WSS 3.0 site -where to store images and CSS files? - sharepoint

I am creating a WSS 3.0 site and am not sure where to store images and CSS files.
I am thinking of creating a document library and adding 2 subfolders for images and CSS files.
Would that be a good practice? Or should I create 2 document libraries for the images and CSS files (instead of subfolders)?
Thank you for your help.

How are these images being used - are they part of the site template/design, and how many users do you have?
If you are deploying "branding" to change the sharepoint look and feel then you should probably deploy these as a sharepoint feature for better performance and easier maintenance. When you upload these files into the document library you will generate additional database calls. Features are served from disk on the IIS application running sharepoint which is less costly. Whether you need to go to this effort depends on your answer to the question above.


Meteor CMS two application or all in one

I'm currently working on a CMS for meteor (basically a WordPress-like).
I have a simple question about the design of this CMS.
Should I divide my CMS in two application :
-One part for the viewed content (site, template, viewer plugins)
-Another one for the administration part (statistics, web mastering, post and page creation, etc)
Should I make an all in one application using different routes and security levels.
From my point of view both have pros and cons.
Divide :
Share the CMS between several servers.
Possibility to manage different websites with only one administration application. Looks like a network.
-Using administration without the viewer app.(Headless Drupal)
-Using the full meteor potential for big application.
All in one :
Smaller application, template more adapted to the administration panel.
Easier to handling it.
-Blog oriented.
I'm really interested by your ideas and opinion.
I'd suggest splitting it up between viewers and admin. You don't want viewers of the site to have to download so much extra code. Both parts can share the same database.

Document Mng on Redmine: Anyone use DMSF plugin or find an easy way to manage docs in the Files tab with a 'wiki' as a front end?

I'm looking to use Redmine for document management. I know that Redmine is not ideal for this task but there is already a lot of content on the site so I'd like to utilize it if possible.
Redmine currently does not a have great documents module. The files we've uploaded look to be amended on that specific page and it doesn't seem to be able to move to another page (unless you download and re-upload to the proper page).
Idea 1
I see there is a Files section, which could work as a central repository (and you can upload document based on release) however, is there a way to set up a nice-looking 'front-end' page that automatically updates based on new submissions to the Files tab? I envision this front end to be a simple wiki page with the document name, a short description and a links to the file posted in the Files tab.
There are so many documents uploaded to varying pages on the Redmine site. I would only do the whole download and re-upload of files if there was a way to automatically update the 'front end' wiki.
Idea 2
I see there is a DMSF plugin for Redmine. Has anyone used this before and has is solved document management issues? I'd like to hear your feedback. Even if DMSF doesn't totally solve my issue, anything is better than what I have now.
In my opinion DMSF module is a perfect companion for Redmine. We have adopted it in our company. You can easily deal with document versions, webdav access, custom approval workflow, document modifications notification with the extra value of being well integrated with Redmine features (roles, dynamic links in Wiki and issue text and notes).

Sharepoint: Where to store assets used in my custom master page?

I'm creating a custom master page for my SharePoint 2010 publishing site. There are images, css files and js files associated with this custom master page. Where should they be stored?
I'm using the SiteAssets library for now - is this a good choice?
Yeah that is a good choice, also make sure you Provision all these files using Feature, this way upate of Files becomes easier.
In my opinion, you should store everything under the site collection libraries, this way you get:
Easy recovery in the cases you need to re-install the server[s]
Versioning and permissions on resources
Separation of resources between site collection
Simple deployment between environments, as you do not need to copy the files manually or design and deploy a feature to do it for you
The preferred place is of course Style Library, this is what it is intended for.
If you are creating and deploying your files through code, you can also use the _layouts directory to store your files. This makes it simpler to share files between site collections. Visual Studio 2010 makes it really simple to add a reference to the Images folder and any files will then be deployed to the _layouts/Images URL.
The only advantage of this is that a site collection administrator cannot make changes to these files, only someone with access to the physical server. (Although this can also be a disadvantage if your logos or images are changing regularly).
I usually store them in _catalogs/masterpage/ORGNAME/...
You can refer this blog for actual implementation
-Vighnesh Bendre

Creating a new CMS, importing content from ASP - Umbraco or Sharepoint?

I'm working on a project to create a CMS, which will entail importing a lot of existing content, most of which is static, but in ASP (so they're not all just pure HTML, there are includes and sometimes other server-side code).
We're considering using Umbraco or Sharepoint (2010) for managing the external content, which currently comprises a few thousand pages. I've read this and I think there are good cases to be made for both sides. However, while I've read about the features of adding and managing content, I have not seen anything regarding the importing of existing content into either. And since we have a lot of content that will have to be imported, the ability of either CMS to facilitate this will be a major factor in the decision.
I'd like to know if anyone has any experience trying to import a lot of content into either Umbraco or Sharepoint, or if you have any idea how I might go about doing that. Is it easy for either? Are there plug-ins I can find, or scripts I can write? Or will I pretty much have to import each existing file manually with either CMS?
If you have experience with Umbraco or Sharepoint and have any ideas about this, I would value your input and/or recommendations.
Are you just using SharePoint as a CMS? IMHO whilst SharePoint can be used as a CMS that is not where its real strengths lie - its more suited to Intranet/Portals/Collaboration tools.
I am sure someone will be on in a minute with links to SharePoint showcase sites but the disadvantages :-
Its expensive (even with 'free' WSS
version you need Internet connector
license) + windows licenses.
markup can be fairly 'heavy' and
difficult to customise (tables galore in 2007
and javascript files measured in
hundreds of kb)
Questionable cross
browser functionality in 2007
Relatively poor 'website' features e.g. blogging engine as compared to some dedicated CMS's
Basically - if all you are after is a CMS then perhaps there are better options?
(I should say that I think that in an Intranet/Portal setting SharePoint is brilliant, frustrating sometimes for sure, but brilliant).
I cannot speak for SharePoint but I have had to import content from a MS Content Management Server 2002 database into Umbraco.
Umbraco is very extensible and I was able to build a dashboard component that allowed me to do this.
It effectively examined the MSCMS channels and postings and recreated the structure using Umbraco document types. It was very much working at the API level but I would say the learning curve wasn't too steep and Umbraco documentation has come on leaps and bounds over the last two years.
There is also the possiblity that someone has already written a package to do what you need to do so it is worth checking out the community at
Hi I don't know Sharepoint but I build a package for Umbraco which can help you importing data from other systems into Umbraco. In the way you dewscribe it you could export your site to a file format using the HTML Agility pack and then use my tool to import the data into Umbraco.
Hope this helps,
I haven't done any Sharepoint but I've imported content into Umbraco and found it very flexible.
I imported data from a database and created doctypes and custom datatypes in Umbraco then created and populated umbraco documents with code like this:
using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web;
DocumentType dt = DocumentType.GetByAlias("myDoc");
Document doc = Document.MakeNew(name, dt, user, parentId);
doc.getProperty("whatever").Value = getWhateverXML();

Sharepoint - how to enable caching w/o server access?

I am using WSS 3.0 in a hosted/shared (read: can make no server-side changes) environment. Unfortunately, between SP and IIS, almost nothing is getting cached, so page loads can be terribly slow.
We have a bunch of custom image, JS, CSS, etc files that are currently just in a /img, /js, and /css directories, all of which are grabbed each and every time the page loads (server is returning "Cache-Control private,max-age=0").
Since I can't do anything with IIS, and can't enable any caching server-side on SP, do I have any other options? I've read in a few places that if your files are located in the layouts directory that they will be cached, but using SP Designer I don't seem to have access to the /___layouts directory, unless I'm missing something....
Thoughts?? Thank you!
Since you are running in a hosted/shared environment I would work directly with the ISP on this one. There are many ways to cache things and the ISP could very well prevent you from doing most of them.
Ask them the following questions...
Have you set output caching on the Page Layouts directory for anon and or authenticated profiles, or at the Site level or at the Site Collection level (overview on how to here)? If not, can you?
Do you have IIS set to compress static files (its not caching, but, will help)?
How much RAM is available to me in this shared environment?
If you have enough RAM, look into caching your custom web parts.
You could also host your custom images, css, javascript etc on a 3rd party CDN (Akami, Amazon Web Services), that doesn't help with your theme and core js/css files.
_layouts is the "repository" for application pages, i.e. pages deployed by sharepoint for performing maintenance etc. through the web UI. It is very well possilbe you don't have access to that folder, it will also not show up in SharePoint designer. You have a couple of options:
If you have a Publishing site, you can enable caching through the site settings.
What you could also do is add the #OutputCache directive to a page you create through SharePoint Designer (Outputcache on MSDN
deploy your site through a solution, which does allow deploying in the _layouts folder
