Implementing SSL for SharePoint High trust Apps - sharepoint

I have been struggling to configure an SSL Certificate based environment for hight trust apps in SharePoint 2013. I have on-premises installation of SharePoint 2013 (Enterprise). Following google and msdn articles, I figured out that high trust apps require Client SSL authentication. My app is a provider hosted app and requires an "https" url to be hit when triggered (there is no option for setting "http" url). Any help would be appreciated.

I highly recommend Kirk Evans' blog post on the subject to get you started:
I was able to walk through this to get 90% to where I needed to be, including creation of a self-signed certificate for the PHA server.
What Kirk's blog didn't cover for me:
Setting up a dedicated PHA server. Kirk's post finishes with running the app
from IIS Express inside Visual Studio. I wound up needing a modified
web.config for non-dev builds, i.e. for code deployed to a dedicated
IIS instance.
Setting up for App lifecycle event receivers. If you want to handle
App lifecycle events from your PHA, then you may have even more
tweaking to do in the web.config file. To this point I've had to
enable Anonymous authentication in my service bindings in web.config
in order for SharePoint to call those handlers.

Please visit this for bindings :
and In the publishing profile, modify the "SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish" and the "publishUrl"
SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish --> https://YourServerName:PortNumber/VistualDirectoryFolderName
& publishUrl --> Path where you publish your web
before this uncheck the "Use IIS Express" from your provider hosted web properties and select "Use local IIS web server". Pass the address of your simple http://YourServerName:PortNumber/.. url and create virtual directory.


Connecting to an Azure App Service via IIS Manager (inetmgr)

Is it possible to remote-connect to an Azure App Service running on Windows with my IIS Manager?
This seems to have been possible according to this blog post by clicking in IIS Manager File -> Connect to a site.
I refer to the steps mentioned in the link shared by you and in the last step I got an error below.
I did some research on it and it looks like managing the App Service from IIS is not supported anymore. I have not got any official link but the below links might give you some information on it.
Microsoft.Web.Configuration.AppHostFileProvider not found after configured Remote IIS Administration for Microsoft Azure Web App
Can no longer manage any Web Apps with IIS Remote Manager - Could not load file or assembly - AppHostFileProvider
I'm not sure for what purpose why you want to. My thoughts is you shouldn't be doing that as it defeat the purpose of PaaS services. Cannot access the iis layer in app service however you can still configure in web.config of your web app.

SharePoint Configuration wizard failed - cannot create new web app

The problem is that I cannot create new web app on SharePoint 2016, it takes a too long time, loading infinitely with hours until I end it, and the central admin gives 404 not found
First I restarted and made sure the SQL server is started and the farm admin account has correct roles all passes, but with no luck. Finally, I decided to start the configuration wizard but I found this error
WEBCONFIG.ACCSRV.XML, does not have element "configuration/configSections/sectionGroup[#name='SharePoint']" or it is invalid.
I have compared this file with its pair on one server, which it works found they are the same content. Any help, please.
The solution is as follows:
1-Delete All unused Web Apps
2-Delete Some unused IIS sites which are used the ports of SharePoint (port 80,...)
3-clear SharePoint recycle bin
4-confirm all SharePoint service and IIs App pools are running " as I found Service Application App Pool was stopped"
5-Delete the additional trust provider
The main reason is the user was trying to install SharePoint add-in so he changes the trust and changes the port of default site of SharePoint and central admin seeking to change them to HTTPS and then try to create many web apps which have been created with the corrupted web. configs and those changes make all this hassle
I hope this Question may help others

How to use same custom domain for Web app hosted on Azure and web application hosted on window's IIS server?

I have a application which is hosted in IIS on window server and application URL is "". Now i am going to add new feature(sub application) for example "Candidate Hub" so
I am planning to created separate code-base and host that application in Azure as Web App but i want to use the same parent domain of my original application. my sub application's URL will be a "".
Is there any way that even if my application hosted in differently environment, I will be able to use same domain?If yes then could you please recommend me any tutorial, blog or any thing which help me to resolve my problem.
I search a lot on google but nothing find useful.
Thanks in-advance for help.
Note : Mentioned URLs are just for example. Those are not exist.
this is usually done with the URL Rewrite Module in IIS.
Don't be surprised that the docs are quite old. They are still valid for latest Win Server and IIS.
for external routing you also may need the ARR feature which should be downloaded via the Web Platform Installer.

Web Deploy from Visual Studio 2012 to a remote IIS 8 server

I have a remote Windows 2012 server running IIS 8 from which I am hosting a web application. My local development box is running Visual Studio 2012. Currently I am publishing my app as a web deployment package (.zip), RDP'ing to the production server, copy + pasting to a folder and deploying the application from within IIS. My question is, what changes do I need to make to deploy directly to IIS from Visual Studio 2012 using the web deploy option?
I have tried to follow this guide but it refers to a service URL which I must obtain from my hosting company. I don't have a hosting company, my server is co-located.
I am presented with the following options:
Is the username and password the one I use for the RDP account? I already have Web Deploy 3.0 installed on IIS do I need to enable further settings?
OK I found the solution but it took me a whole day to get it working! Basically the steps are as follows. This is very sketchy but see the detailed guides below which helped me.
Enable the IIS Web Management role feature.
Install Web Deploy 3.0 (or higher). Make sure to customise the install to include the handlers (See notes below). If you're not presented with this option go to add/remove programs, find webdeploy, right click and select "change" option.
In IIS click on the server node and find the "Management Service" icon. Enable remote access and configure a dedicated IIS User for remote deployment (These will be the credentials that will go in the user name and password boxes).
At the site level in IIS assign this user to manage the website.
Make sure port 8172 is open on the web server (you can check this port here).
Try reconnecting from Visual Studio. There was some trial and error here for me but the error messages do link to a MS guide for decoding :)
Even after connecting successfully I had to wrangle with permissions, so my IIS user had sufficient privileges to create the app pool, directories and general file management jobs.
The following links really helped!
Configuring the handler on the web server:
Connecting via Visual Studio:
To ensure the handler is running, login into your IIS server and point your browser to the following URL.
F12 to open up the dev tools to see the HTTP response. Also MsDeploy also creates IIS logs in inetpub/logs which should give you some clue if you're having connectivity problems.
I had the same problem and this post was very useful to help me solve the issue. I had anyhow serious troubles while trying to install Web Deploy on my Windows Server 2012. The installation of Web Deploy 3.0 was giving me several errors and it couldn't be completed.
I tried to solve the problem installing "Microsoft Web Platform Installer 5.0" from but it didn't solve it.
I thought it was due to Firewall Settings, Authorizations issues, Users without permissions or something like that. Finally I found out it wasn't due to any of the mentioned reasons.
I found the most simple solution and I hope it will help other users too: it was enough to download Web Deploy 3.5 installation directly from Microsoft Website:
This may sound banal but it solved it. I was able to install "Web Management Service" but not the second needed IIS service "Web Deployment Agent Service".

IIS server problem please have a glance

after deploying my web site to IIS
server when i brows my web site kept
under default web site it's displaying
error message "You are not authorized
to view this page"...please solve this
Sounds like you don't have the default document set correctly. You may need to add Default.aspx to the list.
Other things to look at:
That you're targetting .Net Framework 2.0
That the permissions on the actual files on the server are adequate for the identity the website is running as
That you have enabled anonymous access if you don't want Windows authentication
