distro for linux kernel development [closed] - linux

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Which is the best light weight distro for learning linux kernel development. It should have lot of debugging and profiling tools available along with it :)

LFS. Then install every debugger and profiler you can find.

I've heard Linus himself uses Fedora. I'd recommend Gentoo which lets (intends) for you to hand customize your kernel, it's the perfect setting for it (and I've spent many hours squeezing out every last bit of performance for the fun of it).
Naturally Ubuntu is my preferred distro, but you may have trouble if you start hijacking and removing expected kernel features. Gentoo won't complain, and doesn't expected them around to begin with.

I've enjoyed using Gentoo for fiddling around with the kernel.

The distro does not really matter. It is what you want to do with the kernel and do development/testing its feature.
Here are few things to do.
a. Turn on the kernel debugging and the logging options. Those would definitely help you in debugging.
see useful linux kernel debug options to turn on
b. Getdebuggers tool like Valgrind that checks for memory leak. See doc like https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kmemleak.txt
c. Found a good editor for editing. I don't want to start a vim vs emacs war. It is really a personal preference, just make sure you follow the linux kernel coding style guidelines. https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle‎
d. Get familiar with the log systems and proc system, as they provide valuable information.
e. Read the documentation in the directory /usr/src/linux/Documentation Very good starting point to understand the kernel

The distro probably doesn't make much difference since you'll be working on your own kernel and not the "kitchen sink" kernel the distros tend to provide with a bunch of patches in most cases.
If you're doing kernel development work then I suppose you want a distro that boots quickly, something like puppy might be ideal here and do your actual coding from something like Ubuntu.

Buildroot is a set of scripts that generates tiny distros with rootfs images smaller than 10MiB.
It downloads everything from source and compiles it, so it is trivial to patch packages up.
The generated images are so tiny, that it becomes possible to understand the entire userland setup, which will make it easier to focus on the kernel.
Advantage over LFS: everything is fully automated. Because of this, Buildroot is used professionally in large organizations.
I have created this setup to automate things as much as possible: https://github.com/cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat


Is there a list of functions that I can use inside kernel? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to develop a new system call and add it to the kernel, but since the c file that contains the syscall method implementation can only use functions which reside inside the kernel address space I'm pretty sure I can't use methods like popen, stat, etc..
I made a bit of research on the Internet but I couldn't find anything that would give me the functions that I can use inside the kernel.
Probably the biggest difference (among many big differences) that you will need to get your head around is this: the kernel is not linked against libc. So, look at everything provided by libc. you don't get any of that...
...well, sort of. Some of the functionality that libc provides is actually implemented inside the kernel itself. You need to include the kernel versions of those headers:
#include <linux/[header file].h>
To get an idea of what is available inside the kernel, you'll need to look at the functions defined in the header files of the kernel source tree.
A few other points to keep in mind:
Linux kernel is programmed using GNU C, not strict ANSI C, which makes sense: as some folks would be quick to point out, Linux is just the kernel, GNU is everything else; that includes the GCC compiler.
No easy floating point math. Normally the kernel facilitates the use of floating point instructions, but the mechanism it uses to that cannot be easily used on the kernel itself. See here for more.
A good book on the subject is Linux Kernel Development by Robert Love (I am in no way affiliated; it's just a good book).

Linux how can i learn it? administration/user [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to get help. Soo one day i got this book: http://linuxcommand.org/images/51vgLTkNsIL._SL500_AA300_.jpg And i have learned some "basic of terminal + linux". I have read the full book, but i want more, u guys now, i wanna be better and better... But i got no idea what books can i read, what sities should i read, at what turtionals video i should look. I just want learn more linux as typical user/administration (linux is soo fun :P) I don"t want learn linux as programmer.
I just search a places to learn more linux, like i said, i got only a linux basic from this book: http://linuxcommand.org/images/51vgLTkNsIL._SL500_AA300_.jpg But i would like to learn more, any ideas at what should i look?
I completely agree with Optavius, mucking around in the trenches is the only way to get dirty ;)
I would like to add that, given the wide variety of linux distributions available, another way to learn more is to start out with two or three different ones. For example, get things running on a Debian derivative (e.g. Ubuntu), and start comparing the subtle differences with say a RedHat derivative (e.g. Fedora).
For example, you would learn a good deal just by comparing the differences of installing / managing packages with apt-get on Ubuntu, and yum on Fedora. With apt-get, if you want to search for a package you would have to do apt-cache search <package_name>, and when you find it then you would do apt-get install <package_name>. Whereas with yum, you would just do yum search <package_name> and yum install <package_name>.
Personally, if you want to become very experienced with system administration, I strongly recommend installing Fedora. The reason is because it is very forward, and constantly updating and evolving. This comes at a significant price. Yes, you have all of those shiny new tools that many other distributions would have to install from source. But this also makes it very unstable, and will break frequently. A kernel update may require you to go in and fix things with dracut for no apparent reason!
The other side of the coin is that Ubuntu has an extremely vast user-base, and when you end up having a problem it is much more likely that you will find a current solution for Ubuntu.
The bottom line: play around and have some fun!!! Maybe setup RAID or create some shared partitions. Say you had Windows and Linux, and wanted to have all of your music on one separate partition that both could access. Then make an exFAT partition for both to share, and learn how to auto-mount this in Linux (how depends on the distribution).
If you really, really, REALLLLLY want to learn about linux from the ground up, there's a solution for that too: cook your own distribution! You've demonstrated you aren't opposed to reading a book or two, Linux from Scratch may be exactly what you are looking for. This is not for the faint-hearted, though...
I hope one of those thoughts sparks something of interest to you!!!
I recommend you install Linux instead and play around with it instead of reading about it. But it really depends really what you intend to achieve with using Linux.

How similar are Unix and Linux exactly? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am a computer science minor and I do appreciate *nix a lot more since i started to delve into computer science. I used to be a windows fan boy and now i own two macs (as well as my PC which has windows and ubuntu on it).
I want to learn more about how linux was developed. I know that linux is only the kernel and the GNU is actually the most of what i am interfacing with. So when i type ls -al on my mac which uses unix how is it different from when i type ls -al on my Ubuntu boot on my PC? Does the difference actually lie in the differences between linux and unix? Or does unix use a non-GNU libraries for stuff like ls and cd?
So what exactly are the difference of linux and unix? Does Unix use GNU libraries for ls, cd, and all those common terminal operations?
First of all, you need to know that ... Linux Is Not UniX. :)
Good question, but it's difficult to give a straight answer.
The kernel is different. The design is different. The software is different (!)
That said, if you have Mac OS X (UNIX), you can build almost any command-line tool that was written for Linux.
Most of the free open-source software is compatible with both Linux ans UNIX, so depending on your level, you might never know the difference.
But technically, there's a huge difference. If you're on a hardware and driver-level you will start noticing differences, but if you're above those levels, you can easily write portable code.
Some people would claim that Linux is the poor-man's UNIX (which is probably also true), while others would say that Linux fixes the problems that UNIX has.
Due to the nature of the question (it's fairly broad), it's difficult to go in details.
I work with both and do not feel a huge difference. My UNIX was set up for me, so I'm basically a novice user there, but I had to install and configure parts of my Linux system myself.
I would say (in my own opinion) that most of the time, Linux is something you build yourself, you decide which components you want. UNIX on the other hand is a little more "one big package", though you can still add components.
Looking at it from a different angle: Linux is open-source and free, where some versions of UNIX aren't. UNIX is often found in enterprise servers from large companies.
Take a command like 'ls' as you mentioned. Older versions of UNIX had a command called 'lc' which listed directories instead of files (as far as I recall). This command does not exist in the UNIX that Mac OS X is based upon, so there's a difference between UNIX and UNIX.
On the other hand, Linux did not make a straight copy of the UNIX command 'ls'. The output often differ slightly, and the switches are different. But!
If you're running Bash, then Bash on your Mac OS X is most likely exactly the same Bash you've got on Linux, just the version differ.
If you got 'curl' on your Mac, and 'curl' on Linux, then it IS the same tool, because it's built from the same sources; it's just built for two different Operating Systems.
GCC is the same as well. (GNU is Not Unix - but it works well on UNIX).
If you install the gitolite server (which I'm quite fond of), you will experience that it will not install on the stock Mac OS X 10.5.8; this is because the arguments for the 'cp' command differ. The author refused to correct the problem, when I suggested him a solution that would work on all platforms. So 'cp' may not always be 100% compatible, and I do not know whether or not it would be a good idea to 'upgrade', because the 'cp' that you have now is compatible with the scripts that Apple provided with your system. Upgrading 'cp' to a different version could break compatibility, which could mean that your system got corrupted and would need a re-install. -So it's better to not upgrade that particular command. ;)

How GNU is related with Linux? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I was wondering that how is Linux and GNU related to each other. Can anyone clear my doubt in it?
GNU, founded by Richard Stallman, is a collection of tools which more or less help to create a fully functional operating system. GNU's goal was to create a fully free, open source replacement of UNIX.
Linux was created by Linus Torvalds with no connection to GNU. Linux functions as an operating system kernel. When Linux was created, there were many GNU components already created but GNU lacked a kernel, so Linux was used with GNU components to create a complete operating system. There is now a kernel created by the GNU team in development (GNU Hurd) which can be used instead of Linux producing a fully GNU-based operating system. However, GNU Hurd is still in development stages (and has been for 20 years) and Linux is a more mature kernel.
It is possible also (such as in the case of Android) to have a Linux-based operating system which has no GNU components.
But usually a complete operating system will consist of Linux + many GNU components, which is sometimes referred to as GNU/Linux.
Originally, GNU was a project to build a complete Unix-compatible operating system piece by piece.
The plan was to rewrite each small utility according to specification, testing it on a working Unix by replacing the original one. It went very well, except for the kernel, where progress was especially slow, probably because several good developers couldn't agree on the absolute best design.
The planned HURD kernel had in fact a very advanced design, with a lot of innovations, but it seemed that it wouldn't be completed any time soon.
Meanwhile, Linus Torvalds was writing his own kernel, mainly to teach himself how to control low-level aspects of the Intel 80386 processor. At first it was just a task switcher, but he quickly implemented most of the old syscalls specifications, until he managed to run most of MINIX (another Unix-like system, mostly used in education) environment on top of the new kernel.
Soon, other people suggested using GNU utilities instead of MINIX ones, and got a much more complete system. It worked so well that most GNU developers just adopted the Linux kernel instead of perpetually waiting for the HURD kernel.
The resultant OS is commonly called just "Linux", but it's true that Linux is just the kernel. All the GNU utilities are a lot more lines of code, so it would be more properly be called GNU/Linux.

Simple IDE for Pascal for Linux [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am looking for a IDE for Pascal. Something that runs under Linux, is simple and easy to run. My goal is to setup something for a kid to learn, something that wouldn't require to derive from 10 classes to make a text visible on screen.
I remember DOS-based TurboPascal being very easy to use. Now I tried Lazarus, but its interface is very complex.
I don't need IDE that works with multiple languages, and I won't change Pascal into another language--there's lots of good textbooks in my native language for Pascal, and very little for other.
What about using FreePascal with its included editor or a basic text editor, like nano or gedit? You could also use one of the old "Borland-ish" IDEs like PENG or RHIDE.
Look here:
More specific:
You can try Eclipse plugin, which might work better for you:
Also, try this one:
This is not strictly Pascal, but Delphi was spun off from Pascal.
Geany is also good. It supports
syntax highlighting
symbol-name auto-completion (which is akin to intellisense)
specifying compiler options
integration with build tools
Among several other features one would expect in a modern integrated development environment.
Plus it's open source and runs across *nix, MacOSX and Windows.
You can always run the original Turbo Pascal 7 inside Dos-Box.
Dos-Box is available for Linux and comes with Free-Dos installed.
Very good alternative.
wrong on all counts. Embercardero has a community dev version for Sindows- ports to OSX, needs (an emu) some add-ons for linux. FP is the ported version of the old DOS app- with inheritance and classes--there really isnt something you seek. Its wither fp/rhide or Lazarus. You might want to brush up on UI programming or SDL. Im sorry but after ten + years of developing, Ive not seen anything "easier"- unless you write the code to make it easier. Pascal is far from dead. Further- you might try python. Four lines of code to a UI application(tkinter lib). TP7 is not a solution, fp ide is the same.
