rendered attribute on inputText - jsf

I have a search form tied to a backing bean that contains 4 input text fields. The design i am working from indicates that the user should be able to see the search results, but they should not be editable. i decided to use the rendered attribute to show the inputs if the managed bean is empty, and to show an output text tag if it's not:
<t:inputText styleClass="inputText" id="name" rendered="#{not searchCriteria.fieldsEntered}"
value="#{}" autocomplete="off"></t:inputText>
<h:outputText value="#{}" rendered="#{searchCriteria.fieldsEntered}"></h:outputText>
The display part works correctly, but I am noticing that only the first field is stored in the managed bean when more than 1 search field is entered.
I removed a rendered attribute from an inputText, and sure enough that's causing my problems. I can infer what's going on here, but I don't understand why.
I believe in this situation I will just remove the outputText tags and change rendered to disabled. I am just curious why my initial plan is incorrect.

The rendered="false" will cause the input element not being rendered and thus its value will not be submitted to the server side. If you're using a request scoped bean, the initial value will not be set. You'd like to either put the bean in session scope or to add a h:inputHidden along the h:outputText which transfers the value to the subsequent request.
Since you're already using Tomahawk's t:inputText I'd suggest to rather use its displayValueOnly attribute instead of the rendered attribute and a complementary h:outputText.
In a nut:
<t:inputText displayValueOnly="#{searchCriteria.fieldsEntered}" ... />


Action/ActionListener method checked even if rendered=false

I have a composite component representing a table, that depending on the editable attribute (which I have created) may or may not display links to edit a row.
The edit links are of type <h:commandLink> and have actionListeners pointing to a method in a backing bean. The backing bean for handling editing is provided as a <cc:attribute name="editBean"... /> like the attribute editable, when I want the table to be editable.
If I don't need the table to be editable I set the editable attribute to false and the links rendered attribute gets set to false as well.
My problem is that if I set editable to false and therefore don't set the attribute editBean either, I get errors pointing out that there is no method for handling editing (e.g. java.lang.String does not have the property xxxxx).
I had hoped that as the links are set to not be rendered at all, what has been specified in the action/actionListener would be ignored. To me it feels logical to first check the rendered attribute and then, if it's set to true, check the other attributes.
So, my questions are: why does it work like this and if there's an elegant way of handling this scenario?
Use JSTL <c:if> to conditionally build the component in JSF component tree instead of rendered attribute to conditionally render the HTML output (it's that you're using JSF 2.2, otherwise I'd have explicitly mentioned that this requires a minimum of Mojarra 2.1.18 to avoid broken view state).
<c:if test="#{cc.attrs.editable}">
<h:commandLink ... />

jsf inputtext doesn't show value from bean

I have the follow situation:
I have a bean that send to form some data, but only in outputlabel the data from the bean is displayed.
I tried to use primefaces, but the same problems persist.
my code:
<h:outputLabel value="#{}" id="name2" />
<h:inputText value="#{}" id="name" />
<p:inputText value="#{}" id="name3" />
Any idea why?
You should have given the bean's code also, to help us better analyze the problem.
Normally you should check for the following:
Check whether you are specifying a correct bean name. Normally
bean's name is same as that of class, except that first letter
should be lowercase. In your case it should be #{} or else,
specify your custom name with #Named("Bean").
Check whether the getters and setters such as getName() are properly
provided. It may happen that you might have reset the name property in
your bean in the get method itself. Because of which first time it
shows you properly in outputLabel and then in next call to getName it may give you null or empty String. To check this, try put your inputText tag first, and check.
I solve my problem.
When I tried show the values, I was trying recover data from database by pass an ajax action. So, When I clicked at button to retrieve the datas, some of my inputText were set as a required. And because this the data is just displaying into label and not inside of inputtext with required. But because ajax, the request were not called correctly.
When I remove the required from inputtext, it works fine.

pass parameter from f:selectItems in h:selectOneListbox

I have a selectOneListbox that, when clicked, should pass an additional parameter (id) to the server. As it is now, the user sees a list of names and when they select one I can get the name. But, each name also has a unique id associated with it that I don't want the user to see - how can I pass the unique id of the selected name to the backing bean without the user ever seeing it? Is it possible? I was trying to figure out how to use the f:param but I don't see how that will work here.
<h:selectOneListbox id="listBox" value="#{ScheduleMB.clients}" size="5"
rendered="#{ScheduleMB.showClients}" >
<f:selectItems value="#{ScheduleMB.clientList}" var="c"
itemLabel="#{c.lastName} #{', '} #{c.firstName}" itemValue="#{c.lastName}" />
<f:ajax event="click" listener="#{ScheduleMB.clickListener}"
render="group" />
The <f:param> serves a different purpose. Even if the <f:param> was possible, it would still end up being visible in the generated HTML output. The enduser would just do rightclick and View Source and then see the IDs being definied as option values.
Your best bet is to retrieve the ID from the DB based on a different unique identifier, perhaps the unique combination of firstname+lastname.
It does by the way not make any sense to me why you would like to hide the ID from the output. It'd be so much easier if you used that as option value, even more if you used a converter so that you can just pass the whole #{c} as option value. The enduser can't spoof/change it in any way. JSF will revalidate the submitted value against the list of available options (which are definied in server side anyway).

JSF same ID on rendered

Let's say I am using rendered as basically a case statement. I have a label and message for an input field, but I want the field itself to change depending on the case. As such:
<p:inputText id="foo" value="#{myBean.params[paramKey]}"
rendered="#{paramIsInput}" />
<p:calendar id="foo" value="#{myBean.params[paramKey]}"
rendered="#{paramIsCalendar}" />
If I do that then I get the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Component ID j_idt64:foo has already been found in the view.
As a workaround I created lots of labels/messages for each param type and changed their ids. But this brings my question. If only one component with an id is actually rendered, why would it matter that I have multiple defined in my jsf file? Is there a way to keep them with all the same ID?
JSF component IDs are supposed to be unique during view build time already, not during view render time only. This way you effectively end up with two JSF components with the same ID which is indeed invalid. You'd like to effectively end up with one JSF component with the desired ID in the JSF component tree after view build time.
You can achieve this by populating the component during the view build time instead of generating its HTML output conditionally during the view render time. You can use the JSTL <c:if> tag for this.
<c:if test="#{paramIsInput}">
<p:inputText id="foo" value="#{myBean.params[paramKey]}" />
<c:if test="#{paramIsCalendar}">
<p:calendar id="foo" value="#{myBean.params[paramKey]}" />
This has however caveats: the <c:if test> condition can't depend on a variable which is only known during JSF render time. So it has not to depend on var of a JSF iterating component, or to be a property of a view scoped bean, etc.
See also:
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
If only one component with an id is actually rendered, why would it matter that I have multiple defined in my jsf file?
How would JSF know that only one component will be rendered? You are using EL in rendered and both can evaluate to true. Here is the documentation which says you can't have duplicate ids inside a naming container.
The specified identifier must be unique among all the components (including facets) that are descendents of the nearest ancestor UIComponent that is a NamingContainer, or within the scope of the entire component tree if there is no such ancestor that is a NamingContainer.
Is there a way to keep them with all the same ID?
In case you still want to have same ids on more than one components you need to separate the naming container.
You can use PanelGrid as a naming container.

JSF Required=Yes not working inside a datatable?

I searched everywhere but could not find a solution to this. I am trying to used
required=yes to validate whether a value is present or not. I am using it inside inputtext.
The problem is it does not work inside a datatable. If I put the text box outside the datatable it works. I am using JSF 1.7 so I don't have the validateRequired tag from JSF 2.0.
I even used a validator class but it is still not working. Does anyone know why does required=yes or validator='validationClass' inside a inputtext inside a datatable is not working.
I appreciate the help.
First of all, the proper attribute values of the required attribute are the boolean values true or false, not a string value of Yes. It's an attribute which accepts a boolean expression.
The following are proper usage examples:
<h:inputText required="true" />
<h:inputText required="#{bean.booleanValue}" />
<h:inputText required="#{bean.stringValue == 'Yes'}" />
As to the problem that it doesn't work inside a <h:dataTable>, that can happen when the datamodel is not been preserved properly (the datamodel is whatever the table retrieves in its value attribute). That can in turn happen when the managed bean is request scoped and doesn't prepare the datamodel during its (post)construction which causes that the datamodel is null or empty while JSF is about to gather, convert and validate the submitted values.
You need to ensure that the datamodel is exactly the same during the apply request values phase of the form submit request as it was during the render response phase of the initial request to display the form with the table. An easy quick test is to put the bean in the session scope. If that fixes the problem, then you definitely need to rewrite the datamodel preserving logic. You could also use Tomahawk's <t:saveState> or <t:dataTable preserveDataModel="true"> to store the datamodel in the view scope (like as JSF2's new view scope is doing).
Finally, JSF 1.7 doesn't exist. Perhaps you mean JSF 1.2?
