Is there a way to tell the browser to bookmark a different URL than is in the address bar? - browser

I have an application that utilizes rather unfriendly dynamic URLs most of the time. I am providing friendly URLs to some content, but these are used only as an entry point into the application, after which point all of the generated URLs will be the unfriendly variety.
My question is, if I know that the user is on a page for which a friendly URL could be generated and they choose to bookmark it, is there a way to tell the browser to bookmark the friendly one instead of what is in the address bar?

I had hoped that rel="canonical" would help here, but it seems as if it's only used for indexing. Maybe one day browsers will utilise it.

No. This is by design, and a Good Thing.
Imagine the following scenario: Piskvor surfs to and clicks "bookmark". He doesn't notice that the bookmark he saved points to Next time he opens that bookmark, he might get a bit of a surprise.
Another example without cross-domain issues:
Piskvor the site admin clicks "bookmark" on the homepage of - unfortunately, the page is vulnerable to script injection, and the injected code changes the bookmark to . If he's still logged in the next time he opens the bookmark, he may find his site purged of data (Granted, it was his fault not to prevent script injection AND to have non-idempotent GET resources, but that is all too common).


Url shortener which displays shortlink in address bar?

I'm wondering if there is a URL shortener which, which clicked on, keeps displaying the actual shortened link in the address bar, as opposed to showing the original URL.
You could use a full-height iframe, but many sites use X-Frame-Options to forbid this (including major ones like Facebook and Google). Users would see an error message for these sites. and others used to use this technique, but most have ditched it by now for this reason. In general, it's considered user-hostile and a Bad Idea™ now.

Updating an existing website

I've been asked by a family friend to completely overhaul the website for their business. I've designed my own website, so I know some of the basics of web design and development.
To work on their website from my own home, I know I'll need to FTP into their server, and therefore I'll need their FTP credentials, as well as their CMS credentials. I'm meeting with them in a couple of days and I don't want to look like a moron! Is there anything else I need to ask them for during our first meeting (aside from what they want in their new site, etc.) before I start digging into it?
From an SEO point of view, you should be concerned with 301 redirects as (i suppose) some or all URL adressess will change (take a different name, be removed and etc)
So, after you`ve created a new version of the site - and before you put it online - you should go ahead and list all "old site" URLs and decide, preferably for each one, it's new status (unchanged or redirected and if so - to what URL).
Mind that even is the some content will not re-appear on the new site, you still have to redirect the URL (say to HomePage) to keep link juice and SERP rankings.
Also, for a larger sites, (especially dynamic sites) try looking for URL patterns for bulk redirects. For example, if you see that google indexes 1,000 index.php?search=[some-key-word] pages, you don`t need to redirect each one individually as these are probably just search result pages that can be grouped with REGEX to be redirected to main search result page.
To index "old site" URLs you should:
a. in Google (then set the SERP to 100 results and scaped manually of with Xpath)
b. Xenu or other site crawler (some like screamingfrog) to get a list of all URLs.
c. combine the lists in excel and remove all duplicates.
If you need help with 301 redirects you can start with this link:
If the website is static, knowing html, css and javascript along with FTP credentials is enough for you to get started. However if the site is dynamic interactive and database driven, you may need to ask if they want to use a php, In that case you might end up building this site in wordpress.
If you are going to design the website from scratch then also keep this point in mind.. Your friend might have hosted this website at somewhere (i.e. hosting provider). You should get its hosting control panel details as well which will help to manage the website (including database, email, FTP, etc.).

OWASP TOP10 - #10 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

I read many of the articles to this topic, including the OWASP PAGE and the Google blog article about open redirects...
I also found this question on open redirects here on stack overflow but it's a different one
I know why i should not redirect ... this makes totaly sense to me.
But what I really don't understand: Where is exactly the difference between redirecting and putting this in a normal <a href link?
Maybe some of the users are looking in the status bar but i think most of them are not really looking to the status bar, when they klick a link.
Is this really the only reason?
like on this article they wrote:
Click here to log in
The user may assume that the link is safe since the URL starts with their trusted bank, However, the user will then be redirected to the attacker's web site ( which the attacker may have made to appear very similar to The user may then unwittingly enter credentials into the attacker's web page and compromise their bank account. A Java servlet should never redirect a user to a URL without verifying that the redirect address is a trusted site.
So, if you have something like a guestbook, where the user can put the link to their homepage, then the only difference is that the link is not redirected, but it still goes to the evil webpage.
Am I seeing this problem right?
From my understanding, it is not that the redirect is the problem. The main problem here is allowing a redirect (where the target is potentially controllable by the user) that contains an absolute url.
The fact that the url is absolute (meaning it begins http://host/etc), means that you are un-intentionally allowing cross-domain redirects. This is very similar to classic XSS vulnerabilities whereby javascript can be reflected to make cross-domain calls (and leak your domain's information).
So, as I understand, the way to fix most of these sorts of problems is to make sure that any redirect (on the server) is done relative to the root. Then there is no way for the user-controlled query string value go somewhere else.
Does that answer your question or just create more?
The main problem is that its possible for an attacker to make the URL appear to be trustworthy as it’s actually a URL to web site the victim trusts, i. e.
The redirect target does not need to be that obvious as in the example. Actually, the attacker will probably use further techniques to trick both the user and possibly even the web application if necessary with special encodings, parameter pollutioning, and other techniques to spoof a legitimate URL.
So even if a victim is so security-conscious to check a URL before clicking a link or requesting its resource otherwise, all they can verify is that the URL points to the trustworthy web site And that alone suffices too often.

Keep website url constant when navigating to another page?

I want my site address bar not to change its address when I go to subpages, it should show my index.html, even though I enter tosub pages.
Like if I open and I navigate to any page it should still show
I heard this can be done with .htaccess is it possible?
You really should think about why you want it, because this way of working has a couple of drawbacks with it:
Users can't see they are on a different page
Users can't bookmark your pages for fast access
Users can't share links to eachother
Search Engines may have trouble spidering your side
But basically, there are two main ways to do this:
Use frames. Put the page into a frame, and have all the links stay in this frame.
Use Javascript. Have each page "load" into the current page, using AJAX.

Static Main Page (login page) on Drupal Install

I am starting to create a site that uses Drupal. One of my requirements is that nobody will see any "real" content until they log in. The home page will basically be a static page with a logo, some basic "this is what the site does" copy, and then a login form. If you don't login, you can then only see some other static pages (faq, legal, privacy, etc...) but you can't use the actual site. Think Facebook's login page, basically just fluff with a login form.
From searching around, I have found 3 different methods for this:
Create a page that is basically separate from the Drupal installation, but then when the form submits, check it against the Drupal DB and then proceed if logged in successfully. This would be done with Apache, maybe an .htaccess file directive to change the first served page.
Use the Front Page extension. I haven't looked at this too extensively, has anyone used it? Pros/Cons?
Somehow finagle the default Druapl "Home Page" functionality to allow this to happen. I would rather not have to do this, unless someone knows that there is an easy way to do this.
One of my requirements is that nobody will see any "real" content until they log in.
There is a permission that users need have in order to access content on Drupal (access content); if anonymous users don't have that permission, then they would not be able to see any content.
Using the module you reported, you can create a different home page for anonymous users.
Solution #1 is not the ideal one as it requires more work for something that can be obtained from inside Drupal. Take in mind that the correct way to access Drupal DB is to use the DB API Drupal comes with.
