Does Xerox DocuShare support the CMIS protocol? [closed] - cmis

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can I access the content of a DocuShare repository using the CMIS protocol?
CMIS is a recently-released standard to access ECM repositories. It is already usable with Alfresco and Nuxeo, and many other ECM vendors are implementing it, but I can't find any information for DocuShare.

Apparently yes, Xerox DocuShare (at least 6.6.1) supports CMIS.
Reference: I have found this presentation file written by Xerox which contains this graph:
After talking with a DocuShare expert, it appears that Xerox Mobile Client for DocuShare is a CMIS client, so Mobile Client Connecter seems to be a DocuShare-to-CMIS gateway.
The CMIS URL has a pattern like this http://yourserver/<something>/ds_mobile_connector/atom, with notably the 2 following patterns seen in the wild:
Apparently, the CMIS features:
does not exist in all versions of DocuShare (meaning not on old versions I guess),
is off by default and has to be enabled manually.


What are the software need be installed to connect ibm lotus and domino notes using Java? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am totally new to IBM lotus and domino notes. I just want to know how to connect IBM domino using java and what are the software I should have installed in my machine.
I gone through many websites but I didn't get any proper tutorial websites. currently I am referring to this page.
See my answer to a previous question here. That answer is broader than just talking about how to connect to Notes and Domino from Java, but it does include a good summary of the options you have from Java, and there's a reference to a very old book that you can download for free and is useful even if it is old. It has an excellent introduction to the principles of Notes and Domino in addition to a lot of information about the Java API. Once you've read it, you should be able to ask more specific questions and we will be able to help you with them.
As far as software goes, you may not need to install anything besides Domino Designer, but the truth is it depends on what environment you are going to develop in, what environment you are going to run in, and what choice you make about the different ways you can access Notes/Domino data from Java.

Azure Blob storage (GUI) client for linux [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a GUI based client for Azure Blob storage that can run on Linux?
I found many client that runs on Windows and couple of web based clients but I'm looking for something like Azure Explorer.
I don't think there's a desktop based client for Linux. I would recommend trying out ( This is a browser based storage explorer and has capability to manage blobs, tables and queues.
Well there's something close, that should work with no or very little code. I'm posting this since you mentioned Java.
Apache Commons VFS is a Virtual File-System library that supports multiple backends such as FTP, SFTP, S3, etc. etc. There is also a GUI for Apache VFS called Commons VFS - UI. This GUI uses Apache VFS to access a wide range of virtual file-systems.
I wrote an Apache VFS Provider for Microsoft Azure called VFS-Azure that you can find at .
There is no reason someone couldn't easily add VFS-Azure provider to the list of known providers in Commons VFS UI. I'll take a look when I have more time in my schedule but I suspect that's something that can easily be completed.
You can use it is cross platform.

Web Devs, How do you manage your clients information? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for some sort of web software that is secure, where a team of people can login and view/add/edit Clients, with the following normal meta data:
Client Name
FTP User/Pass
MySQL User/Pass
CMS User/Pass
Anyone have any recommendations, don't really want to create a php script myself?
The problem at the moment is: We currently administrate a .DOC with all the information in it.
look at or which allows you to share credentials with people.
I don't know of any specific software that could help you, however, I have used Basecamp before which is a payed cloud based service.
They also offer something called 'highrise' which could better suit your needs:

What is a good GeoTiff Viewer? [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working with GeoTiff related files and would like to know what's a good viewer to see the outcome of my work? It needs to work on a Windows machine.
ERViewer from ERMapper was good, you need to register now to get it from ERDAS:
Irfanview can also open GeoTIFF, but won't be as efficient for very large files.
OpenEV in the GDAL suite will also display GeoTIFF: - GDAL is very helpful in general for GeoTIFF.
Manifold 9.0 is also very good, there's a free viewer for use on Windows.
You can also use uDig for viewing GeoTiff (and other GIS-data):
uDig - User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS: A GIS Framework for Eclipse
uDig is an open source (LGPL) desktop application framework, built with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology.
uDig can be used as a stand-alone application.
uDig can be extended with RCP “plug-ins”.
uDig can be used as a plug-in in an existing RCP application.

knowledge sharing discussion forum on company intranet / network drive [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am investigating the feasibility of setting up a discussion forum / message board in my company to enable knowledge sharing etc.
What are the steps involved in implementing such a solution?
I would definitely recommend a Wiki - we've used Mindtouch internally for a number of years and have also posted all of our documentation externally on a wiki.
The steps will depend on what technology you already have in place and what kind of shop you are. If you have SharePoint (WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007), then you already have blog, wiki and discussion group functionality built in. Not the best in the world, but it's there.
A shop that uses more open source tools is less likely to find SharePoint compelling. ;-)
Instead of (or maybe in addition to) a discussion forum, I would recommend a wiki server. This way you can have different howtos, lists, documentation, etc available and the important things will tend to stay up to date. We have one in our department and it is quite useful (if only people would log in when editing...).
I was not involved in setting it up, so I cannot give any details on that, but it is based on mediawiki.
