How secure is data passed via Custom Protocol Handler? - security

Let's say you set up a custom protocol handler to run an application with some startup data, right?
How secure is that data? I'm having trouble finding any resources talking about:
Do browsers cache this data?
Can other applications see this information get passed and how?
I've found resources talking about obvious problems, like attacking sites can abuse your protocol if they find you have one.
Otherwise, for developers looking to use their website to launch an app in this way, what do we need to be concerned about if we don't want anyone else seeing "somedata"? More specifically, how is the data accessible to attackers?
Any MDN or other official references would be much appreciated!


How to prevent user from modifying REST request?

This question might sound trivial, but even after reading a number of tutorials, I still don't get how the REST security should be implemented.
I have a webpage and soon-to-be-ready mobile app. Both of them will be using the REST API (written in node.js), and the question is - how can I prevent users from modyfing those requests? It's very easy to see the network traffic in the browser, and all the GET/POST requests that are made to the server. It also seems very easy to copy such a request, modify its parameters and/or payload and send it to the server.
How do I make sure that's my webpage or the app who made the request, and not someone else?
Sisyphus is absolutely correct: your focus should be on securing the channel (TLS, SSH, etc) and authentication (e.g. OAuth2).
You should absolutely familiarize yourself with the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). In particular, start with:
OWASP Top 10 Cheat Sheet
OWASP REST Security Cheat Sheet
Here is an excellent "hands on" tutorial that gives you a great overview of all the different pieces you need to worry about:
Authenticate a Node.js API with JSON Web Tokens
Once you've gone through the tutorial and scanned the OWASP cheat sheets, you'll have a much better idea of what kinds of things you need to worry about, what options/technologies are available to mitigate those risks, and what might work best for your particular scenario.
Good luck!
Typically, security these days uses a combination of Transport Layer Security and OAuth2. OAuth2 provides authentication and authorisation, ensuring appropriate access to resources, with TLS both securing data over the network and preventing the kind of replay attacks which you're concerned about. Neither are really specific to Restful APIs and you can find them being used in non-Rest contexts also.

How safe is cross domain access?

I am working on a personal project and I have being considering the security of sensitive data. I want to use API for accessing the Backend and I want to keep the Backend in a different server from the one the user will logon to. This then require a cross domain accessing of data.
Considering that a lot of accessing and transaction will be done, I have the following questions to help guide me in the right path by those who have tried and tested cross domain access. I don't want to assume and implement and run into troubles and redesign when I have launched the service thereby losing sleep. I know there is no right way to do many things in programming but there are so many wrong ways.
How safe is it in handling sensitive data (even with https).
Does it have issues handling a lot of users transactions.
Does it have any downside I not mentioned.
These questions are asked because some post I have read this evening discouraged the use of cross-domain access while some encouraged it. I decided to hear from professionals who have actually used it in a bigger scale.
I am actually building a Mobile App, using Laravel as the backend.
How safe is it in handling sensitive data (even with https).
SSL is generally considered safe (it's used everywhere and is considered the standard). However, it's not any less safe by hitting a different server. The data still has to traverse the pipes and reach its destination which has the same risks regardless of the server.
Does it have issues handling a lot of users transactions.
I don't see why it would. A server is a server. Ultimately, your server's ability to handle volume transactions is going to be based on its power, the efficiency of your code, and your application's ability to scale.
Does it have any downside I not mentioned.
Authentication is the only thing that comes to mind. I'm confused by your question as to how they would log into one but access data from another. It seems that would all just be one application. If you want to revise your question, I'll update my answer.

KendoUI security

I am looking at developing a web application that will need to work with personal health information. I am looking at the possibility to using KendoUI for the interface. However, can it be secured to not allow anyone to cross script, bypass or spoof the javascript code since it is on the client side? Or is it better to stay with standard server side controls that require a postback?
Your question lacks detail, but if you are talking about the Kendo DataSource sending data to the server, it is basically a wrapper around jQuery.ajax, so just about anything you can do with jQuery.ajax() you can do with Kendo DataSource.
The truth is the less complicated the security the less reliable it is. Just making a simple call to a datasource in kendo will not be very secure but heading the other way with something like o2auth will be a lot more secure but way harder to implement.I would recommend reading this before you continue down this path. You will have to consider how much effort you are willing to go through to protect your app/website from an encroachment. if this is for a commercial environment you will have to take as much precaution as possible to prevent a security breach.

How do I secure a connection from a web role to SQL Azure?

We're trying to implement the Gatekeeper Design pattern as recommended in Microsoft Security Best Practices for Azure, but I;m having some trouble determining how to do that.
To give some background on the project, we're taking an already developed website using the traditional layered approach (presentation, business, data, etc.) and converting it over to use Azure. The client would like some added security built around this process since it will now be in the cloud.
The initial suggestion to handle this was to use Queues and have worker roles process requests entered into the queue. Some of the concerns we've come across are how to properly serialize the objects and include what methods we need run on that object as well as the latency inherent in such an approach.
We've also looked setting up some WCF services in the Worker Role, but I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around how exactly to handle this. (In addition to this being my first Azure project, this would also be my first attempt at WCF.) We'd run into the same issue with object serialization here.
Another thought was to set up some web services in another web role, but that seems to open the same security issue since we won't be able to perform IP-based security on the request.
I've searched and searched but haven't really found any samples that do what we're trying to do (or I didn't recognize them as doing so). Can anyone provide some guidance with code samples? Thanks.
Please do not take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you are in danger of over-engineering a solution based on the "requirement" that 'the client would like some added security'. The gatekeeper pattern that is described on page 13 of the Security Best Practices For Developing Windows Azure Applications document is a very big gun which you should only fire at large targets, i.e., scenarios where you actually need hardened applications storing highly sensitive data. Building something like this will potentially cost a lot of time & performance, so make sure you weigh pro's & con's thoroughly.
Have you considered leveraging SQL Azure firewall as an additional (and possibly acceptable) security measure? You can specify access on an IP address level and even configure it programmatically through stored procedures. You can block all external access to your database, making your Azure application (web/worker roles) the only "client" that is allowed to gain access.
To answer one of your questions specifically, you can secure access to a WCF service using X.509 certificates and implement message security; if you also need an SSL connection to protect data in transit you would need to use both message and transport security. It's not the simplest thing on earth, but it's possible. You can make it so only the servers that have the correct certificate can make the WCF request. Take a look at this thread for more details and a few more pointers:
Also, WCF makes it easy to exchange objects as long as you mark them Serializable. So making WCF calls would dramatically simplify how you exchange objects back and forth with your client(s).

Ensure exclusive access to webservice

Just to be on the safe side, what's the best practice to ensure that only my application has access to my webservice, which is hosted on a public server? Should I implement I shared key or something?
My webservice is hosted on Googles App Engine and my Application runs on iPhones and iPads.
If you need further information, just ask.
some sort of challenge/response authentication would be your best bet, but you could use something as simple as a key that's sent with every request. it might be quite easy for someone with a packet sniffer to reverse engineer that security though - i guess the amount of time you spend on it will relate to how much you really care :)
If you require your iphone app users to enter a loginid/password, then it is trivial to achieve what you want. But I assume you don't want that ..
Without that, there is no way to ensure you app has exclusive access to your web-services. People can always sniff HTTP traffic and spoof it. People can decompile/reverse-engineer your app to figure out the key/password.
See other discussions on StackOverflow - How to restrict access to my web service? and How can I create and use a web service in public but still restrict its use to only my app?
You could program your app to only serve requests that include your iPhone's unique identier - see StackOverflow question [Unique identifier for an iPhone app]. The id could still be sniffed, so depending on your needs, you may need methods to counter that.
Well, i had similar problem. What i realized, there is no 100% solution. What i did is, i used different approach. I have implemented OAuth and SSL, of course and than make algorithm for my web service to learn behavior of my app.
I try to put that algorithm in some kind of pattern, template, so it can be used in more scenarios. It's still in developing, so here is code of simple console app that will simulate that algorithm. Hope this can help:
