Binary installation file - linux

i am not really getting an idea on how a .bin file is being created. The JDK for Linux platform ships in the form of binary executable file (jdk-6u20-linux-i586-rpm.bin); how can one create such deliverable for their own project? Please give me some directions.

You want to create a self-extracting installer. See this linux journal article for a tutorial.


How can i get Setup.rul file of an old InstallShield Installer from its exe file?

I have an old InstallShield installer which i believe was made using InstallShield 2012. I don't have the install script code for the same. I only have exe of the installer with me.
I need to create a new installer containing some of the same features from old installer, so is there any way by which i can get the setup.rul file of the installer from its exe?
I did some googling but got no help.
Setup.exe Extraction: If you run an extraction of your setup.exe, do you get an *.ins file?
Programmatically extract contents of InstallShield setup.exe
Extract MSI from EXE
Decompiler: I believe there are some hacky solutions to decompile *.ins to *.rul. I do not have such a tool, nor have I ever tried one and I can't recall seeing any trace of them for a whole decade. Perhaps Installshield support can help?
Alternatives: Off the top of my head: Contact Installshield support, they might have better advice? Check with Installshield community? Check with Stefan Kruger - Installshield consultant? Check any source repositories you can find based on setup.exe timestamp? (search for *.rul, *.ism, or similar as relevant). Check backups? Check backups of setup developer PC? Check even? (for samples of similar tasks). Check external media, email attachments, network shares, etc...

Xuggler for Linux

I am trying to configure Xuggler on my Linux machine by following this tutorial:
In one step it says "Download the latest Xuggler .tar.gz file for Linux from here" but i dont see any file or link there. Can someone please share the link from where I can download xuggler.tar.gz? I tried google but could not find anything.
Thanks much in advance!
That post is pretty old, and refers to the older versions of Xuggler where you had to actually install it.
There's a "no-install" version now (since 5.2 or 5.3), and you can download the JAR files here.
Just download the one for the architecture of Linux you are using and add it to your project and you should be good!

bitrock installer - getting started for Linux

I have read the first few sections of "" may be 3 to 4 times, but it is quite unclear to me.
I have a project/product that needs to be installed/unistalled/upgraded on user machines, so I guess I can make use of BitRock installer to accomplish the same. Having said that, below are my details:
Target system: Linux (can be 32 bit or 64 bit)
Project Developed using : Qt and C++ etc
For simplicity, if I call the name of the project directory as "Hello world" and my .pro file as "Hello" and my executable as "Hello world", how can I generate a package depending on the target system (debian or rpm based). As I said, I read the user guide but totally confused about how to integrate BitRock with my development system to generate installer, uninstaller or upgrade binaries.
All I did was download the bitrock installer for QT based Linux, changed the permission of the binary, executed it and chose the default options. Please help me with a simple example.
Btw, the most basic question is that, for me a double click on the installer "" does not work. No GUI comes up. I prefer to create my installer using the GUI, rather than manually writing XML files
This may not be the answer to your question, but the what you are trying is not the standard way of deployment on Linux, instead of using .run file (hardly used) it is better to create debian and rpm packages which can be installed with a single click.
Since you are using Qt you can also try Qt installer framework, which helps you create cross-platform Window Style installers.

Editing .ini file in InstallShield self extracting exe

I have a self-extracting exe created using InstallShield 2010. I need to modify the setup.ini file in it, without fully unpacking the installer. I downloaded the internal_setupini.exe utility from This file is officially supported for version 2009.
When I try to run the command it gives me 'Could not open <>.exe" error. Is this utility not supported for 2010?
My primary objective is to personalize the setup file for each of my user, so that user specific information is embedded within this setup. This is the reason why I want to open up the installer and write items into the ini. Is there any alternate(better) way of doing this?
Thanks in advance for your help.

application installer

how to create installer of application( .sh and .pl files) on ubuntu? and how to install it?
We need more details to give you a proper answer. However, if you're looking for something installable on a GNU/Linux distribution, I'd recommend you package your application as an RPM or a DEB.
On the other hand, if you simply want to create a self extracting "installer", you can consider using makeself.
I don't know about any perl tool that does this.
For linux/unix platform I used InstallAnywhere and InstallShield Universal. Both allows to create projects which can be built for various platforms including win and mac and for linux platforms it creates .bin package which can be installed rather with UI or console mode.
