How to create a method at runtime using Reflection.emit - c#-4.0

I'm creating an object at runtime using reflection emit. I successfully created the fields, properties and get set methods.
Now I want to add a method. For the sake of simplicity let's say the method just returns a random number. How do I define the method body?
Yes, I've been looking at the msdn documentation along with other references and I'm starting to get my head wrapped around this stuff.
I see how the example above is adding and/or multplying, but what if my method is doing other stuff. How do I define that "stuff"
Suppose I was generating the class below dynamically, how would I create the body of GetDetails() method?
class TestClass
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public TestClass()
public TestClass(string Name, int Size)
this.Name = Name;
this.Size = Size;
public string GetDetails()
string Details = "Name = " + this.Name + ", Size = " + this.Size.ToString();
return Details;

You use a MethodBuilder to define methods. To define the method body, you call GetILGenerator() to get an ILGenerator, and then call the Emit methods to emit individual IL instructions. There is an example on the MSDN documentation for MethodBuilder, and you can find other examples of how to use reflection emit on the Using Reflection Emit page:
public static void AddMethodDynamically(TypeBuilder myTypeBld,
string mthdName,
Type[] mthdParams,
Type returnType,
string mthdAction)
MethodBuilder myMthdBld = myTypeBld.DefineMethod(
MethodAttributes.Public |
ILGenerator ILout = myMthdBld.GetILGenerator();
int numParams = mthdParams.Length;
for (byte x = 0; x < numParams; x++)
ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, x);
if (numParams > 1)
for (int y = 0; y < (numParams - 1); y++)
switch (mthdAction)
case "A": ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Add);
case "M": ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Mul);
default: ILout.Emit(OpCodes.Add);
It sounds like you're looking for resources on writing MSIL. One important resource is the OpCodes class, which has a member for every IL instruction. The documentation describes how each instruction works. Another important resource is either Ildasm or Reflector. These will let you see the IL for compiled code, which will help you understand what IL you want to write. Running your GetDetailsMethod through Reflector and setting the language to IL yields:
.method public hidebysig instance string GetDetails() cil managed
.maxstack 4
.locals init (
[0] string Details,
[1] string CS$1$0000,
[2] int32 CS$0$0001)
L_0000: nop
L_0001: ldstr "Name = "
L_0006: ldarg.0
L_0007: call instance string ConsoleApplication1.TestClass::get_Name()
L_000c: ldstr ", Size = "
L_0011: ldarg.0
L_0012: call instance int32 ConsoleApplication1.TestClass::get_Size()
L_0017: stloc.2
L_0018: ldloca.s CS$0$0001
L_001a: call instance string [mscorlib]System.Int32::ToString()
L_001f: call string [mscorlib]System.String::Concat(string, string, string, string)
L_0024: stloc.0
L_0025: ldloc.0
L_0026: stloc.1
L_0027: br.s L_0029
L_0029: ldloc.1
L_002a: ret
To generate a method like that dynamically, you will need to call ILGenerator.Emit for each instruction:
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Name = ");
ilGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, nameProperty.GetGetMethod());
// etc..
You may also want to look for introductions to MSIL, such as this one: Introduction to IL Assembly Language.


Generic Template String like in Python in Dart

In python, I often use strings as templates, e.g.
templateUrl = '{host}/api/v3/{container}/{resourceid}'
params = {'host': '', 'container': 'books', 'resourceid': 10}
This allows for easy base class setup and the like. How can I do the same in dart?
I'm assuming I will need to create a utility function to parse the template and substitute manually but really hoping there is something ready to use.
Perhaps a TemplateString class with a format method that takes a Map of name/value pairs to substitute into the string.
Note: the objective is to have a generic "format" or "interpolation" function that doesn't need to know in advance what tags or names will exist in the template.
Further clarification: the templates themselves are not resolved when they are set up. Specifically, the template is defined in one place in the code and then used in many other places.
Dart does not have a generic template string functionality that would allow you to insert values into your template at runtime.
Dart only allows you to interpolate strings with variables using the $ syntax in strings, e.g. var string = '$domain/api/v3/${actions.get}'. You would need to have all the variables defined in your code beforehand.
However, you can easily create your own implementation.
You pretty much explained how to do it in your question yourself: you pass a map and use it to have generic access to the parameters using the [] operator.
To convert the template string into something that is easy to access, I would simply create another List containing fixed components, like /api/v3/ and another Map that holds generic components with their name and their position in the template string.
class TemplateString {
final List<String> fixedComponents;
final Map<int, String> genericComponents;
int totalComponents;
TemplateString(String template)
: fixedComponents = <String>[],
genericComponents = <int, String>{},
totalComponents = 0 {
final List<String> components = template.split('{');
for (String component in components) {
if (component == '') continue; // If the template starts with "{", skip the first element.
final split = component.split('}');
if (split.length != 1) {
// The condition allows for template strings without parameters.
genericComponents[totalComponents] = split.first;
if (split.last != '') {
String format(Map<String, dynamic> params) {
String result = '';
int fixedComponent = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < totalComponents; i++) {
if (genericComponents.containsKey(i)) {
result += '${params[genericComponents[i]]}';
result += fixedComponents[fixedComponent++];
return result;
Here would be an example usage, I hope that the result is what you expected:
main() {
final templateUrl = TemplateString('{host}/api/v3/{container}/{resourceid}');
final params = <String, dynamic>{'host': '', 'container': 'books', 'resourceid': 10};
print(templateUrl.format(params)); //
Here it is as a Gist.
Here is my solution:
extension StringFormating on String {
String format(List<String> values) {
int index = 0;
return replaceAllMapped(new RegExp(r'{.*?}'), (_) {
final value = values[index];
return value;
String formatWithMap(Map<String, String> mappedValues) {
return replaceAllMapped(new RegExp(r'{(.*?)}'), (match) {
final mapped = mappedValues[match[1]];
if (mapped == null)
throw ArgumentError(
'$mappedValues does not contain the key "${match[1]}"');
return mapped;
This gives you a very similar functionality to what python offers:
"Test {} with {}!".format(["it", "foo"]);
"Test {a} with {b}!".formatWithMap({"a": "it", "b": "foo"})
both return "Test it with foo!"
It's even more easy in Dart. Sample code below :
String host = ""
String container = "books"
int resourceId = 10
String templateUrl = "$host/api/v3/$container/${resourceId.toString()}"
With the map, you can do as follows :
Map<String, String> params = {'host': '', 'container': 'books', 'resourceid': 10}
String templateUrl = "${params['host']}/api/v3/${params['container']}/${params['resourceId']}"
Note : The above code defines Map as <String, String>. You might want <String, Dynamic> (and use .toString())
Wouldn't it be simplest to just make it a function with named arguments? You could add some input validation if you wanted to.
String templateUrl({String host = "", String container = "", int resourceid = 0 }) {
return "$host/api/v3/$container/$resourceId";
void main() {
api.get(templateUrl(host:"", container:"books", resourceid:10));

Cisco JTAPI phone register/unregister status

I am using the below code to check the phone status(if phone is up or down). When phone is down sends an alarm. However this doesn't show when 8800 series phones are down. Is there any other method to check the Phone register/unregister status?
#Override public void terminalChangedEvent(TermEv[] eventList) {
if ( eventList != null ) {
for (TermEv eventList1 : eventList) {
if (eventList1 instanceof CiscoTermInServiceEv){
} else if (eventList1 instanceof CiscoTermOutOfServiceEv &&
terminalInService.test()==true) {
Second Question, I was not able to find the methods or documentation about "" class. What does Condition.set() and Condition.test() methods do?
Looks like you have the right general idea - JTAPI should work fine for 88xx models, assuming you have the correct device->user association, and user permissions (Standard CTI Enabled, and Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer and conf needed for 88xx).
Here is my version working on CUCM 11.5:
import java.util.*;
import javax.telephony.*;
import javax.telephony.callcontrol.*;
public class DataTerm implements ProviderObserver, TerminalObserver {
public static final int OUT_OF_SERVICE = 0;
public static final int IN_SERVICE = 1;
private Address destAddress;
private CiscoTerminal observedTerminal;
private boolean addressInService;
private boolean terminalInService;
protected int state = OUT_OF_SERVICE;
Condition conditionInService = new Condition();
Provider provider;
public DataTerm(String[] args) {
try {
System.out.println("Initializing Jtapi");
String providerName = "";
String login = "dstaudt";
String passwd = "password";
String dest = "2999";
JtapiPeer peer = JtapiPeerFactory.getJtapiPeer(null);
String providerString = providerName + ";login=" + login + ";passwd=" + passwd;
System.out.println("Opening " + providerString + "...\n");
provider = peer.getProvider(providerString);
this.destAddress = provider.getAddress(dest);
this.observedTerminal = (CiscoTerminal) destAddress.getTerminals()[0];
try {
if (destAddress != null) {
System.out.println("Adding Terminal Observer to Terminal" + observedTerminal.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Caught exception " + e);
public void terminalChangedEvent(TermEv[] events) {
for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
Terminal terminal = events[i].getTerminal();
switch (events[i].getID()) {
case CiscoTermInServiceEv.ID:
System.out.println("Received " + events[i] + "for " + terminal.getName());
terminalInService = true;
case CiscoTermOutOfServiceEv.ID:
System.out.println("Received " + events[i] + "for " + terminal.getName());
terminalInService = false;
if (state != OUT_OF_SERVICE) { // you only want to notify when you had notified earlier that you are IN_SERVICE
public void providerChangedEvent(ProvEv[] eventList) {
if (eventList != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < eventList.length; i++) {
if (eventList[i] instanceof ProvInServiceEv) {
The "" seems to be based on this pattern:
public interface Condition
Condition factors out the Object monitor methods (wait, notify and notifyAll) into distinct objects to give the effect of having multiple wait-sets per object, by combining them with the use of arbitrary Lock implementations. Where a Lock replaces the use of synchronized methods and statements, a Condition replaces the use of the Object monitor methods.
Conditions (also known as condition queues or condition variables) provide a means for one thread to suspend execution (to "wait") until notified by another thread that some state condition may now be true. Because access to this shared state information occurs in different threads, it must be protected, so a lock of some form is associated with the condition. The key property that waiting for a condition provides is that it atomically releases the associated lock and suspends the current thread, just like Object.wait.

How to define Task with parameters and return value in c++\cli?

i have a class in a cs file:
public class ThreadData
private int index;
public ThreadData(int index)
this.index = index;
public static ThreadDataOutput DoWork(ThreadDataInput input)
return new ThreadDataOutput();
now, i have c++ code that tries to init a new task and to us the above function:
int numOfThread = 2;
array<Task^>^ taskArr = gcnew array<Task^>(numOfThread);
for (int i = 0; i < numOfThread; i++)
ThreadData^ td = gcnew ThreadData(i);
ThreadDataInput^ input = gcnew ThreadDataInput(i);
Task<ThreadDataOutput^>^ task = gcnew Task<ThreadDataOutput^>(td->DoWork, input);
taskArr[i] = task;
Task::WaitAll(taskArr, 300 * 1000);
the following code return 2 errors at compile time:
can't take address of 'ThreadData::DoWork' unless creating delegate instance
cannot convert argument 1 from 'AmadeusWS::ThreadDataOutput ^(__clrcall *)(AmadeusWS::ThreadDataInput ^)' to 'System::Func ^
i also tried to declare a delegate like this in the cs file:
public static Func<ThreadDataInput, ThreadDataOutput> DoWork2 = delegate(ThreadDataInput taskDataInput)
return new ThreadDataOutput();
but i don't know how to call it from the c++\cli code
can anyone assist me to understand how to define cli delegate that can take parametr ?
In order to create a delegate instance in C++/CLI, you need to construct it explicitly, and specify the object that it will be called on separately from the class & method to be called.
gcnew Func<TInput, TOutput>(theObject, &TheClass::MethodToInvoke)
Note that the method to be called is specified in the C++ style.
Substituting that in to your task creation, I believe this statement will work for you:
Task<ThreadDataOutput^>^ task = gcnew Task<ThreadDataOutput^>(
gcnew Func<ThreadDataInput^, ThreadDataOutput^>(td, &ThreadData::DoWork),
In the code you posted in your comment, you missed the object to invoke the delegate on.
gcnew Func<Object^, Object^>(td, &ThreadData::DoWork)

Getting highest available string in java

I want to get the highest available string value in java how can i achieve this.
Example: hello jameswangfron
I want to get the highest string "jameswangfron"
String Text = request.getParameter("hello jameswangfron");
Please code example.
public class HelloWorld{
public static void main(String []args){
String text = "hello jameswangfron";
String[] textArray = text.split(" ");
String biggestString = "";
for(int i=0; i<textArray.length; i++){
if(i==0) {
biggestString = textArray[i];
} else {
biggestString = textArray[i];
System.out.println("Biggest String : "+biggestString);
And it shows the output as
Biggest String : jameswangfron
Maybe this will be easyer to understand
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(StringManipulator.getMaxLengthString("hello jameswangfron", " "));
class StringManipulator{
public static String getMaxLengthString(String data, String separator){
String[] stringArray = data.split(separator);
String toReturn = "";
int maxLengthSoFar = 0;
for (String string : stringArray) {
maxLengthSoFar = string.length();
toReturn = string;
return toReturn;
But there is a catch. If you pay attention to split method from class String, you will find out that the spliter is actually a regex. For your code, i see that you want to separate the words (which means blank space). if you want an entire text to search, you have to pass a regex.
Here's a tip. If you want your words to be separated by " ", ".", "," (you get the ideea) then you should replace the " " from getMaxLengthString method with the following
If you want digits to split up words, simply put
This tells us that we use the separators as anything that is NOT a lower case letter or upper case letter. (the ^ character means you don't want the characters you listed in your brackets [])
Here is another way of doing this
\w it actually means word characters. so if you negate this (with ^) you should be fine

Is there an additional runtime cost for using named parameters?

Consider the following struct:
public struct vip
string email;
string name;
int category;
public vip(string email, int category, string name = "")
{ = email; = name;
this.category = category;
Is there a performance difference between the following two calls?
var e = new vip(email: "foo", name: "bar", category: 32);
var e = new vip("foo", 32, "bar");
Is there a difference if there are no optional parameters defined?
I believe none. It's only a language/compiler feature, call it syntactic sugar if you like. The generated CLR code should be the same.
There's a compile-time cost, but not a runtime one...and the compile time is very, very minute.
Like extension methods or auto-implemented properties, this is just magic the compiler does, but in reality generates the same IL we're all familiar with and have been using for years.
Think about it this way, if you're using all the parameters, the compiler would call the method using all of them, if not, it would generate something like this behind the scenes:
var e = new vip(email: "foo", category: 32); //calling
//generated, this is what it's actually saving you from writing
public vip(string email, int category) : this(email, category, "bar") { }
No it is a compile-time feature only. If you inspect the generated IL you'll see no sign of the named parameters. Likewise, optional parameters is also a compile-time feature.
One thing to keep in mind regarding named parameters is that the names are now part of the signature for calling a method (if used obviously) at compile time. I.e. if names change the calling code must be changed as well if you recompile. A deployed assembly, on the other hand, will not be affected until recompiled, as the names are not present in the IL.
There shouldn't be any. Basically, named parameters and optional parameters are syntactic sugar; the compiler writes the actual values or the default values directly into the call site.
EDIT: Note that because they are a compiler feature, this means that changes to the parameters only get updated if you recompile the "clients". So if you change the default value of an optional parameter, for example, you will need to recompile all "clients", or else they will use the old default value.
Actually, there is cost at x64 CLR
Look at here
I am able to reproduce the result: named call takes 4.43 ns, and normal call takes 3.48 ns
(program runs in x64)
However, in x86, both take around 0.32 ns
The code is attached below, compile and run it yourself to see the difference.
Note that in VS2012 the default targat is AnyCPU x86 prefered, you have to switch to x64 to see the difference.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
class Program
const int _max = 100000000;
static void Main()
var s1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < _max; i++)
var s2 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < _max; i++)
Console.WriteLine(((double)(s1.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000 * 1000) /
_max).ToString("0.00 ns"));
Console.WriteLine(((double)(s2.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000 * 1000) /
_max).ToString("0.00 ns"));
static void Method1()
Method3(flag: true, size: 1, name: "Perl");
static void Method2()
Method3(1, "Perl", true);
static void Method3(int size, string name, bool flag)
if (!flag && size != -1 && name != null)
throw new Exception();
