Haskell Weird Kinds: Kind of (->) is ?? -> ? -> * - haskell

When I was experimenting with Haskell kinds, and trying to get the kind of ->, and this showed up:
$ ghci
Prelude> :k (->)
(->) :: ?? -> ? -> *
Instead of the expected * -> * -> *.
What are the ?? and ? things? Do they mean concrete types or "kind variables"? Or something else?

These are GHC-specific extensions of the Haskell kind system. The Haskell 98 report specifies only a simple kind system:
... type expressions are classified
into different kinds, which take one
of two possible forms:
The symbol * represents the kind of
all nullary type constructors. If k1
and k2 are kinds, then k1->k2 is the
kind of types that take a type of kind
k1 and return a type of kind k2.
GHC extends this system with a form of kind subtyping, to allow unboxed types, and to allow the function construtor to be polymorphic over kinds. The kind lattice GHC supports is:
/ \
?? (#)
/ \
* #
Where: * [LiftedTypeKind] means boxed type
# [UnliftedTypeKind] means unboxed type
(#) [UbxTupleKind] means unboxed tuple
?? [ArgTypeKind] is the lub of {*, #}
? [OpenTypeKind] means any type at all
Defined in ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
In particular:
> error :: forall a:?. String -> a
> (->) :: ?? -> ? -> *
> (\\(x::t) -> ...)
Where in the last example t :: ?? (i.e. is not an unboxed tuple). So, to quote GHC, "there is a little subtyping at the kind level".
For interested souls, GHC also supports coercion types and kinds ("type-level terms which act as evidence for type equalities", as needed by System Fc) used in GADTs, newtypes and type families.


Types constructors and existential types

Only polymorphic function can be applied to values of existential types.
Those properties can be expressed by the corresponding quantifiers for expressions, and characterized by natural transformations.
Similarly, when we define a type constructor
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
This type constructor works for all a whereas type families allows to have non uniform type constructors
type family TRes i o
type instance TRes Bool = String
type instance TRes String = Bool
What natural transformation characterizes precisely this idea of "uniformity" at type level ?
Is there an equivalent of forcing naturality like we have at value level with rank-n types ?
ApplyNat :: (forall a. a -> F a) -> b -> F b
I think you've confused a couple of different ideas here.
This type constructor works for all a.
That's totality. List :: * -> * produces a valid type of kind * given any argument a of kind *. Haskell 98 datatypes are always total, but, as you point out, in modern Haskell you can write type families which don't cover all possible cases. TRes Int is not a "real" type, in the sense that it contains no values, it doesn't reduce to any other type, and it's not equal to any type other than TRes Int.
Haskell has no totality checker at the value level or the type level (apart from the rules about undecidable instances, which are a blunt instrument), so, just as there is no way to rule out undefined values, there is no way to rule out "stuck" type families like TRes Int. (For more on "stuck" type families see this blog post by Richard Eisenberg, the designer of TypeInType.)
Naturality is an altogether different idea. In value-level Haskell, a natural transformation between f and g is a polymorphic function mapping values of type f x to values of type g x, without knowing anything about x.
type f ~> g = forall x. f x -> g x
With GHC 8 and TypeInType we can talk about kinds using the same language we use to talk about types, because kinds are types. The type expression forall x. f x -> g x has kind * ((~>) :: forall k. (k -> *) -> (k -> *) -> *), so it's a perfectly valid classifier for types as well. A type with that kind is a polymorphic type function mapping types of kind f x to types of kind g x.
What would you use a type-level natural transformation for, in the real world? I dunno. You wouldn't, probably.

What exactly is the kind "*" in Haskell?

In Haskell, (value-level) expressions are classified into types, which can be notated with :: like so: 3 :: Int, "Hello" :: String, (+ 1) :: Num a => a -> a. Similarly, types are classified into kinds. In GHCi, you can inspect the kind of a type expression using the command :kind or :k:
> :k Int
Int :: *
> :k Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *
> :k Either
Either :: * -> * -> *
> :k Num
Num :: * -> Constraint
> :k Monad
Monad :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
There are definitions floating around that * is the kind of "concrete types" or "values" or "runtime values." See, for example, Learn You A Haskell. How true is that? We've had a few questions about kinds that address the topic in passing, but it'd be nice to have a canonical and precise explanation of *.
What exactly does * mean? And how does it relate to other more complex kinds?
Also, do the DataKinds or PolyKinds extensions change the answer?
First off, * is not a wildcard! It's also typically pronounced "star."
Bleeding edge note: There is as of Feb. 2015 a proposal to simplify GHC's subkind system (in 7.12 or later). That page contains a good discussion of the GHC 7.8/7.10 story. Looking forward, GHC may drop the distinction between types and kinds, with * :: *. See Weirich, Hsu, and Eisenberg, System FC with Explicit Kind Equality.
The Standard: A description of type expressions.
The Haskell 98 report defines * in this context as:
The symbol * represents the kind of all nullary type constructors.
In this context, "nullary" simply means that the constructor takes no parameters. Either is binary; it can be applied to two parameters: Either a b. Maybe is unary; it can be applied to one parameter: Maybe a. Int is nullary; it can be applied to no parameters.
This definition is a little bit incomplete on its own. An expression containing a fully-applied unary, binary, etc. type constructor also has kind *, e.g. Maybe Int :: *.
In GHC: Something that contains values?
If we poke around the GHC documentation, we get something closer to the "can contain a runtime value" definition. The GHC Commentary page "Kinds" states that "'*' is the kind of boxed values. Things like Int and Maybe Float have kind *." The GHC user's guide for version 7.4.1, on the other hand, stated that * is the kind of "lifted types". (That passage wasn't retained when the section was revised for
Boxed values and lifted types are a bit different. According to the GHC Commentary page "TypeType",
A type is unboxed iff its representation is other than a pointer. Unboxed types are also unlifted.
A type is lifted iff it has bottom as an element. Closures always have lifted types: i.e. any let-bound identifier in Core must have a lifted type. Operationally, a lifted object is one that can be entered. Only lifted types may be unified with a type variable.
So ByteArray#, the type of raw blocks of memory, is boxed because it is represented as a pointer, but unlifted because bottom is not an element.
> undefined :: ByteArray#
Error: Kind incompatibility when matching types:
a0 :: *
ByteArray# :: #
Therefore it appears that the old User's Guide definition is more accurate than the GHC Commentary one: * is the kind of lifted types. (And, conversely, # is the kind of unlifted types.)
Note that if types of kind * are always lifted, for any type t :: * you can construct a "value" of sorts with undefined :: t or some other mechanism to create bottom. Therefore even "logically uninhabited" types like Void can have a value, i.e. bottom.
So it seems that, yes, * represents the kind of types that can contain runtime values, if undefined is your idea of a runtime value. (Which isn't a totally crazy idea, I don't think.)
GHC Extensions?
There are several extensions which liven up the kind system a bit. Some of these are mundane: KindSignatures lets us write kind annotations, like type annotations.
ConstraintKinds adds the kind Constraint, which is, roughly, the kind of the left-hand side of =>.
DataKinds lets us introduce new kinds besides * and #, just as we can introduce new types with data, newtype, and type.
With DataKinds every data declaration (terms and conditions may apply) generates a promoted kind declaration. So
data Bool = True | False
introduces the usual value constructor and type name; additionally, it produces a new kind, Bool, and two types: True :: Bool and False :: Bool.
PolyKinds introduces kind variables. This just a way to say "for any kind k" just like we say "for any type t" at the type level. As regards our friend * and whether it still means "types with values", I suppose you could say a type t :: k where k is a kind variable could contain values, if k ~ * or k ~ #.
In the most basic form of the kind language, where there are only the kind * and the kind constructor ->, then * is the kind of things that can stand in a type-of relationship to values; nothing with a different kind can be a type of values.
Types exist to classify values. All values with the same type are interchangeable for the purpose of type-checking, so the type checker only has to care about types, not specific values. So we have the "value level" where all the actual values live, and the "type level" where their types live. The "type-of" relationship forms links between the two levels, with a single type being the type of (usually) many values. Haskell makes these two levels quite explicit; it's why you can have declarations like data Foo = Foo Int Chat Bool where you've declared a type-level thing Foo (a type with kind *) and a value-level thing Foo (a constructor with type Int -> Char -> Bool -> Foo). The two Foos involved simply refer to different entities on different levels, and Haskell separates these so completely that it can always tell what level you're referring to and thus can allow (sometimes confusingly) things on the different levels to have the same name.
But as soon as we introduce types that themselves have structure (like Maybe Int, which is a type constructor Maybe applied to a type Int), then we have things that exist at the type level which do not actually stand in a type-of relationship to any values. There are no values whose type is just Maybe, only values with type Maybe Int (and Maybe Bool, Maybe (), even Maybe Void, etc). So we need to classify our type-level things for the same reason we need to classify our values; only certain type-expressions actually represent something that can be the type of values, but many of them work interchangeably for the purpose of "kind-checking" (whether it's a correct type for the value-level thing it's declared to be the type of is a problem for a different level).1
So * (which is often stated to be pronounced "type") is the basic kind; it's the kind of all type-level things that can be stated to be the type of values. Int has values; therefore its type is *. Maybe does not have values, but it takes an argument and produces a type that has values; this gets us a kind like ___ -> *. We can fill in the blank by observing that Maybe's argument is used as the type of the value appearing in Just a, so its argument must also be a type of values (with kind *), and so Maybe must have kind * -> *. And so on.
When you're dealing with kinds that only involve stars and arrows, then only type-expressions of kind * are types of values. Any other kind (e.g. * -> (* -> * -> *) -> (* -> *)) only contains other "type-level entities" that are not actual types that contain values.
PolyKinds, as I understand it, doesn't really change this picture at all. It just allows you to make polymorphic declarations at the kind-level, meaning it adds variables to our kind language (in addition to stars and arrows). So now I can contemplate type-level things of kind k -> *; this could be instantiated to work as either kind * -> * or (* -> *) -> * or (* -> (* -> *)) -> *. We've gained exactly the same kind of power as having (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] at the type level gained us; we can write one map function with a type that contains variables, instead of having to write every possible map function separately. But there's still only one kind that contains type-level things that are the types of values: *.
DataKinds also introduces new things to the kind language. Effectively what it does though is to let us declare arbitrary new kinds, which contain new type-level entities (just as ordinary data declarations allow us to declare arbitrary new types, which contain new value-level entities). But it doesn't let us declare things with a correspondence of entities across all 3 levels; if I have data Nat :: Z | S Nat and use DataKinds to lift it to the kind level, then we have two different things named Nat that exist on the type level (as the type of value-level Z, S Z, S (S Z), etc), and at the kind level (as the kind of type-level Z, S Z, S (S Z)). The type-level Z is not the type of any values though; the value Z inhabits the type-level Nat (which in turn is of kind *), not the type-level Z. So DataKinds adds new user defined things to the kind language, which can be the kind of new user-defined things at the type level, but it remains the case that the only type-level things that can be the types of values are of kind *.
The only addition to the kind language that I'm aware of which truly does change this are the kinds mentioned in #ChristianConkle's answer, such as # (I believe there are a couple more now too? I'm not really terribly knowledgeable about "low level" types such as ByteArray#). These are the kinds of types that have values that GHC needs to know to treat differently (such as not assuming they can be boxed and lazily evaluated), even when polymorphic functions are involved, so we can't just attach the knowledge that they need to be treated differently to these values' types, or it would be lost when calling polymorphic functions on them.
1 The word "type" can thus be a little confusing. Sometimes it is used to refer to things that actually stand in a type-of relationship to things on the value level (this is the interpretation used when people say "Maybe is not a type, it's a type-constructor"). And sometimes it's used to refer to anything that exists at the type-level (under this interpretation Maybe is in fact a type). In this post I'm trying to very explicitly refer to "type-level things" rather than use "type" as a short-hand.
For beginners that are trying to learn about kinds (you can think of them as the type of a type) I recommend this chapter of the Learn you a Haskell book.
I personally think of kinds in this way:
You have concrete types, e.g. Int, Bool,String, [Int], Maybe Int or Either Int String.
All of these have the kind *. Why? Because they can't take any more types as a parameter; an Int, is an Int; a Maybe Int is a Maybe Int. What about Maybe or [] or Either, though?
When you say Maybe, you do not have a concrete type, because you didn't specify its parameter. Maybe Int or Maybe String are different but both have a * kind, but Maybe is waiting for a type of kind * to return a kind *. To clarify, let's look at what GHCI's :kind command can tell us:
Prelude> :kind Maybe Int
Maybe Int :: *
Prelude> :kind Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *
With lists it's the same:
Prelude> :k [String]
[String] :: *
Prelude> :k []
[] :: * -> *
What about Either?
Prelude> :k Either Int String
Either Int String :: *
Prelude> :k Either Int
Either Int :: * -> *
You could think of intuitively think of Either as a function that takes parameters, but the parameters are types:
Prelude> :k Either Int
Either Int :: * -> *
means Either Int is waiting for a type parameter.

What does Functor's fmap tell about types?

What does f a and f b tell me about its type?
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
I think I get the idea behind standard instances of a functor. However I'm having hard time understanding what f a and f actually represent.
I understand that f a and f b are just types and they must carry information what type constructor was used to create them and type arguments that were used.
Is f a type constructor of kind * -> *? Is (->) r a type constructor just like Maybe is?
I understand that f a and f b are just types and they must carry information what type constructor was used to create them and type arguments that were used.
Good explanation.
Is f a type constructor of kind * -> *?
In effect.
Is (->) r a type constructor just like Maybe is?
In effect, yes:
Yes in the sense that you can apply it to a type like String and get r -> String, just like you can apply Maybe to String to get Maybe String. You can use for f anything that gives you a type from any other type.
..but no...
No, in the sense that Daniel Wagner points out; To be precise, Maybe and [] are type constructors, but (->) r and Either a are sort of like partially applied type constructors. Nevertheless they make good functors, because you can freely apply functions "inside" them and change the type of "the contents".
(Stuff in inverted commas is very hand-wavy imprecise terminology.)
My (possibly mildly tortured) reading of chapter 4 of the Haskell 2010 Report is that Maybe and (->) r are both types, of kind * -> *. Alternatively, the Report also labels them as type expressions—but I can't discern a firm difference in how the Report uses the two terms, except perhaps for surface syntax details. (->) and Maybe are type constructors; type expressions are assembled from type constructors and type variables.
For example, section 4.1.1 ("Kinds") of the 2010 report says (my boldface):
To ensure that they are valid, type expressions are classified into different kinds, which take one of two possible forms:
The symbol ∗ represents the kind of all nullary type constructors.
If κ1 and κ2 are kinds, then κ1 → κ2 is the kind of types that take a type of kind κ1 and return a type of kind κ2.
Section 4.3.2, "Instance Declarations" (my boldface):
An instance declaration that makes the type T to be an instance of class C is called a C-T instance declaration and is subject to these static restrictions:
A type may not be declared as an instance of a particular class more than once in the program.
The class and type must have the same kind; this can be determined using kind inference as described in Section 4.6.
So going by that language, the following instance declaration makes the type (->) r to be an instance of the class Functor:
instance Functor ((->) r) where
fmap f g = f . g
The funny thing about this terminology is that we call (->) r a "type" even though there are no expressions in Haskell that have that type—not even undefined:
foo :: (->) r
foo = undefined
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( ../src/scratch.hs, interpreted )
Expecting one more argument to `(->) r'
In the type signature for `foo': foo :: (->) r
But I think that's not a big deal. Basically, all declarations in Haskell must have types of kind *.
As a side note, from my limited understanding of dependently typed languages, many of these lack Haskell's firm distinction between terms and types, so that something like (->) Boolean is an expression whose value is a function that takes a type as its argument and produces a type as its result.

Are GHC's Type Famlies An Example of System F-omega?

I'm reading up about the Lambda-Cube, and I'm particularly interested in System F-omega, which allows for "type operators" i.e. types depending on types. This sounds a lot like GHC's type families. For example
type family Foo a
type instance Foo Int = Int
type instance Foo Float = ...
where the actual type depends on the type parameter a. Am I right in thinking that type families are an example of the type operators ala system F-omega? Or am I out in left field?
System F-omega allows universal quantification, abstraction and application at higher kinds, so not only over types (at kind *), but also at kinds k1 -> k2, where k1 and k2 are themselves kinds generated from * and ->. Hence, the type level itself becomes a simply typed lambda-calculus.
Haskell delivers slightly less than F-omega, in that the type system allows quantification and application at higher kinds, but not abstraction. Quantification at higher kinds is how we have types like
fmap :: forall f, s, t. Functor f => (s -> t) -> f s -> f t
with f :: * -> *. Correspondingly, variables like f can be instantiated with higher-kinded type expressions, such as Either String. The lack of abstraction makes it possible to solve unification problems in type expressions by the standard first-order techniques which underpin the Hindley-Milner type system.
However, type families are not really another means to introduce higher-kinded types, nor a replacement for the missing type-level lambda. Crucially, they must be fully applied. So your example,
type family Foo a
type instance Foo Int = Int
type instance Foo Float = ...
should not be considered as introducing some
Foo :: * -> * -- this is not what's happening
because Foo on its own is not a meaningful type expression. We have only the weaker rule that Foo t :: * whenever t :: *.
Type families do, however, act as a distinct type-level computation mechanism beyond F-omega, in that they introduce equations between type expressions. The extension of System F with equations is what gives us the "System Fc" which GHC uses today. Equations s ~ t between type expressions of kind * induce coercions transporting values from s to t. Computation is done by deducing equations from the rules you give when you define type families.
Moreover, you can give type families a higher-kinded return type, as in
type family Hoo a
type instance Hoo Int = Maybe
type instance Hoo Float = IO
so that Hoo t :: * -> * whenever t :: *, but still we cannot let Hoo stand alone.
The trick we sometimes use to get around this restriction is newtype wrapping:
newtype Noo i = TheNoo {theNoo :: Foo i}
which does indeed give us
Noo :: * -> *
but means that we have to apply the projection to make computation happen, so Noo Int and Int are provably distinct types, but
theNoo :: Noo Int -> Int
So it's a bit clunky, but we can kind of compensate for the fact that type families do not directly correspond to type operators in the F-omega sense.

Functions don't just have types: They ARE Types. And Kinds. And Sorts. Help put a blown mind back together

I was doing my usual "Read a chapter of LYAH before bed" routine, feeling like my brain was expanding with every code sample. At this point I was convinced that I understood the core awesomeness of Haskell, and now just had to understand the standard libraries and type classes so that I could start writing real software.
So I was reading the chapter about applicative functors when all of a sudden the book claimed that functions don't merely have types, they are types, and can be treated as such (For example, by making them instances of type classes). (->) is a type constructor like any other.
My mind was blown yet again, and I immediately jumped out of bed, booted up the computer, went to GHCi and discovered the following:
Prelude> :k (->)
(->) :: ?? -> ? -> *
What on earth does it mean?
If (->) is a type constructor, what are the value constructors? I can take a guess, but would have no idea how define it in traditional data (->) ... = ... | ... | ... format. It's easy enough to do this with any other type constructor: data Either a b = Left a | Right b. I suspect my inability to express it in this form is related to the extremly weird type signature.
What have I just stumbled upon? Higher kinded types have kind signatures like * -> * -> *. Come to think of it... (->) appears in kind signatures too! Does this mean that not only is it a type constructor, but also a kind constructor? Is this related to the question marks in the type signature?
I have read somewhere (wish I could find it again, Google fails me) about being able to extend type systems arbitrarily by going from Values, to Types of Values, to Kinds of Types, to Sorts of Kinds, to something else of Sorts, to something else of something elses, and so on forever. Is this reflected in the kind signature for (->)? Because I've also run into the notion of the Lambda cube and the calculus of constructions without taking the time to really investigate them, and if I remember correctly it is possible to define functions that take types and return types, take values and return values, take types and return values, and take values which return types.
If I had to take a guess at the type signature for a function which takes a value and returns a type, I would probably express it like this:
a -> ?
or possibly
a -> *
Although I see no fundamental immutable reason why the second example couldn't easily be interpreted as a function from a value of type a to a value of type *, where * is just a type synonym for string or something.
The first example better expresses a function whose type transcends a type signature in my mind: "a function which takes a value of type a and returns something which cannot be expressed as a type."
You touch so many interesting points in your question, so I am
afraid this is going to be a long answer :)
Kind of (->)
The kind of (->) is * -> * -> *, if we disregard the boxity GHC
inserts. But there is no circularity going on, the ->s in the
kind of (->) are kind arrows, not function arrows. Indeed, to
distinguish them kind arrows could be written as (=>), and then
the kind of (->) is * => * => *.
We can regard (->) as a type constructor, or maybe rather a type
operator. Similarly, (=>) could be seen as a kind operator, and
as you suggest in your question we need to go one 'level' up. We
return to this later in the section Beyond Kinds, but first:
How the situation looks in a dependently typed language
You ask how the type signature would look for a function that takes a
value and returns a type. This is impossible to do in Haskell:
functions cannot return types! You can simulate this behaviour using
type classes and type families, but let us for illustration change
language to the dependently typed language
Agda. This is a
language with similar syntax as Haskell where juggling types together
with values is second nature.
To have something to work with, we define a data type of natural
numbers, for convenience in unary representation as in
Peano Arithmetic.
Data types are written in
GADT style:
data Nat : Set where
Zero : Nat
Succ : Nat -> Nat
Set is equivalent to * in Haskell, the "type" of all (small) types,
such as Natural numbers. This tells us that the type of Nat is
Set, whereas in Haskell, Nat would not have a type, it would have
a kind, namely *. In Agda there are no kinds, but everything has
a type.
We can now write a function that takes a value and returns a type.
Below is a the function which takes a natural number n and a type,
and makes iterates the List constructor n applied to this
type. (In Agda, [a] is usually written List a)
listOfLists : Nat -> Set -> Set
listOfLists Zero a = a
listOfLists (Succ n) a = List (listOfLists n a)
Some examples:
listOfLists Zero Bool = Bool
listOfLists (Succ Zero) Bool = List Bool
listOfLists (Succ (Succ Zero)) Bool = List (List Bool)
We can now make a map function that operates on listsOfLists.
We need to take a natural number that is the number of iterations
of the list constructor. The base cases are when the number is
Zero, then listOfList is just the identity and we apply the function.
The other is the empty list, and the empty list is returned.
The step case is a bit move involving: we apply mapN to the head
of the list, but this has one layer less of nesting, and mapN
to the rest of the list.
mapN : {a b : Set} -> (a -> b) -> (n : Nat) ->
listOfLists n a -> listOfLists n b
mapN f Zero x = f x
mapN f (Succ n) [] = []
mapN f (Succ n) (x :: xs) = mapN f n x :: mapN f (Succ n) xs
In the type of mapN, the Nat argument is named n, so the rest of
the type can depend on it. So this is an example of a type that
depends on a value.
As a side note, there are also two other named variables here,
namely the first arguments, a and b, of type Set. Type
variables are implicitly universally quantified in Haskell, but
here we need to spell them out, and specify their type, namely
Set. The brackets are there to make them invisible in the
definition, as they are always inferable from the other arguments.
Set is abstract
You ask what the constructors of (->) are. One thing to point out
is that Set (as well as * in Haskell) is abstract: you cannot
pattern match on it. So this is illegal Agda:
cheating : Set -> Bool
cheating Nat = True
cheating _ = False
Again, you can simulate pattern matching on types constructors in
Haskell using type families, one canoical example is given on
Brent Yorgey's blog.
Can we define -> in the Agda? Since we can return types from
functions, we can define an own version of -> as follows:
_=>_ : Set -> Set -> Set
a => b = a -> b
(infix operators are written _=>_ rather than (=>)) This
definition has very little content, and is very similar to doing a
type synonym in Haskell:
type Fun a b = a -> b
Beyond kinds: Turtles all the way down
As promised above, everything in Agda has a type, but then
the type of _=>_ must have a type! This touches your point
about sorts, which is, so to speak, one layer above Set (the kinds).
In Agda this is called Set1:
FunType : Set1
FunType = Set -> Set -> Set
And in fact, there is a whole hierarchy of them! Set is the type of
"small" types: data types in haskell. But then we have Set1,
Set2, Set3, and so on. Set1 is the type of types which mentions
Set. This hierarchy is to avoid inconsistencies such as Girard's
As noticed in your question, -> is used for types and kinds in
Haskell, and the same notation is used for function space at all
levels in Agda. This must be regarded as a built in type operator,
and the constructors are lambda abstraction (or function
definitions). This hierarchy of types is similar to the setting in
System F omega, and more
information can be found in the later chapters of
Pierce's Types and Programming Languages.
Pure type systems
In Agda, types can depend on values, and functions can return types,
as illustrated above, and we also had an hierarchy of
types. Systematic investigation of different systems of the lambda
calculi is investigated in more detail in Pure Type Systems. A good
reference is
Lambda Calculi with Types by Barendregt,
where PTS are introduced on page 96, and many examples on page 99 and onwards.
You can also read more about the lambda cube there.
Firstly, the ?? -> ? -> * kind is a GHC-specific extension. The ? and ?? are just there to deal with unboxed types, which behave differently from just * (which has to be boxed, as far as I know). So ?? can be any normal type or an unboxed type (e.g. Int#); ? can be either of those or an unboxed tuple. There is more information here: Haskell Weird Kinds: Kind of (->) is ?? -> ? -> *
I think a function can't return an unboxed type because functions are lazy. Since a lazy value is either a value or a thunk, it has to be boxed. Boxed just means it is a pointer rather than just a value: it's like Integer() vs int in Java.
Since you are probably not going to be using unboxed types in LYAH-level code, you can imagine that the kind of -> is just * -> * -> *.
Since the ? and ?? are basically just more general version of *, they do not have anything to do with sorts or anything like that.
However, since -> is just a type constructor, you can actually partially apply it; for example, (->) e is an instance of Functor and Monad. Figuring out how to write these instances is a good mind-stretching exercise.
As far as value constructors go, they would have to just be lambdas (\ x ->) or function declarations. Since functions are so fundamental to the language, they get their own syntax.
