, but this is an example
for opt in self.options:
self.__dict__[opt] = self.__Set__
self.conditions = {}
def __Set__(self, value):
self.conditions[myName()] = value
return self
def execute(self):
return self.conditions
However, when I run the example such as:
{'__Set__': 'harry'}
Am I going about this the wrong way? Is there a better way to get the name of the function being called or to somehow make a 'hard copy' of the function?
You can simply add the search functions (methods) after the class is created:
class Search: # The class does not include the search methods, at first
def __init__(self):
self.conditions = {}
def make_set_condition(option): # Factory function that generates a "condition setter" for "option"
def set_cond(self, value):
self.conditions[option] = value
return self
return set_cond
for option in ('price', 'name'): # The class is extended with additional condition setters
setattr(Search, option, make_set_condition(option))
Search().name("Nice name").price('$3').conditions # Example
{'price': '$3', 'name': 'Nice name'}
PS: This class has an __init__() method that does not have the family parameter (the condition setters are dynamically added at runtime, but are added to the class, not to each instance separately). If Search objects with different condition setters need to be created, then the following variation on the above method works (the __init__() method has a family parameter):
import types
class Search: # The class does not include the search methods, at first
def __init__(self, family):
self.conditions = {}
for option in family: # The class is extended with additional condition setters
# The new 'option' attributes must be methods, not regular functions:
setattr(self, option, types.MethodType(make_set_condition(option), self))
def make_set_condition(option): # Factory function that generates a "condition setter" for "option"
def set_cond(self, value):
self.conditions[option] = value
return self
return set_cond
>>> o0 = Search(('price', 'name')) # Example
>>>"Nice name").price('$3').conditions
{'price': '$3', 'name': 'Nice name'}
>>> dir(o0) # Each Search object has its own condition setters (here: name and price)
['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'conditions', 'name', 'price']
>>> o1 = Search(('director', 'style'))
>>> o1.director("Louis L").conditions # New method name
{'director': 'Louis L'}
>>> dir(o1) # Each Search object has its own condition setters (here: director and style)
['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'conditions', 'director', 'style']
If you really need search methods that know about the name of the attribute they are stored in, you can simply set it in make_set_condition() with
set_cond.__name__ = option # Sets the function name
(just before the return set_cond). Before doing this, method has the following name:
>>> Search.price
<function set_cond at 0x107f832f8>
after setting its __name__ attribute, you get a different name:
>>> Search.price
<function price at 0x107f83490>
Setting the method name this way makes possible error messages involving the method easier to understand.
Firstly, you are not adding anything to the class, you are adding it to the instance.
Secondly, you don't need to access dict. The self.__dict__[opt] = self.__Set__ is better done with setattr(self, opt, self.__Set__).
Thirdly, don't use __xxx__ as attribute names. Those are reserved for Python-internal use.
Fourthly, as you noticed, Python is not easily fooled. The internal name of the method you call is still __Set__, even though you access it under a different name. :-) The name is set when you define the method as a part of the def statement.
You probably want to create and set the options methods with a metaclass. You also might want to actually create those methods instead of trying to use one method for all of them. If you really want to use only one __getattr__ is the way, but it can be a bit fiddly, I generally recommend against it. Lambdas or other dynamically generated methods are probably better.
Here is some working code to get you started (not the whole program you were trying to write, but something that shows how the parts can fit together):
class Assign:
def __init__(self, searchobj, key):
self.searchobj = searchobj
self.key = key
def __call__(self, value):
self.searchobj.conditions[self.key] = value
return self.searchobj
class Book():
def __init__(self, family): = family
self.options = ['price', 'name', 'author', 'genre']
self.conditions = {}
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self.options:
return Assign(self, key)
raise RuntimeError('There is no option for: %s' % key)
def execute(self):
# XXX do something with the conditions.
return self.conditions
b = Book('book')
print(b.price(">4.00").author('J. K. Rowling').execute())
