Trying to create a X509Certificate2 certificate fails when called within a COM interop environment - security

I've got a classlibrary which defines a couple of helper classes/methods which are used from a classic asp web application. So far, everything works fine. Now I've added a new helper method which signs a PDF file using a third party tool. Using a console application to call this wrapper method, everything works fine. Once I use an asp page to call the exact same method, the call to
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(sigFilePath, sigPassword);
fails with the error "The system cannot find the specified file" (translated from german).
Since the same code works fine called from the console application, i guess the problem must be located somewhere different. Could it be a security issue?

When I wonder if I'm facing a security issue like you do, I just do a quick test : I put the user account the webserver is using in the administrators group, do a quick iisreset, and try again. If it's working know you now it's a security issue. If it's still failing, look somewhere else.
Never forget to then remove the user accoung from the administrators group, and only do that on you own dev machine, not on production servers !!
If it's a security issue, I would then recommend launching Process Monitor (look for procmon in google). It's a Microsoft download. Look for access denied in the result column. You'll then know what's blocking you ...


Visual Studio ClickOnce Web Deployment

I would be most grateful if anyone could help me solve this problem with ClickOnce Web deployment.
I have read all the threads on this subject and I have also read through all the Microsoft documentation on the subject. They seem to say a lot without actually being direct or providing helpful examples. However, perhaps I am wrong and I have not looked in the right places.
I have already used ClickOnce successfully to deploy an application on the local area network.
It works well and really isn't that complicated. However, my goal is to deploy this application to customers, who are not connected to my local network.
I have set up a web site (, which I can access directly or via the ftp protocol.
I have created a sub directory off the root where I intend to publish the files created by the publish function. The publish function of the application requires a Publishing Folder Location and a Installation Folder URL I don't really understand the functional difference between these two locations. If I set the Publishing Location to and the Installation Folder URL to, then the publish process succeeds and when I check on the web server, the files have been published successfully it would seem. A further Application Files/MyProductName subdiectory with the version number information appended was created where all the output was placed.
My next step is to then grab the URL of the setup.exe file and to run it from a browser. This downloads the setup.exe file to my downloads folder which I then try to run but I get an error
Deployment and application do not have matching security zones.>
I have seen this come up in other threads but These threads don't seem to relate directly to what I am trying to do. These threads make mention of using Internet Explorer to achieve some degree of success, but all the browser did was to download the file.
I have also noted with interest that a web page is created in the root with a button that prompts the user to install the application. This does not work either.
Does anyone know of an article that I can read on this subject which is more helpful or if anyone can offer more insights into this I would be very grateful.

IIS - AddDataProtection PersistKeysToFileSystem not creating

I've developing an core application to tun on a web far, and I'm using "AddDataProtection" to protect for key encryption at rest like, the documentation recommends, but when I deploy my application and run directly from IIS with AppPool identity, the key is never created and I get errors on the DpapiNG windows logs.
My code is the following:
services.AddDataProtection(opt => opt.ApplicationDiscriminator = ApplicationConfig.dataProtectionApplicationDiscriminator)
.PersistKeysToFileSystem(new DirectoryInfo(encKeyPath))
.ProtectKeysWithDpapiNG(string.Format("CERTIFICATE=HashId:{0}", ApplicationConfig.dataProtectionCertThumbprint),
flags: DpapiNGProtectionDescriptorFlags.None);
Debugging from visual studio, everything runs fine, but I'm running VS under administrator rights, so permission is not an issue here.
I've tried adding permissions to the AppPool App user to the private key it self directly from MMC, but it did not worked, and even gave permission on the full path to the location were the keys should be created like stated here (check first comment) but also it did not worked.
I was only able to make it work by setting the AppPool to run with the identity of an Administrator, but clearly this is a no go, I just wanted to make sure this was a permission issue somewhere.
Is anybody facing the same issue that is able to help?
Most likely your issue is you are trying to store your keys somewhere in a folder path that you are cobbling together (or even by using the default path that AddDataProtection provides) that uses an environment path such as %LOCALAPPDATA%. Example: "%LOCALAPPDATA%\ASP.NET\DataProtection-Keys".
Usually, by default IIS DOES NOT set up your app pool accounts with environment path variables such as %LOCALAPPDATA%. The value ends up being blank and your app then tries to write keys to the wrong folder (such as \ASP.NET\DataProtection-Keys instead of %LOCALAPPDATA%\ASP.NET\DataProtection-Keys).
Fix: Within %WINDIR%\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config set setProfileEnvironment=true. I think you have to restart IIS as well.

IIS Shared config - applicationHost.config Error: Cannot write configuration file due to insufficient permissions

I've setup a UNC share for IIS shared config using a specific AD service account and set to FULL CONTROL. I've also exported the config from one IIS server and set-up an additional IIS server to point to the share. When I open the applicationhost.config for example on the UNC share and remove an application pool, I can see the entry also remove in both IIS servers.
So I know:
1) I can export to the share with the specific service account
2) Both IIS servers can read the config when I edit manually
3) However when I remove an app pool from one of the IIS servers through the manager I get the above error.
I've tried using the process monitor utility to see what account is being used to write to the config and it seems it is my own AD user account rather than the shared service account. I know IIS Manager has my username e.g. ROOT\MYNAME logged on, but I wouldn't have thought it would use this to write changes to the shared config. Surely it would use the service account?
Does anyone know how to prevent this error? Why does the shared config and tied service account not come into play when making changes on one of the servers?
So, IMHO, this error is a red herring. I was publishing to a server and got a message saying I was out of space. So, I logged in, realized there was a bit of cruft in extra apps published in IIS, we didn't need. I right clicked and tried to remove one. I got the same error as you.
Having done some manual changes to applicationHost, I thought it "might be me" but it seemed very odd that editing this file would cause such a thing. However, I had recently learned that windows does some funky 32 vs 64bit machinations with this file (google it).
Deciding I had better things to do, I asked our IT to add space to the VM and guess what? I am no able to remove these apps. My guess is that I was at the end of the line on space and the backend management of these special files was not completing and throwing this not-so-helpful exception.
I'm not a 100% about this. For full disclosure, I will add that updates had been applied recently, but I'm pretty confident that this is a possible solution.

Unable to run a .Net website locally using the System.Web.Security namespace

I took over this 4.0 webforms website and got the exact same code from the former developer.
It runs fine on his local machine, but it craps out on my local machine having anything to do with the “System.Web.Security” namespace.
If I put a breakpoint where it is failing and try to fall into the code for that namespace, it won't let me go any further. It just simply will not execute anything to do with the namespace. This happens with all of the three major browsers
Since this forum does not allow any attachments, I can't show you anything more.
Does anybody have any ideas what is wrong?
Turned out to be a simple permissions issue on our end not allowing my id to have access to the database.

How to publish MSHTHML.dll and SHDOCVW.dll to Azure

I have a 3rd party web page screen capture DLL from that lets me target a URL and save the page to a image file. I've moved this code into my Azure-based project and when I run it on my local sandboxed dev box and save to the Azure blob, everything is fine. But when I push the bits to my live server on Azure, it's failing.
I think this is because either MSHTML.dll and/or SHDOCVW.dll are missing from my Azure configuration.
How can I get these libraries (plus any dependent binaries) up to Azure?
I found the following advice on an MSFT forum but haven't tried it yet.
Hello, I haven't tried mshtml in the cloud. But generally speaking, to
use a native dll in a Web Role, you add the dll to the Web Role
project just like adding a picture (choose add existing items). Then
make sure the Build Action is set to Content. This tells Visual Studio
to copy the dll file to the output package.
Also check dependencies carefully. A lot of problems related to native
code are caused by missing dependencies, such as a particular VC++
runtime dll.
Thought I'd ask here first before I burn a day or two on an unproven solution.
EDIT #1:
it turns out that our problem was not related to MSHTML.dll or SHDOCVW.dll missing from the Azure server. They're there.
The issue is that by default new server instance have the IE security hardening feature enabled, and this was preventing our 3rd party dll from executing script. So we needed to turn off the enhanced IE security configuration settings. This is also a non-trivial exercise.
In the meantime, we just created a server-side version of the feature on our site we need to make screen captures from (e.g. we eliminated JSON-based rendering of UI on the client), and we were able to proceed.
I think the solution mentioned in the MSDN forum thread is correct. You should put them as part of your project files, so that the SDK will package and deploy them to the VM on the cloud.
But if they are COM and need to be registed you'd better call the register command via the Startup feature. Please check
