Added AudioFileClose to prevent running out of file handles - audio

I encountered a problem using Finch - I was opening and releasing again alot of sound files and a particular point in the project sounds would stop loading - the error code form ALOpenFileFromURL... was 43 - File not found ...
my solution in the end was to make sure that files were closed by adding AudioFileClose (and keeping a record of the fileId) to the dealloc in Sound.m...
my solution is probably not graceful and maybe naive but seems to work for now - so i thought i would post in case it helps anybody else

That was a bug, nice catch! Thanks for reporting, it’s fixed in the current version. Next time you can report the bug directly to the bug tracker, it will be noticed sooner.


Anylogic error when connecting Excel-database: "Event Loop Exception null"

Whenever I want to connect an Excel-database the following error message pops up:
Event Loop Exception
It happens when I want to access the Excel-file by "Database - Create or import a table..." and also when I want to access it by an agent population.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
I've contacted Anylogic and it is a known bug, they will fix it by the new release, to solve it the quick fix is:
As for now, there is a workaround - you may close AnyLogic, clear Workspace8.7 folder (C:\Users<username>.AnyLogicEditionName\Workspace8.7), and try importing data again.
This bug delayed my research work for about 2 days. Luckily, I had an older version of Anylogic (8.7.3) on one of my old laptops. That's what I'm using now. Download the older version of Anylogic (without this bug) from the link below:
Alternative Link:

Gulp task finishes but never ends

NOTE: Here is an example repo with the problem.
When I run ./gulp js, the process works (creates the expected files on the file system), but the task never completes... just hangs indefinitely:
I figure I'm not returning something somewhere, or invoking a callback correctly, but after hours of tinkering, head-banging, and Googling, I haven't found a solution.
Can someone help me out here?
If it makes a difference, I'm currently using node v4.1.0. All other dependencies and versions are in the example repo linked above.
EDIT: Original inspiration for this gulp recipe came from
However, I couldn't get transform to work as that author suggested, which led me to
Of course—as it always happens—I think of something new to try just after I post to SO and it appears to work.
You can see my full changeset here:
TL;DR Basically I tried the suggestion in the last comment on the aforementioned issue from my question, where I pass the file object itself to browserify instead of the file path, and lo-and-behold, the task finishes now.
I don't pretend to know why that fixed the issue, so if anyone would like to explain, I'd love to learn. ;)

Loadframe Fails at CreateEx for no apparent reason in CMainFrame

Okay so my MFC application was working fairly well until I cleared the application from the system registry. Now I am unable to run the program. Whenever I try running the program I get an exception. Checking the stack I noticed that CreateEx in LoadFrame for CMainFrame was crushing. This crash occurs when ProcessShellCommand is called in the derived CwinApp of the application.However, I have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause of the crash. I have a hunch it might have something to do with the loading of resource but I don't know exactly how. I have checked the .rc include file and it looks fine to me. I just don't understand how clearing the registry could cause such a mess. Been at it for the past 4 hours.
So basically I am asking if any of you have faced this problem before, and how did you managed to fix it without starting right from scratch? I am not sure of the exact part of the code I should put here to clarify my question so I hope this is clear enough.

DoNotChange was not found when adding new files

When I attempt to add a new file to the solution -- even a general C# empty class, I get an error:
The requested value 'DoNotChange' was not found. See screenshot.
This just started happening yesterday. I installed the monotouch-4.0.0.dmg, but have since rolled back to 3.2.6, but the problem remains.
I think there may be a fairly widespread issue, as this new StackOverflow question seems eerily similar.
Anyone have any ideas on how to recover?
MonoTouch Professional 3.2.6 (4.0.0)
MonoDevelop 2.4.2 release 20402004
OSX 10.6.7
UPDATE: On a whim I tried to create a new empty .cs file outside of MT, and then add it to the project -- that worked, so at least there is a temporary workaround.
It looks like your formatting policy options are triggering a bug in the code formatter. Try resetting it by removing the file ~/.config/MonoDevelop/DefaultPolicies.xml

CruiseControl.Net Deleted Files

I'm using on against a Source Safe database, and have a problem that someone deleted some files from the database, and the deleted files weren't removed. I didn't see a config switch or anything that I could set for it to clear the code directory prior to building.
Am I missing something?
As Alex says there is a CleanCopy flag in the source code block. However, my situation was a little different. I use subversion and I found the CleanCopy flag was NOT doing what it said it would on the box.
To solve the problem I added a task which runs a batch file that clears out the build's working copy prior to checkout. It is a bit slower (about 1 min for code base of 400Mb) but guarantees no old code.
All you need to do is set CleanCopy to true in your source control block. The documentation is very clear on this. The above answer is the wrong way.
