Do CouchDB databases get extremely large in a short time span? - couchdb

I'm reading the Beginning CouchDB book by Apress and there is a line that confuses me a bit:
Also important to note is that CouchDB
will never overwrite existing
documents, but rather it will append a
new document to the database, with the
latest revision gaining prominence and
the other being stored for archival
Doesn't this mean that after a couple of updates, you would have a huge database? Thank you!

The short answer is "not really, no".
In reality in depends on the average size of your document and the amount of them. This will define when you should be running a compact job on your database, which is the job that removes all of the previous revisions from the database. Read more about compaction at
Another sysadmin point for this, try to schedule your compaction jobs when the database isn't under load. You most specifically care about write load, because if writes are happening too quickly when you run compaction, then your compaction job could (in theory) run forever and take the database with it. However, I've seen some not-so-nice behavior around running compaction while under a heavy read load. So, if you can stand only compacting once a day, do it at 3am with the rest of your system/database maintenance cron jobs.
Oh, and possibley most importantly, if you're just starting to learn couchdb, then it's probably premature to start worrying about when to run your compaction jobs compared to your system's load. Premature optimization and all that - focus on other aspects for now.


When Apache Cassandra scheduled repair becomes necessary operational practice?

Like eventual consistency, scheduled repair seems eventually useful from nodes drifting away too much from other.
Trying to understand why and when "Scheduled Repair" becomes mandatory. We are relatively new to operating Cassandra and progressively adopting it. Despite there are no scheduled repairs configured, few services are working quite well for months.
Hence, Have few questions about repair?
What is the statistical evidence that developer reliably look at, so
he/she can understand the immediate or eventual benefit of repair
Is there any indicator (from log or metrics) that warns
ahead of time about need of repair?
If we build read-heavy (very
rare transaction) reference data system, do we still need to repair
Mistakenly if material-views used in application, should
we abstain repair till we re-write applications without material-views?
The answer is simple -- repair is part of the normal operation of Cassandra.
There are no metrics/statistics/indicators that determine when to run repairs. You just have to run repairs once every gc_grace_seconds. It's as simple as that.
By default, GC grace is 10 days so for simplicity you should run repairs at least once a week if you're not using automated tools like Reaper -- the free, open-source tool for automated Cassandra repairs. Cheers!

Can CouchDB handle thousands of separate databases?

Can CouchDB handle thousands of separate databases on the same machine?
Imagine you have a collection of BankTransactions. There are many thousands of records. (EDIT: not actually storing transactions--just think of a very large number of very small, frequently updating records. It's basically a join table from SQL-land.)
Each day you want a summary view of transactions that occurred only at your local bank branch. If all the records are in a single database, regenerating the view will process all of the transactions from all of the branches. This is a much bigger chunk of work, and unnecessary for the user who cares only about his particular subset of documents.
This makes it seem like each bank branch should be partitioned into its own database, in order for the views to be generated in smaller chunks, and independently of each other. But I've never heard of anyone doing this, and it seems like an anti-pattern (e.g. duplicating the same design document across thousands of different databases).
Is there a different way I should be modeling this problem? (Should the partitioning happen between separate machines, not separate databases on the same machine?) If not, can CouchDB handle the thousands of databases it will take to keep the partitions small?
[Warning, I'm assuming you're running this in some sort of production environment. Just go with the short answer if this is for a school or pet project.]
The short answer is "yes".
The longer answer is that there are some things you need to watch out for...
You're going to be playing whack-a-mole with a lot of system settings like max file descriptors.
You'll also be playing whack-a-mole with erlang vm settings.
CouchDB has a "max open databases" option. Increase this or you're going to have pending requests piling up.
It's going to be a PITA to aggregate multiple databases to generate reports. You can do it by polling each database's _changes feed, modifying the data, and then throwing it back into a central/aggregating database. The tooling to make this easier is just not there yet in CouchDB's API. Almost, but not quite.
However, the biggest problem that you're going to run into if you try to do this is that CouchDB does not horizontally scale [well] by itself. If you add more CouchDB servers they're all going to have duplicates of the data. Sure, your max open dbs count will scale linearly with each node added, but other things like view build time won't (ex., they'll all need to do their own view builds).
Whereas I've seen thousands of open databases on a BigCouch cluster. Anecdotally that's because of dynamo clustering: more nodes doing different things in parallel, versus walled off CouchDB servers replicating to one another.
I know this question is old, but wanted to note that now with more recent versions of CouchDB (3.0+), partitioned databases are supported, which addresses this situation.
So you can have a single database for transactions, and partition them by bank branch. You can then query all transactions as you would before, or query just for those from a specific branch, and only the shards where that branch's data is stored will be accessed.
Multiple databases are possible, but for most cases I think the aggregate database will actually give better performance to your branches. Keep in mind that you're only optimizing when a document is updated into the view; each document will only be parsed once per view.
For end-of-day polling in an aggregate database, the first branch will cause 100% of the new docs to be processed, and pay 100% of the delay. All other branches will pay 0%. So most branches benefit. For end-of-day polling in separate databases, all branches pay a portion of the penalty proportional to their volume, so most come out slightly behind.
For frequent view updates throughout the day, active branches prefer the aggregate and low-volume branches prefer separate. If one branch in 10 adds 99% of the documents, most of the update work will be done on other branch's polls, so 9 out of 10 prefer separate dbs.
If this latency matters, and assuming couch has some clock cycles going unused, you could write a 3-line loop/view/sleep shell script that updates some documents before any user is waiting.
I would add that having a large number of databases creates issues around compaction and replication. Not only do things like continuous replication need to be triggered on a per-database basis (meaning you will have to write custom logic to loop over all the databases), but they also spawn replication daemons per database. This can quickly become prohibitive.

huge Oracle Redo Logs

At 10PM each Tuesday all of a sudden oracle is generating huge REDO logs until the disk runs out of space. My application is not running any huge queries or anything during this time according to the logs.
The only thing I can find is that the dba_scheduler_job_run_details table started an oracle job right at that time. I can't find any info on google about this job, so am desperate for any ideas.
Info from dba_scheduler_job_run_details:
ACTUAL_START_DATE: 11-03-22 22:00:02.125060000 CST6CDT
10PM is usually the time that automatic statistics gathering starts. Although it normally runs every day. In 11g stats gathering uses auto tasks instead of the scheduler, try looking for the stats job with a query like this: select * from dba_autotask_job_history order by window_start_time desc;
But even if the problem is caused by statistics, it seems odd that it would cause too much REDO. Usually gathering statistics is a lot of reading and a very small amount of writing. Unless you've got many small tables that change all the time; in that case the amount of statistics information could be much larger than the actual data. If that's the case you may need to gather the stats more often, or maybe lock the stats.
Or possibly the statistics process is blowing up on a specific table. This will show you what table was last analyzed, maybe it will give you a clue: select last_analyzed, dba_tables.* from dba_tables order by 1 desc nulls last;
I something generates huge REDOLOG, then you must have huge DML activity. For examaple cleanup script which tries to purge some data, but fails, rollbacks, and then tries to do the same task again and again and again...
The best way how to prove/disprove your doubts is the "Log miner tool". It's not trivial to use, but it will tell you which statements (and against which table) generated most of the redo and that time.

CouchDB .view file growing out of control?

I recently encountered a situation where my CouchDB instance used all available disk space on a 20GB VM instance.
Upon investigation I discovered that a directory in /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb/ contained a bunch of .view files, the largest of which was 16GB. I was able to remove the *.view files to restore normal operation. I'm not sure why the .view files grew so large and how CouchDB manages .view files.
A bit more information. I have a VM running Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic) with 512MB and CouchDB 0.10. The VM has a cron job which invokes a Python script which queries a view. The cron job runs once every five minutes. Every time the view is queried the size of a .view file increases. I've written a job to monitor this on an hourly basis and after a few days I don't see the file rolling over or otherwise decreasing in size.
Does anyone have any insights into this issue? Is there a piece of documentation I've missed? I haven't been able to find anything on the subject but that may be due to looking in the wrong places or my search terms.
CouchDB is very disk hungry, trading disk space for performance. Views will increase in size as items are added to them. You can recover disk space that is no longer needed with cleanup and compaction.
Every time you create update or delete a document then the view indexes will be updated with the relevant changes to the documents. The update to the view will happen when it is queried. So if you are making lots of document changes then you should expect your index to grow and will need to be managed with compaction and cleanup.
If your views are very large for a given set of documents then you may have poorly designed views. Alternatively your design may just require large views and you will need to manage that as you would any other resource.
It would be easier to tell what is happening if you could describe what document updates (inc create and delete) are happening and what your view functions are emitting, especially for the large view.
That your .view files grow, each time you access a view is because CouchDB updates views on access. CouchDB views need compaction like databases too. If you have frequent changes to your documents, resulting in changes in your view, you should run view compaction from time to time. See
To reduce the size of your views, have a look at the data, you are emitting. When you emit(foo, doc) the entire document is copied to the view to it is very instantly available when you query the view. the function(doc) { emit(doc.title, doc); } will result in a view as big as the database itself. You could also emit(doc.title, nil); and use the include_docs option to let CouchDB fetch the document from the database when you access the view (which will result in a slightly performance penalty). See
Use sequential or monotonic id's for documents instead of random
Yes, couchdb is very disk hungry, and it needs regular compactions. But there is another thing that can help reducing this disk usage, specially sometimes when it's unnecessary.
Couchdb uses B+ trees for storing data/documents which is very good data structure for performance of data retrieval. However use of B-tree trades in performance for disk space usage. With completely random Id, B+-tree fans out quickly. As the minimum fill rate is 1/2 for every internal node, the nodes are mostly filled up to the 1/2 (as the data spreads evenly due to its randomness) generating more internal nodes. Also new insertions can cause a rewrite of full tree. That's what randomness can cause ;)
Instead, use of sequential or monotonic ids can avoid all.
I've had this problem too, trying out CouchDB for a browsed-based game.
We had about 100.000 unexpected visitors on the first day of a site launch, and within 2 days the CouchDB database was taking about 40GB in space. This made the server crash because the HD was completely full.
Compaction brought that back to about 50MB. I also set the _revs_limit (which defaults to 1000) to 10 since we didn't care about revision history, and it's running perfectly since. After almost 1M users, the database size is usually about 2-3GB. When i run compaction it's about 500MB.
Setting document revision limit to 10:
curl -X PUT -d "10" http://dbuser:dbpassword#
Or without user:password (not recommended):
curl -X PUT -d "10"

How much storage do you require when using CouchDB when compared to RDBMS?

I need to know the factoring that needs to be taken into consideration when implementing a solution using CouchDB. I understand that CouchDB does not require normalization and that the standard techniques that I use in RDBMS development are mostly thrown away.
But what exactly are the costs involved. I perfectly understand the benefits, but the costs of storage make me a bit nervous as it appears as CouchDB would need an awful lot of replicated data, some of it going stale and out of date well before its usage. How would one manage stale data?
I know that I could implement some awful relationship model with documents using Couchdb and lower the costs of storage, but wouldn't this defeat the objectives of Couchdb and the performances that I can gain?
An example I am thinking about is a system for requistions, ordering and tendering. The system currently has the one to many thing going on and the many might get updated more frequently than the one.
Any help would be great as I am an old school RDBMS guy with all the teachings of C.J. Date, E.F Codd and R. F. Boyce, so struggling at the moment with the radical notion of document storage.
Does Couchdb have anything internal to manage the recognition and reduction of duplicate data?
Only you know how many copies of how much data you will use, so unfortunately the only good answer will be to build simulated data sets and measure the disk usage.
In addition, similar to a file system, CouchDB requires additional storage for metadata. This cost depends on two factors:
How often you update or create a document
How often you compact
The worst-case instantaneous disk usage will be the total amount of data times two, plus all the old document revisions (#1) existing at compaction time (#2). This is because compaction builds a new database file with only the current document revisions. Therefore the usage will be two copies of current data (from the old file plus the new file), plus all of the "wasted" old revisions awatiing deletion when compaction completes. After compaction, the old file is deleted so you will reclaim over half of this worst-case value.
Running compaction all the time is no problem to reduce data use however it has implications with disk i/o.
