HP LoadRunner question - content checking: web apps only - performance-testing

I know there some experienced loadRunner users around so I would like to ask (as I was not able to find the answer on my own): Is the content checking available only for webpages? I mean, I cannot check for content in win32 apps, right? Thank you!

If you are asking about using the web_reg_save_param function, then, yes, it is limited to web applications.
Generally, functions with a "web" prefix are unique to web applications.

web_reg_save is web protocol-only, yes.
Depending on the protocol you use, you surely have a way to do a context verification. For example, when you are using terminal emulator, you can check for specific strings in specific display areas. Or, when using Citrix, you can wait for specific bitmaps to appear in certain areas. Or, with RMI, you can inspect whatever you want in the replies you receive.
Inspecting a Win32 app's screen, however, might be painful. LoadRunner tries to "sniff" at the protocol level, so usually you'd have some traffic to emulate on the sockets level, for example. You could still find the app's window handle and fetch some content from it using Windows API calls. LR will not assist you in doing so, though, except for with DLL support.


How secure is data passed via Custom Protocol Handler?

Let's say you set up a custom protocol handler to run an application with some startup data, right?
How secure is that data? I'm having trouble finding any resources talking about:
Do browsers cache this data?
Can other applications see this information get passed and how?
I've found resources talking about obvious problems, like attacking sites can abuse your protocol if they find you have one.
Otherwise, for developers looking to use their website to launch an app in this way, what do we need to be concerned about if we don't want anyone else seeing "somedata"? More specifically, how is the data accessible to attackers?
Any MDN or other official references would be much appreciated!

Prevent from screen recording

I am working on an educational e-commercial website .. In which the user need to authenticate and then the videos on particular topics will be available.. so how can I prevent my video to be screen-recorded...
Different OS's and applications support different mechanisms to try to tackle this - for example:
Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 uses integrated 'Protected Media Path' for encrypted content which will stop simple screenshots working
Website and web app developers may use a number of CCS 'tricks' to achieve a similar affect, although these can usually be workaround with standard web developer and debug tools.
Mobile video typically uses protected memory for encrypted content which will usually give a black screen on capture.
As mentioned in comments and other answers these are all 'barriers' but they don't make it impossible to copy the content - the best example being pointing a camera at the screen a copying that way.
The idea is generally to make it hard enough compared to the value of the content so that people are not prepared to invest the time to work around your barriers.
It is not possible, for a variety of reasons:
There is no Web API for that.
Even if there was, it would be possible to reverse engineer the browser/OS to allow for screen recording.
Even if, for some reason, you couldn't access and modify the software running on the computer, you could connect the computer to a capture card instead of your monitor.
And if you also couldn't do that, you could just point a camera at the screen and start recording.

IBM iSeries Frontend Development

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the IBM i5 series emulator (looks like this poop)
My company uses this religiously and there is no Biz logic in it so anytime somone in our finance dpt makes a human error it accepts it and adds it to the database. Not to mention its ugly, hard to use, not intuitive, etc....
I would like to create a frontend for this interface so that we can control the logic before its submitted to the system (we dont control the system itself) so in effect I need to make my own emulator app.
However I cant seem to find any information on how to interface with the i series, namely login, send commands, and view or gather data from the screens it would normally send back.
Any suggestions?
The problem is not the iSeries but the software package your company is running on it.
There ARE advantages to use green screens: it's fast and it's almost unbeatable at data entry, provided you get used to it.
But to answer your question, the iSeries is a J2EE enabled machine: a HTTP server comes installed and depending of the version of the iSeries, WebSphere might be already installed, or are entitled to install it. Then you can use JT400, which is the java toolkit for the os400 containing the jdbc drivers to connect the database and the necessary classes for calling programs.
If you prefer php, there is a flavor of the Zend framework made to work on the iSeries but I never tried it.
I'd recommend that you take a look at both the Attachmate Verastream Host Integrator (VHI) and IBM's Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) products. They effectively just screen scrape the green screen terminals to allow you to pull and push data and provide macro recording and editing tools to automate the process. App integration can be achieved via web services or html/jsp/servlet programming (plus .Net for VHI and EJB's for HATS). They do come with enterprise pricing however which may be an obstacle for some. They do have free trial offerings for evaluation purposes to help determine if they are an appropriate solution to your problem.
What software packages are they using? Most programs that I use in the 5250 emulator has some business logic that error checks the data before adding it to the database. Can you get us some more information so we can direct you in a better direction.
There are vendors that sell products that screen-scrape the 5250 data stream and produces a web front-end. Or you can write your own front-end in the language of your choice and just do SQL calls to the database.
THere's got to be some source code. Start by looking at the menu and menu option your users are accessing and figure that's running behind them.
Use command STRPDM to look for source code - look in different libraries (they are like folders)
You might have source code in a "member" called something like xxxMNUSRC xxxRPGSRC (rpg program source) or xxxCLSRC (cl programs), xxxDDSSRC (display/screen source, physical/logical file source)
Objects a "compiled" objects such as files (tables), screens, priter files (reports)
Stay away from Qxxx and #xxx libraries - those are system libraries.
http://systeminetwork.com/ is a good resource for iSeries related questions.

event sink for web browser in C++

gud day!.
i am to develop a system that would simply list all URL accessed in a browser with its response time.
my probtion is alem is this applica standalone program(not a plug-in to a certain browser) written in c++. every time a user browse, the program then performs certain method.
so it is like, my program would listen to the browsers events. i dont know how to create an EVEN SINK implemetation for the above mention event in web browsers like Internet explorer, mozilla firefox and google chrome.
any suggestion, advise or idea i cant get from you for me to be able to start the development. any areas i need to focus in studying.
thanks alot for your time! hope for your response!:)
best regards!
The easiest way to achieve what you need is intercepting network traffic and extracting URLs from HTTP packets.
You can do this in many ways, e.g.:
using WinPCAP/libPCAP libarary
modifying LSP stack
intercepting winsock functions calls
If you're on the Windows platform, I think your best shot is using the MSAA interface, which is supported by all three browsers.
MSDN Overview and C++ API
Firefox statement of support for MSAA
You could take a lower-level approach (such as an LSP), but they're much harder to debug.

What pure server side technologies allow html website capture on shared hosting

As far as I know, only PHP can't be used for this.
But since not many providers allow installation of Perl/Python/... scripts on shared, I'm wondering whether there is free solution for either
creation of thumbnails or full-size capturing on the fly / on demand and save it to server (since snapshot lets you only to show thumbnails on hover) - service
Flex/Flash solution to capture website and PHP to save it (or save it right with flex/flash) - code to run on server
Is it possible?
To capture how a website looks like, you first need somebody to render it.
Because you are usually optimizing a web site to run on the major browsers, you will want one of them to handle the rendering.
This (opening a browser instance, opening a certain web page, rendering it and dumping a screen shot of the results) is possible - it's how services like browsershots.org work.
It's just not trivial to set up, and requires total freedom in setting up the server (i.e. administrator privileges to install programs, set rights, etc.). It definitely is not possible to do with pure PHP, Perl, Python, or any other scripting language, on a restricted shared hosting environment.
If you're on Windows, the answer to this question may be of help.
For a list of snap shot services, see this question.
