Class design according to IoC and Abstract Factory pattern - abstract-factory

Which is the correct way of providing values to a abstract factory method?
interface IFactory
ISomething Create(int runTimeValue);
class Factory : IFactory
public ISomething Create(int runTimeValue)
return new Something(repository, runTimeValue);
In the example the repository is injected via the constructor when factory is created but I could instead move the repository to the IFactory interface
interface IFactory
ISomething Create(IRepository repository, int runTimeValue);
class Factory : IFactory
public ISomething Create(IRepository repository, int runTimeValue)
return new Something(repository, runTimeValue);
What is considered "correct" way of doing this?
How should one reason when designing an abstract factory?

Abstract Factory pattern should be used in cases when the objects returned by the factory need to be "initialized" differently in such a way that only the factory knows how to do it. So different implementations of ISomething will be "initialized" or created differently and only their respective Factory implementations know how to do it.
In your case you have to ask yourself:
Do all implementations of ISomethings need the IRepository as well as runtimeValue?. In that case you can just use the factory pattern.
Use Abstract Factory in such a scenario: (Something and SomeOtherthing are created differently)
interface IFactory {
ISomething Create(int runTimeValue);
class Factory : IFactory {
public ISomething Create(int runTimeValue) {
return new Something(repository, runTimeValue);
class OFactory : IFactory {
public ISomething Create(int runTimeValue) {
// constructor takes different parameters
SomeOtherthing thing = new SomeOtherthing("someValue", runtimeValue);
thing.SetCustomRepository(new OtherRepositoryImpl());
return thing;

I'd say be consistent. If your repository is injected everywhere else that it is used, it would make sense to inject it into the factory's constructor rather than making it a part of the interface.


Factory pattern with CDI depending on runtime parameter

I wanted to implement the factory pattern with CDI. Here we have the business case example:
A client provides a string representing a type. Depending on this type the factory returns an implementation of an interface.
I know that there are a lot of questions flying around concerning factory pattern and CDI. The difference I have here is that I resolve the implementation returned by the factory based on a runtime parameter.
I was thinking of using a producer method but then I can not think of how to inject the resolved implementation into the bean where the implementation is needed since this is a runtime parameter which is not necessarily known at contruction time.
So I thought of the pretty straight forward way of using the Instance class.
Here is the basic implementation :
// the interface. Instances of this class are returned from the factory
public interface Product {
// one implementation may be returned by the factory
public class DefaultProduct implements Product {
// another implementation may be returned by the factory
public class MyProduct implements Product {
// the qualifier annotation
#Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE})
public #interface ProductType {
String value();
// the Annotation implementation to select
// the correct implementation in the factory
public class ProductTypeLiteral extends AnnotationLiteral<ProductType>
implements ProductType {
private String type;
public ProductTypeLiteral(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String value() {
return type;
// the factory itself. It is annotated with #Singleton because the
// factory is only needed once
public class Factory {
private Instance<Product> products;
public Product getProduct(String type) {
ProductTypeLiteral literal = new ProductTypeLiteral(type);
Instance<Product> typeProducts =;
return typeProducts.get();
In my opinion using Instance is very sophisticated.
But this has one major drawback:
Everytime you cal the Instance.get() method you retrieve a new Instance of Product. This may be fine but the Instance instance keeps a reference of the returned instance internally. So as long as the Factory lives and each time the Instance.get() is called the more instances of Product will exist in the memory and never get garbage collected because a reference is still hold in Instance.
I thought of not making the Factory a singleton but that just shifts the problem and does not solve it. And of course it is against the factory pattern.
Another solution I tried was to iterate through the Instance instead of selecting an implementation with the help of the annotation:
public class Factory {
private Instance<Product> products;
public Product getProduct(String type) {
Product product = null;
for(Product eachProduct : products) {
ProductType productType = eachProduct.getClass().
if(productType.value().equals(type) {
product = eachProduct;
return product;
Basically this is working. Now each time depending on the given type I retrieve the same instance of Product. That way the memory is not consumed.
But I don't like it to iterate over a collection when I have the possibility to resolve the correct implementations more elegantly.
Do you have any ideas which may solve the problem? Otherwise I may have to keep the iteration solution.
Herein lies your problem. Instance keeps reference to instances you obtain from it using get() because it is responsible for reclaiming them when they go out of scope (i.e. when the injected Instance goes out of scope. But because you made your factory a singleton, it will never go out of scope. So, make your factory a short-lived scope, like #RequestScoped or even #Dependent, that way all the returned instances will be reclaimed properly.
Maybe it can help you:
Create qualifiers:
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE})
public #interface MyProduct{
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE})
public #interface DefaultProduct{
In Factory class:
public class Factory {
public Product getProduct(#MyProduct MyProduct product, #DefaultProduct DefaultProduct defaultProduct) {
//What you wanna do

Differences between Abstract Factory Pattern and Factory Method,confused by one case

The main difference between a "factory method" and an "abstract factory" is that the factory method is a single method, and an abstract factory is an object. But, sometimes I can't say what it is,for example
class Product{
interface Facotory{
public Product create();
class FactoryA implements Facotory{
public Product create() {
return null;
class FactoryB implements Facotory{
public Product create() {
return null;
Can you tell me it is factory method or abstract factory?Thank you!
IMO, Your current example above is Factory Method.
As you have defined an interface (Factory) with a factory method (create) that allows sub classes (FactoryA and FactoryB) to decide which class to instantiate (Product derived classes).

How does one extend MEF to create objects based on a factory type provided as an attribute?

Consider the following existing classes which uses MEF to compose Consumer.
public interface IProducer
void Produce();
public class Producer : IProducer
public Producer()
// perform some initialization
public void Produce()
// produce something
public class Consumer
public IProducer Producer
public Consumer(IProducer producer)
Producer = producer;
public void DoSomething()
// do something
However, the creation of Producer has become complex enough that it can no longer be done within the constructor and the default behavior no longer suffices.
I'd like to introduce a factory and register it using a custom FactoryAttribute on the producer itself. This is what I have in mind:
public class Producer : IProducer
public Producer()
// perform some initialization
public void Produce()
// produce something
public class ProducerFactory
public Producer Create()
// Perform complex initialization
return new Producer();
public class FactoryAttribute : Attribute
public Type ObjectType
private set;
public FactoryAttribute(Type objectType)
ObjectType = objectType;
If I had to write the "new" code myself, it may very well look as follows. It would use the factory attribute, if it exists, to create a part, or default to the MEF to create it.
public object Create(Type partType, CompositionContainer container)
var attribute = (FactoryAttribute)partType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (FactoryAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault();
if (attribute == null)
var result = container.GetExports(partType, null, null).First();
return result.Value;
var factoryExport = container.GetExports(attribute.ObjectType, null, null).First();
var factory = factoryExport.Value;
var method = factory.GetType().GetMethod("Create");
var result = method.Invoke(factory, new object[0]);
return result;
There are a number of articles how to implement a ExportProvider, including:
MEF + Object Factories using Export Provider
Dynamic Instantiation
However, the examples are not ideal when
The application has no dependencies or knowledge of Producer, only IProducer. It would not be able to register the factory when the CompositionContainer is created.
Producer is reused by several applications and a developer may mistakenly forget to register the factory when the CompositionContainer is created.
There are a large number of types that require custom factories and it may pose a maintenance nightmare to remember to register factories when the CompositionContainer is created.
I started to create a ExportProvider (assuming this would provide the means to implement construction using factory).
public class FactoryExportProvider : ExportProvider
protected override IEnumerable<Export> GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition,
AtomicComposition atomicComposition)
// What to do here?
However, I'm having trouble understanding how to tell MEF to use the factory objects defined in the FactoryAttribute, and use the default creation mechanism if no such attribute exists.
What is the correct manner to implement this? I'm using MEF 2 Preview 5 and .NET 4.
You can make use of a property export:
public class ProducerExporter
public IProducer MyProducer
var producer = new Producer();
// complex initialization here
return producer;
Note that the term factory isn't really appropriate for your example, I would reserve that term for the case where the importer wants to create instances at will, possibly by providing one or more parameters. That could be done with a method export:
public class ProducerFactory
public IProducer CreateProducer(Type1 arg1, Type2 arg2)
return new Producer(arg1, arg2);
On the import side, you would then import a Func<Type1,Type2,IProducer> that you can invoke at will to create new instances.

looking for a proper way to implement my generic factory

I'm struggling with implementing a factory object. Here's the context :
I've in a project a custom store. In order to read/write records, I've written this code in a POCO model/separated repository:
public class Id { /* skip for clarity*/} // My custom ID representation
public interface IId
Id Id { get; set; }
public interface IGenericRepository<T> where T : IId
T Get(Id objectID);
void Save(T #object);
public interface IContext
TRepository GetRepository<T, TRepository>()
where TRepository : IGenericRepository<T>
where T:IId;
IGenericRepository<T> GetRepository<T>()
where T:IId;
My IContext interface defines two kind of repositories.
The former is for standard objects with only get/save methods, the later allows me to define specifics methods for specific kind of objects. For example :
public interface IWebServiceLogRepository : IGenericRepository<WebServiceLog>
ICollection<WebServiceLog> GetOpenLogs(Id objectID);
And it the consuming code I can do one of this :
MyContext.GetRepository<Customer>().Get(myID); --> standard get
MyContext.GetRepository<WebServiceLog, IWebServiceLogRepository>().GetOpenLogs(myID); --> specific operation
Because most of objects repository are limited to get and save operations, I've written a generic repository :
public class BaseRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T>
where T : IId, new()
public virtual T Get(Id objectID){ /* provider specific */ }
public void Save(T #object) { /* provider specific */ }
and, for custom ones, I simply inherits the base repository :
internal class WebServiceLogRepository: BaseRepository<WebServiceLog>, IWebServiceLogRepository
public ICollection<WebServiceLog> GetByOpenLogsByRecordID(Id objectID)
/* provider specific */
Everything above is ok (at least I think it's ok). I'm now struggling to implement the MyContext class. I'm using MEF in my project for other purposes. But because MEF doesn't support (yet) generic exports, I did not find a way to reach my goal.
My context class is looking like by now :
public class UpdateContext : IContext
private System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Type, object> m_Implementations;
public UpdateContext()
m_Implementations = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Type, object>();
public TRepository GetRepository<T, TRepository>()
where T : IId
where TRepository : IGenericRepository<T>
var tType = typeof(T);
if (!m_Implementations.ContainsKey(tType))
/* this code is neither working nor elegant for me */
var resultType = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(
(a) => a.GetTypes()
var result = (TRepository)resultType.InvokeMember("new", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, new object[] { this });
m_Implementations.Add(tType, result);
return (TRepository)m_Implementations[tType];
public IGenericRepository<T> GetRepository<T>() where T : IId
return GetRepository<T, IGenericRepository<T>>();
I'd appreciate a bit of help to unpuzzle my mind with this quite common scenario
Not sure if I've understood you correctly, but I think you're perhaps over complicating things. To begin with, make sure you've designed your code independent of any factory or Dependency Injection framework or composition framework.
For starters lets look at what you want your calling code to look like, this is what you said:
MyContext.GetRepository<Customer>().Get(myID); --> standard get
MyContext.GetRepository<WebServiceLog, IWebServiceLogRepository>().GetOpenLogs(myID);
You don't have to agree with my naming choices below, but it indicates what I undertand from your code, you can tell me if I'm wrong. Now, I feel like the calling would be simpler like this:
Line 1:
Because the type here is IRepository it's clear what the return type is, and what the T type is for the base IRepository.
Line 2:
The return type here from the factory is IWebServiceLogRepository. Here you don'y need to specify the entity type, your interface logically already implements IRepository. There's no need to specify this again.
So your interface for these would look like this:
public interface IRepository<T>
T Get(object Id);
T Save(T object);
public interface IWebServiceLogRepository: IRepository<WebServiceLog>
List<WebServiceLog> GetOpenLogs(object Id);
Now I think the implementations and factory code for this would be simpler as the factory only has to know about a single type. On line 1 the type is IRepository, and in line 2, IWebServiceLogRepository.
Try that, and try rewriting your code to simply find classes that implement those types and instantiating them.
Lastly, in terms of MEF, you could carry on using that, but Castle Windsor would really make things much simpler for you, as it lets you concentrate on your architecture and code design, and its very very simple to use. You only ever reference Castle in your app startup code. The rest of your code is simply designed using the Dependency Injection pattern, which is framework agnostic.
If some of this isn't clear, let me know if you'd like me to update this answer with the implementation code of your repositories too.
and here's the code which resolves the implementations. You were making it a bit harder for yourself by not using the Activator class.
If you use Activator and use only one Generic parameter as I've done in the method below, you should be ok. Note the code's a bit rough but you get the idea:
public static T GetThing<T>()
List<Type> assemblyTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.SelectMany(s => s.GetTypes()).ToList();
Type interfaceType = typeof(T);
var gens = interfaceType.GetGenericArguments();
List<Type> narrowed = assemblyTypes.Where(p => p.IsGenericType && !p.IsInterface).ToList();
var implementations = new List<Type>();
var imp = t.MakeGenericType(gens);
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(implementations.First());
List<Type> implementations = assemblyTypes.Where(p => interfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(p) && !p.IsInterface).ToList();
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(implementations.First());

Is it ok to set Datacontext as a property in repository?

Is there any potential problem in setting datacontext as property like this:
public Repository()
public DataContext dc {get;set;}
public GetOrders(int id)
{ ...from dc.Orders...}
service layer:
public GetNewOrders()
Repository rep=new Repository();
using {DataContext dc=new DataContext())
From what I have read, using the DataContext "for more than one business conversation is usually the wrong thing to do." Scroll down to the Why Is This Important? section for the quote. Due to caching and other factors, you should consider your DataContext stale immediately. From that, it is safe to say you don't want to keep the DataContext as a property that is reused by all your methods. Using Eric Duncan's suggestion, you will want to pass in some kind of DataContext factory to get a new context for each query.
For a discussion focused on the DataContext, the APress Pro LINQ book has an entire chapter on the DataContext, the very last page of which also advises you to "consider the DataContext stale immediately."
In DDD, you're missing the bigger picture here by referencing the concret classes. You are not interfacing between the Repository and "Services layer" by best practices. If you must have DataContext injected into the Repository, I would recommend refactoring to:
public interface IRepository
IList<Orders> GetNewOrders();
public Repository : IRepository
private IDataContext _dataContext;
public Repository(IDataContext dataContext)
_dataContext = dataContext;
public IList<Orders> GetNewOrders()
// perform your actions on _dataContext here
The better solution would be to let the Repository handle the DataContext on its own - keeping the seperation of concert valid by masking the underlying requirements:
public interface IRepository
IList<Orders> GetNewOrders();
public Repository : IRepository
private IDataContext _dataContext;
public Repository(String connectionString)
_dataContext = new DataContext(connectionString);
public IList<Orders> GetNewOrders()
// perform your actions on _dataContext here
If you must keep control of the DataContext (or another class) yourself (perhaps you want to keep a static reference around, or change settings based on an WebRequest, etc), you you will need to use a "Factory".
The factory would look something like this:
public static class DataContextFactory
public static IDataContext GetInstance()
// return either a static instance,
// or threaded instance, a GlobalContext instance
// or whatever your preference is here
That way, you have full control over how the instance of DataContext is controlled outside and away from your "Services" layer. So, you would use this DataContextFactory like the following:
public interface IRepository
IList<Orders> GetNewOrders();
public Repository : IRepository
public IList<Orders> GetNewOrders()
using (var dataContext = DataContextFactory.GetInstance())
// dataContext is now your IDataContext to work with
"How to access the IRepository?" you may ask?
Your services layer would do something like:
public void GetNewOrdersForServices()
// Not recommended!
// IRepository repo = new Repository()
// The following is recommended instead; because, it removes the
// the Concret reference from your Services layer completely!
IRepository repo = ServiceLocator.InstanceOf<IRepository>();
IList myList = repo.GetNewOrders();
Or, you would inject it into the constructor of your service using your favorite flavor of Inversion of Control container like so:
public class OrderService
private IRepository _repo;
public OrderService(IRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
public void GetNewOrdersForServices()
IList myList = _repo.GetNewOrders();
If you are not fimilar with the service locator concepts, check out Castle Windsor as it Encapsulates just about all your needs.
