I need to copy a column that has linked text and paste a column that shows all the URL’s for the linked text
Function GetURL(rng As Range) As String
On Error Resume Next
GetURL = rng.Hyperlinks(1).Address
End Function
In this case you can place it where you want. If you want, for example, the URL from a hyperlink in A1 to be listed in cell C25, then in cell C25 you would enter the following formula:
This post discusses extracting the URL from a cell with a link in it using a custom formula.
This immediately does the job, and add a separate url link column next to the column with the hyperlinked text:
Extracting a URL from a hyperlink on Excel -- this worked for me!
If you want to run this operation one time
Open up a new workbook.
Get into VBA (Press Alt+F11)
Insert a new module (Insert > Module)
Copy and Paste the Excel user defined function below (customized function):
Sub ExtractHL()
Dim HL As Hyperlink
For Each HL In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
HL.Range.Offset(0, 1).Value = HL.Address
End Sub
Press F5 and click “Run”
Get out of VBA (Press Alt+Q)
You will see a new column with a list of url added to the right.
I have a Hyperlink (www.example.com/bridge/app/job?ID=466145) and I have list of Job ID's (6 digit codes 441256, 324356, 556789..etc) in column A of my worksheet. If I select a particular cell containing Job ID and click any random shortcut key which assigned in macro (example Ctrl+K) the cell value has to replace the part of my hyperlink after "=" and open that hyperlink in default browser.
Sub Test()
Dim url As String
url = "Hyperlink"
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink url
End Sub
I have tired to open hyperlink but unable to find a way to replace my part of hyperlink with cell value.
I have hyperlinks in an big excel sheet that point to certain cells. (e.g. Link to cell A1, to AR50 etc..just to jump to different positions in the sheet)
When duplicate/copying these sheets, the reference (e. A1) is changed to "sheetname!A1".
So i have to change all references in the duplicated sheet.
has anyone an idea how to copy it just without the sheets reference??
Thank you
I don't think you can do this when you're inserting hyperlinks by using the "Insert Hyperlink dialog box". However, it can be accomplished by using the HYPERLINK formula. E.g. enter =HYPERLINK("#A100","Link") in the cell to establish a link. You'll see a clickable text "Link" (you can change this text to whatever you like, of course). Clicking the cell will route you to A100 in your current sheet. Once copied, the same cell in the copy will route you to A100 in this new sheet.
If you have used the Insert -> Link feature to create the links then you will need to use a VBA routine, such as the following
Sub updateLinks()
Const srcSheet As String = "SheetOne"
Const copySheet As String = "Sheet Two"
Dim link As Hyperlink
For Each link In Worksheets(copySheet).Hyperlinks
If InStr(1, link.SubAddress, srcSheet) Then
link.SubAddress = "'" & copySheet & "'!" & Split(link.SubAddress, "!")(1)
End If
Next link
End Sub
this example assumes that the tab copied had the name SheetOne, and that the copy was named Sheet Two
(if you don't know where to put this code then please see this article)
I have a document that needs to generate a hyperlink to a cell in the same workbook by getting the address from another cell. Here's what I have right now:
=hyperlink(CELL("address",INDEX('Budget Record'!C3:C105,MATCH(Y73,'Budget Record'!C3:C105,0),1)))
This displays the appropriate location:
'[Calendar Budget.xlsx]Budget Record'!$C$3
However, when clicked, it says that Excel cannot open the specified file.
I have tried manually creating a hyperlink to that value, and it still doesn't appear to work:
=hyperlink('[Calendar Budget.xlsx]Budget Record'!$C$3)
However, if I plug that into the goto dialogue box, it has no problems with it.
Am I missing an extra step?
After looking into all of the built-in hyperlink options that Excel offers, I could not find a way to have Excel link you to a dynamic/ changing cell reference. Naturally, I turned to VBA :)... this is a very simple macro with only a few lines of code. Give it try:
Press Alt + 11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
If your project explorer is not already open, click this icon:
Double click the worksheet tab that you want the hyperlink to work on:
Paste the following code into the white space:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
'check if user is selecting the 'hyperlink' cell
If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
'run the 'selectCell()' subroutine
Call selectCell
End If
End Sub
Sub selectCell()
Dim goToAddress As String
'get cell address
goToAddress = Range("A2").Value
'send user to this cell
End Sub
Go to your worksheet and test the script by typing G3 in cell B1.
Select cell A1. The macro should have automatically selected cell G3.
Hope this helps!
(Posted on behalf of the OP).
I have identified a solution. Basically it looks like the problem was in the formatting.
Basically I needed three steps. The first one is getting the location of the cell returned as a full address (including the file, sheet, and Cell). I do that with this:
=CELL("address",INDEX('Budget Record'!C3:C105,MATCH(Y73,'Budget Record'!C3:C105,0),1))
Here's a sample of what that results in:
'[Calendar Budget.xlsx]Budget Record'!$C$3
The problem with this is that the apostrophe at the beginning is in the wrong spot. To work as a hyperlink, the string should be this:
[Calendar Budget.xlsx]'Budget Record'!$C$3
So, I have a step where I remove the first 22 characters of the starting string:
This results in the following:
Budget Record'!$C$3
Next, I need to add on this to the start of the string:
[Calendar Budget.xlsx]'
I do that with the following:
=HYPERLINK("[Calendar Budget.xlsx]'"&AA73)
The resulting output looks like this:
[Calendar Budget.xlsx]'Budget Record'!$C$3
So, we have a hyperlink to a cell in another sheet that dynamically changes depending on the initial referenced cell.
In an Excel sheet (created by importing external data and images) are several cells that each contain different image and that image has a hyperlink. These cells containing images are all in one column.
How can I retrieve that hyperlink from each image?
The hyperlink is NOT retrievable from that cell.
I've got a user-defined function that easily retrieves hyperlinks from any cell (if there is a hyperlink).
Function GetURL(rng As Range) As String
On Error Resume Next
GetURL = rng.Hyperlinks(1).Address
End Function
This function can be placed anywhere.
For example: In cell c25 the URL from a hyperlink in cell A1 must be listed.
For that simply enter the following formula in cell c25.
That works just fine.
However, if that cell A1 contains an image with a hyperlink, then the result is nil (or nothing). Even though the hyperlink is there as part of that image.
Apparently the image is an object that needs to be addressed.
How can this be done?
Just found a possible duplicate. Unfortunately the answer didn't get me any further.
Please add sample code.
A shape also has a Hyperlink.Address
A shape is defined on a sheet, and also has a name.
Putting these together, I came up with the following function:
Function PicURL(Pic As String, Optional SheetName As String) As String
If SheetName = "" Then SheetName = Application.Caller.Worksheet.Name
On Error Resume Next
PicURL = Sheets(SheetName).Shapes(Pic).Hyperlink.Address
End Function
If picture is on the same sheet, then =PicURL("Picture 1") will return the target address.
If the picture is on another sheet, then =PicURL("Picture 1","Sheet1") would be needed.
If the picture is in a different worksheet, then that's a whole different ballgame, and I leave that as an exercise for the reader.
there is a column (img)like the above, now i want to add a slash before UploadPic(/UploadPic) and do it with a batch. how do i do?
control + f
Replace tab
Find what: "UploadPic"
Replace with: "\UploadPic"
Click - Replace All
I like to take a little extra text in the Find What just to be sure.
This simple little macro will do that to every used cell in column A:
Sub AddSlash()
Dim MyRNG As Range, cell As Range
Set MyRNG = Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlConstants)
For Each cell In MyRNG
cell.Value = "/" & cell.Value
Next cell
End Sub
How/Where to install the macro:
Open up your workbook
Get into VB Editor (Press Alt+F11)
Insert a new module (Insert > Module)
Copy and Paste in your code (given above)
Get out of VBA (Press Alt+Q)
Save as a macro-enabled workbook
The macro is installed and ready to use. Press Alt-F8 and select it from the macro list.