Unable to run a .Net website locally using the System.Web.Security namespace - security

I took over this 4.0 webforms website and got the exact same code from the former developer.
It runs fine on his local machine, but it craps out on my local machine having anything to do with the “System.Web.Security” namespace.
If I put a breakpoint where it is failing and try to fall into the code for that namespace, it won't let me go any further. It just simply will not execute anything to do with the namespace. This happens with all of the three major browsers
Since this forum does not allow any attachments, I can't show you anything more.
Does anybody have any ideas what is wrong?

Turned out to be a simple permissions issue on our end not allowing my id to have access to the database.


Azure App Services Web App not registering update

I have a Azure App Service app that I'm trying to get deployed.
Today I ran into an issue where .NET informed me (via the yellow screen of death when I browse to the URL of my app) that I had a missing DLL (for the purposes of this question I don't think it really matters).
I used FileZilla to publish my changes in an attempt to do a manual deployment first and then work my way to automate it.
After so many attempts to fix it I later realized that the error message never changed. I did something more severe and renamed my bin folder into something completely different and the exact same error message would appear.
I've stopped the service, restarted it, and as mentioned, renamed folders, etc. and still the exact same error message persisted.
I also decided to open up the Azure Portal Console for my App Service app to browse a bit and to my amazement, nothing seemed to have reflected at all. The FTP shows one thing and the Console shows another.
Would anyone have any idea as to why this is happening?
I eventually got it to work and I will share what I tried.
I deleted the web app and created it again (I found this to be important the first time around). This was quite time consuming and did help but it wasn't long before the same problem happened again.
Then I finally found a solution that seems to give me consistent results:
I kept on editing the Web.config which seems to force a recompile and clear some sort of cache. So each time the web app stopped updating, I would make a slight change in the Web.config, upload it via FTP and the app finally updates.
If anyone has any more details on this, it would be greatly appreciated.

The DefaultHttpHandler.BeginProcessRequest method is not supported by IIS integrated pipeline mode

We are having issues in hosting Webforms apps in one of the windows 2012 servers and IIS8.5. The server causes "DefaultHttpHandler.BeginProcessRequest method is not supported by IIS integrated pipeline mode" exception.
Attaching a screen shot for your reference
However when I tested in another server it works all fine. To isolate issues I have even tried to deploy a sample webforms app and try out.
I need integrated mode pipe line as I have a requirement around it.
I have verified the servers and there is no difference in iis configurations. What could be the possible reasons for this? Any guidance to narrow down the issue will really help.
Attaching the server comparison report. The image shows the differences in two servers. in the right side server the application does not work and in the left side server it works. If you see the diff there is not a lot of changes and btw the changes are because I added them as part of trouble shooting.
We compared every possible stuff on the servers and finally decided to take up the server in which it is working. The server in which it didnot work might have some issues with they way IIS was deployed.
So in a way there was no way out for this problem for me.

Which files required for qt 5.4 qwebchannel linux deployment?

Have a QtWebEngine based application which uses all local html and javascript files. When deploying this to a test environment the Web page comes up and is navigable, but, webchannel based things aren't working. Everything is fine on development. Problem only happens on deployment to test machine.
This is a self contained .deb which installs creating a user and is meant to bring everything along with it. While it is running on a desktop, there is no network connection, everything is inside.
That said, if "everything" was inside the webchannel would be working. Does anyone have a link identifying what external pieces webchannel requires? There are only two oddities starting up on the target.
[0629/132921:WARNING:resource_bundle.cc(286)] locale_file_path.empty()
[0629/132921:WARNING:resource_bundle.cc(286)] locale_file_path.empty()
Trust me, I've surfed for that. There are thousands of posts flagging resource_bundle.cc throwing local_file_path.empty() errors at all kinds of lines and nothing offered as a solution. I am making the grand assumption when webchannel supporting files are identified and placed/pointed to, these will go away and life will be good.
qwebchannel.js is deployed, but, maybe there is an environment variable I need to set? the index.html file references qwebchannel.js exactly where it is.
Anyone have the list/link of what files are required when deploying something using qwebchannel.js? It isn't throwing up an error which identifies much.

Can't save content or make changes - Liferay

Liferay 6.1.1 CE GA2 works works fine-and-dandy on my local machine and my coworkers as well. When we deploy it to our main dev server, we find that we can't save any changes (i.e., create web content, change theme/schemes, etc).
Any idea why this is happening?
check the log output, this might give you hints on what's going wrong
If you get UI errors, this might help as well
check what database you're connecting with, make sure that the user account you use has write access to the database
In case you use hsql (don't do this unless on an unimportant demo server) make sure that the user your appserver runs as is able to write to the data directory and persist the database
If you're running on a cluster and the second machine doesn't pick up changes made through the first machine, you need to configure clustering properly. The Userguide at https://www.liferay.com/documentation/ has a chapter on this.
If nothing of this helps, please give more information

Trying to create a X509Certificate2 certificate fails when called within a COM interop environment

I've got a classlibrary which defines a couple of helper classes/methods which are used from a classic asp web application. So far, everything works fine. Now I've added a new helper method which signs a PDF file using a third party tool. Using a console application to call this wrapper method, everything works fine. Once I use an asp page to call the exact same method, the call to
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(sigFilePath, sigPassword);
fails with the error "The system cannot find the specified file" (translated from german).
Since the same code works fine called from the console application, i guess the problem must be located somewhere different. Could it be a security issue?
When I wonder if I'm facing a security issue like you do, I just do a quick test : I put the user account the webserver is using in the administrators group, do a quick iisreset, and try again. If it's working know you now it's a security issue. If it's still failing, look somewhere else.
Never forget to then remove the user accoung from the administrators group, and only do that on you own dev machine, not on production servers !!
If it's a security issue, I would then recommend launching Process Monitor (look for procmon in google). It's a Microsoft download. Look for access denied in the result column. You'll then know what's blocking you ...
