Installing cassandra in ubuntu? - cassandra

I have already installed cassandra in ubuntu using with wiki
Problem is I have no control over which version to install and upgrade to in feature.
I am want to be able to install specific version not just latest, because i have a machine running 0.6.2 now i want a another node and i want to install 0.6.2.
How can i install debian package for specific version instead of latest one?

for installing a specific version of cassandra you can do something like this:
in this case i want to install cassandra 1.2.8
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cassandra=1.2.8

The best way to do something like this, that I have found so far is pinning. This is a little inconvenient at the moment because you have to manually create the pinning preferences (and change them if necessary). Also, the pinning will not work with aptitude in case you use this.
Another example is the pinning I have done for php here. However, you have to make sure that whatever version you want to have is available in the repos/ppas that you have configured in your sources.list (sources.list.d).


Linux: How to install certain old version of a software via apt-get

I am trying to install the same versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP in my Linux PC (Raspberry Debian) as installed in my remote public server.
For instance, I'd like to install the last legacy release of the 2.2 branch, Apache/2.2.31.
apt-cache showpkg apache2
Package: apache2
2.4.10-10+deb8u4 (/var/lib/apt/lists/mirrordirector.raspbian.org_raspbian_dists_jessie_main_binary-armhf_Packages)
But there isn't any information about the 2.2.31 version, neither in "Reverse Provides" section. I can do it by compiling from the sources, but it takes a lot of time. And I tried to find a reliable PPA or a reliable sources for deb packages, without any success.
How can I do it?
If APT tracks the specific version you are looking for, (like Kyle said) then it's pretty easy.
sudo apt-get install <pkg_name>=<pkg_version>
sudo apt-get -t=<target_version> <pkg_name>
To see which packages are tracked, run
apt-cache showpkg <package_name>
Unfortunately though, if a particular version is not managed by the APT, then you are out of luck using APT. It might be managed by some of the other package managers out there.
Ref. How can I downgrade a package via apt-get?
If you have the version number, or the target release, apt-get supports choosing a particular version or target release. More details can be found on manual page of apt-get. It can also be accessed from a terminal by typing man apt-get.
sudo apt-get install <package-name>=<package-version-number>
sudo apt-get -t=<target release> install <package-name>

How to upgrade existing phpmyadmin version in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?

My current version of PHPMYADMIN is phpMyAdmin 3.3.2 .
I want to upgrade to the latest phpmyadmin version.
I used following command
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
I also tried
sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin
When i am using the above command, it is asking to
Since you are reconfiguring phpmyadmin, you may also want to reinstall
the database which it uses.
If you wish to reinstall the database for phpmyadmin, you should select
this option. If you do not wish to do so (if you are reconfiguring the
package for unrelated reasons), you should not select this option.
Reinstall database for phpmyadmin?
I am selecting no. I do not want to delete all the database.
I just want to upgrade it to latest.
Please help.
The latest available version of phpmyadmin from the official ubuntu package repositories for 10.04 is 3.3.2, that means you can't update to the latest version using that sources.
To install the newest version, you can either
download and install the new version from the homepage manually
install from a ppa - there are several available.

How to make Debian package install dependencies?

I want to make a simple Debian package to install a simple tool that depends on Qt4 libs.
In control file I have defined that it depends on Qt4 libs however, by the time I'm testing the package it says that the dependency could not be met.
How can I make Debian trigger apt to install the dependencies as well?
Can't find that the documentation however I know that apt-get does that.
If you want to avoid creating a local APT repository, you can do:
dpkg -i mypackage.deb
apt-get install --fix-missing
If you do want to create a local repository, you can use reprepro for this.
If you install it via dpkg it won't work because dkpg doesn't know where to find additional dependencies. You could do it via apt-get if you build your own repo, but it's kind of time-consuming the first time (it's not difficult, just something "new" the first time that needs some time to be learnt).
On the other hand, and the solution you are probably looking for is gdebi (you may need to install it: apt-get install gdebi-core). It's a tool that checks the dependencies for a package and calls apt-get to fetch and install them, and then calls dpkg to install your package.
Per #textshell in this answer:
starting with apt 1.1 (available in Xenial (16.04), stretch) apt install also allows local files:
sudo apt install ./foo-1.2.3.deb
So much simpler and cleaner.
See the release
This will also install dependencies, just like a normal apt install or apt-get install.
If you're creating the Debian package, you specify its dependencies in the debian/ directory control files; I believe debian/control takes Depends: directives for that purpose.
I don't know the details too clearly, myself, but there are instructions at ; in particular, seems to be the right place to start looking.
One way would be to create a local package repository on your computer and add it to /etc/apt/sources.list. Then you could install the package from your local repository with apt-get and have the dependencies resolved automatically.
There's probably an easier way to do it, but I don't know what that would be.

Need Advice: Latest version of Node.js vs using Synaptic Package Manager?

I'm trying to get node.js and npm installed on my Ubuntu 11.10 installation, and I'm having a tricky time. I decided to go the route of downloading and compiling from the latest source because I want to use the new version of node.js - v0.6.0 instead of the older version that the synaptic package manager will install. However, I could not get npm set up correctly with it due to a "module not found" error. I was completely surprised at how little information I was able to find on the error.
Anyways, my goal here is to learn node.js, not to run a production environment. Should I give in and use v4.9 or is it really worth getting the newest version for the sake of learning, even if I have to go through the pain of keeping it updated and configuring it myself?
If you have Ubuntu, install it from Chris Lea's repo, it's always up to date with the last stable version (for ex now the version is 0.6.0 - as of today):
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Generally, you want to install node from source since the packages you find in package managers are usually out of date. 0.4.12 was the last stable before 0.6.0 that was released a few days ago. 0.4.9 is pretty out of date.
This is a old question, nowadays my preferred way to install node is by using nvm (Node Version Manager). This will allow you to have multiple versions of node installed and quickly switch version.
Install C++ compiler
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
Install NVM
curl | bash
source ~/.profile
Install node (select which version you want to install)
nvm install 6
To set a default node version:
nvm alias default 0.12.7
To select a different installed version:
nvm use 4

If I installed Mongo through apt-get, how do I update it? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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It seems like they gave me 1.4.4 Which is not the latest.
Is this normal? I want 1.6. But I'm afraid that if I do apt-get uninstall, bad things will happen.
I'd recommend using the official Ubuntu and Debian packages ...
That'll make sure you'll always get the latest stable version. If you use this on Ubuntu (for example) MongoDB will install to /var/lib/mongodb/ (instead of /data/db/)
So, if your data is already in /var/lib/mongodb/ you should be fine doing an uninstall and reinstall from the offical packages ... it shouldn't remove that dir unless it was a horible port in the first place!
Simply making a backup copy of that dir should do the trick if you are worried, good practice anyhow.
You can also always move your DB files into that dir after the install and MongoDB will pick them up (normally.)
Before you do anything however, just make sure you do a clean shutdown first! That way you won't end up with a mongod.lock file which won't let you do a restart w/o a repair.
$ ./mongo
> use admin
> db.shutdownServer()
I'd recommend not to touch your distribution and operating system version, and go for the simple solution of installing a downloaded package:
Especially if you are using Debian, since Mongo 1.1.6 is supported only on unstable -
Tip: If you are on Debian or Ubuntu, check this page:
Installing anything via apt-get installs whichever version is the default from all known repositories. By default that only includes your distributions repository (Debian, Ubuntu, ...).
Those repositories contain well-defined, well-tested versions of the software. They don't always get updated to the latest version (or may be somewhat slow).
If you require a specific version (or the latest one), then you need to find a repository that provides that version (possibly provided by the developers of the software) or install it via other means.
Frankly, this is a question about Debian packaging system. Anyway here it is my suggestion.
Make sure you have listed "unstable" in apt-get sources:
# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable.list
deb ftp://<your closest debian mirror>/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src ftp://<your closest debian mirror>/debian/ unstable main
Find your mirror in the list of mirrors
Then do
apt-get update
apt-get install mongodb-server /unstable
apt-get install mongodb-clients /unstable
(be careful if it's your production -- MongoDB will be restarted)
And by the way, the latest version of MongoDB in Debian "unstable" is 1.6.5: MongoDB in "sid"
