How can I convert a string array to a variant array in VBscript? - string

I'm using a function in vbscript which returns a variant array of strings.
JobIDs = objDoc.ConnectedSubmit(objServer)
The problem is I can't get the Job ID values from that array, as vbscript doesn't handle typed variables. It just gives a type mismatch when I attempt to do ANYTHING with the JobIDs array. I found some promising information here, but when I used the conversion function:
Set objConverter = CreateObject("ADS.ArrayConvert")
ConvertedJobIDs = objConverter.CStrArray(JobIDs())
It is giving me the same type mismatch error. Am I missing something obvious here? This is, apparently, an official microsoft solution, so I'm not sure why it seems to have the same problem, namely, not being able to actually do anything with a string array in the first place. I've seen the first part of my question answered in many places, all pointing to the MS solution, but I have yet to see any follow up reports of someone successfully using that solution.

I'm not sure if I understand why it doesn't work, so this answer might not be very helpful. I would have thought that something like this might work (following on from your previous question I'm assuming you're trying to get the cancellation to work):
For Each id In JobIDs
WScript.Echo id
YourJob = YourOutgoingFaxQueue.GetJob(id)

This behavior is by design, VBScript can't do anything with a non-variant array, there was a KB article from Microsoft that explained this but it is not on-line anymore:
Q165967 - PRB: Script Error Occurs When Referencing Non-variant Array
An archived copy of the article can be found at:


Excel VBA objsnmp.set strange things

I use the objSNMP.get method in Excel VBA without any problems.
I'd like to use the objSNMP.set method, but unfortunately it's not that easy. According to the website, it should work similarly to get, with the difference that there is one more parameter: the value to be sent.
If I try the official way:
objSNMP.Set ("", OIDValue)
I get the message "Compile error: Syntax error".
I found another solution that works conditionally. Namely as follows (it can be seen commented out in the picture):
randomVarName = objSNMP.Set("OID", Value)
For example:
temp = objSNMP.Set("." & PortNum, 21)
In this case, the code runs without error. This is interesting because I haven't found any official information about this anywhere. Somewhere deep in the recesses of the internet, I only found this possible solution some time ago.
If, on the other hand, I do not enter the value directly, but write the name of a variable there (e.g. VLANNum),
temp = objSNMP.Set("." & PortNum, VLANNum)
I receive an error message. Image2
It doesn't matter if the type of the variable is not declared, string or integer. I also tried several different cell types in Excel, but nothing changed.
The error message is:
Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
The requested SNMP operation attempted to modify a variable, but
either a syntax or value error occurred.
Based on the above, I cannot insert the value read from the excel table at the end of the "objSNMP.Set" method in such a way that it can send the value. I could only solve the task if I create 4094 different "objSNMP.Set" lines and select what is necessary from among them. Not very efficient.
I have the solution. The value transferred with the variable works in the following form:
objSNMP.Set ".", CInt(x)
Where x is the variable.

Why doesn't my excel vba if/or statement work correctly?

I'm comparing values of numbers from 2 data sheets, and I've dropped the relevant data from both into their own arrays. I need to find matching values to run other steps of analysis.
For i = Lbound(Array1) to UBound(Array1)
For j = LBound(Array2) to UBound(Array2)
If (criteria for Array2) then
variable = 11111
variable = 22222
End if
If variable = Array1(i,1) Or variable = Array1(i,2) or variable = Array1(i,3) then
more steps
more steps
End if
next j
next i
The first if statement sets the variable correctly, but the variable doesn't match any of the criteria. It doesn't go to the else like it should. Now I only know this because I walked through the code step by step. If I just F5 and run the thing, "Excel is not responding". I don't know what the hang up it. All of my variables are declared and assigned a type, I'm not missing any closing statements. And I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
What do I need to check for in my code?
Sorry, but in this instance I'm not allowed to upload any code here. It's work related, NDA kind of stuff. Hence the pseudo code. What I need to show wouldn't be a big deal(at least I don't think it would), but I'm not risking it.
My apologies.
The solution, as it turns out, has to do with a poorly named array(not me) and a simple typo(definitely me). I'm certain that would have been an easy solve for the good citizens of Stack Overflow if I would have been allowed to post actual code.
For what's it worth, I think it's dumb that I couldn't in this case. Thanks #ScottCraner and #SuperSymmertry for trying to be helpful even without much to go on.
Super, I'm still curious about Val. If you've got a minute, I would appreciate more knowledge on that. Anything from an actual person is better than Microsoft documentation.

How to correct an Excel formula error

=O27&" "&IF(D27<>"",VLOOKUP(D27,성취기준1반!$B$4:$C$19,2)&" ","")&IF(E27<>"",VLOOKUP(E27,성취기준1반!$E$4:$F$19,2)&" ","")&IF(F27<>"",VLOOKUP(F27,성취기준1반!$H$4:$I$19,2)&" ","")&IF(G27<>"",VLOOKUP(G27,성취기준1반!$K$4:$L$19,2)&" ","")&IF(H27<>"",VLOOKUP(H27,성취기준1반!$N$4:$O$33,2)&" ","")&IF(I27<>"",VLOOKUP(I27,성취기준1반!$Q$4:$R$33,2)&" ","")&IF(J27<>"",VLOOKUP(J27,성취기준1반!$T$4:$U$33,2)&" ","")&IF(K27<>"",VLOOKUP(K27,성취기준1반!$W$4:$X$33,2)&" ","")&IF(L27<>"",VLOOKUP(L27,성취기준1반!$Z$4:$AA$33,2)&" ","")&IF(M27<>"",VLOOKUP(M27,성취기준1반!$AC$4:$AD$19,2)&" ","")&P27
this is working code
=O28&" "&IF(D28<>"",VLOOKUP(D28,성취기준1반!$B$4:$C$19,2)&" ","")&IF(E28<>"",VLOOKUP(E28,성취기준1반!$E$4:$F$19,2)&" ","")&IF(F28<>"",VLOOKUP(F28,성취기준1반!$H$4:$I$19,2)&" ","")&IF(G28<>"",VLOOKUP(G28,성취기준1반!$K$4:$L$19,2)&" ","")&IF(H28<>"",VLOOKUP(H28,성취기준1반!$N$4:$O$33,2)&" ","")&IF(I28<>"",VLOOKUP(I28,성취기준1반!$Q$4:$R$33,2)&" ","")&IF(J28<>"",VLOOKUP(J28,성취기준1반!$T$4:$U$33,2)&" ","")&IF(K28<>"",VLOOKUP(K28,성취기준1반!$W$4:$X$33,2)&" ","")&IF(L28<>"",VLOOKUP(L28,성취기준1반!$Z$4:$AA$33,2)&" ","")&IF(M28<>"",VLOOKUP(M28,성취기준1반!$AC$4:$AD$19,2)&" ","")&P28
this is doesn't workin code.
Why doesn't it work?
This is not an answer in terms of a solution, but an answer in terms of the method you could employ to find and solve the issue. Mainly because you have not provided a working verifiable example, data or detail of the actual error.
First I would remove the vlookups and replace them with the expected results - if that then functions as it should then each of the vlookups needs to be tested, if not then check the detail of the function.
Appreciate if you can assist by explaining.. "why this doesn't work?" part. It is an error message or the the expected value is _ but I got _ instead.. (:
One thing I noticed is that you don't define what will be the outcome if D28 is "". If you don't define it, it'll return 'FALSE' value instead of a String/text.
In your IF() function, you only say IF(d28<>"",<DisplayValueFrom성취기준1반>) it should be IF(d28<>"",<DisplayValueFrom성취기준1반>,<DisplaySomeThingElse>)

Definition of resultCodes when using chrome.socket module

The callback will return a ReadInfo object which includes a resultCode property. This either contains the number of bytes read or a negative integer indicating an error.
I have been looking for some time for a definition of the negative resultCodes as I am occasionaly getting a -15 which seems to occur when one end-point is closed.
Tried looking at the reference docs and at the source code itself but I couldn't figure out where the resultCodes are defined
The error codes seem to be those for net::ERROR_XXXX, which can be found at
However, it may not be a good idea to depend on these error codes since it is undocumented and may change at any time.

String to XNamespace Implicit Conversion inside a BizTalk Orchestration

I am a bit confused by what I see and hence headed over to SO.
I am developing a BizTalk (2010) Orchestration and I am wanting to parse an incoming XML message. I just need to retrieve then number of times a particular node is repeating. I could have used XPath. But, I chose to use LinqToXml.
I have created a variable of type System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace and inside an expression shape, I am assignning it a string value.. say http://mycompany/v1.0. This is a perfectly valid C# statment, as there is an implicit conversion from String to XNamespace (MSDN link).
But the Orchestration will not compile at all. I get this error cannot implicitly convert type System.String to System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace.
And if I dont use the XNamespace variable and directly run LinqToXml on the incoming message like this
MessageCount = MyXElement.Elements("{http://mycompany/v1.0}ListOfNotifications").Elements("{http://mycompany/v1.0}Notification").Count();
I get a cannot convert from String to XName error. Even this is confusing.
I am using BizTalk 2010 and C# 4.0. Can someone explain if I am missing something? I have tried all these code snippets using LinqPad and I get the expected response. So, there are no typos or missing references.
I opted to use the XPath option to retrieve the values that I needed, instead of using LinqToXml. The code that I ended up writing looks like below:
xpath(myOrchVariable, "string(/*[local-name()='InputRootNode' and namespace-uri()='http://my/name/space'])")
