Are GHC's Type Famlies An Example of System F-omega? - haskell

I'm reading up about the Lambda-Cube, and I'm particularly interested in System F-omega, which allows for "type operators" i.e. types depending on types. This sounds a lot like GHC's type families. For example
type family Foo a
type instance Foo Int = Int
type instance Foo Float = ...
where the actual type depends on the type parameter a. Am I right in thinking that type families are an example of the type operators ala system F-omega? Or am I out in left field?

System F-omega allows universal quantification, abstraction and application at higher kinds, so not only over types (at kind *), but also at kinds k1 -> k2, where k1 and k2 are themselves kinds generated from * and ->. Hence, the type level itself becomes a simply typed lambda-calculus.
Haskell delivers slightly less than F-omega, in that the type system allows quantification and application at higher kinds, but not abstraction. Quantification at higher kinds is how we have types like
fmap :: forall f, s, t. Functor f => (s -> t) -> f s -> f t
with f :: * -> *. Correspondingly, variables like f can be instantiated with higher-kinded type expressions, such as Either String. The lack of abstraction makes it possible to solve unification problems in type expressions by the standard first-order techniques which underpin the Hindley-Milner type system.
However, type families are not really another means to introduce higher-kinded types, nor a replacement for the missing type-level lambda. Crucially, they must be fully applied. So your example,
type family Foo a
type instance Foo Int = Int
type instance Foo Float = ...
should not be considered as introducing some
Foo :: * -> * -- this is not what's happening
because Foo on its own is not a meaningful type expression. We have only the weaker rule that Foo t :: * whenever t :: *.
Type families do, however, act as a distinct type-level computation mechanism beyond F-omega, in that they introduce equations between type expressions. The extension of System F with equations is what gives us the "System Fc" which GHC uses today. Equations s ~ t between type expressions of kind * induce coercions transporting values from s to t. Computation is done by deducing equations from the rules you give when you define type families.
Moreover, you can give type families a higher-kinded return type, as in
type family Hoo a
type instance Hoo Int = Maybe
type instance Hoo Float = IO
so that Hoo t :: * -> * whenever t :: *, but still we cannot let Hoo stand alone.
The trick we sometimes use to get around this restriction is newtype wrapping:
newtype Noo i = TheNoo {theNoo :: Foo i}
which does indeed give us
Noo :: * -> *
but means that we have to apply the projection to make computation happen, so Noo Int and Int are provably distinct types, but
theNoo :: Noo Int -> Int
So it's a bit clunky, but we can kind of compensate for the fact that type families do not directly correspond to type operators in the F-omega sense.


Which is a polymorphic type: a type or a set of types?

Programming in Haskell by Hutton says:
A type that contains one or more type variables is called polymorphic.
Which is a polymorphic type: a type or a set of types?
Is a polymorphic type with a concrete type substituting its type variable a type?
Is a polymorphic type with different concrete types substituting its type variable considered the same or different types?
Is a polymorphic type with a concrete type substituting its type variable a type?
That's the point, yes. However, you need to be careful. Consider:
id :: a -> a
That's polymorphic. You can substitute a := Int and get Int -> Int, and a := Float -> Float and get (Float -> Float) -> Float -> Float. However, you cannot say a := Maybe and get id :: Maybe -> Maybe. That just doesn't make sense. Instead, we have to require that you can only substitute concrete types like Int and Maybe Float for a, not abstract ones like Maybe. This is handled with the kind system. This is not too important for your question, so I'll just summarize. Int and Float and Maybe Float are all concrete types (that is, they have values), so we say that they have type Type (the type of a type is often called its kind). Maybe is a function that takes a concrete type as an argument and returns a new concrete type, so we say Maybe :: Type -> Type. In the type a -> a, we say the type variable a must have type Type, so now the substitutions a := Int, a := String, etc. are allowed, while stuff like a := Maybe isn't.
Is a polymorphic type with different concrete types substituting its type variable considered the same or different types?
No. Back to a -> a: a := Int gives Int -> Int, but a := Float gives Float -> Float. Not the same.
Which is a polymorphic type: a type or a set of types?
Now that's a loaded question. You can skip to the TL;DR at the end, but the question of "what is a polymorphic type" is actually really confusing in Haskell, so here's a wall of text.
There are two ways to see it. Haskell started with one, then moved to the other, and now we have a ton of old literature referring to the old way, so the syntax of the modern system tries to maintain compatibility. It's a bit of a hot mess. Consider
id x = x
What is the type of id? One point of view is that id :: Int -> Int, and also id :: Float -> Float, and also id :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int, ad infinitum, all simultaneously. This infinite family of types can be summed up with one polymorphic type, id :: a -> a. This point of view gives you the Hindley-Milner type system. This is not how modern GHC Haskell works, but this system is what Haskell was based on at its creation.
In Hindley-Milner, there is a hard line between polymorphic types and monomorphic types, and the union of these two groups gives you "types" in general. It's not really fair to say that, in HM, polymorphic types (in HM jargon, "polytypes") are types. You can't take polytypes as arguments, or return them from functions, or place them in a list. Instead, polytypes are only templates for monotypes. If you squint, in HM, a polymorphic type can be seen as a set of those monotypes that fit the schema.
Modern Haskell is built on System F (plus extensions). In System F,
id = \x -> x -- rewriting the example
is not a complete definition. Therefore we can't even think about giving it a type. Every lambda-bound variable needs a type annotation, but x has no annotation. Worse, we can't even decide on one: \(x :: Int) -> x is just as good as \(x :: Float) -> x. In System F, what we do is we write
id = /\(a :: Type) -> \(x :: a) -> x
using /\ to represent Λ (upper-case lambda) much as we use \ to represent λ.
id is a function taking two arguments. The first argument is a Type, named a. The second argument is an a. The result is also an a. The type signature is:
id :: forall (a :: Type). a -> a
forall is a new kind of function arrow, basically. Note that it provides a binder for a. In HM, when we said id :: a -> a, we didn't really define what a was. It was a fresh, global variable. By convention, more than anything else, that variable is not used anywhere else (otherwise the Generalization rule doesn't apply and everything breaks down). If I had written e.g. inject :: a -> Maybe a, afterwards, the textual occurrences of a would be referring to a new global entity, different from the one in id. In System F, the a in forall a. a -> a actually has scope. It's a "local variable" available only for use underneath that forall. The a in inject :: forall a. a -> Maybe a may or may not be the "same" a; it doesn't matter, because we have actual scoping rules that keep everything from falling apart.
Because System F has hygienic scoping rules for type variables, polymorphic types are allowed to do everything other types can do. You can take them as arguments
runCont :: forall (a :: Type). (forall (r :: Type). (a -> r) -> r) -> a
runCons a f = f a (id a) -- omitting type signatures; you can fill them in
You put them in data constructors
newtype Yoneda f a = Yoneda (forall b. (a -> b) -> f b)
You can place them in polymorphic containers:
type Bool = forall a. a -> a -> a
true, false :: Bool
true a t f = t
false a t f = f
thueMorse :: [Bool]
thueMorse = false : true : true : false : _etc
There's an important difference from HM. In HM, if something has polymorphic type, it also has, simultaneously, an infinity of monomorphic types. In System F, a thing can only have one type. id = /\a -> \(x :: a) -> x has type forall a. a -> a, not Int -> Int or Float -> Float. In order to get an Int -> Int out of id, you have to actually give it an argument: id Int :: Int -> Int, and id Float :: Float -> Float.
Haskell is not System F, however. System F is closer to what GHC calls Core, which is an internal language that GHC compiles Haskell to—basically Haskell without any syntax sugar. Haskell is a Hindley-Milner flavored veneer on top of a System F core. In Haskell, nominally a polymorphic type is a type. They do not act like sets of types. However, polymorphic types are still second class. Haskell doesn't let you actually type forall without -XExplicitForalls. It emulates Hindley-Milner's wonky implicit global variable creation by inserting foralls in certain places. The places where it does so are changed by -XScopedTypeVariables. You can't take polymorphic arguments or have polymorphic fields unless you enable -XRankNTypes. You cannot say things like [forall a. a -> a -> a], nor can you say id (forall a. a -> a -> a) :: (forall a. a -> a -> a) -> (forall a. a -> a -> a)—you must define e.g. newtype Bool = Bool { ifThenElse :: forall a. a -> a -> a } to wrap the polymorphism under something monomorphic. You cannot explicitly give type arguments unless you enable -XTypeApplications, and then you can write id #Int :: Int -> Int. You cannot write type lambdas (/\), period; instead, they are inserted implicitly whenever possible. If you define id :: forall a. a -> a, then you cannot even write id in Haskell. It will always be implicitly expanded to an application, id #_.
TL;DR: In Haskell, a polymorphic type is a type. It's not treated as a set of types, or a rule/schema for types, or whatever. However, due to historical reasons, they are treated as second class citizens. By default, it looks like they are treated as mere sets of types, if you squint a bit. Most restrictions on them can be lifted with suitable language extensions, at which point they look more like "just types". The one remaining big restriction (no impredicative instantiations allowed) is rather fundamental and cannot be erased, but that's fine because there's a workaround.
There is some nuance in the word "type" here. Values have concrete types, which cannot be polymorphic. Expressions, on the other hand, have general types, which can be polymorphic. If you're thinking of types for values, then a polymorphic type can be thought of loosely as defining sets of possible concrete types. (At least first-order polymorphic types! Higher-order polymorphism breaks this intuition.) But that's not always a particularly useful way of thinking, and it's not a sufficient definition. It doesn't capture which sets of types can be described in this way (and related notions like parametricity.)
It's a good observation, though, that the same word, "type", is used in these two related, but different, ways.
EDIT: The answer below turns out not to answer the question. The difference is a subtle mistake in terminology: types like Maybe and [] are higher-kinded, whereas types like forall a. a -> a and forall a. Maybe a are polymorphic. The answer below relates to higher-kinded types, but the question was asked about polymorphic types. I’m still leaving this answer up in case it helps anyone else, but I realise now it’s not really an answer to the question.
I would argue that a polymorphic higher-kinded type is closer to a set of types. For instance, you could see Maybe as the set {Maybe Int, Maybe Bool, …}.
However, strictly speaking, this is a bit misleading. To address this in more detail, we need to learn about kinds. Similarly to how types describe values, we say that kinds describe types. The idea is:
A concrete type (that is, one which has values) has a kind of *. Examples include Bool, Char, Int and Maybe String, which all have type *. This is denoted e.g. Bool :: *. Note that functions such as Int -> String also have kind *, as these are concrete types which can contain values such as show!
A type with a type parameter has a kind containing arrows. For instance, in the same way that id :: a -> a, we can say that Maybe :: * -> *, since Maybe takes a concrete type as an argument (such as Int), and produces a concrete type as a result (such as Maybe Int). Something like a -> a also has kind * -> *, since it has one type parameter (a) and produces a concrete result (a -> a). You can get more complex kinds as well: for instance, data Foo f x = FooConstr (f x x) has kind Foo :: (* -> * -> *) -> * -> *. (Can you see why?)
(If the above explanation doesn’t make sense, the Learn You a Haskell book has a great section on kinds as well.)
So now we can answer your questions properly:
Which is a polymorphic higher-kinded type: a type or a set of types?
Neither: a polymorphic higher-kinded type is a type-level function, as indicated by the arrows in its kind. For instance, Maybe :: * -> * is a type-level function which converts e.g. Int → Maybe Int, Bool → Maybe Bool etc.
Is a polymorphic higher-kinded type with a concrete type substituting its type variable a type?
Yes, when your polymorphic higher-kinded type has a kind * -> * (i.e. it has one type parameter, which accepts a concrete type). When you apply a concrete type Conc :: * to a type Poly :: * -> *, it’s just function application, as detailed above, with the result being Poly Conc :: * i.e. a concrete type.
Is a polymorphic higher-kinded type with different concrete types substituting its type variable considered the same or different types?
This question is a bit out of place, as it doesn’t have anything to do with kinds. The answer is definitely no: two types like Maybe Int and Maybe Bool are not the same. Nothing may be a member of both types, but only the former contains a value Just 4, and only the latter contains a value Just False.
On the other hand, it is possible to have two different substitutions where the resulting types are isomorphic. (An isomorphism is where two types are different, but equivalent in some way. For instance, (a, b) and (b, a) are isomorphic, despite being the same type. The formal condition is that two types p,q are isomorphic when you can write two inverse functions p -> q and q -> p.)
One example of this is Const:
data Const a b = Const { getConst :: a }
This type just ignores its second type parameter; as a result, two types like Const Int Char and Const Int Bool are isomorphic. However, they are not the same type: if you make a value of type Const Int Char, but then use it as something of type Const Int Bool, this will result in a type error. This sort of functionality is incredibly useful, as it means you can ‘tag’ a type a using Const a tag, then use the tag as a marker of information on the type level.

Types constructors and existential types

Only polymorphic function can be applied to values of existential types.
Those properties can be expressed by the corresponding quantifiers for expressions, and characterized by natural transformations.
Similarly, when we define a type constructor
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
This type constructor works for all a whereas type families allows to have non uniform type constructors
type family TRes i o
type instance TRes Bool = String
type instance TRes String = Bool
What natural transformation characterizes precisely this idea of "uniformity" at type level ?
Is there an equivalent of forcing naturality like we have at value level with rank-n types ?
ApplyNat :: (forall a. a -> F a) -> b -> F b
I think you've confused a couple of different ideas here.
This type constructor works for all a.
That's totality. List :: * -> * produces a valid type of kind * given any argument a of kind *. Haskell 98 datatypes are always total, but, as you point out, in modern Haskell you can write type families which don't cover all possible cases. TRes Int is not a "real" type, in the sense that it contains no values, it doesn't reduce to any other type, and it's not equal to any type other than TRes Int.
Haskell has no totality checker at the value level or the type level (apart from the rules about undecidable instances, which are a blunt instrument), so, just as there is no way to rule out undefined values, there is no way to rule out "stuck" type families like TRes Int. (For more on "stuck" type families see this blog post by Richard Eisenberg, the designer of TypeInType.)
Naturality is an altogether different idea. In value-level Haskell, a natural transformation between f and g is a polymorphic function mapping values of type f x to values of type g x, without knowing anything about x.
type f ~> g = forall x. f x -> g x
With GHC 8 and TypeInType we can talk about kinds using the same language we use to talk about types, because kinds are types. The type expression forall x. f x -> g x has kind * ((~>) :: forall k. (k -> *) -> (k -> *) -> *), so it's a perfectly valid classifier for types as well. A type with that kind is a polymorphic type function mapping types of kind f x to types of kind g x.
What would you use a type-level natural transformation for, in the real world? I dunno. You wouldn't, probably.

Practical applications of Rank 2 polymorphism?

I'm covering polymorphism and I'm trying to see the practical uses of such a feature.
My basic understanding of Rank 2 is:
type MyType = ∀ a. a -> a
subFunction :: a -> a
subFunction el = el
mainFunction :: MyType -> Int
mainFunction func = func 3
I understand that this is allowing the user to use a polymorphic function (subFunction) inside mainFunction and strictly specify it's output (Int). This seems very similar to GADT's:
data Example a where
ExampleInt :: Int -> Example Int
ExampleBool :: Bool -> Example Bool
1) Given the above, is my understanding of Rank 2 polymorphism correct?
2) What are the general situations where Rank 2 polymorphism can be used, as opposed to GADT's, for example?
If you pass a polymorphic function as and argument to a Rank2-polymorphic function, you're essentially passing not just one function but a whole family of functions – for all possible types that fulfill the constraints.
Typically, those forall quantifiers come with a class constraint. For example, I might wish to do number arithmetic with two different types simultaneously (for comparing precision or whatever).
data FloatCompare = FloatCompare {
singlePrecision :: Float
, doublePrecision :: Double
Now I might want to modify those numbers through some maths operation. Something like
modifyFloat :: (Num -> Num) -> FloatCompare -> FloatCompare
But Num is not a type, only a type class. I could of course pass a function that would modify any particular number type, but I couldn't use that to modify both a Float and a Double value, at least not without some ugly (and possibly lossy) converting back and forth.
Solution: Rank-2 polymorphism!
modifyFloat :: (∀ n . Num n => n -> n) -> FloatCompare -> FloatCompare
mofidyFloat f (FloatCompare single double)
= FloatCompare (f single) (f double)
The best single example of how this is useful in practice are probably lenses. A lens is a “smart accessor function” to a field in some larger data structure. It allows you to access fields, update them, gather results... while at the same time composing in a very simple way. How it works: Rank2-polymorphism; every lens is polymorphic, with the different instantiations corresponding to the “getter” / “setter” aspects, respectively.
The go-to example of an application of rank-2 types is runST as Benjamin Hodgson mentioned in the comments. This is a rather good example and there are a variety of examples using the same trick. For example, branding to maintain abstract data type invariants across multiple types, avoiding confusion of differentials in ad, a region-based version of ST.
But I'd actually like to talk about how Haskell programmers are implicitly using rank-2 types all the time. Every type class whose methods have universally quantified types desugars to a dictionary with a field with a rank-2 type. In practice, this is virtually always a higher-kinded type class* like Functor or Monad. I'll use a simplified version of Alternative as an example. The class declaration is:
class Alternative f where
empty :: f a
(<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
The dictionary representing this class would be:
data AlternativeDict f = AlternativeDict {
empty :: forall a. f a,
(<|>) :: forall a. f a -> f a -> f a }
Sometimes such an encoding is nice as it allows one to use different "instances" for the same type, perhaps only locally. For example, Maybe has two obvious instances of Alternative depending on whether Just a <|> Just b is Just a or Just b. Languages without type classes, such as Scala, do indeed use this encoding.
To connect to leftaroundabout's reference to lenses, you can view the hierarchy there as a hierarchy of type classes and the lens combinators as simply tools for explicitly building the relevant type class dictionaries. Of course, the reason it isn't actually a hierarchy of type classes is that we usually will have multiple "instances" for the same type. E.g. _head and _head . _tail are both "instances" of Traversal' s a.
* A higher-kinded type class doesn't necessarily lead to this, and it can happen for a type class of kind *. For example:
-- Higher-kinded but doesn't require universal quantification.
class Sum c where
sum :: c Int -> Int
-- Not higher-kinded but does require universal quantification.
class Length l where
length :: [a] -> l
If you are using modules in Haskell, you are already using Rank-2 types. Theoretically speaking, modules are records with rank-2 type properties.
For example, the Foo module below in Haskell ...
module Foo(id) where
id :: forall a. a -> a
id x = x
import qualified Foo
main = do
putStrLn ( "hello")
return ()
... can actually be thought as a record as follows:
type FooType = FooType {
id :: forall a. a -> a
Foo :: FooType
Foo = Foo {
id = \x -> x
P/S (unrelated this question): from a language design perspective, if you are going to support module system, then you might as well support higher-rank types (i.e. allow arbitrary quantification of type variables on any level) to reduce duplication of efforts (i.e. type checking a module should be almost the same as type checking a record with higher rank types).

What does Functor's fmap tell about types?

What does f a and f b tell me about its type?
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
I think I get the idea behind standard instances of a functor. However I'm having hard time understanding what f a and f actually represent.
I understand that f a and f b are just types and they must carry information what type constructor was used to create them and type arguments that were used.
Is f a type constructor of kind * -> *? Is (->) r a type constructor just like Maybe is?
I understand that f a and f b are just types and they must carry information what type constructor was used to create them and type arguments that were used.
Good explanation.
Is f a type constructor of kind * -> *?
In effect.
Is (->) r a type constructor just like Maybe is?
In effect, yes:
Yes in the sense that you can apply it to a type like String and get r -> String, just like you can apply Maybe to String to get Maybe String. You can use for f anything that gives you a type from any other type.
..but no...
No, in the sense that Daniel Wagner points out; To be precise, Maybe and [] are type constructors, but (->) r and Either a are sort of like partially applied type constructors. Nevertheless they make good functors, because you can freely apply functions "inside" them and change the type of "the contents".
(Stuff in inverted commas is very hand-wavy imprecise terminology.)
My (possibly mildly tortured) reading of chapter 4 of the Haskell 2010 Report is that Maybe and (->) r are both types, of kind * -> *. Alternatively, the Report also labels them as type expressions—but I can't discern a firm difference in how the Report uses the two terms, except perhaps for surface syntax details. (->) and Maybe are type constructors; type expressions are assembled from type constructors and type variables.
For example, section 4.1.1 ("Kinds") of the 2010 report says (my boldface):
To ensure that they are valid, type expressions are classified into different kinds, which take one of two possible forms:
The symbol ∗ represents the kind of all nullary type constructors.
If κ1 and κ2 are kinds, then κ1 → κ2 is the kind of types that take a type of kind κ1 and return a type of kind κ2.
Section 4.3.2, "Instance Declarations" (my boldface):
An instance declaration that makes the type T to be an instance of class C is called a C-T instance declaration and is subject to these static restrictions:
A type may not be declared as an instance of a particular class more than once in the program.
The class and type must have the same kind; this can be determined using kind inference as described in Section 4.6.
So going by that language, the following instance declaration makes the type (->) r to be an instance of the class Functor:
instance Functor ((->) r) where
fmap f g = f . g
The funny thing about this terminology is that we call (->) r a "type" even though there are no expressions in Haskell that have that type—not even undefined:
foo :: (->) r
foo = undefined
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( ../src/scratch.hs, interpreted )
Expecting one more argument to `(->) r'
In the type signature for `foo': foo :: (->) r
But I think that's not a big deal. Basically, all declarations in Haskell must have types of kind *.
As a side note, from my limited understanding of dependently typed languages, many of these lack Haskell's firm distinction between terms and types, so that something like (->) Boolean is an expression whose value is a function that takes a type as its argument and produces a type as its result.

Haskell Weird Kinds: Kind of (->) is ?? -> ? -> *

When I was experimenting with Haskell kinds, and trying to get the kind of ->, and this showed up:
$ ghci
Prelude> :k (->)
(->) :: ?? -> ? -> *
Instead of the expected * -> * -> *.
What are the ?? and ? things? Do they mean concrete types or "kind variables"? Or something else?
These are GHC-specific extensions of the Haskell kind system. The Haskell 98 report specifies only a simple kind system:
... type expressions are classified
into different kinds, which take one
of two possible forms:
The symbol * represents the kind of
all nullary type constructors. If k1
and k2 are kinds, then k1->k2 is the
kind of types that take a type of kind
k1 and return a type of kind k2.
GHC extends this system with a form of kind subtyping, to allow unboxed types, and to allow the function construtor to be polymorphic over kinds. The kind lattice GHC supports is:
/ \
?? (#)
/ \
* #
Where: * [LiftedTypeKind] means boxed type
# [UnliftedTypeKind] means unboxed type
(#) [UbxTupleKind] means unboxed tuple
?? [ArgTypeKind] is the lub of {*, #}
? [OpenTypeKind] means any type at all
Defined in ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
In particular:
> error :: forall a:?. String -> a
> (->) :: ?? -> ? -> *
> (\\(x::t) -> ...)
Where in the last example t :: ?? (i.e. is not an unboxed tuple). So, to quote GHC, "there is a little subtyping at the kind level".
For interested souls, GHC also supports coercion types and kinds ("type-level terms which act as evidence for type equalities", as needed by System Fc) used in GADTs, newtypes and type families.
