How do I get python 3 syntax highlighting in vim? - vim

All the highlighting right now uses python2.6 and that makes me very sad face.

you can use python.vim plugin
make sure you download the 3.0 version plugin


How to enable syntax highlighting on vim before 7.3?

For some reason (experiment on the research work in a 2006 paper) I need to use Ubuntu 8.04, which only has vim 7.1.x in its default package source. syntax on and filetype on are not supported in this version of vim. Manuals regarding syntax I can search are for vim 7.3. Are there alternative ways to enable syntax highlighting on older versions of VIM? Was syntax highlighting feature introduced that late?

How can I use vim plugins with Ideavim?

I would like to use Tim Pope's vim surround plugin in my Pycharm IDE. I've been using the IdeaVim plugin for Pycharm to use vim motions and commands.
I know I can use ~/.ideavimrc like my normal .vimrc but I cannot find
information about how to use plugins with ideavim.
Can I specify the plugins directory inside my ~/.ideavimrc or do I have to go another way? Can I use a plugin manager like pathogen?
The latest version of IdeaVim includes the vim-surround plugin. Enable it by adding
set surround
to your .ideavimrc file
Most applications only emulate Vim's / vi key bindings (and often only the basic navigation and editing commands). That goes a long way to helping vi users edit comfortably, but it isn't the real thing.
Unfortunately, to be able to use Vim plugins, you'll need the full Vimscript interpreter and infrastructure around 'runtimepath'. I'm not aware of any application that provides this, and because of the complexities and idiosyncrasies of Vim, this would be very hard indeed.
To get more of Vim's special capabilities into your IDE, use both concurrently; it is very easy to set up a external tool in your IDE that launches Vim with the current file (and position). Automatic reloading of changes allows you to edit source code in both concurrently.
If it's any comfort to you, the same applies to Emacs / Elisp as well.
The ideaVim plugin added "Support for vim-surround commands ys, cs, ds, S, enable it with set surround in your ~/.ideavimrc" since version 0.46.
No. Vote for VIM-506 for Vim scripts support (unlikely to be implemented) and for VIM-769 for vim-surround emulation (likely to appear in future versions).
This was mentioned in a changelog relatively recently.
I didn't mange this work. Looks like I need vim-plug installed and I use another package manager in my NeoVim and also I don't want to mix up two configs. It should work in general.

Using Vim plugins in IntelliJ through IdeaVim

Is there a way I can use Vim plugins in IntelliJ through IdeaVim? In this case I am looking for a way to use the easymotion Vim plugin.
You can use the acejump plugin or emacsIDEAs (Don't be scared by its name. It just introduces ace-jump features) plugin along with the IdeaVim plug.
KJump is a clone of the Vim EasyMotion plugin designed to integrate with IdeaVim. (But it also works standalone.)

Is anyone aware of a VIM colorscheme for BASIC (language)

I encountered a few thousand lines of code from the 80's I need to edit, and would like to save a couple hours it may take me to roll my own VIM syntax defs file.
Vim 7.3 ships with the syntax file referenced by nneonneo, and automatically detects *.bas files as filetype=basic. You may simply have to upgrade to the latest Vim version (or tweak the filetype detection).
VIM ships with basic.vim now. This has been updated in 2011.

Vim OmniComplete for D

Is there any Vim plugin that provide completition for D using OmniComplete? I have searched over Google but I found nothing.
You could use syntax based omnicompletion, which should work as long as you have a working syntax file.
Vim should already come with a syntax file from D, starting from version 6.3 or later. If you are using an earlier version of Vim you could try this plugin.
You should try
It provides auto-complete, goto-def, show document.
